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Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:54 am
Dr. Jamie Bondage says...


I looked at her pointedly. "That would be correct...on one condition." I hardened my expression. "You let me deal with them-" I looked at Anelle, "in my own way at my own pace. And that no one knows I am apart of the protectors. You tell everyone in the school that I didn't except. My identity is hidden. Besides...I have a feeling that I'll be Riley's first target...if Anelle doesn't kill me first. May I go now before I kill her?"
"This kind of love is not a product of reasonings and statics--it just comes-none knows whence-and can't explain itself. And doesn't need to." Mark Twain

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Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:58 am
LunaBuna43 says...


"You may. But, the higher-ups and the rest of the Protectors will know you have joined, regardless. However, the rest of the school won't know." Tama stated still smiling.
"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
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Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:13 am
sylverdawn says...

*I'm switching to thrird person too*

Mana carefully turned the books page. She had to keep the old thing guarded against air by majic. The book was 2000 years old and would turn to dust if handled wrong. Sighing Mana continued to read, the book chronicled the time when the summoner tribe's were as powerful as the vamyre clans.

But then one of the summoners, ironically her ancestor Risan, betrayed his summon spirits trust. That in itself wouldn't have been a problem but Risan had made pacts with the nine elemental summon spirits (ESS from now on). The ESS lost faith in the summon tribes, and hadn't made a pact since. The problem was that the ESS were what had given the summoners an edge against the vampyres.

Carefully Mana closed the book and reactivated the preservation spell. Her desk was covered with papers, a ton of stuff was written on it, mostly crossed out. "I can't find any other way 'Rah." Mana glanced over at the spirit, now in full form and taking up all of her bed. "Even if I made pacts with all the lesser spirits, it still wouldn't be enough."

'Rah snarled at her, lifting his head to glare. "What you don't understand is that the elemental spirits are primal forces. You do not just talk with them to make a contract, they'll test your will in battle.And after what Risan did, they won't stop at just testing you.

"So we should let everyone die because i'm scared? If we're going to fight on even grounds with a horde of vamps, I need an elemental spirit."

"Then at least promise me you'll go for one of the LESS lethal ones."

Mana smiled sadly tapping 'Rah on the nose. "I can't do that, because I've already decided." Turning Mana ran out the door heading into the courtyard behind the dorms, she saw Beth, Tama, Tatu, and some other girl were already there. "I need Aska, I need the Summon Spirit of Light."

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Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:40 am
Dynamo says...

(I think I'm going to drop out, too. Too much happens when I'm not around, so it's hard to keep up. You can keep my character in the story if you want, thought. It's up to you.)
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:23 am
RoryLegend says...


She rolled her eyes at Beth's anger and smiled to herself. It was Beth's own fault. Anelle recalled the conversation she and Riley had ahd before he began his..transformation. She had asked him why he left. He had told her he thought he had fallen for someone a.k.a Beth but that she cheated on him with some other guy and he realised he hadn't been in love at all. It was just a trick his own mind played on him. He confessed to her that he didn't believe in love. She laughed a little as she remembered him telling her if she was in this for love she was out of luck. She told him he hadn't the slightest clue what she was in this for. She didn't even have the slightest clue what she was in this for. Anelle played with the ends of her blonde hair as the meeting began. She half listened and half let her mind wander. She wouldn't let herself go into Riley's mind, that would be stupid. That Beth girl is stupid to do it too, it only brings pain. Riley is one messed up vamp. But he so darn cute.
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:40 pm
LunaBuna43 says...


"Start up this meeting Darek. I've gotta do something." Tama whispered to the Protector that was now beside her. He nodded and Tama took off. She ran through the town gates and through the woods farther, and farther. She transformed into her cat form and began to fly. The town was far behind her, very far. That's when the huge mansion came into veiw. It was a dark eerie place. How could someone live there. She perched on the nearest tree and transformed into a crow. She sat there just watching.

Finally, after two minutes of preparing, she transformed into a bat and flew towards the mansion, smiling to herself. Once in the mansion she perched upside down in a dark corner. Tama shivered, out of fear, and nestled farther into the corner knowing that this mission was the most dangerous.
"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
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Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:00 pm
RoryLegend says...


Sean checked on his brother every hour. He knew Riley would still be out cold every time he checked on him but he couldn't help it. He felt slightly bad for the rough beating he had given Riley while he was down, but he couldn't ignore how good it felt too. He figured he would get a few good punches in now before Riley was back to his old self. Once that happened there would be only one vampyre as strong as Sean, and that would be Riley. Sean ran his fingers through his blond locks and stared through the bars into the cell. He was still out, he was moving and whrithing in pain, but he was still out. Sean grabbed the bars with both hands and stared at his brother vowing that he would never let Riley go back. And if Riley tried to go back, he would have to kill him. There was no other choice. No one could go through that again. If Riley tried to go back to his "friends" he would be a selfish bastard.


The meeting seemed to drag on forever and even though she was under a cloak the sun was beginning to affect her. She wondered where Tama went. She was glad that Beth had left, a lot of tension left with her. Anelle balled her hands into fists and back out. She was so nausiatingly bored. She could feel the suns rays beating down on her back and the dark fabric absorbing the heat. She was getting hungry too, which wasn't good. Derrick seemed to be talking very slow, she was getting too hot. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to focus on something else, anything else. When she opened her eyes she saw a little black ant contrasting highly with the lush green glrass. She watched it carry a morsel of food through the grass as it headed back to it's colony. She became intruiged. Ants could be likened to humans, one purpose: to survive. Or at least that was the purpose when she was alive, nowadays humans seemed to have more than survival on their minds. She remembered being sired as if it was yesterday. She remembered the face of her sire and cringed. She brushed the memory from her mind and realised that the meeting was over.
"Finally." she muttered under her breathe and stood. She stuck to the shadowy forrest as she made her way back to the mansion, still unsure where Tama was.
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Fri Feb 08, 2008 9:01 pm
LunaBuna43 says...


Still in bat form, Tama flew down to the basement like place. Then, she saw him. Riley was in a cage out cold. The guy named Sean was standing beside him. She flew around Sean's head, as an annoyance and began to make a hissing sound.

(If bats even hiss... :?: :?: )
"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
My first puppers Pikapet
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Sat Feb 09, 2008 6:23 pm
RoryLegend says...


Sean looked up at the bat circling his head and hissing. He was temped to knock it down and kill it but though better of it. He simply growled up at it and returned his gaze to where Riley was. After a few more minutes of the nuesance of a bat flying around his head Sean decided to go upstairs and locked the bat in the dungeon with Riley.
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:06 am
LunaBuna43 says...


Stupid vampyre. Tama smiled and transformed into a small black cat, identical to Riley's old cat Jinx. She squeezed through the cage's bars and began prodding Riley in the side. "Riley. Riley, come on. Wake up." Tama mewed quietly in human language.

'What are you doing?' Tatu and Anelle asked at the same time.

'Nothing much. Since Anelle couldn't bring me reliable information I decided to do the job myself.' Tama replied.

'Be carefull.' Tatu thought as Anelle thought that Tama was stupid.

'I will.' Tama replied and cut their mind connection, temporarily.

Tama mewed again and prodded Riley in the side harder.
"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
My first puppers Pikapet
My second puppers Pikapet
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Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:28 am
RoryLegend says...

*screw bein out for a few days! I want to post as Riley again.*

Something was hitting him in the side and making an annoying sound. He rolled up onto the side and looked at the small dark object prodding him in the side through blurry vision. He cringed and held back a moan as more pain swept through his body. He wasn't done with his transformation. He was hallucinating, he had to be.
"Jinx." He said softly, "What're you doin here?" He sat up all the way and leaned against the cold stone wall. He leaned his head back as more pain coarsed through him.
"Oh this sucks." He said turning down to Jinx, "no pun intended. I'm glad you decided to come back too, Sean"ll be thrilled." He smiled to himself. Sean hated cats, but Riley was still glad Jinx had decided to come back with him. It would make some of this easier. He bagan to regain strength and managed to stand up, but it was all far from over. He was shirtless, again. It seemed to happen to him a lot. He stared down at Jinx for a long time, into her blue questioning eyes.
"Hey one day, I promise I'll get you out of that prison." There was more than one reason that Jinx was just as old as Riley. He squated down to pet her but became too weak and fell onto his hands and knees. He felt Jinx's paw on his head.
"Why do I keep thinking about them?" Riley asked, begining to feel tears at the back of his eyes, he hadn't cried in over 200 years, "Ahh! It's all part of this!" And he sat back on his heels and shook the chains holding him to the wall. "Soon it will all be over and I will never have to think of them again."
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:55 am
LunaBuna43 says...


Tatu talk to Jinx. Ask her if she can talk. Tama said quickly.

Kay......she said she only talks to Riley. Tatu said.

Kay. Thanks. Tama replied.

"Riley. Why do you want to forget about them? What about Tatu and Tama and Darek and everyone else?" Tama asked. Making sure to avoid Beth's name. For Riley's sake.

"Why?" She asked again.
"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
My first puppers Pikapet
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Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:07 am
RoryLegend says...


"Because it hurts!" he said slamming his fist against his bare chest where his heart would have been, if he had one. "I can never be myself around any of them, you of all people should know about that Jinx. None of them understand me, none of them know anything about me. No, I belong here." His eyes fluttered as more pain went through his body, he put his hands on the side of his face and squeezed his eyes shut. "And all of this pain is worth it. Soon I won't have to feel, won't have to be careful, won't ahve to worry about slipping up and killing one of my friends."
"Riley you have done fine so far."
"Yeah," he shook his head back and forth, "but it is still hard."
"So you want to jsut give up and take the easy way out?"
"I'm not giving up, I'm making it safer. It's not just about me posing a danger to all of them, though it is mostly that, it is also that I can never be who I want to be around them. Never really connect to them. I though I did with ..with Beth, but she was just messing with me. If they knew the kinds of things I used to do, the guilt I carry on my shoulders of past mistakes, they would never talk to me again. It is better this way, don't you see?" He tried to stand again but failed, when would it end?
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:17 am
LunaBuna43 says...


"No Riley. I don't see. But, I know that every student and person in that place has a secret or a horrible past. Do you know what Tama is? How about Tatu? Anelle and Beth? Do you think any of them are humans that have a perfect past? I talked to Tatu. She told me her and Tama's past. Their past...it's horrid. Would you believe that Tama is a demon? Tatu is a summon of that demon. Anelle is also a summon of that demon. That demon killed her own family. That demon...that demon killed her entire seventh grade class. Do you remember that? When the whole seventh grade class was killed two years ago? That was Tama's doing. Tatu was at her side helping her muder innocent people. Tama just...went on a frenzy." Tama was yelling at Riley. Even though she was in cat form, tears were pouring down her face.

"You can be who ever you want to be around them! You just refuse to do so! Go back to them Riley. They need you." Tama finished.
"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
My first puppers Pikapet
My second puppers Pikapet
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Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:32 am
RoryLegend says...

**hey if Tama is like older than others cause she stayed looking the same age for Protectors or whatever for like 25 years then how was she in 7th grade last year killing ppl? jw..maybe I have something mixed up*


At first all Riley could do was stare at Jinx, something was different about her. He listended to what she said about Tama and Tatu and Anelle. He didn't understand much about demons and summons though. He finally regained his composure before answering, nothing was going to stop his transformation now, he was almost done he could feel it.
"No they don't need me, Beth especially, she had that other boy, whats his face. And Tatu and you can take care of yourselves. I know you can. Now go home Tama before I become the old Riley and kill you. These chains won't be able to hold me back much longer. Tell Jinx if she wants to come she is welcome to, I think I have figured out how to get her out. But don't any of you come back here, I'll be more dangerous than anyone could imagine."
"Come on, I can kick your butt when we fight." She answered playfully, and obviously upset that he had figured her out.
"Not when this is finished. All the rage of people I have hurt in the past is going to explode inside me and I am going to be even more of a monster than I was before. You all should prepare yourselves for a battle, because it's coming. Now GO!" Without another word Tama transformed from Jinx to a butterfly and flew out of a window set high in the wall that moonlight was now pouring through. Riley watched Tama leave before passing out again. The next time he woke up he would be exactly what he wanted to be. He would no longer feel, no longer worry, and no longer care.


Sean could hear his brother screaming, mostly about his prior life. It was the calm before the storm. In a few hours Riley would be the leader everyone had been waiting for. A supervamp, capable of things some could only imagine, some wouldn't dare imagine. He though he heard Riley say Jinx a few times, that confounded cat, it's partly her fault Riley left in the first place. He hated animals, mostly because he was one.
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.
— Winston Churchill