
Young Writers Society

Journey to The Safety Zone- Started - OPEN

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Tue May 07, 2013 10:48 pm
littleauthor says...


Q sat on her log afraid to move because of the knife that had shot shoot out of her new foot. She stomped her foot and in the knife went. Thank god.

She lifted her leg up and started to poke around it, carefully. An hour later, she had discovered, another knife coming out of her thigh, poison at the inside of the knee cap, a lazer beam out of her heal, and finally a flame thrower out of her knee. She was quite impressed with the new weapon she had acquired, and she was sure Mr. Winters was too. She decided not to tell anyone, yet.

"Z I'll be right back!" Q said whispering into Z's ear from behind. He nodded turning around.

"Be careful." He said handing his gun to her. She declined it and ran off before he said anything else.

Q found a dirt opening about a quarter mile away and started off with the flame thrower. She pointed it at a leaf and pushed a button next to it and BAM! He knee was shooting fire. She tested the lazer beam by turning on a switch on the top of her thigh. a near by bird was cut in half. After perfecting the use of all her new weapons she ran back to the camp to find they were fighting a mob of mutants.


She ran pulling up her leggings on her prosthetic leg and out shot her knife on her foot. She kicked in a mutant in the head and the knife went straight though no problem. Next the lazer. She pointed it several mutants and cut them in half in a blink of an eye. The flame thrower came out and mutants turned to dust as the fire hit them. After using this sequence over and over again, Q found that she liked the simple knife the best.

Q fought hard and soon the mutants were gone.

"Thank you," She whispered to Mr. Winters as she walked by.

He smiled like a proud father after his son just hit his first home run. "My pleasure."
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Thu May 09, 2013 8:44 am
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ninjacookies says...


Z let out an uneasy breath as he surveyed the campsite from a nearby hill that he’d discovered a little earlier that day. He could see Mr Winters examining the plane that would get them off the island and a few others talking.

He turned a little and caught a glance of Ayumi, sitting stiffly at the edge of the campsite. Even from a distance her face was pale and she looked smaller than she ever had.

Z felt a sliver of pity slice through him. He didn’t regret his earlier actions. He would have shot any of them if they were mutated.
Any of them… If it meant protection for the rest of the group.
But still… he was relieved that she was alive… and not a mutant.

Just then Z turned his head to the left and caught a glimpse of Q at the other side of the hill, surrounded by what looked like a huge group of mutants.

For a second he was breathless, just staring at her as she fought, seeming to kill them off easily as they approached her, and though this wasn’t exactly new for either of them, Z felt himself pause.

There was something different about the way she was fighting. Something… new.
A large booming sound pulled his eyes of his best friend and back to the campsite to where they latched onto the plane.

The plane that now stood in a small perimeter void of power lines.
From a distance he saw Winters stick his head out of the window of the plane and grin giving somebody- Ash? - A thumbs up.

The plane it seemed- was nearly good to go. They just had to get everything packed and-

A beeping sound at his side had Z reaching down to his pocket to pull out the small handheld device that had been the only communication that he had to a man that he’d considered the father figure that he never really had before. Not even back in the days when he’d been with the other bunch of people that had called him family but never really acted like one…

He shook his head and pressed the button on the machine.
I shouldn’t be thinking about them now. Not after all this…
“X?” He asked, “The plane is-“

“Can it fly?” the voice of the other end crackled and Z had to pull himself up.
Was it panic he heard in the other man’s voice? No, it couldn’t be… X had never sounded scared. Not out loud anyway.

“I don’t-“

“Listen to me, Z!” There was an intake of breath over the line, a whisper of static, “You have to get out of there, now! Get Q, get your team, and pack what you can carry but get out now!”

“Sir?” Z asked and there was a big intake of breath over the other line.
More static. Z clutched the machine waiting for an answer.

“Z…They’re coming-”

Static over took the line and Z thought he heard a last quiet, “get out of there-“ from the other agent before the line went dead.

By the time Z managed to fumble the machine back into his pocket he was already sprinting back to the campsite.

A few people looked up as he ran past.
“What’s up?”
He spun around, running backwards.
“Everyone! Get your stuff and get to the plane. Now! We have to go!”

He ran off before they could even reply, cold sweat drenching his skin. They had to get out of there now. There was no question about that in his mind.
He sprinted to Winters.

“Get it started. We have to leave. I don’t care how you do it. Just- Just get it ready to fly-“
The other man took one look at him and nodded his head. “I’ll just-“
But Z was already moving again, sprinting back to the campsite to find everyone picking up there stuff and trying to get the tents down.

He was quick to stop them.

“No. We don’t have time. We have to go now. Get your stuff. I don’t care. Get whatever you can carry. Leave the rest. But we have to go. Now!”

By the time he was finished he was shouting, panic etching his face. He couldn’t even hide it anymore. He didn’t even try.

Finally they seemed to get it and began moving off for the plane.

He counted them off as they went because no matter how desperate he was at that point. He wasn’t quite ready to leave any of them behind.

Yet… In a few minutes, it might be a completely different story.

All the recruits were moving towards the plane. But Q… Where was Q?
He looked around the campsite frantically before he finally managed to spot her on the western side. He was over there in an instant.

“Q- God. We have to go. Now. Just get to the plane…”

She stared at him warily by his tone and started moving towards the plane. It wasn’t like him. If X wasn’t really the scared type then Z wasn’t the panicked.

In fact it wasn’t very often that she’d ever seen him in anything but calm and at the moment he was on the verge of a mental breakdown. If that was possible for him.

“Z? What’s wrong?” He walked behind her and scooped up whatever materials that he could. Anything that might be useful.

He just shook his head. “I can’t-“

“Is it mutants?”

He turned to her, not slowing his pace. His eyes were wide and his hair was wild. His skin was a deathly pale shade. “No…. It’s worse.”

There was a wiring sound as the plane started up.

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Fri May 10, 2013 2:57 pm
barefootrunner says...


Ayumi clambered into the plane with the straps of her pack biting into her soft shoulders. Her entire body seemed to have been made more sensitive, somehow more vulnerable by the poisoning. Jeydon piled in beside her and sat down heavily with his legs splayed and his shoulders overlapping hers. Ayumi shifted her position and crossed her arms deliberately so that her elbow jabbed into his side. Jeydon seemed not to notice. She shrugged her shoulders slightly to emphasize the pressure in his side, but Jeydon refused to take note and shift out of her clearly defined space bubble. In her weakened state, Ayumi could only shrink away from him in aversion. It seemed as though the entire world was doing its best to constantly throw them together.

"Keep a firm grip on your seat," Z yelled over the spluttering of the engine. "This might not be the smoothest—"
His voice was abruptly cut off as the plane jerked into the air, sending him sprawling. Ayumi allowed herself a small smirk of satisfaction.

Ayumi turned.
"Hey, Ayumi!"
In the seat behind her, Alison waved her Beretta Nano in the air. "I think you lost something," she grinned.
Ayumi took the weapon gratefully, squirming out under Jeydon's weight to store it deep in her pack.
"Don't go trying to kill yourself now, okay?" Alison shouted.
Ayumi smiled and nodded, but the memory was still painful to her. She chanced a quick look to the front of the plane, where Z was sitting. He was viewing the transaction with narrowed eyes. Ayumi could almost distinguish a grain of pity in his eyes, but his jaw was set at a determined angle, his face pale. Q sat stoically beside him with a thousand-mile stare, like a battle-weary soldier.

"There's the sea!" Caroline squealed. She clung to the frame of the window and laughed as they swept over the mottled blue expanse, and even Ayumi was forced to admit: the view was beautiful, even from under Jeydon's shoulder. She could feel her strength returning slowly.

The plane banked to the left and Jeydon's full weight fell on her body. Ayumi huffed and struck him heavily with a fist in the back.
"Get off me!" she spat.
He gave her an injured look and shifted his weight.
"It wasn't on purpose, you know," he muttered.
Ayumi gave him a dark look. "Yeah, sure."
"Look, I'm not that sort of guy..."
Ayumi felt the boiling heat rise in her neck. "You are a guy, and that is definition enough!" she snarled, trying to make enough space between them for her to breathe. Her hands automatically clenched into fists as she spoke.
Jeydon's expression changed to exasperation. He grabbed her raised arms and spoke slowly into her face.
"I'm — not — a —bad — person."
Ayumi's heart rate hit the sky and she struggled to free her wrists, but his hands were too strong. Jeydon looked steadily into her eyes.
"I — don't — want — to — hurt — you."
Jeydon's musky scent invaded Ayumi's nose and she strained backwards to avoid him, but he leaned forward in turn.
"Get — it?" he enunciated.
Ayumi desperately fought the impulse to scream as a thousand terrifying memories struggled for dominance in her mind.
"Do — you — get — it?" he repeated insistently.
Ayumi's thin membrane of control broke and the hot fear showered down her arms, into her hands and she was struggling with all her might against Jeydon's grip, kicking, writhing and squealing. But still she was unable to break his hold on her and her panic mounted.
"Tasukete!" she screamed. Help me!
Gabriel half-stood in the back of the plane, but Regina blocked him off with an arm.
"No, let her learn," she said calmly.
Ayumi tried to look away, but his eyes were locked to hers relentlessly, drawing her in. He increased the pressure on her arms until she was pushed down into her seat with no hope of escape.
"Let me go," she cried.
She refused to plead for release, but was forced to sit in the same frozen position until the whirring of the plane and her own exhaustion sent her into an uneasy sleep under Jeydon's piercing eyes.
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts" - Einstein

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Fri May 10, 2013 3:25 pm
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NicoleBri says...


Everyone was looking at me all crazy, but they knew I wouldn't hurt Ayumi so they didn't much do anything. "I really don't want to hurt you Ayumi and you need to understand that. I got up out of the seat and made Gabriel switch places with me. "You can sit with her." I tell him. I sat beside Regina and just sat there looking out the window.

Gabriel walked over and sat with Ayumi and was making sure she was okay. "She will get used to you, eventually Jey." Regina told me. I nod with a smile, Ayumi finally awoken and when she seen that I wasn't next to her she sighed in relief. I roll my eyes and look through the window into the water.

Getting up I went to the front and just stood there, we were all suppost to be seated and buckled but I didn't feel like being safe at the moment. Right then I saw some storm clouds coming through. "This isn't good." I say aloud.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Fri May 10, 2013 8:33 pm
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littleauthor says...


What the hell is wrong with Z? Q thought as she flipped a switch above her to steady the plane. Z had the same panicked look on his face as he held the wheel tight.

"Z let me fly." Q said putting her long hair up out of her eyes.

"No, I got this." Z replied staring straight ahead.

"Something is bothering you, go figure out what it is." Q said unbuckling her seat belt and putting it on autopilot. Z nodded and got up and switched.

Z turned off autopilot as Q gave him the 'all-good' and instantly opened his pad. Q shook her head and focused hard on flying this plane. She could hear Ayumi and Jeyson fighting about something but she decided to let them figure it out by them selves. Q weaved her way though clouds and birds till she saw black ahead.

"Dammit!" Q mumbled as the storm clouds came closer. She spoke into the microphone and said. "Guys put on your seat belts, this might be a bumpy ride."

Q took a deep breath as Z finally looked up and started punching buttons. They worked together perfectly without even saying a word and soon they were in the cloud. Wind make the plane rock but Q held it steady as Z leveled the plane. She made the plane go up and tried to look for the top of the cloud. After almost breaking down because of terror, she finally found the top and out she went. The plane was now above the big black clouds and they were safe.

"Everyone okay back there?" She said into the microphone. Q heard yeses from the back and she let go of a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Good job," Z said returning to the tablet after switching back to all the normal controls. Q nodded and put down her hair again in relief. The plane swerved and glided till they saw a tiny island below.
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Fri May 10, 2013 10:12 pm
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ninjacookies says...


Z sat in the pilot’s seat, trying to keep his hands steady on the wheel. Inwardly he was shaking and despite how he tried to hide it now he knew that Q could see past his mask.

"Something is bothering you, go figure out what it is."
He watched as Q stood up and slowly he pulled himself out of the seat.

Something is bothering you. Yeah, that’s not hard to figure out. This was ‘my’ mission and if They get a hold of us then we are all dead or worse. Like you would’ve been if X hadn’t stepped in when he did…

He shook his head.

No, I can’t think about that now.

He turned his attention back to the front and started punching the appropriate buttons as Q manoeuvred them through the storm. The plane rocked but eventually they got through it. Or so it seemed. Z wasn’t so sure.

"Everyone okay back there?" Q asked the others and Z listened cautiously for the sound that he had heard before.

It came again- the same grinding sound that seemed to be coming from the wings.
“Q,” he murmured to his friend, not wanting to alarm the others without cause, “listen.”
She cocked her head and something unintelligible crossed her face when she heard it…

But the sound was getting louder than it had been before and when he turned back to the others in the back he saw alarm crossing all their faces.

Mr Winters was the first out of his seat and in just a few seconds he was up the front, examining the engine.

His eyes widened at a realisation that hadn’t really occurred to the others quite yet.
“No- I could’ve sworn that I-“

Suddenly a loud screeching sound filled the plane and was followed by a stream of smoke that had a few doubled over coughing.

He turned to Winters, “Can you fix it?”
Somehow he already knew the answer before the other man shook his head.
“Not in the time it takes it to go down…”

Z’s face hardened as he chartered the plane’s route. It was inevitable. It was going to crash. …Right on there on the sand.

And when it did, none of them could be in it. Or they’d all be dead.
“Alright. Everybody, Get back!” He grabbed at the bar on the ceiling with one hand and pulled open the door.

Suddenly everything was blown adrift and everyone had to clutch on to whatever they could find in order to even stay upright.
“We have to jump.”

He looked out the door and down at the ocean. It was still deep enough.
“Now,” he looked at them, “Grab only what you absolutely need, but keep it light. Or it will pull you under.”

They all looked at him through fearful eyes, none of them wanting to go first. But then the plane rattled again, as if it was unhinging itself and suddenly everybody was moving.

One by one they leapt out of the plane and into the water below. When he was sure everyone was out he turned and grabbed his bag and launched himself into the icy water below.

Spoiler! :
Gah, sorry for the constant drama guys. I promise I'll start posting more... uhh... un-dramatically in a bit. But I do sorta have a plan. :)

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Sat May 11, 2013 5:43 pm
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Nightnotes says...

Spoiler! :
Name: Erica Jackson
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Appearance: Erica is standing at about average height at 5'4. She has kind, brown eyes and a pale complexion. Her chocolate brown hair falls all the way down her back, and she often wears it braided to keep it out of her face.
Personality: She has always been a kind soul, who seems to always have a need to take care of those around her. The destruction of the earth killed off both her parents and younger brother, and she is therefore quite cautious about getting close to someone again, out of fear that she might lose them.
Skills: A tiny, tiny error in one of her chromosomes provided Erica with heat-related sight. She doesn't see the world in regular color, but as a heat map.
Up For Love: Yes, if the right guy comes along.
Other: Erica woke up on the island on which the others are landing with quite a big memory gap. She can therefore not remember how the got there, or what happened to her the last three weeks.

Hi everyone, I have talked to ninjacookies and am going to join in now that they are landing on the island! :)

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Sun May 12, 2013 5:51 am
ToBeMe says...


The water was freezing.

Ash struggled with the current for the minute as she began to push herself to the surface. But people were still crashing around her everywhere- and though luckily none of them actually hit her- and the force that they crashed into the water at was enough to drag her back down every time.

Her head was throbbing but she shook it off as she tried to get herself to the surface.

Gah. I should’ve gone last. But no, I just HAD to volunteer to jump first. Because, you know, I’M STUPID LIKE THAT.

Eventually she managed to break surface, and get a glimpse of the island in the distance.

Distance? It actually doesn’t look that far away…

Just then something came whirling down overhead to strike the sand that she’d just been staring at. It left a pool of smoke in its wake and fire coursed all around it.

Well, hey, I may be stuck in the middle of the ocean in freezing cold water- that may or may not be contaminated- but at least I wasn’t of that thing. We’d all be a Safety-Zone-Hunter-Kebab.
Damn… now I’m hungry…

She shook her head and pushed herself to swim for the sand. For the beach and for the flaming plane.

Everyone seems to be in the water now. I probably won’t get smoshed by any falling people anymore.

A few more minute of swimming and trying to duck through waves eventually paid off. Her fingers grazed the sand bar and she grabbed the ledge and pulled herself up onto the safety of the beach.

Hey, I made it! My luck is beginning to turn.

She crawled a few metres and turned her head to the others. They were swimming too… Getting pretty close.

Nearly here. We can probably attempt to set up camp in a little while but I can just sleep for a minute until they get here…

She collapsed into the sand and suddenly felt a jabbing pain at her temple. It was similar to the pain she’d felt before but worse. So much worse. There was a small puddle of blood pooling around her head and staining the flawless white of the sand but her eyes were already closing.

Just as she drifted off she heard somebody climbing onto the sand behind her.

Or maybe not...

Don't be sorry your darkness is gone. I'll carry it for you.
Always. I'll keep it with mine.

Gotta catch em all!

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Sun May 12, 2013 6:22 am
ninjacookies says...

Spoiler! :
Hey, Nightnotes. :) Welcome to the group. Your in... but you might want to check the DT. People post a lot of interesting stuff up there and it might help you catch up. Otherwise, now that we're getting to the island- you can jump in whenever.

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Sun May 12, 2013 5:51 pm
littleauthor says...


Q felt the water around her swallow her whole as she fell out of the plane. She swam towards the top and reached out to Z because her mechanical leg was obviously not water proof. Q felt Z strong arms wrap around her waist as he swam her to the shore. Z carried her to the sand and Q instantly took off the fake leg.

"Guess its not water proof" Z said gasping. Q nodded and rubbed her tiny stump of what was left of her thigh. She sighed and picked up a stick and used it as a crutch as she hopped over to a rock. Winters came over and started fixing her leg than put it back on her, no problem. Q walked back over to Z as they looked at the island.

"What now?" Gab asked sitting on the ground next to them.

"We set up camp." Q said arranging rocks in a circular formation for a fire pit. She used the flint on the metal leg and bam, they had fire. Z was setting up a stick canopy and Jeyson was tying it up with vines. Everyone was doing their parts in building he camp and Q started to fish.

After about 2 hours, they had a fish feast and a tree canopy to sleep under. The group ate then went to sleep as Q and Z watched out for mobs. They sat back to back on the sand. The fire was keeping them warm. Q was playing with her leg and Z was messing with the tablet again.

"Z go to sleep." Q said feeling Z lean more on her back.

"No I gotta figure out what X was trying to tell us." Z replied.

"Dude, I'm sure it's fine, I'll figure it out tomorrow." Q said facing him.

Z nodded and brushed a stray hair out of Q's eyes before laying down on the blanket. Q sighed and watched the ocean as Zs breathing finally came to a slow.
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Sun May 12, 2013 7:31 pm
NicoleBri says...


This water is so fre-freezing. I say to myself. We had to all jump off the plane and get to land. My body felt like it would shut down soon if I didn't get out of this water and get some food. We finally reached land. "What now?" Regina asked me. "I don't know, I guess whatever they do." I reply.

We all ended up setting up camp for the night, everyone was tired and hungry. "We need food." Ash says. "I agree." I add. Z left to go find food while the others set up there little tents. "Hey, Ayumi." I say. She rolls her eyes at me, still, and walks off. "just leave her alone, it will be okay if she never likes you." Regina says. "No, it won't if all of us have to stay together for practically the rest of our lives." I say back.

"Ugh. No one understands. I am leaving. It is my time to be a loner." I say. I pick up my stuff and my little tent I have to sleep with that I picked up from a bag at that other camp then took off in a little path. "Don't leave." Regina says. I roll my eyes and continue walking, I hear her go over and tell Q that I had left and all that but still kept moving.

A mile down the road, I set up my tent and got ready for a long rest that was truly needed. "Goodnight heavenly father." I say as I look up to the stars before getting in my set up tent.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Wed May 15, 2013 6:33 pm
barefootrunner says...


Ayumi pulled her Lunocet onto her feet and flipped over in the turbulent water to regain control as more shapes plummeted out of the height and slowed to a halt in the cold water, like reverse-direction bungee bouncers. A figure plunged into the turmoil and upset her fine balance, sending her tumbling deeper under. She swallowed a mouthful of water before rocketing up to the surface to draw breath. Seeing that the others were fine, she lay back and flapped her fin lazily, heavy pack drifting just under the surface of the water.

When they reached the island, Ayumi beached like a whale and blinked the salt out of her eyes. Tears naturally washed the graininess away from her eyelashes. Mr Winters deftly unscrewed Q's prosthetic, dried it and put it back together again, clicking several unnamed objects back into place.
"Okay, tent time," Q called, clapping her hands.
"We only have three," Ash murmured.
"They'll have to do, then. All right, let's get going," the agent returned.

But Ayumi, recognising the landscape, slipped away from the afternoon's hubbub to the dark underwood where thick lianas coiled like constricting snakes around the purple bark of the trees. The damp leaves stuck to her bare ankles and the powdery ooze of rotting roots seeped through her toes to settle on her feet. The products of decomposition bubbled up through the mire.
A lemur leapt through the damp air and attached itself to a flaking branch in front of her. Ayumi plucked it from its perch and broke its spine between two fingers, in wonder at its complacency. The limp creature dropped from her hand, its pelt still throbbing with the residuum of life, she wandered further into the enthrallment of the forest.

Was she seeking the dark allure of misfortune? Or merely passing the trails of creatures unknown and unmeasured? Or maybe she knew that she could no longer pit herself against the slow drag of fate. She pulled her Beretta Nano out of her pocket with slack fingers and emptied the magazine. The cartridges fell. The dead frame of the gun and disarticulated magazine followed. Who needed a gun to commit suicide?

"I know you're there," Ayumi spoke in a transparent voice.
"I know you're... here." She spread her arms to the wild abandon of impending death and stood frozen in the cold humidity of the forest. Waiting.
The foregoing rustles and breaking of the wood emerged in the shape of a broad man among the branches.
"I knew you would be drawn back to me," the man hissed in an unmistakable accent. "I knew you would not be away for long."
He paced slowly around her, his movements controlled but flowing.
"But you expect death, I see. No. You are far too valuable."
He drew a glittering needle from his pocket and stroked it over Ayumi's tense neck.
"For you have inherited my talents, my skills, yes, even my very attributes."
He placed the tip under her chin and lifted her head.
"Look up, child."

"Don't move."
Ayumi's eyes flickered sideways. Q's bow protruded from the dank shadows, Z's gun not far behind.
Instantly Ayumi turned to shield the man.
"Don't shoot! Don't touch him!"
The man's needlepoint moved up Ayumi's throat to press against her jugular.
"If you move, I kill her."
"Ayumi, what is going on? Why are you protecting this man?"
"I—" Ayumi swallowed, feeling her larynx press agains the needle.
"Ayumi, move so we can shoot! He is threatening to kill you!"
Ayumi pressed further back.
"I cannot! He... he is..."
"He is my father!"
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts" - Einstein

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Wed May 15, 2013 7:47 pm
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Nightnotes says...

The wind felt smooth as it caressed Erica's cheeks and tumbled through her tangled hair. With a smile she opened her eyes, and the rediscovered facial expression made her gasp. She couldn't remember the last time she had smiled. The past weeks were just a blurr of a few pictures and alarming panic. Everything else was just blank. With droopy eyelids after her long nap Erica sat up, and started at the sudden jolt of pain travelling up her leg as she sat up. With clenched teeth she lifted the worn fabric from the wound. The skincolour around the cut was now a disturbing glowing red. The wound was still open, and Erica was getting more and more anxious as time passed without any sign of healing.

The thin girl was just about to tear of the end of her blue shirt for a bandage as she heard indignant voices in the distance. People! But were they human? And how would they treat an outcast like herself if they were? Erica laid back down again to stay out of sight. A few minutes of internal dilemma followed, but a long gaze at the wounded ankle made up her mind.

Struggling to endure the pain in silence, Erica slowly approached the voices, getting louder as she kept walking. Further ahead she could now extinguish a small figure and a larger person standing close behind, and two other shades further away whom she had a hard time seeing.

As she got closer to the people, Erica hid behind a section of thick bushes. Through a gap between the branches she could now follow the unraveling of events. She held her long dagger pressed against her chest the entire time.

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Fri May 17, 2013 12:00 am
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ToBeMe says...


Ash was glued to the spot as Q and Z ran off after Ayumi. The rest of the campsite slowly followed and now Ash felt that her jaw would fall off.

The man was Ayumi’s father. Father. Family. Dad.

And he was threatening to kill her.

Ash didn’t know why she stayed there, with the needle- her needle- at her throat when she could easily move away… but she understood why she wouldn’t let the agents see him.

Family is family.

The man slowly begins to move backwards, into the tree’s, and in a few seconds him and Ayumi disappear completely.

Ash lets out a low breath and looks towards Q and Z. “Do… do you think she’ll come back?”

Z just shook his head, “I don’t know. Maybe we should go after-“

Q shook her head. “It’s getting dark.”

Everyone looked around and suddenly the fact that they were standing in the middle of nowhere with very few weapons began to dawn on them.

“We’ve got to get back to the camp…” Q said, her head hanging low, “It’s safe there and we don’t know what kind of things are on this island.”

Z nodded, looking dejected.

“We’ll go out tomorrow and look for them. We’re not leaving without- without our full team.”

He looked around, “We’ll find Ayumi tomorrow. First thing. And Jeydon too.”
He tucked his gun away and slowly they all slunk back to camp.

Ash slowly moved to follow but a thick slice of pain threaded through her head and had her doubling over, out of the sight of the others.

When she straightened up she caught sight of something. A face in the bushes.

A person! … Wait what if it’s a mutant. God don’t let it be a mutant. That would just be the “cherry” on top of a perfect day.

She shook her head slowly and inched closer, “Hello?”

Don't be sorry your darkness is gone. I'll carry it for you.
Always. I'll keep it with mine.

Gotta catch em all!

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46 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 314
Reviews: 46
Fri May 17, 2013 1:49 am
NicoleBri says...


Laying in the tent, it felt colder and way lonlier, alone. I guess that's why it's called being 'alone'. I couldn't sleep because my mind was too busy racing and thinking about the past days I had been with that group. Alison was pretty but yet vulnerable. Q, well lets just say she is the heart of the group. Ayumi, the mysterious girl that hates the way guys are. Ash, the nice and silently talented one. Z the navigator. Mr. Winters the mechanically smart one. Gabriel a smart talent of a good friend. Regina, the manipulative and somewhat sweet one (when she wants to be.)

I had met some incredible people, I just knew that being with that group, well it just wouldn't work. Soon afterwards, I fell asleep and my mind went towards Ayumi.


I looked around at this pretty palace I had to walk inside, it was nothing like I'd ever seen before. I walked inside, and there was Ayumi. As beautiful as ever. She had a long blue princess type gown. "Ayumi?" I say and look at her. All of a sudden her features changed into horror "Help me Jeydon!" then she fell to the ground and her body melted away.

Not dream

I woke up screaming Ayumi's name. It felt so real, my whole body was in a sweat. I jumped up and followed my senses. "I have to find her." I say to myself. I walked for what seemed like hours and finally seen a tent, it was nothing I had seen before, I turned to a corner and saw Ayumi leaning over a cliff. "Ayumi." I say. She turns to me with glowing eyes.

"Jeydon." she says. The glow stopped. "I've been waiting for you." she said with a smile, I knew something had to be wrong. A minute later a man popped out of the tent. "Hello, Jeydon. Remember me?" he says. Ayumi had a grin so wide and fell, just like in my dream.

"What are you doing with her?" I ask to the man. "Why you didn't know, she is my daughter." he says. my mouth drops. "No." I say. He chuckles. "Oh yes." I looked deeper into the eyes of the man, he looked a lot like my father, but I knew it couldn't be. My mind got blurry and I passed out onto the ground.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

The day, which was one of the first of spring, cheered even me by the loveliness of its sunshine and the balminess of the air. I felt emotions of gentleness and pleasure, that had long appeared dead, revive within me. Half surprised by the novelty of these sensations, I allowed myself to be borne away by them, and forgetting my solitude and deformity, dared to be happy.
— Mary Shelley, Frankenstein