
Young Writers Society

Desert Island RP

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Tue Aug 30, 2016 6:10 pm
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JuliasSneezer says...

Julia nodded eagerly, though her features still held a frown. "Sounds good to me. I heard from a friend that the best thing to do was find water, though I suppose we could do that tomorrow." Julia's throat ached for water. Every word she said seemed to suck life out of her. Nonetheless, she wasn't entirely sure what to do, and didn't want to be a nuisance to these people. Now that she knew that there was something... other-worldly about them, the last thing she wanted to do was get on their bad side.
"When in doubt, improvise!"
-Winny the woodpecker

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Tue Aug 30, 2016 9:58 pm
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TheSilverFox says...


Who was this person, to not assume that magic was real? Of course, it had to be - Niceo had seen it countless times himself, thanks to his family. His father was not a particularly effective wizard, in a sense, but there was always something enjoyable about seeing his reactions when he set something on fire. And, of course, the troupes who came to visit the family's dominion, not to mention his father's old friends, provided him a sizable understanding of the topic by practical experience alone, much less that through study. Yet, the only problem with Peregrine's otherwise flawless explanation was the idea that they were able to understand each other by this magic. Certainly, there was no magic he knew that could possibly do something resembling that Not even the most skilled mages had a proficiency that reached such an unbelievable level. At least, not any that he'd seen. Certainly, wouldn't have even the old stories mentioned such a power if it did exist?

However, here he was, stranded on island that didn't resemble home, talking to people who claimed not to be from his world, in a strange and odd environment seemingly established for them to be flung into and run into each other. Perhaps the idea of magic allowing for communication wasn't as far-fetched as he thought. Sure, he could call Peregrine a liar, but that would be pointless, and he saw no reason for him to be wrong. Partly because he couldn't find any evidence behind his reasoning, but he was well aware that an absence of evidence didn't make something false. So he pushed the thought aside in his mind, promising to return to it later when he knew more, and responded.

"I haven't seen Ms. Kueper," replied Niceo calmly, his gaze gradually shifting to view the cave in the distance that Peregrine identified. "I don't even know anyone with silver eyes. Besides, you're the first human I've seen so far who has been willing to talk to me." Assuming you are one, grumbled Niceo quietly.

He squinted. If he stared hard enough, at the right angle, there was the exterior of a cave. "Good point," he commented. "But I must ask as to the dangers in the cave itself. Are we strong enough to handle anything we happen upon?"

Niceo looked down at the weak-looking human on the ground, who had spoken in a dry and terrible voice just a minute ago, and sighed. He knew this wouldn't be his best decision, but he didn't have much of a choice.

"Let's go, then."

Spoiler! :
That was unintentional, but I find it hilarious. XD
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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Tue Aug 30, 2016 11:12 pm
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RedEyedRunt says...


I slowly stagger towards the figure, My introduction was quite muffled by my helmet,

"Excuse me? M-My name is Jackie, do any of you have water?"
Winterfell is cold.

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Wed Aug 31, 2016 1:16 am
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Mageheart says...

Peregrine Baines:

"Unfortunately, I do not have water." Water was a necessity that had not crossed his mind; if he was to continue his act of being a human, he would have to act just as concerned by the lack of it. It did bring up the pressing matter of the people he had found himself with. All of them, he assumed, would need to stay hydrated.

His Soldier was the one who would have read a tropical survival manual for fun at one point or another in time. He had been content with knowing the basics of day to day life. She was an overachiever and constantly trying to think ahead, which usually resulted in her worry about how situations could go wrong.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face, much to the confusion of the group gatherered. "I suppose that if Schadel Kueper is in fact on this island, she would have headed to the cave. She is always prepared, and would have several bottles of water on her in her bag." A strange, useless action that now seemed to be beneficial.

On that note, they began their journey to the cave.

Spoiler! :
Your characters tend to be suspicious of others, don't they? :P

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Wed Aug 31, 2016 1:38 am
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Mageheart says...

Magestorrow Rian:

After the introductions had been finished, no one made any attempt to take leadership of the group that had taken shelter in the cave. Even the strangely human Nendros had remained silent.

He knew they had to do something, but he didn't know what. His throat was dry. With everything that had gone on, he had failed to notice it. He absentmindedly rubbed it and wished he had some water.

A second later, he found a strange metal cylinder being pushed in his direction by Schadel. She had returned to the form she had assumed when they first met. "Don't drink too much," she warned. "We don't have a large water supply at the moment. When you're done, pass it around to the other people in the cave. We need to make a rain catcher and start boiling water afterwards."

Upon seeing his confusion, she put her hands on the container and started to unscrew the top. Their hands brushed against each other; her hands were surprisingly cold. Then again, she was a personification of Death. It seemed almost fitting. "It's a water bottle," she explained. She mimed drinking out of it after removing her hands.

"Why did you change your form?" Nendros asked from his spot next to Aska. The two had returned to where his blanket was.

Mage handed the water to Soul out of habit. His friend was quick to remind him that he didn't need it before passing it on to Joe.

"Some people here are scared by my true form. I thought it would be kinder to change into something they're more comfortable with-" She paused and turned her attention to the front of the cave. "Did anyone else hear that?"

He listened carefully. He could hear people approaching; four, at least. Celina's ears twitched, and Evion watched the entrance apprehensively.

A man, dressed in a black suit who looked not quite old and not quite young, appeared in the entrance. His hair was strangely purple and his eyes were blue. "We weren't expecting people here, but is there a woman named Schadel Kueper in this cave?"

Schadel happened to be conviently out of his line of vision. The man, who certainly wasn't an average human, scanned the faces of those gatherered in an attempt to discern the truth.

And then, suddenly, Schadel ran out from behind Soul. Her eyes bright and wide with excitement, she threw her arms around the startled man's neck and knocked him to the ground. "Blanx!" she exclaimed.

Spoiler! :
Peregrine Baines had gone on ahead to check things out; and yes, the man Schadel just tacked is Peregrine. :D

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Thu Sep 01, 2016 4:01 pm
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JuliasSneezer says...

Luke Eberhard

Luke studied the odd pair, as the newcomer tried to push himself off the ground. There were a few other people with him, but he simply eyed them, wondering exactly how human these people were. His eyes rested on a familiar face, and a warm surge ripped through him. "Julia!" He shouted, barreling forward toward a young girl who couldn't have been any older.

Julia frowned, looking as if she were unable to comprehend what she was seeing. "Luke? Luke!" She shouted, pulling him into a rib-cracking embrace.

"Julia... can't... breathe!" Luke wheezed.

Julia blushed a bit. "Oh. Sorry." She dropped him, but she still had a smile upon her face.
"When in doubt, improvise!"
-Winny the woodpecker

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Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:00 pm
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TheSilverFox says...


If he'd thought the sand annoying, the warm and misty jungle environment was far more so. At least, it was ruining his outfit.

But, given the circumstances, the situation could be worse. Far worse, actually. The environment, thanks to the trees, was fairly cool, and afforded enough room for him to walk leisurely across it, save for the occasional fallen tree or rock to climb over. Too, Peregrine had indicated that the cave wasn't a far distance from where they were, so this walk wouldn't last very long. Both of those facts combined made this trip almost pleasurable, although Niceo really didn't want to look down and see what he was stepping on.

He carried on regardless. The parched girl had been exceptionally weak at first, and Niceo feared he would have to carry her, but she was able to get up on her feet. She even went ahead with Peregrine and the other girl to see if there was any water at the cave, and if Peregrine could find this Schadel person. Of course, given that information, it was more like Niceo had volunteered to stay behind. But he had his own doubts and fears, and so he felt his position justified. Besides, he was more than capable of keeping an eye on himself.

Or as he thought before he realized he'd been marching across the jungle for a couple of minutes and hadn't heard a thing.

Not a single sound. No roars, growling, screeching, anything of the sort. He'd been to a thousand places with his father, who had always told him that any kind of quiet place, regardless of who, if anyone, was in it, was not a good place to be. What with all the possible things waiting to pop out and attack him, or, with people, the underlying tension and secrets. Niceo shuddered, but persisted, ears twitching slightly as he made his way further towards the cave. His exceptional hearing and vision couldn't detect anything, but this might've been the time to distrust even his own senses.

Thankfully, the trees were starting to clear out, and with it came the sounds. But they didn't seem to be of fear, anger, or fighting - they seemed to be joy. Obviously, more than one reunion had been made, for he couldn't recognize some of the voices. But, what about him? Would he be able to find anyone? Recognize anybody he knew? He hoped sincerely that he would find his parents, or his aunt, uncle, cousin, and so on. Just...anybody he knew, regardless of whether he liked them or not. It hadn't been until this point that he realized he was homesick, and it hurt. Badly.

He didn't have to wait any longer. In a few seconds, he found himself free of the trees, and in the midst of a small gathering of assorted people. Perked up, he scanned eagerly the crowd of faces...

And took a step back in surprise. Shock and surprise gave way to suspicion, which lasted only a second before he composed himself. Yes, he'd found somebody he recognized. But they weren't exactly who he was expecting. Now, he had to figure out the truth.

Not his favorite action, or the one he was most skilled at, but this island was far weirder than he'd ever expected, and he had no other choice.

Spoiler! :

But yes, if anyone describes Niceo in their post, he will be acting perfectly and formally composed. For now, at least. :twisted:
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:36 am
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Mageheart says...


Schadel got off the ground and allowed the man she had tackled to get to his feet. He brushed off his clothes, taking in the strange group that had assembled. Then his gaze returned to Schadel. Despite her earlier show of affection to the man, her eyes widened in horror when his gaze settled on her.

"Schadel?" Nendros hesitantly questioned. "Who is that man?"

She almost too eagerly spun around to face him. "He's my older brother! His name is Peregrine Baines; Blanx is just a childhood nickname I came up with!" Her grin seemed oddly forced.

"But wouldn't that make him a-" He paused upon seeing her eyes widening even more and her doing a very noticeable frantic shake of her head. Realizing that she didn't want her brother to learn that she had told everyone the truth, he quickly added, "an antiques salesman? You said he owned an antique shop earlier."

From behind her, her brother placed a hand on her shoulder. "Soldier," he began quietly. She tensed up. "You told them what you were, didn't you?"

She hesitated before nodding. Turning around to face him, her gaze dropped to the floor. "I had to, Blanx. I didn't want...I didn't want to lose anyone else. I didn't want a repeat of Adam and Chi..."

Her brother raised his hand. Was he going to slap her as punishment for telling them that she was a grim reaper? Nendros took a step forward; he was the reason Schadel had done it. It was his fault.

But instead, he drew her into an embrace.

Nendros and Blanx's eyes meet for a quick second. They were blue eyes, filled with surprising warmth and unsurprisingly intelligence.

"It's alright, Soldier," he whispered, gently stroking her hair. Her muscles relaxed. "You did what you had to. Besides, I am coming to the conclusion that some of the people here aren't from Earth."

Nendros turned and walked away from the two; the sight was a painful one for him. No one had ever done that for him. Mistakes meant punishment, not forgiveness.

Memories of his worst mistake resurfaced. Memories that he tried to not think about because remembering hurt too much.

Two lifeless bodies at his feet. His uncle, standing before him, hands holding the simple weapon that forever changed his life. Screams coming from the house behind him. Oh God, if he could change the past, he would he have gone running into the house! And bood seeping into the freshly fallen snow, dying it a beautiful red.

His legs felt weak. Pushing past all of the people near the entrance of the cave, he once again retched into a bush. His stomach hurt, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Spoiler! :
Schadel knew Blanx (Peregrine Baines is just an alias that he's currently using) wouldn't punish her, but she doesn't like disappointing him and that was why she acted the way she did.

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:49 pm
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TheSilverFox says...

Evion Fevalda:

It didn't surprise him that there were, in fact, other people on the island. Nor was he surprised to find that some of the newcomers knew some already here. He was pleased to see a scene that might've produced some momentary crisis end, diffusing itself rather quickly and peacefully. Nendros wandered away at this sight, and Evion could quite easily guess why - he, himself, had never seen that kind of affection and understanding for much of his childhood, especially as a member of the royal guard, who tended to be respectful and friendly, yet also strict and demanding. His being aloof and distant didn't help. Nendros probably had an even worse set of experiences.

And then he saw the kid in the black suit, whereupon something took complete charge of his emotions.

Evion was perplexed, a little baffled, and didn't do a good job of hiding it. Yet he could see the kid acting the same, for however briefly. So, this person recognized him? No, that couldn't make any sense; Evion didn't know him at all. He'd never seen him before now. On the other hand, there was that outfit, and there was that face...a face he didn't like, one all too familiar. Not exact, but not a passing resemblance either. The guard scowled momentarily, but pulled on a poker face as the teenager approached. The kid seemed to be about his age, which was even odder. He surmised that he wasn't the only one that had been holding secrets.

"Who are you?" Fevalda asked in an almost accusatory tone, looking firmly down at the short individual. The teen, in response, looked up at him with a curious and strange expression, but incredibly hard to read. But, if Evion had to guess, the kid was staring at him as if he were crazy or bizarre, or not exactly what he expected.

"Niceo," replied the teen simply. Evion went through the list of names in his head. He didn't know anyone who went by that identity. "Are you alright? You're acting like you're trying to drill a hole through my skull."

After a few moments of silence, in which Niceo acted increasingly unnerved and disturbed, Achernar broke the tension by running in and acting like his usual, optimistic self. Evion screamed in surprised and took a few steps back as the snake boy ran up to Niceo and eagerly shook his hand. "Oh, it's nice to meet you!" Achernar rambled, heavily surprising Niceo. "My name is Achernar, if you haven't heard of me before. Which is silly, because you couldn't have! How are you?"

"Erm..." replied Niceo, wearing an even odder expression than he had around Evion. "Well...I...yes, it's nice to meet you."

Evion raised an eyebrow; the new kid looked as though he were addressing a celebrity, the way he awkwardly shook Achernar's hand and grew far paler. Of course, so was Evion, though for completely different reasons.

Niceo coughed, and Achernar let go. The teenager, clearly baffled, struggled to find words for a question that seemed to have formed in his mind. Composing himself, and clearing his throat, he eventually managed to ask what he was thinking of (no thanks to Achernar, who would throw in a few words of encouragement or just smile, which seemed to mess up Niceo even more). "This...this might seem like an odd...yes, odd...question. How...how...how old are you?"

"Seventeen," stammered Evion, gradually moving away from Achernar. He wasn't sure where the direction of this conversation was heading, but he didn't see any harm in the question, and was fine with answering it. Achernar, on the other hand, was more than happy to blurt "ten!" and continue acting like his normal self. Did this kid ever have any other emotions than hyperactive?

"Ah...th-thanks," concluded Niceo, who was evidently lost in thought. "If-if...you'll excuse me...I'll go over there...erm...bye?"

The teen walked awkwardly into the cave, much to the momentary disappointment of Achernar, who then realized Evion was still there.

What a day.

Spoiler! :
The most awkward people in the world, ladies and gentlemen. :P
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:28 pm
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JuliasSneezer says...


"Luke, can I talk to you for a sec?" Julia asked, furrowing her brow.

Luke frowned, but nodded as he followed Julia to a few yards away.

"Who are these people, Luke? What are they?" Julia whispered.

Luke sent a shifty glance back at the others. They didn't appear to be listening. "I don't know. They're all sorts of things, and I'm pretty sure we're the only humans."

If Julia's brow could furrow any further, it did. However, Luke recognized curiosity spark in her eyes. "How is that even possible?"

"I don't think it is. Not in this world, anyhow." Luke answered. "A few of them are saying that they came here in a portal of some sort."

"That's what he said." Julia said, pointing at Peregrine. "Do you think it's connected, somehow?"

Luke followed her finger. "I'm sure of it. Let's get back before they wonder."

Julia nodded. "Fine, but we have to stick together, and be careful."

On that note, they rejoined the group.
"When in doubt, improvise!"
-Winny the woodpecker

All truly wise thoughts have been thought already thousands of times; but to make them truly ours, we must think them over again honestly, till they take root in our personal experience.
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe