
Young Writers Society

Harmony High - Sequel

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Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:25 pm
Desticakes101 says...


"I wanna get to know you." I state quietly to Leo. He looks up at me as he folds the clean towels and smiles. I've been bedridden for the past week and a half now. Like literally the day I was let out of the hospital it like one sickness after the next has been plaguing me. Leo has been taking care of me this whole time and I can barely comprehend why. He claims that he loves me. That i'm the reason he lives. I've been rolling my eyes at his declarations of love mainly because i don't know how or when it happened. When did he fall in love with me. When did I fall in love with him.

He climbs into bed beside me after putting away the towels and washcloths, and envelops me in his arms. We sit like that for a few minutes, really just basking in each others' warmth. He kisses my forehead then looks me in the eyes.

"What would you like to know?" He asks with a small smile. I shrug and look down.

"I don't know. Its not like I have every memory of us. I actually truly don't remember much at all. I remember that I used to call you Lee Lee...and that after a hard days work for the both of us we would sit together on the couch and just cuddle while we would watch indie movies. I also remember, and this one isn't as clear, but us walking around, what I think is Jeffersons park with Colton and Caitlyn. That one is kinda blurry bu-" He cuts me off by quickly pecking my lips.

"Those would be my favorite days you know." He says as he combs a hand through my hair "We would bring a picnic blanket and you would make homemade sushi, cookies, and make your awesome melon swizzles with marshmallow sauce on the side. Oh and that hummus and guacamole you would make was out of this world. And while Colt and Cait would play you and I would talk. About happiness and life. I'm just...I'm just so glad that you remember that of all things." I feel myself tearing up as the picture becomes more vivid and clear. And then its like I remember it as memory.

"Who are you...and what are you doing to my heart." I think in my head but instead of saying the word out loud I nuzzle into the crook of his neck and just breath him in.

A few hours later

I climb out of the taxi hesitantly, almost not trusting my feet. The cab driver is a sweet young guy, and he looks at me worriedly.

"Do you need any help ma'am?" He asks, his accent covering his words like a nice covering of honey. I smile at him and shake my head. No, I have to do this by myself. I grab the bag i've brought, and pay the cab driver the money I owe him, plus a fifty dollar tip. He looks at me with wide eyes and I smile at him and wave him off. When he pull out I sigh. When I get home Leo will kill me for sneaking out without telling him. If I did, he would probably say no and to stay in bed and that I'm in no shape to be out and my immune system is too weak and blah blah blah. But I have some loose ends that I have to tie up. I knock on the door softly and I hear rustling, then the door opens to a pretty attractive guy in his mid or late forties, with an almost stressed out expression on his face. When he takes me in and realizes who I am his eyes widen.

"Speak of the fucking devil." He says so quietly I can barely hear it. I frown and furrow my eyebrows, but instead of saying anything he just shakes his head and motions for me to come in andpoints upstairs. I smile gratefully at him and slowly move upstairs. My whole body is sore, and its a strain to walk, let alone climb stairs. I usually have Leo for this because he easily picks me up and bring me wherever I need to go. But Leo isn't here, and a girl has to do what a girl has to do. I grunt when I reach the last step and stop for a second just to catch my breath. I take a deep breath when I get to the door and then slowly open it.

"As I was saying I just truly don't know what to do. The only answer that I can think of right now is to leave. Oh by the way who was tha-" Will stops when he see's me. I walk slowly deeper into the room and sit down on his bed with a sigh.

"What are you doing here?" Will asks slowly and cautiously as if i'm a coiled snake. That almost makes me laugh. Please. I hardly have enough energy to talk, let alone argue.

"We have to talk Will." I say, making myself comfortable on his king sized, navy blue bed.

"Kristin told Alosha to tell me that you were on permanent bed rest. How and why did you come here?" I shrug and smile.

"Will, you know me well enough to know that if i need or want something i'll get it. I took a cab. I also picked you up some food as a peace treaty." I say, holding up the brown paper bag of takeout from this really nice resturant that sold high quality dear. Geez it smells good. He's lucky that I didn't take a chomp out of it on my way here.

"Avery I don't want to talk to you." Will says stubbornly. I raise an eyebrow at him and then roll my eyes.

"Seriously Will? I don't give a shit. We have to talk. And i'm not leaving until we do." He sighs and sits down at his desk chair .Than he proceeds to cross his arms and not look at me.

"Will the subjects been left alone for too long and now has to be approached." I say twirling a piece of my hair around my index finger and looking at the ceiling. "I loved you. You loved me. Or atleast I thought you did. But then...well what? Is it that I did something to piss you off? Or did you just fall out of love with me? I don't know what it could have been, but I need to know. Why did you choose Lena over me? Please just...just don't lie and tell me." Theres a note of pleading in my voice but the rest is just pure unadulterated determination. He takes a deep breath and then begins to speak.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:00 pm
Nike says...

William Franco

Talk about putting a guy on the spot.

First my uncle and I argue to an endless term and then this beautiful girl interrupts us. She's bringing me bad luck as well. She's the one who started making my life a living hell. And I am not lying about that.

It's like you would believe all she'd bring you is kindness. But no, she brought me wrath, terror, heartache. All the shit you really don't need.

"Avery," I sigh, shaking my head.

She just asked me why I stopped loving her. Like a guy would fucking know. It just happened.

A tear escaped her eye, but she wiped it off quickly. I motioned for her to sit down on my bed, and she did. I stood above her.

"It wasn't that I fell out of love for you... do you really think this is a good time to talk about this?" I ask, scratching the back of my neck.

She nodded, "I need to know why I forgot everything Will. And I need to know..." she took a deep breath. "I need to know why you went to Lena."

"But you're weak. We can settle this some other time."

"Stop pushing it aside and speak to me already!" See? There's the wrath.

"I want to tell you but now is really not a good time, for you and me both."

I was being the calm one, but she looked like she was about to murder me. Her eyes were filled with venom as her face grew a soft red. I could tell she wasn't happy with me at this moment. But sometimes, you have to know when to talk. Now is not the time.

"We have to talk about this before you run away again." That hit home. My body got stiff as my heart stopped. She knew where to get me.

I'm not The Doctor, I can't keep running away from my problems. And I know that. I really want to stop. But, being honest here, talking about this now in her state, it's not any good. The stress will eat her up. And the sadness.

"You'll get stressed, its not good for your health babe." I smiled.

"Don't you dare tell me what's good and what's not good for my health. And don't call me babe," she hissed. Well, she was already stressed by not knowing.

"Fine, if you want to. But I'm telling you, you'll be really done when I tell you."

Her shoulders relaxed, she won this time. I bet that's what she was thinking. She broke me and know, I will explain something I don't even know about.

"I can't explain how this all happened really. It just did." I started. She rolled her eyes. "Well, love happens. Remember when we got together, it just happened!"

"Will," a hiss from her end.

"I'm sorry Avery, but there's nothing to explain here." I started pacing my room. "It just happened. I saw her and I knew."

Looking back at her, I saw her eyes fill was tears. Her face was sad, mouth straight. Now I hit home.

"We've been hanging out a lot, at night. Just talking. Confining in each other and such. It was our time to... I guess, be ourselves. We spoke about everything that bugged us, everything we loved." A smile crept on my face from the memories. "And... I guess that's where it all started. My feelings."

I paused, sitting next to her. She scooted away from me and looked straight at my face. Well, I was the spotlight now.

"It was easy to be around her, you know? Every time we hung out, all of us, you, me, Lena, Chris, I was happy. But I always thought about how me and Lena had this secret that we kept from everyone, and that made me really smile. Like, I was happy about that even though I shouldn't have been.

It's strange, I know Ave, but it's true. That night when Lena ran off... I was terrified. I had to get her. That night, I knew I had fallen for her." I finished.

There was a pause of her thinking and me contemplating about what I had just said.

"Why didn't you break up with me then? I had proposed the idea, you know. Why would you stay with me and make all of us suffer instead of going to her?" she said, her voice cracking.

"Why did you let us suffer Will!"

"Because I was still in love with you Avery! I thought you were the one and Lena would just be a passing phase! That's why I left and broke up with you. It was to let the phase pass. But I never did. I seriously thought that you were the one for me and that liking Lena was just because I was bored of just one girl. It happens to everyone. Even you. You were growing feelings for Ashton when you were in Cali and don't you lie that you didn't. It's because we were with each other for too long. But anyway... this phase won't pass until I jump right on it. You found your one and I didn't. It's time I do."

Taking a deep breath, I looked at her. She was still taking in my words. I took a glance over the bedroom and saw the family memories. All in frames on the wall in front of us. Pictures of my grandparents' wedding. My parents wedding. My birth. It was all there just taunting me.

"I was going to just be with her and then be happy that you were actually my girl and I kicked that phase in the ass. That never works. And I know why." I said.

"Loving Lena isn't a phase." she whispered.

My eyes landed on hers. Jesus. She was determined and sad at the very same time. It's like she finally realized everything.

"And I thought it was, that's why I never broke up with you, because we were good and she was new. I wasn't going to take my chances. And now's the time I guess. You moved on to a great guy." some hurt bounced onto her face. "And I just got to accept that and move on from that absurd dream of mine. I even know that dream won't work for me since I really love Lena. Why torture my heart, right?" I laughed. "That dream wouldn't work for either of us."

She stood up, walking toward the bedroom door. I followed after her, taking hold of her arm so I would stop her. Spinning on her heel to look at me, it's like her body stopped completely when she saw my face.

Out of surprise to me, she closed her eyes and got on her tip toes. She was gonna kiss me. Her face got a inch away from mine when I cleared my throat. Her eyes shot open in surprise. Her mouth formed an 'O' shape and she pulled away. So I spoke to break the silence. Pulling my hand away from her arm, I looked at her.

"I hope you know, you didn't make my life any easier when I broke up with you. You tortured me and never stopped, no matter how much I tried to make you happy. You just wouldn't stop. And you tortured Lena too. Why? Why did you do that when I told you the truth?"

"Because I was still in love with you, genius. It made me jealous of Lena. And you hurt me. She was my best friend, and you ruined that by loving her."

"You didn't have to hate on her because of that! You could have accepted that and still had her at your hip. You guys were best friends. Was being made at us really worth ruining that friendship?"

"Was loving her worth ruining all of us? Even Chris is a-wall, Will! Have you spoken to him?"

My throat shut when she asked that. Shit. Chris is like, gone.

"Yeah Will, you ruined us." she added, a smirk creeping onto her face.

"Don't bullshit. You made everything ten times worse! You made me look like a big fat cheater. And I don't even know why. I broke up with you before I did anything with her. I made sure everything was done and sealed. We took time before we actually got together to give you and Chris some space, guess you didn't make that work, did you?"

That's when she walked out of the room and slammed the door in my face. Couldn't take the pain, could she?

I walked to my desk and picked up my phone, scrolling through the texts. One was from Lena but I skipped that, sending Chris a text message.

Can we talk dude?

Putting it back onto the desk, I turned on my heel and saw Avery back in my room. She stormed toward me and stopped just a few inches separating us. I could smell her raspberry lip gloss and Chanel perfume. Her eyes were on mine, so intense with feelings.

"That whole relationship would've broke us anyway." she hissed.

"You just had to quicken that reaction, right? And probably it wouldn't have been that bad, we would've gotten over it. Lived with it. If we wanted to be friends, we would have made it happen."

Her eyes scanned my face and she got on her tip-toes. Now, her face was extremely close and made me tremble. I didn't know what to do. She took my face in her hands and laid her lips on mine. She was passionate. Her lips moved softly over mine. I grabbed her waist to pull her closer then realized what was happening. But she beat me to it, she pulled away, her face extremely red.

"You felt nothing?" she asked.

"Not really, everything was just sexual which is very appealing. But I didn't feel emotions." I honestly replied.

"All you wanted was sex?" another question.

"Yup," I nodded.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:58 pm
ChocoCookie says...


I couldn't believe how lucky Jane was sometimes. She had the best guys in the world who really knew how to express their feelings for a girl. This was the first time I ever heard a guy tell a girl so much that even I would have fallen in love with Oliver. Nobody could blame Jane.

"What did he say?" Jane asks me, trying to get the best of it.

"I think you should hear it personally, Jane. Its not going to work well if you don't hear it from him. I think I recorded it through the phone." I say, picking my call records.

I scan through them and pick the very last one. My phone always had that. It recorded almost all the calls. I click 'play' and let her hear it. We wait and hear it in complete silence. And the next minute I knew, she's crying too.

"I don't know what to do..." Jane mumbles, still crying.

I put my hands around her. "Jane, you're the luckiest girl. But I know choosing between two guys isn't always easy. Its going to hurt one of them."

"I love Emmett, not Oliver. But... Why is Oliver making me fall for him again?"

I didn't know how to console her better. Then we sat there, both of crying like babies about our own problems and sometimes laughing to how stupid we both were. And then, just like that, we felt asleep.

Next morning
I woke up Jane's voice calling out to me. She was holding my phone on her hands and telling me Elise was on the phone. I grabbed it and placed it on my ear. Elise. Oh.my.god. I was supposed to hook her up with Andy.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Lena, where were you?" I heard Elise's voice vibrate through the phone.

"At Jane's. Um... Elise, I'm sorry. So sorry."

"That's alright. Have you talked to Will?" I loved her. She knew I was worried about my problems more.

"No. I'll text him. See how Avery's been."

"You take care. Bye." Elise says and with that, the line goes dead.

The next minute, I'm texting Will.
We should meet. How's Avery? Hope she's okay.

I can't believe I've moved on with my life. With Will. I'm actually happy. Lena, you're happy. However screwed up your life is, Will is the one. Not Chris. He accepts that. Well, I think? But me have Will. He makes me happy. He loves me. He supports me. What more could I want?

"Oh, yeah. Jane." I call to Jane who's fixing up breakfast.

"Mm?" she said, with a spoon on her mouth.

"Oliver wants to meet you today. At the beach? Sit to see the sunset with him."
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:25 pm
Nike says...

Jane Wills

Just hearing that made my body shake. He wants to meet me. At the beach. So we could watch the sunset together. I can't.

"Jane, what's going on?" Lena asked, noticing my unsureness.

"I can't do that." I took a deep breath in. "I can't be seen with him. I can't see him. Lena. I have Emmett,"

Walking up to me, she threw her arms around me. It was a tight hug I was sure showed true friendship. She squished me then pulled away with an apologetic face.

"I have to go see Elise. She's been being weird. You'll be okay, you just have to think about what you're doing. Maybe even talk to Emmett..." I cut her off there.

"How could I talk to him about having feelings for someone else?!"

"Jane, it's for the better. Think about this... it may even be just attraction, not love for Oliver. You have to find out though." she's the bestest ever.

I pulled her into a hug while tears sprung from my eyes. She wiped them and we both smiled. As she walked away, I picked up my phone and dialed up Emmett, not sure of what I was doing with myself. The only thing I know what to do is run away. As the fifth dial tone came on, I hung up and grabbed my backpack.

I was packing.

William Franco

"Lena!" I called from my room.

I heard her climb up the stairs and open my door. Looking up, I saw the biggest smile on her face as she came up to me, pulling me into a warm hug. Pulling away, I still held her hands.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"Jane's... she's going through a lot. I stopped by only for a minute Will, I have to see Elise."

"Right. I wanted to talk to you about Avery."

She froze, giving me a concerned look.

"She was here, talking to me about why I fell for you. And... she kissed me."

Now Lena pulled more away from me, her eyes filled with displeasure. Her mouth shaped into a straight line. Jesus.

"But it was nothing. She asked if I still had feelings for her after she kissed me, and I didn't. I told her her kiss meant nothing but sex really. A man feels that."

"Why would she kiss you? Why would you let her? So that means you wanted to have sex with her?!" she grew angry with every word she said.

"No! Of course I didn't! But she was being sexual! That's what I said! Lena, it meant nothing and she knows that." I explained.

"So, that's why she's sitting in a taxi right now in front of your house? Crying?"

"Excuse me?"

I rushed toward my window and saw her, in a taxi, talking to the driver and sobbing.

"Yeah. I broke her heart, literally. As you can see..." I took a pause. "I told her that kissing me wouldn't help anything. So I wanted to tell you what happened."

Oliver Hemingway

I knew wanting Jane was a far fetch, but I really wanted her. It was a passion burning inside my heart, so intense.

The ocean was in front of me as a cold front pushed past me. My hair blew with the wind as I looked around. It's been thirty minutes since I came and she should've been here already.

After a few more minutes of waiting, I walked around the beach, looking for her I guess. There were a few people here and there, cleaning up their stuff to leave and others just getting here. As I walked and looked, I didn't realize where I was headed.

Just then I walked into someone and fell to the sandy ground. A short scream came form the other person as we hit the ground with a thump. I looked up to see a beautiful blonde girl picking herself up. She looked at me, her big blue eyes wild.

"I'm so sorry." I started to say as I got up. "I wasn't looking."

"Obviously." she huffed, I caught an accent in her voice.

Once we got ourselves together, we stood apart just looking at each other. The wind blew her hair around as it pushed us.

"I'm really sorry, I'm sort of looking for someone, that's all. So I wasn't looking ahead of me."

"Maybe you should have, cause this someone could be right in front of you." That sounded like a pick-up line, but I knew better. "It's alright, I understand." Suddenly, she got soft.

"Are you here on holiday as well?" I asked.

"Sort of, I came for my cousins wedding. And you? You sound English."

Smiling, I looked around the beach for the last time. She wasn't here. I guess I shouldn't care anymore. I felt my smile fade as I looked back at the girl.

"Yeah, I'm from England. How about you?"


"Thought so, you have a strong accent."

It was her turn to smile and blush. A girl ran up to us, cutting off the connection. Man, she was beautiful. The skin of hot chocolate, face of beauty. She looked like a mermaid. Her eyes filled with worry as she pulled the girl into her arms and hug her. She gave me a look.

"Hello," I smiled with a wave.

"You bumped into her you klutz!" She said, a little harsh.

"I apologized."

"Whatever, watch where you're going, she could've gotten hurt." She had an accent as well, but more French sounding.

Sliding my hands into my pockets, I watched them for a while as they hug and spoke. It was time to leave Oliver.

As I started my way off, I heard one of the girls say something. So, I turned on my heel and looked back. The blonde was staring back at me as the mermaid was kissing her cheeks and lips. They were lesbians?

"I'm Kristin!" The blonde called out unexpectedly. Her girlfriend looked up at her in surprise and laughed.

"I'm Oliver!" I said back.

And she smiled when I replied. I couldn't stop staring at her and she couldn't stop staring at me. Somehow, I think I was falling for her right then and there. There was something eerily familiar about her, I couldn't quite catch what. I didn't really care either. I saw her now and I probably wont ever see her again. Which is a sad thought.


I called Jane and she rejected the calls. To be honest, I was done trying. Wanting her was like wanting Peace On Earth, it was never coming. I couldn't keep wanting her. It's just that, ever since the beach, I couldn't stop thinking about Kristin.

"Hemingway?" a girl called.

Right now I was at Starbucks' for some coffee. The place was almost empty since it was eight in the afternoon. The girl behind the counter looked around as I got up to it, smiling at her and grabbing my coffee.

She winked once she caught my eye. I walked off into the bright night. Even though it was eight, the sun was still shining. My phone rang in my pocket and I pulled it out, answering it.

"'Ello? Oliver speaking,"

"Hey Oli!" Elise said. "There's a party at Lena's, wanna come over?"

Now you're wondering, who's Elise?! She's my ex-girlfriend. Last summer I was with her from the start of the Arts program to the end. We were just doing something for the summer. She was my first everything and vice-versa. We still spoke till this day.

"And who's Lena? I'm in America, I can't really go back to Europe now for a party." I smiled, sipping my black coffee.

"I am in the USA too Oli. Lena is my friend I met just recently. I'll send you the address, please come."

"Okay, I'll come Eli."

I could hear her smiling through the phone. We knew each other too well.

"See you." I said, hanging up.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:25 am
Desticakes101 says...


"He's probably gonna wanna leave me when I get home!" I sob at the cab driver. He passes me my...what? Tenth or eleventh tissue. I blow my nose in it and then take a good look at our surroundings.

"We're still in Wills neighborhood. Why are we still in Wills neighborhood? I hate them both! Get me out of here Ahmad!" I screech at him. We continue driving for awhile before we stop. At the shorthills mall. I look at him in the mirror and raise my eyebrow.

"We're like two hours from Shorthills NJ. How did we get here so quick?" I ask suspiciously. He shrugs.

"You've been crying non stop about how much of an idiot you are and whatever. You just lost track of time." I shrug at him.

"But still...why are we here?" I ask, skepticism burning the question. He shrugs yet again. It almost feels like a game now. Us shrugging and such.

"I grew up with my twin sister who reminds me a lot of you. Everytime she would get upset I would take her to a mall for some retail therapy. Listening to you speak I realized that your bank account was large so I brought you here. Their gucci store has just the therapy you need. Ill be out here until your finished." I kiss the guy on the cheek before hopping out to the mall.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:49 am
ChocoCookie says...


Okay, I had no time for this. I knew Will had told Avery everything, that almost everything was over between them and I was just exaggerating to why Will kissed her. But I still couldn't believe it. I mean, I was his girlfriend but then he would still go kissing girls.

Will was impossible sometimes. But I still loved everything about him.

"Uh-huh." I tell him as he told me whatever that took place between them. I take my purse and kiss Will on the cheek. "I got to go. Be there for the party?"

"Obviously." he says, grinning. "You sure Elise is going to do the cleaning?"

"Yeah. She told she'll take control." I tell Will. We were planning to run away.

I take my car and make my way to home. I was sure I had invited everyone including Jane. I wanted to make sure she was there. She deserved to have fun. And also, Allen, Lacey, Andy, Avery and everyone else. This party is going to be perfect.

I park my car into the driveway. I pick up all the bags that I bought when I went for shopping. I run to the door and open it. I see a girl fall from a stool in front of me, groaning and rolling her eyes.

"Lena, can't you ring the doorbell?" I hear her strong Swiss accent.

"Elise!" I say, and put both my arms around her, almost squishing her.

"Okay, okay. Enough love. I got to do the door decorations."

I look around the house. Seriously. I never knew Elise could design houses for parties so well. I mean, I didn't know she was good at it. Elise turns to me and gives me a pearly white-teethed smile. I am shocked.

"The place is amazing. Thank you so much, Elise!" I say, jumping on the spot. I didn't know why, but I was excited.

"Aw, its nothing. I used to put a lot of these parties back in college. Its nice to know I'm getting all those memories back."

"Took care of mom?" I ask.

"Yeah, she's gone to one your aunts back at your hometown."

I smile. Thank god for mom. She understood problems like that. Last time when I told her that me and Will are going to run away, she freaked out but then, I guess she could understand because she ran away with dad. But later my dad died and of course she didn't that same situation happening to me but I knew our love was strong and the both of us weren't going let each other die so quick.

I run upstairs to check up on my dress. I was going to be full black because that was my color. Black totally suit me well. Really well. And it made me look chick. Elise comes into the room and closes the door.

"I need to talk to you about something." Elise says as I motion my hands through the drawers for my journal.

"Shoot." I tell.

"Well... You know Oliver, right?"

"Yeah. The guy who told the most beautiful romantic dialogue for Jane. Oh, Elise, you should have heard it! It was so beautiful."

Elise looked down at her feet. "He was my ex-boyfriend."

I freeze. Wait, just what? Oliver and Elise? Okay, fast rewind that. When did that happen?

"Are you serious? And he just dumped you? How come?" I ask, putting all the question that were coming to me.

"No, no, no, no. Nothing like that. We dated for a while, it was going well. Until, he moved and things didn't work out. But we're still best friends. We're really tight. He's a great guy. He will be one for Jane too."

I didn't know what to say. Jane had two guys for now. Oliver was a great guy, I could agree to that but Emmett was too. Both were... guys who loved her unconditionally. It was complicated.

"So, what're you coming at?" I pose.

"I invited him. For the party."

"You know you can invite whoever you like, Elise."

"Well, this was Oliver. So, thought I'd just ask you."

"I don't know. There's Jane and Emmett."

"Its okay. I'll keep Oliver company." Elise told, putting her hands deep into the pocket.

"How're things between you and Andy?"

Spoiler! :
Taken over by Hearts.

Andy. Andy. Andy.
That guy. He made me so full of joy and... I didn't know. He was gay and all, but. Wait, I wonder if he's bisexual? That would be cool. We called each other but he rarely calls or facebook. I sigh.

"How're things between you and Andy?" Lena asks me and now, I just have to tell her.

"He's not even calling. Nor have I heard from Rick. So, Oliver coming is alright?"

"Totally. The thing that you and Oliver is pretty freaky, you know."

"Yeah, well, that's over."

"Things with Andy will turn alright, Elise. He's coming! You can make it up to him. Tell him you like him. Take control, woman."

"Its not that easy." I say, falling into the bed. "I don't even know if he likes me."

"Andy will have to like you. You seem like his type." I tell her, dumping all my dresses into a bag.

"But he's gay, Lena."

"So, what? I mean, can't he like a girl?"

I thought about that for a second. Can't gay people ever likes girls? I mean, it can happen, right? I just hope Andy doesn't freak out when I tell him today. Its not that I don't have enough guts to tell a guy, I like him. I can totally do that. But the reaction I get, that too from Andy, I'm not willing to lose.

I hug Lena. Maybe she is right. Take control. If I can control a wild party, why not this?

"Lena, I love you so much! I'll make sure the party is the best!" I say. "Oh, and how's Will?"

"We're ready. Hopefully, it should work out." Lena tells me. "Elise, I'm never going to forget what you've done for me. Thanks."

I take Lena's hand. "Lena, you're my best friend. You and Oliver are like... my life. As in friends." I say, doing a karate trick. We laugh.

"Of course. 3 hours to go, Elise!"
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:27 pm
Nike says...

Jane Wills

I couldn't not go to Lena's party. She had invited me. I had to go. Just after the party I'll hop in my car and leave. Hopefully, just a stop in will be good enough.

Ringing the doorbell, I could tell I am one of the first people here. The music is quiet and I don't see any flashing lights from inside. The house seemed very calm actually. Looks like I'll be staying for longer than I thought. If there's no one here yet, I have to stay until we get packed. Or I'll just leave, whatever.

Just then, the door opened to a handsome guy. Dirty blonde hair which was styled, nice blue-gray eyes that I couldn't help but stare into. I had no idea who this was, but if I were my old self, I definitely would've hit it up with him. No doubt. He cracked a smirk and opened the door so I could step inside.

"You must be Jane, right?" He asked, his voice husky but soft.

Stepping inside, I walked out of the way so he could close the door. From here I could hear Fall Out Boy playing through the house. It was a soft way of playing it, like the party was going to build-up later, per say.

"Yeah, that's me. And you are?" I asked. He seemed familiar.

"William Franco, some call me Will, others call me Ass, whichever you prefer." His smile widened as he stuck out his hand for me to shake.

I took it, giggling.

"Why hello there Ass." I mocked.

"Ouch," He pulled his hand away, touching his heart and cringing his face. "Mean," now he mocked me.

He led me to the kitchen where Lena and Elise were standing. I believe they were setting up the kitchen with food and drinks for the party. All sorts of goods were there. Cakes, fruits, nachos. Everything you could imagine. And the drinks. Corona, Zywiec, Bud Light... I couldn't. I'm an eater and drinker, she knew me too well.

"You're drooling." Elise said with her Swedish accent.

I shut my mouth and looked up at the three of them. They cracked some giggles. Embarrassing but funny. I understood. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I walked up the the island.

"Do you need help?" I proposed.

"Actually, could you be a doll and put in the music into the radio? There's an iPod laying next to it. You just need to pick the playlist Partay as in P-A-R-T-A-Y. Thanks Jane." Lena said as she put some plastic cups onto the island.

"This is some good music though." I said, pointing up to the ceiling.

"I know, it's my music library. But the party needs some partay." She smiled, hiding a laugh.

I returned the smile and walked into the living room, getting that set.


We finished getting the finishing touched to the house when the first guests started arriving. First there were people I didn't recognize and then came the High School I knew. Avery, her hubby, Tristan, Andy, Chris, and then came Emmett and his sister Lacey who had Allen at her hip.

My throat closed up when I saw the three of them from the upstairs. I hid there from the party because, like I said, I knew no one so I felt out of place. I Was in Lena's room, playing with my phone. They walked up to the front door and rang the bell, now my stomach was doing all sorts of dangerous things I didn't even want to think about it. I looked away from the window and sat back down on the floor.

I could hear everyone saying their hellos, saying how awesome this is. Yada-yada. I should leave now. There has to be a back exit. I stood up, sneaking out of her room. Remembering there was a door through her kitchen, I found my way there.

Blending into the crowd wasn't hard, really. I smiled, danced a bit then popped into the kitchen. That's where I found my worst nightmare.

"Ayo, Jay!" He said, his British accent bleeding through my skull.

William Franco

The party was pumping! Everyone was enjoying themselves. Even the Brit came, Elise's ex. He seemed like a funny fellow. I was pouring the drinks in the kitchen as people popped by and grabbed some.

"Will, don't you think you're working a bit too hard at you GF's party? Like it's her party, you shouldn't be working at all. Like, yeah." That voice made me shiver all over. It was ugly and familiar. She couldn't be here. We didn't invite her. I know for a fact Jane lost contact with her.

But to no extent, I turned my head slightly to my left and saw her. Tall, curvy in her tight-ass red blood dress. Her body resembled a perfect tan with nails matching her dress, which I'll tell you was so short, I saw her thong.

"Sarah," I huffed. "What are you doing here?"

"Taking you away from your slave job." She said, her words blending in together. She walked up closer to me, I could feel her breath on my neck.

"Eh, I'm good. Thanks," I cracked a smile, pushing her away.

Giving me a blunt expression, she took my arm and started pulling me away. I tried to get out of her grasp, but somehow, I couldn't. Talk about an obsessed girl. They train to take their lovers away, no matter if celebrity or not.

Sarah managed to get my into the backyard. It was cool and quiet, a difference from the house. Finally letting me go, I took a few steps away from her, showing her her boundaries.

"Okay, what's going on Sarah? I don't like this." I hissed under my breath.

She stepped closer and I took a few steps back. A routine I learned a while back. It drove her crazy but I didn't seem to care one bit.

"You love me. You just don't know it. You're mine. We are meant to be together! Do you understand that?! We are soul mates!" She screeched, her purple eyes bulging out. It was horrific to see her 'fan-girl' state. Does she act like this when she sees One Direction?

"Listen to me Sarah. I don't love you..." I was cut off.

"Yes you do! You just don't know it, feel it yet! I need to speed that up!!" Now, she moved friskily towards me as I tried to find a way to escape. Her body was getting closer and closer by each second as she licked her lips hungrily. Ah!!

"NO!" I yelled once she was a step away from me.

Shooting my hands in front of me, I blocked her way. She stopped, looking at me in shock.

"Please stop this you crazy bitch! I love Lena and that's that. I could never love you!" I yelled.

Her eyes got soft for a second, as if she were going to cry, but then an evil glint shown in them and she looked straight at me.

"You will love me." It was a demand which made my throat close up.

Oliver Hemingway

The party was already in full blast when I walked in. The first person I saw was Elise, which turned out to be the most beautiful girl in this house. I gave her a warm hello hug and joined her in the living room. A great song came on, I believe by Tiesto and we started dancing. I caught a few familiar faces, but I felt like I knew someone was here, avoiding me.

Once the songs ended, the fast-dance songs, we stepped off and went to the kitchen for a few drinks. Only a couple of people were in here, including Lena and her boe, William. He was something else. A good friend now, which was good.

"So, any new boys for you?" I asked, sipping my beer.

"Nah... well," Elise stopped herself as she looked back into the living room, scanning the faces. "

"Come on Elise, spill." I smiled.

"One boy, I need to talk to him..." she trailed off, putting her drink into my hands and running into the living room. She hugged some emo kid with a warm smile. I guess that was him.

Just then, I saw Jane. She was beautiful in a 50's dress which was neon green. It made her look eccentric and amazing. She stopped when she saw me and then pushed past me, following Will and Sarah outside.

"Ayo, Jay!" I said, making her stop abruptly. She looked at me again, fear in her amazing blue eyes.

"Hey," she replied shyly, giving a soft smile.

Walking past me, she opened the door to the backyard. I pushed myself off the island and followed her out. There we saw something... not awesome.


We steppd and stared, not wanting to interrupt the argument. William stood, terror shaping his face as the girl jumped at him with remarks. She was inching closer to him as he made his way around her. From the corner of my eye, I saw Jane fidget, wanting to stop this. An angry look grew on her face as she started making her way towards them. I grabbed her arm pulling her back. Shaking my head, she looked at me.

"I have to," She whispered.

"No you don't, it's their fight." I replied loudly.

She stomped her foot and managed to get out of my grip. Running toward the two, I watched her. I couldn't move. I was scared.

"SARAH! STOP!" Jane yelled, pushing Sarah, I guess, down to the ground. She legit jumped onto her and pushed her down. That dress wasn't going to look pretty.

Will jumped back in shock, staring at them. Sarah tried to get around Jane, but Jane kept her down. Guess Sarah was too drunk to fight back. Then, William snapped out of his trance and bent down to their level, pulling Jane away. He managed to get her up as she kicked in protest. It looked like a father picking up a child who protested to go to the doctor. Sarah still lied down, staring at them. I made my way to them, just in case Sarah decided to jump at them surprisingly. I was just at their side.

"So, now you want Jane? Don't you? Another little whore." Sarah said through her clenched teeth.

That made my body burn. Jane is no whore. Will let her go and she stood next to him, breathing heavily. her eyes looked like fire. It was sort of terrifying.

"What Jane? Nothing to say? First you stole Drake from me, don't you dare touch Will." They let her talk. It's like they didn't notice me at all. "And you think people will like you because you've 'changed." She chuckled. "I'm sure you have. Just because you go and date some virgin boy, doesn't make you good Jane. You went with him to de-virginize him. So it'd be something new. Everyone wants to de-virginze someone Jane. I don't blame you."

For a drunk girl, she seemed very stable. Sarah pushed herself off the ground and faced the both of them. They took a step back away from her from fright.

"And so? You scored? How about Drake? Just 'cause you dump his little heart doesn't mean anything. We all know you're still his little whore. And look at this, British boy to the rescue, huh?" Now she turned to me and make me swallow hard. I was in the spotlight and didn't really want to be.

"I knew you'd get bored of him so you moved onto Foreign boys. Good job slut. Seriously, good job. From Bad Boy to Virgin to European Hottie. I like it. Just don't go to Lost Cause Hottie, 'kay? He's mine." Now she faced Jane again.

Sarah turned on her heel and looked at me. "You like her now?"

I just looked at Jane. Tears were springing in her eyes but she didn't let them drop. Will was actually holding her hand, tightly. It's like they knew each other for a very long time. Even he looked sick.

"Sarah." A voice came from behind us. We all looked up and saw Lena and Elise. They were scared of what they saw. And Lena was the one who called.

"What bitch? Boyfriend Stealer! Slut! Little Miss Goodie-Good! Suddenly bad, eh?" Sarah yelled.

"Hey, I was bad before, don't go there!" Lena protested.

"Yeah she was." William added.

Sarah huffed.

"What do you want Sarah?" Elise asked.

Sarah walked away from us, through the gate, and off the property. The tension slipped and we all took a deep breath in. It's like we can finally breathe again! Shocking how much a botch can take your breath away, literally.

"So, anyone want to eat some pizza?" Lena asked.
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Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:40 am
Desticakes101 says...


"Babe...i'm tired." I whine tugging on Alosha's arm. She turns from the guy she's chatting up at and raises an eyebrow. Ah. I know this look. It was given to me at every club her and I attended in Europe, where I would get bored and tired and she would just look at me like "Seriously? I'm having fun dude. Leave me alone and entertain yourself until i'm done." So, like at every club we have attended, I sigh and walk away to find entertainment. Now please believe me when I say that I am not always like this its just... well...okay i'll let you in on a little secret. That guy I found at the beach...you know the one right? Well I saw him a few minutes ago in that crazy little fight. The whole time I was rolling my eyes at all of the idiots until, shazam, I see him right there in the middle of it. And my breath catches, and my head feels light, and I feel heat creeping right along my cheeks. Honestly, I never thought that I would see the guy again. The only guy who has piqued my interest since Ashton. Ashton, who has now flew off to Germany to shoot a movie with his father. Honestly, I'm surprised Avery didn't go with him. She's probably forgotten how much she loves acting, even though i've shown her reruns of her on the walking dead. All she does is shrug and say that she doesn't remember it.

Back to what I was saying though. So I see him, and I feel this on rush of just...emotion. Which is weird for me. Because I like hardly know him ya know? But I watch as he stands up for that really pretty chick in the 50's dress and I just freeze. I was about to go up to him. To...I don't even know. Hug him, shake his hand, flirt with him...I don't know. But I saw so much raw passion in his eyes...I mean what could I do? So I turned back into the dining room, where I found Alosha flirting with a guy that looked like a much older Justin Bieber (don't judge her okay? She's just a late bloomer when it comes to Bieber Fever) and i've been right here ever since.

"Kristin?" I hear a deep voice ask. I turn around and almost roll my eyes when I find Will. Okay, i'll admit, I had a brief crush on Will, mainly for his bad boy exterior and dimples (I'm a total sucker for dimples).But soon I just found him annoying. And the fact that he just kept picking Lena over everyone (including his kids) was too much for me.I tried to like that chick, Lena, I really did but...seriously? I couldn't even imagine kissing, or having any feelings for my best friends boyfriend even if they were returned. Its truly fucked up. Honestly, i'm only here because, as Avery glamorously walked back into the townhome stacked to her shoulders with Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Fendi bags stating that she wanted to be at peace with Will and Lena... and the fact that Losha was begging to go to any party possible... what could I say?

"Will. How absolutely great to see you under the circumstances. You know, you leaving with my cousins ex bestfriend, under the same pretenses you left with her in last year. Oh, don't forget about it being the same situation in which you impregnated her with two babies you had no interest in caring or loving. How absolutely fucking glorious." I finish it all with a roll of my eyes. He grimaces at my on rush of insults.

"I love Lena now, Kristin. Its not the same situation, because they're two different people. And frankly, I love Lena a hell of a lot more than I did Avery at that time." He states, loudly, might I add. Oh the drama. I truly wish that fate would find other ways of sending the message to my cousin. But hey, thats life. Because just as Will finishes saying that, Avery is right to the side of us with an apologetic, puppy dog look in her eyes. Ah, so she was about to apologize to Will. But for what I wonder. But that doesn't matter now, because Avery's eyes are quickly filling with tears, and the arm she was about to nudge him with is slowly lowering to her side. Out of nowhere I see Leo storming up.

"Babe, whats wrong? What happ-" He cuts off as he see's Will, who has just paled quite a bit and is looking as if he regrets living. For a second I'm pretty sure that all hell is going to break loose. Leo...I hate seeing that look in his eyes. I saw it that one time in the hospital and I was hoping to never see it again. Its the look of borderline murderous insanity. I know that I don't know Leo that well but I have a strong feeling that, thats just not him.

"Leo...I wanna go home." Avery sobs out almost silently. All he does is nod once, kiss her on the forehead , and literally picks her up and begins walking out.

"Have fun Kristin. Stay here as long as you'd like. I would just rather not have my wife near this type of garbage." Leo says as he's walking to the door. He slams it for extra emphasis and a few people nearby look around confusedly before shrugging and continuing to party.

"I could understand why you wouldn't want me but... Avery. She's something special. This is one of the few times where i'll be honest and semi-nice to you but Will... I think that you'll regret letting her walk away. You may love Lena now but...i've seen pictures of you and Avery together back then and...I must say that i've never seen love like that. I could feel it through the picture and...I'm sorry but I just don't see that with you and Lena. I think that I should get going now." I start walking away but turn back to look him in his eyes " You may be a douche, but just don't forget what i've said tonight. And I hope that she won't be your one that got away."

I untie my sweater from around my waist when I reach the kitchen, and bend down to get a bottle of water from the fridge. When I lean back up and straighten myself I gasp. He's leaning against the countertop with a smirk on his face.

"Kristin, isn't it?" He asks. Oliver. I can feel my heart doing little jumps and smile.

"Yep. And your Oliver!" I say with a huge grin.

"You know, I thought that i'd never see you again back at the beach but...well here you are! It must be fate telling me to do something. But i'm on running time, and i've got to get going soon, so please don't look at me as brash but-" Before he finishes I sigh and rip his iphone from his hands and enter in my contact information, right down to my email.

"I've been thinking of you since then so...please just don't leave me hanging." I say with a small smile. Before he can reply I rush off to find Alosha. I've got to get out of here. Too many emotions running and I have no idea what to do with them all.
Last edited by Desticakes101 on Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:04 pm
Nike says...

Spoiler! :
Desti, Jane has short hair now! You may want to edit that out. :)

William Franco

Why is everyone so against me lately? I mean come on. Old news is old news. You can't regret the past. You have to move on. Live on. And I've been doing just that. I've moved on and lived my life. But Avery and her little brat of a cousin cannot live with that. Hey, Ave has it better now! With me, her life would be hell. They should be happy I'm not in her life anymore. She now has someone who'll care for her and her children. And Kristin needs to learn her place. She's not Avery.

"God, I can't believe this." I hissed.

Lena and I were in her bedroom, sitting on her bed. The party was alive a floor below us as we suffered upstairs from the situations.

"Listen, that's Kristin's attitude. She will always be like that." She replied, rubbing my back.

"But why can't they learn to stop living in the past!? Avery has someone amazing, way better than me. And yet she can't learn to get over me. It's... I can't live with that anymore Lena. No one will leave me alone." I sighed, holding her hand.

"I know, they're against me too Will, I feel the same way."

I looked up at her, smiling as she smiled back. That's why I was with her not Avery. She understood me. Kristin didn't know that. Avery and I, we didn't connect as well and that was perfectly fine with me.

"I guess we should get going, huh?" I said.


After sneaking out of the house with our bags, we were in my pick-up, driving the long road. The highway practically empty as we slid down it, listening to Coldplay. Lena was singing along, resting in her seat.

"I'm so happy you're here Lena." I smiled, looking at her.

She smiled back, shutting her eyes. I guess it was sleep time for her. As I drove along, I saw a car in a ditch. Slowing down, I stopped at the side. I got out of my car, locking it cause Lena was sleeping. I walked up to the car. It was already past midnight, so I couldn't really tell what kind of car or if anyone was in it.

Walking up to it, I touched the side, scaling down it to the driver's side. That's when my breath caught in my throat. Avery was laying against the dash, her head bloody.

"LENA!" I screamed.

Oliver Hemingway

That girl. She was meant to be in my life. In some way. She made my heart race. She made my head fog. Kristin. What a beautiful name.

"So, someone new?" Elise sighed.

I had helped her clean up after the party left. William and Lena drove down to California and were probably just on the road now. The party caused a lot of mess, but we managed. Teams make it better than just one person.

"Yeah, she's really great." I smiled cheekily.

"I'm really happy for you." she said.

She was laying in her room, which just happened to be the guest room. It was good for her to have someone to care of her here. I was happy she was happy.

"So, what happened with that Andy guy?" I waggled my eyebrows.

Jane Wills

I was in the car, on my way to New York. It wasn't far, but it was far enough for me. I was going to stay at my mom's place. She had moved to New York a week ago. I had the house to myself until college, she came every once in a while. Only because she finally started her own life and I really wanted her to live it on her own. She can live her life with me, of course, that's what she wanted. But I made her leave me so she can learn to be on her own for a while. She'll be with my forever, but for now, she has to start her life.

She knows about my crisis, so I just let her know and was on my way.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:39 am
Desticakes101 says...

Spoiler! :
Oh crappers seriously? Ugh i've really gotta start paying attention
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:56 am
Desticakes101 says...


"Kristi...babe i'm so sorry." Alosha whispers to me. She's in her own sort of shock but right now...I can't...I just can't breath. They're dead. They're both dead. It doesn't make any sense. I...I don't understand. Aunt Donna is screaming. The tears are pouring out of her eyes and she's just...screaming. Uncle Adriaan is just clinging to her. They're baby is dead. They're son in law is dead. I just...I can't comprehend it. Since hearing the news I haven't spoken out loud once. I can hardly comprehend whats going on around me in this hospital. I just don't understand it.

"Lets get home, K. Staying here won't...well... lets just go." Alosha says, tugging on my hand. I slowly turn to her and just look at her. In her deep hazel eyes, looking at me with love and worry. Her hair in a messy bun, strands sticking up from us rushing here. I just...I...

"Oh Kristin..." She says, and envelops me in such a tight hug, I can hardly breath. But i'm sobbing. I'm crying so much that i'm heaving. When did I start crying. And suddenly i'm just falling. And everything is black. And they're dead. Avery and Leo are...dead.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:16 am
ChocoCookie says...


"LENA!" Will screamed, louder than he has ever.

I wake up with a fright and realize Will was on his knees, next to some random car. I fidget with the car lock. Dammit. I couldn't open it. I point towards the lock, a way to signal Will to unlock the goddamn car. He gets his keys and unlocks it. I run out.

To see Avery's head bleeding and Leo's still body. Fuck. And just as well as I thought, tears were springing out of my eyes.

"Lena, help me out. We have to get them to the hospital, quick!"

We carry Avery and Leo to Will's car. Will starts up the engine and drives-full speed. We didn't care if we got a fine. We had to help them. How the hell did this happen? Avery's not well, doesn't she know that? Is she trying to get herself killed? Oh god, no. Why is she doing this when she has such a great guy? Leo was an amazing guy. He loves Avery more than anything in the world. And even Leo. It could even be an accident. Who knows?

We're in the hospital and thankfully, since we dialled up that they would need to be prepared for an emergency case, many of nurses were already waiting outside. Will and I carry them out and just as I turn, the nurses helping us out to put into the bed. We see them take into the room. I take one last look, still crying, and the door closes.

Will is giving instructions about how we came by them. I'm sitting in the waiting room for some good news as I kept my fingers crossed. God, if you were ever real, you wouldn't let them die. Please don't. I know I've never really respected you but please, not them. Please.

"She's going to be alright." Will says but throat his tight. He squeezes my hand. I rest my head against Will's chest and cry more.

"Its all our fault." I tell him. "They're facing the consequences because of us."

"No, of course not. It was an accident, Lena." Will consoles.

We wait for an hour or two. I'm so much more restless than ever. Will is trying to get through Kristen but she wouldn't pick up. He sighs.

"Lena, do you want something to drink?" Will asks. "You'll feel better. You've crying since we got here."

"I don't feel like it." is all that comes out of me.

Then all of a sudden, there are so many nurses running in and out Avery's and Leo's operation room. Some of them are calling for the doctor while the others are gone to get aid. This is getting bad. Something really bad was coming. Just after a few seconds, the doctor was running in to their room.

"What the hell's happening?" I ask Will.

"I don't know. But I know its not good." he replies. Even his eyes are swollen and he wants to cry. But he's just being a man, I knew that. "Lena, could you call Elise and tell her inform Kristen? I can't get through her."

I nod and take my phone out. I dial Elise's number. In three rings, she picks up.

"Lena, hey!" Elise exclaims. Well, she's happy.

"Elise." I call her name in a dead, serious tone.

The line is quiet.


"So, what happened with that Andy guy?" Oliver asks, grinning.

Just when I was about to answer, my phone rings. I ask Oliver to give me a second as I look at the screen ID. Lena!

"Lena, hey!" I tell her. I wonder how where they were.


Lena was crying. Like hell. And when she does that, she's trembling. This is bad. Way bad.

"What's wrong?" I ask Lena in a small voice.

"Avery and Leo. They've had an accident. It doesn't look good." Lena says, with a lot of difficulty.

"Oh my god. Is Will with you?" I ask, hoping that there was someone to hold on to Lena.

"Yes, Elise. Could you please inform Kristen?" I hear Lena sob.

"I'll be...right on it." I tell her slowly and the line goes dead.

Oliver is looking at me. My face is pale and expressionless. I didn't know what to tell him. I look down at my feet.

"Is...everything okay?" he asks.

"Avery and Leo had an accident. We have to tell Kristen." I reply.

Then, it was all drama. Oliver and I tell her the bad news. She calls up her friend-Alosha and we all make our way to the hospital. Kristen is shocked, she wouldn't say a word. Oliver is with her, grabbing on to her hand. I'm the one driving.

"Elise, drive fast." Oliver is telling me.

I cut all the red signals. In a few minutes, we're there and Kristen is running to the receptionist asking for Avery and Leo. I see Lena from the corner of my eye. I turn to her, but as soon as I do, I hear a huge scream from her.

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:29 pm
Nike says...

Spoiler! :
Well... that escalated quickly. Didn't want them dead. :(

William Franco

Kristin was with Alosha, sobbing. It was all just a sob fest with us. Even Oliver was tearing up and he didn't even know the two. But a huge accident does cause sadness. No one wants people dead.

"It's all your fault!" Kristin suddenly screamed into Alosha's chest.

I Look up from my seat at her as Lena did as well. Kristin turns her eyes at us. That's when you saw true fury, anger. It was written in her face. She pulled away from Alosha and stormed toward us, fire was erupting from her body, That's how it felt. Oliver ran behind her, grabbing her arm but she whisked it away.

"You little bitches just wanted her dead. Didn't you? It's your fault she's DEAD!" she yelled at our faces.

Lena started trembling and the tears hit harder. I took a look at her and saw nothing but sadness. Hugging her, I gave Kristin a hard look.

"Don't you dare blame the death on us you little bitch. Alright? We didn't drive them into the ditch. We found them. We wanted to save them..." I was saying but she of course interrupted me.

"NO! She was depressed! She wanted to die! Because of you! That's why this happened! Because you ruined her life!!" her nostrils were flaring.

Alosha came to her side and tried to soothe her. Elise and Oliver were just by standers, afraid of what they're seeing. Some nurses looked at us, unsure if to stop us or not.

"Fine. Blame it on me. But don't you dare blame it on Lena." I pulled away from Lena, standing up. Now Kristin and I were face to face.

"She was happy with Leo. She had no right to want me when she was married Kristin. She made a commitment to a man. Avery shouldn't have tried to ruin my life if she was with someone already. If she already had someone then she would move on from me. I believe marriage is something you should stick to, right? She died on her own accord. She killed herself because she was being an idiot. And she killed her husband. Why don't you go yell at her, not at someone who tried to save her damn life. I loved her, I will always love her because she's my best friend, I would never want her to die or for her life to be ruined." I said all that. I really did.

Kristin just stared at me. No words came out of her mouth. Alosha took her arm and pulled her toward her, hugging her. She was stiff from shock. So, I sat back down and hugged Lena, tightly so she would know she has me.

"You two should've died!" Kristin suddenly screamed at us.

Jane Wills

I turned on the radio to the news station to hear if there are any traffic jams in my way. It rummbled then finally came out clear.

"Highway I-87 has an acciednt on the side road. The traffic will be slow. A car is parked to the side of the accident unattended. All we know is the owner of the parked vehicle has tooken the victims of the accident to the nearest hospital. Reporters tell us that William Franco was the owner of the vehicle. The victims names are Avery Westings and Leo Westings..." And that's when I puleld to the side of the road and stared ahead of myself in shock.

The vitims names are Avery Westings and Leo Westings...

They're dead? They haven't confirmed anything yet... but car accidents like that. Dangerous. And Will was on the scene? He saved them? Or tried to really. Hopefully they're okay.

What this accident made me think of was Emmett and only Emmett. Was he in the car with them? There was that party. Did anything bad happen there? Did he drink and drive too? Soon I'd hear his name, deceased on the radio. I sure hope not. I sure hope not. He has a history of drinking and that's not okay. He has to be okay.

That's when my phone rang. I bet it's my mother, making sure I was alive. I answered it in a quick second.

"Don't worry mom. I wasn't in the accident. I'm alive." I smiled.

"Thank God you're alive." Emmett said.

My breath caught in my throat.

"Emmett," I breathed out.

"I saw you drive away and knew you were on the road to somewhere. God I was worried you had an accident or something..."

"Why would you think that?"

"You haven't heard?" he was a bit quiet. "Avery and Leo, they..." I cut him off.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard. It's really... horrible."

Hearing him assured me he's okay. But who knows, drinking and driving and calling. All the dangers.

"You're not driving, right?" I asked.

"No," he replied.

I leaned into my seat, relieved.

"Well, okay, I was. But since you pulled to the side, I stopped as well."

"What," I spit out my thought.

"You pulled the the side, so I did as well."

Looking at my rearview mirrors, I did see another car pulled up behind me. I was going to say what weirdo follows me. It's Emmett. He followed me.

"I was going to follow up till the border to New York to see that you were going to be safe. I just wanted be be sure you'd be okay until you get to your mom's."


He knew me.

Emmett knew me.

That's why we were together. That's why our relationship was so quick. Because we were meant to be. He accepted me. Helped me. Knew me. Understood me. Loved me.

"I know it sounds creepy, but I just wanted to be sure. And since we were really losing us... I just wanted to know what was going on. What happened to us, you know? No matter how fragile our relationship may be, I still care for you Jane. I don't know why you ran away. I don't know why you stopped seeing me." I could hear how hard it was for him to say this. His voice was trembling. But at the same time, it was relief to finally let it all out.

"You can't keep running away like this Jane."

Jumping out of my car, I tried to be careful of the cars around me. I slipped down the side and reached his car. The wind blew my hair around, cool wind. Tapping on his window, he rolled it down. We were still on our phones, now eye-to-eye staring at each other.

"I know," I replied softly.

The rush of the cars made it hard to hear anything really. So he just looked at my confusingly.

"I said I know." I replied a little louder, a smile itching my face.

He smiled back. I leaned into the car so our faces would be close. Just then, I pressed my lips against his and kissed him. The kiss was soft and tender, the type you knew was right. His kiss was right.

I pulled away, smiling. We put our phones away.

"You know this is dangerous, right? You're standing on the highway. You should just hop in." He said with concern.

I just stood silent, looking from my car to him.

"You're still gonna go." he said softly with disappointment. "Why? Why are you going to go Jane? You seem fine now. Why Jane?!"

Looking at him, I didn't know what to say.

"I can't stay here Emmett. Just because I'm good with you doesn't mean I'm not going to leave. I have to go. I already told my mother I;m coming and... I just need to get out of here. I need space Emm."

"What, Germany wasn't space enough?" That was harsh.

I just looked at him with no response.

"I-I meant... wait no, I meant that. You left me here Jane. No, I'm happy you did something for your carrear, but I'm not happy that Oliver came into your life. He wants you Jane. That ruined us. And missing you wasn't fun."

"A relationship consists of missing."

"Yeah, but don't ignore the subject at hand. Oliver."

"Come with me."

"Stop dodging the topic,"

"EMMETT!" I yelled. "Oliver is nothing! You're the love of my life and I want you to run away with me! Even if it's just my mom's place! Let's just be far away from here for a while!"

He looked at me, his face unreadable.

Oliver Hemingway

Being at a hospital was not fun. Being at a hospital and knowing the person who dies was also not fun. I just met them, but that was enough to make it all hurt inside.

And I just found out Kristin has a girlfriend. So yeah. Everything was tearing at me. Whoever I liked either, didn't like me back, had someone, or happened to be gay. Yay for Oliver. I get a lot of girls all over me, but I don't want them. I'm not picky, trust me. I just like who I like. And not getting that, sucks.

Seeing Kristin yelling and sobbing wasn't nice. Especially sine she blamed Will for everything. He just tried to be good. But I knew where she was coming from. I heard the story of William and Avery. It was mentioned during the party by Elise who was happy that Lena and Will were finally together. And I'm happy for them too. Depression causes people to do... stupid things. And memory loss as well. Now combine them. That was Avery. So suicide is possible. But killing her husband too? Now that's cruel.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that." Elise whispered to me.

We were walking out of the hospital, Lena and Will in tow. They were going to go back home to Lena's place. Their going-to-Cali plan was not happening today. Everyone was leaving. Kristin and Alosha were still there though.

"It's fine, it's not my place though. I didn't really know them." I replied.

I rubbed her back as we headed toward my car.

"I'll drop you off, kay?"

"Well, Will and Lena are going to the same place. You should just go home." She smiled.

My heart hurt a bit when she said that. But, it's only cause I'm worried for her. This kind of news doesn't go down well being alone. She will be with Lena and Will though. So it'll all be okay anyway.

"Anyway, you have to drop off Alosha and Kristin. We drove them here."

"They'll be here all night, I;m not gonna wait." I responded.

"Just go ask them then. Goodnight Oli," she gave me a soft smile.

I pulled her into a tight hug and let her walk to Will's pickup. Waving at them, they pulled out and drove home. I started my way back into the hospital when I saw Kristin dragging on a cigarette. My heart stopped as I walked closer to her. Her eyes were red as she shook fiercely. Tapping the cigarette, the ashes fell to the ground.

"Hey Kristin." I said.

She didn't even look at me and just huffed under her breath.

I tried again. "Where's your friend...?"

Another look of disgust and she took another drag. That hurt, being ignored. Maybe she just wanted some space from the news. But I felt like I should be comforting her.

"Kristin," I said.

"Can you just leave me alone?" she hissed. "I don't know how and why you came into my life but it doesn't mean anything. You have a girlfriend, I have a girlfriend. We're both happy. And we can't be friends. I don't like how you came into my life, and why did you? Just... leave me alone." she was furious.

After her rant all I really remember was her say You have a girlfriend, I have a girlfriend. We're both happy. But she doesn't seem too happy, well there's reasons, but I mean overall. When I met her, she wasn't too happy with her life. And I don't have a girlfriend.

"Why would you say that?" I asked.

"Because we are attracted to each other. Not in a friendly way. So I believe it's safe for us to stay away from each other if we already have someone."

"I don't have anyone." I replied truthfully.

She took another drag and shook her head.

"I won't fall for that one."

"No seriously. Elise? She's my ex and we're best friends."

"Best friends with your ex, funny."

"I'm not that kind of guy!"

Shaking my head, I touched my forehead and rubbed it form stress. Talking to her about this wasn't a good idea. She's in a really bad situation, but she brought it on herself. Dropping the cigarette and stepping on it, she pushed past me. I grabbed her arm and pulled her toward me. She didn't resist.

Her face was so close to mine, my head couldn't wrap around that thought. Her eyes were so sad and stressed. She loves drama I guess, that's why she's so stressed.

"Kristin, I'm not that kind of guy. I don't go and have a girlfriend and cheat on her. I don't even have a girlfriend." I said calmly.

"Just shut up," she whispered, looking at my lips. And that's when I knew, and she knew. But we didn't do it. We didn't do anything.

I let her go and she fell a few steps back from me. She was standing a few inches away now, just looking at me. Walking up to me, she was as close as she just was. Her scent was enticing, lavender. She stared to lean into me as my heart started to race.

"Kristin! There you are! Baby, I was looking all over for you!" Alosha said.

We both pulled away, blushes running to our cheeks. Alosha came up to us, breathless. She looked tired with bags under her eyes and her lips chapped. She also had a cigarette between her fingers. These damn smokers.

"I was just wondering if you wanted a lift home? I could wait for you two." I smiled, letting the blush fade away.

"Oh," Alosha looked at me, surprised I was even there really. "I actually thought you already left. But I think we should go. You need a shower Kiki." She looked at Kristin.

Spoiler! :
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:37 am
Desticakes101 says...


"I'm not a toddler." I say to Alosha, shaking her hand off of my arm. She looks wounded for a moment but she knows me, and knows that I don't mean it. She nods her head, and smooths back some hair from the side of my face. Suddenly i'm so just...overwhelmingly enticed by her... God why is she so beautiful. I shake my head. I shouldn't be feeling these types of feelings for anyone right now. The person closest to me in the world has just died, and i'm thinking about who I want to fuck next.

"Go back to the car for a second babe. I need to talk to him for a second." A look of anger flashes in her eyes so quickly that I almost miss it, but I saw it. Instead of acting on that anger though, she just smiles tightly and walk to our car.

"I know what you think of me Oliver." I say to him quietly, my eyes cast down once Alosha is away. "I also know what you think of Avery. Despite what they're all saying...Avey wouldn't kill herself. She loved Leo to much and just the thought of being away from Colton and Caitlyn for too long would send her into tears. Not to mention that it was Leo driving. And about me... I'm not a drama queen. I don't live for arguments. I'm just very sensitive to things. Especially to my Cousins feelings. So... Yes. I did hate Lena and Will after they hurt Avery all over again. Although they were doing these things to make themselves happy... no one considered Avery. No one remembered for just a second that her memory stuck her right back into that place where she was in love with Will..." I shake my head " I'm no cold hearted bitch Oliver. I just can't stand inconsiderate people.." I finish trailing off and looking into his eyes.

"So why are you telling me this?" He asks with a hint of a smirk. I shrug and smile for the first time since hearing the news.

"Because I like you more than I should... and I want you to know what your getting into...if I decide to let you in." I say with a tiny smile.

"Who says that I want to let you in?" He says his smirk wider. I get onto my tippy toes and whisper into his ear.

"Your eyes tell me everything I need to know Oli." I whisper, and back away with a soft smile. "See you around..." I say backing away slowly.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:48 am
Desticakes101 says...

Spoiler! :
Okay... I know that miracles are soooooooooo overated but guys...I just love Avery and Leo too much.


"Ugh!" I feel a tight knot in my chest lifted and suddenly the black that was all around fades into color until actual objects appear. A doctor stares down at me, her eyes red.

"You guys...call her cousin. She's alive." The woman says, her voice thick. Suddenly, a thought flashes into my head.

"L...Lee...wh...Leo...where is...he?" I ask, hardly able to get the words out. Suddenly I hear a gasp and force my head to turn to my right. A pair of blue eyes meet my own and suddenly I can hardly make them out. Everythings so blurry.

"V..." I hear his deep voice whisper out.

"They woke up literally seconds within each other after being qualified for dead after thirty minutes. I'm not allowed to really believe in them, as a doctor, but its a miracle." I hear as everything turns to black. Well atleast i'm not dead, I think with a mental shrug.

Spoiler! :
Okay guys please don't give me crap for the corniness. Believe me when I say that I was truly planning on killing them off. But...they're both so wonderful <3
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

“Though lovers be lost, love shall not; And death shall have no dominion.”
— Dylan Thomas