
Young Writers Society

The Four Colonies {Started/Accepting Characters}

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Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:35 am
Redfang18 says...

Zenkile Celebi

I lay there on my side, almost ready to lose my temper on anyone who called me an elf. I felt Sarah's hand pat my shoulder and I murmured, "I can't believe you slept with the scaly-assed boy. How could you?"
Sarah said calmly, "I was sad, Zen. Besides, I couldn't help myself. I...I..." She paused, hestitating.
I got up and growled, "Why should you let him lie with you when I've known you longer than him? He's not human."
"Neither am I," Sarah hissed. "I never was human. I know more than what you give me credit for." She spread silver bat-like wings, an evil grin cutting through her lips. "Let's see how you like it when a Shiva descendant gives you a wild ride." She grabbed me by the shirt and dragged me out of the house, her very body changing into a silver dragon.
I was beginning to flip out. Sarah was never known to be full of mischief, but I knew her long enough to know what happens to those who cause trouble in her case. I yelped, "What are you doing, Sarah? This is no time for revenge."
Sarah said, Wrong, Zen. This is what all Shiva do to those who insult their dignity. Hope you're not afraid of heights, because I'm going to take you high in the air. She went very high in the air and let me drop.
I started screaming as I fell. It was near dawn when I landed on somebody, but what never occured to me was that the person I landed on was a dude.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:36 pm
Pundit says...

*note: It would only have taken him one to three minutes to fall at most.How to Survive a Long Fall


Who in the world thought it would be a good idea to put the robotics lab almost a mile away from the main campus? And I could only get on the schedule to use it at 6 in the morning. I felt cranky. But it was nice being out that early -cool and quiet. I was walking by the water on the country club golf course. Then I felt something.

I don't know what it was. Maybe it was a change in air flow. I didn't know what it meant. I started hearing a loud wailing, and then something crashed into the ground and bounced, flipping through the air and slamming into me, knocking me backwards. I was stunned, laying there for maybe a minute before I could move again When I did, I saw that what had hit me was a person. "Fuck!" I pulled out my cellphone and flipped it open, thankful to see it unharmed. The ambulance was punctual, and it was not long before I learned that I had only a sprained ankle and a dislocated shoulder. The John doe, whose name turned out to be Zenkile Celebi, was much worse. He had several broken ribs, a punctured lung, a skull fracture, and various other broken bones in his arms and legs, but he would survive.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.
George Orwell

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Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:47 pm
Redfang18 says...

Lester Shiva
That afternoon, hospital

I sat there in the waiting room, my hands together like I was praying. It was all I could do to appear human even though it's been seven centuries since I last prayed. I pried mind after mind until I found Zenkile's room number. I looked for a doctor and asked, "How is Zenkile?"
The doctor answered, "He'll live. He's suffered some injuries, but he'll live."
I could tell he wasn't telling me what I wanted to know. I pried his mind as he walked away. I murmured, "I'll be damned." According to the doctor, Zenkile sustained injuries from a fall. I knew that had to be Sarah. Female Shiva, pureblood or otherwise, always let troublemakers drop from high places in revenge. I've done that to some prey before I fed off them every now and then, but the blood was always covered in dirt. I entered Zenkile's room and asked calmly, "How are you, my friend?"
Zenkile answered angrily, "This is all your fault, Shiva. If you didn't sleep with Sarah, none of this would've happened to me. I got-" He coughed several times. "-a load of injuries that will keep me in here for weeks. If I'm not in my bedroom before my father searches the bakery, I'm grounded for life."
Something caught my nose. The scent of witchhazel and cinnamon found my nostrils. The scales on my back softly rattled. Witchhazel meant there's a witch in the hospital. Cinnamon says a male Black witch. I felt my knees tremble. If I linger, I might end up dead on the spot or enslaved. I said nervously, "Zenkile, I have to leave. I shouldn't be here if there's someone I don't want to cross daggers with is in the house. I have to run."

Spoiler! :
Remember, fellow players. Lester can tell who's what just by the smell.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:14 pm
Redfang18 says...

Sarah Arceus
Private cottage, that afternoon
Maria's secret room

I sat there on Maria's bed, waiting for my next lesson. I wasn't ashamed of my revenge against Zen, but I didn't count on the damage I could cause. As I waited, I thought over my deal with Maria. Orginally she was my father's secret, but she couldn't trust him with herself. In order to keep herself a secret, she entrusted herself with me. She said that I would remain alive and Daddy's contract would nonexistant if I kept Maria a secret from not just him, but all who might be out to hunt her down. To sweeten the deal, she offered teaching me everthing she knew. At this, I accepted with a condition of my own: If she teaches me what she knows, then she has to live in my cottage where I can find her and keep her safe as promised. We shook on it and the deal was sealed. We've grown to become friends for eight months on end.
Maria looked at me and said, "You have mastered every language I had taught you, but you smell different. Why?"
I confessed, "I slept with the Lost Shiva, twice this week."
Maria asked, "The Lost Shiva? As is Prince Lester Shiva himself?"
I nodded.
"You've struck such great luck, my intelligent pupil. What was he like?"
I had to admit, Maria looked excited. I just had to talk. "He was...beautiful. Cold body, but beautiful all over. Very tall for one from a long line of royalty, but got very cool wings."
Maria's eyes suddenly blazed. "He's a vampire, isn't he? The smell of graveyard soil says so."
Again, I nodded.
"Did he bite you?"
I shook my head. "Not a nip. He was quite the gentleman, actually. Very kind and gentle." After that, I shifted into a cobra and coiled, waiting for either a lesson or some prey to eat.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:08 pm
Redfang18 says...

Zenkile Celebi
Phoenix hospital

Something was bothering Shiva. His knees were shaking and I could've sworn I heard rattling. I raised a brow and wanted to ask what was his problem, but according to the doctors I suffered so much injuries that might keep me in the hospital for days. I know who to blame for my predicament. I couldn't blame Sarah, but I could blame Shiva. I noticed the dude I landed on came into my room. A certain paitent by the name of Stephen Valentine. Shiva's knees kept shaking and the rattling was becoming excruciating. I asked angrily, "Could you stop that rattling, Shiva?"
Valentine just stared at Shiva blankly, then eyed me.
Something was telling me to watch out for Valentine and look after Shiva, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I couldn't trust Shiva, not after knowing that he slept with Sarah.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:00 am
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Roxxanna Fira
Phoenix Hospital

I ran towards Zen's scent ignoring the looks of panic from the nurses and other orderly's. "Zen!" I shouted when I saw him looking at Shiva. He turned to me as I skidded to a stop in front of him. "What?" He asked testily which was out of character for him. "You left me in a damned cottage in the middle of nowhere." I said my voice testy. "It belongs to Sarah. It's not really in the middle of nowhere." He replied.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:02 am
Redfang18 says...

Zenkile Celebi
Phonenix hospital

Fira was really pissed when she came into my room, paying no heed to a nervous Shiva and a clueless Valentine. By the testy tone of her voice, she was pissed off at me. Calling Sarah's cottage a "damned cottage in the middle of nowhere." If Sarah heard that, she would've made Fira suffer the same fate as I did.
Shiva tried to sneak out through the window.
I hissed, "Where the hell do you think you're going, Shiva? I'm not finished with you."
Shiva said, "I'm finished with you already. My visiting hours are over. See ya!" He slunk out the window and I could've sworn I saw him become the black dragon that Raegan provoked ages ago. For a Shiva, I admit he has such a gorgeous dragon form. The color black actually suited him.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:01 pm
Redfang18 says...

Lester Shiva

I flew from the hospital to the local cemetary. Shifting into my human form, I was welcomed by joious spirits. Some were calling by the name Saint Peter, others called me the Living Crossroads. The latter amused me greatly. Ever since my power over reincarnation was made known, I lived up to the Living Crossroads every chance I got. A young girl's spirit came up to me and said, "I miss my mommy. Could you find my mommy?"
I felt the scales on my back rattle. Children were always asking me about finding their mothers. Most of my job is basically resurrecting the young, but that gets boring after a while. Adults were more challenging, but also more fun. I said grimly, "Honey, your mother is in heaven. You have a choice. You can go to heaven and join your mother or be reincarnated and restart your life again. Make your choice."
The child spirit said, "I want Mommy."
I knew what that meant. I said calmly, "Very well then. Walk into the light that stands behind me. Go and join your mother in heaven." It was after the child vanished when I knew my work was done. I sat on a bench, dug into my sack, and pulled Serenity out. After looking around to see if the coast was clear, I clutched Serenity to my chest and started to cry. Spirits of children always touched me when they ask me about their mothers. It kept bringing me back to the loss of my own mother, which to me wasn't fair. My mother never lived long enough to watch me grow up and become a man. I wept softly, "I wish you were still here to hold me, Mother. I need you to hold me and comfort me, Mother."

Spoiler! :
If this is too much of a tear-jerker, just let me know.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:12 pm
Clay says...

Daniel Farrell
Phoenix, Arizona

When I decided to get a closer look I never thought I see something so bizarre, and I’ve basically seen it all. But seeing a silver dragon drop a person out the sky straight into another person is… something you don’t see everyday, the ambulance attracted to much attention so I moved back then saw the black familiar car rolling closer in the shadow of the building I left only minutes ago.
“What are you doing? You trying to get caught?” Graeme said yelling like a banshee. I didn’t answer and took a seat in the back of the car, we were all thinking the same thing. Well not the humans, me and the other two demons who were wandering outside.
I swear that’s her scent. I thought, Sloth agreed but of course Ira being the great source of negativity said How the hell do you know, first that bloody dragon had slept with someone, he laughed like a child of at the thought, and not only that she was too far for you to tell if that was or wasn’t her, and you haven‘t smelled her scent in centuries.
“Daniel.. Daniel you listening to me!?” Graeme said echoing off the car’s interior, my head was being overloaded with voices and thoughts.
I stood out the car, I needed air, I need that hand to come softly on my shoulder and tell me it was okay. I drew one of the pistols but kept it hidden, if Graeme followed I’d shoot him dead on the spot. He didn’t.
Finally finding a open bar I walked straight to the bartender,
“A dram of whiskey.” I said quickly, I don’t know why I just needed a drink. The glass landed in front of me then the refreshing liquid was poured in, “leave the bottle.” I knew I wouldn’t drink more than two.
My mind wandered away, to that year, my human wife died, she believed strongly in the French Renaissance you’d never see such passion one’s eyes like she had even though she was pregnant. A member of the King’s soldiers attempt to… to do vial things to her then something happened, she was stabbed with the soldier’s sword. My blood boiled I became Ira’s true being but then I hear my sister’s voice, she told me acting out of revenge will not bring me peace.
Thinking back I truly the older sibling, we both had the same amount of knowledge but she was always the wiser. I still wonder about that and I strongly believe she should of been he older one.
Her hand gently grabbed my shoulder she told me it was okay but I shrugged it off and began killing any soldier I came it contact with, they all had wives, children and some maybe unborn like I did. The amount of blood I split was unbelievable and then maybe months later I returned back home, my wife dead and my sister gone then I just lost and looked for her and… I guess you can tell the rest.
Coming back to the present I looked at my hand the glass shattered, most of it hidden in my hand coat with blood. I couldn’t feel it. Ira and Sloth was sitting beside me quietly. Then realised it was time to go.
I left the bar and headed back towards the cottage, again Sloth and Ira split up and all the way down the road I thought of something my sister told me,
Two wolves are fighting in each man’s heart one’s called love, the other one’s called hate, I asked her “and who’s the one that wins?”. She turned and replied, the one you feed the most.

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Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:01 am
Pundit says...

Nature calls at strangest times. Which may have been for the best. As I stepped from the bathroom, I checked the surveillance cameras. Zenkile had another visitor; one I happened to recognize.

Victor Drazen had never trusted my mother, nor had my mother trusted him. He was much too loyal to Enkil Hectate. In our order, loyalty is to the cause first. He also got an angry Earth elemental to attack my parent's wedding. We did not have a good relationship with my father's cousin.

Actually, it wasn't that unusual that Victor would show up. We had heard that Enkil was hunting Shiva down, and this was the last place he was seen. I just didn't know anyone would turn up this quickly. Through the camera, I could see him performing a ritual. A tracking spell. They only work if the ritual is performed in a spot where the target has been in the past twenty four hours, and the target remains within one mile of the tracker for the length of the hunt.

I waited for him to finish, then followed him.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.
George Orwell

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Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:27 am
Redfang18 says...

Zenkile Celebi
Phoenix hospital

My next visitor was pretty strange. He looked like he was on a mission. He said, "I can get you out of here quicker, if you tell me where Shiva is hiding."
I had a bad feeling something was up. This strange guy asking me about Lester's whereabouts? My gut told me the vampire-guy was being hunted down by one of his own, but question is who hired this somewhat ugly dude to interrogate me? I watched him perform something, but some kind of terror came over me. Get outta here, Zen. One of Sarah's Dark World people's doing a ritual of some sort, I thought. I couldn't get out, but I could play dumb. I put on my confused face and said, "I know nothing about Shiva. I don't even know who you're even talking about."
My visitor said lowly, "This is not worth my pay from Enkil. Why would a renegade be visiting a mortal as dumb as this one? This is just not worth my pay."
I felt like smacking the dude across the face and telling him to leave me in peace, but something told I rather not try. Not in my condition, anyway. Once he finished the weird performance, he just left.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:42 am
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Ritehunter says...

Quin Forte
18 years ago

I walked down the stairs and checked the mailbox. The guard said that I had a letter, from an anonymous person. I went off. I read the letter as I walked and it said:

Dear Quin,
You may not now me but I know you so I'll cut to the chase, I want you to kill some one for me. I want at least 5 mililiters of her blood as proof she died. Her picture, profile and currect location is in the folder in the envelope.

I had no idea what to do but I thought, the sooner this is done the more I can relax with no worries. I only took a peek at the picture but did not look at the name then I threw away the profile and put the envelope in my small backpack I took outside with me for emergeny reasons. I looked around and saw the woman. She as the only person on the street. I ran towards her and I asked:

"Miss, can I have at least 5 mililiters of your blood?"
"Why? Are you a doctor or a serial killer?"
"Well, I was supposed to kill you but..."
"I won't let anyone kill me!"
"But I won't kill you. I have an injection that..."
"Don't try to trick me!"

After those lines we started to argue for at least 3-5 minutes until I got angry. And threw a heavy gust of wind that threw the woman back several meters away. But I was so angry thatI made the air around her pressurized. It made her blood stopped flowing and her heart stopped beating. I snapped out of my anger.
"What have I done..."
I pricked a needle in her skin and blood was gushing out...
I quickly took a heavily tinted champane bottle I saw on the street and redirected the blood to the bottle. I ran away in fright but I took a glimpse of two words on the profile. The words were: Red Panther. When I was back in my apartment I became restless. I ran to a restaurant across the street thinking that I might be able to calm down there.
"Is there anything bothering you?" The waitress asked
"Well, I ... uh... feel like I killed someone and I have been quite restless"
Ten the waitress ran to the kitchen and came out with a teapot and a small cup. She poured the liquid into the cup and said "Try to drink this. It will calm your nerves"
I looked at the drink. It was dark brown and had a unique smell. I drank the drink then felt quite relaxed and calm. then I asked
"What is this drink?"
"That is tea. It's good for your nerves."
"Can I take some to go?"
"Sure, I think we have an old canteen so I'll just put it there."
"Oh, and can I ave the recipe?"
"No problem"
After I took the canteen and the recipe and I washed my hands near the kitchen sink where I put the bottle with the blood. I accidentally spilled some of it on my hands. I could not wash it off.I drank some of the tea and slept


I woke up from my sleep. I looked at the time. I thought I slept for 6 hours but I found out I slept for nearly a week.
"I wonder if this is why I procrastinate on my work and got me fired."
I looked at the contract again and saw a line I have not seen yet. And it reads
"You must hunt one of them a least six times a month"
This is great. I have to do more work. I checked the profile to see where Sarah was.

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Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:42 pm
Rydia says...


Everyone seemed busy doing stuff that wasn't important. I didn't understand it. Weren't we supposed to be on some crazy mission or something and here they were, throwing each other out of the sky. Weirdos! The only sane one was Kirun who'd adopted a spot beside me. I was spending our time usefully by catching up on sleep.


I gave a little yawn and stretched out my arms before propping an eye open. "Yeah?"

"What happened to the adventure?"

"I was wondering the same thing myself. They clearly haven't read enough books because this is the part where we're all supposed to set off on some lengthy journey." Kirun raised an eyebrow and gave me a furtive look. He seemed to be trying to figure me out. How odd! I was used to being the one doing the observing and calculating and it made me feel strange to have him examining my actions.

"Maybe we should set off and leave them to catch up," Kirun joked.

"Yeah, we're the most important figures in this group anyway," I agreed with a smirk.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:34 am
Pundit says...

Name: Victor Drazen
Race: Black witch
Spoiler! :

Personality: intelligent, very loyal to Enkil
Power: General spells, talented with vibrations(and is especially adept at resonance, which can be used to cause bodily injury)
Combat skill or weapon:
Spoiler! :
See powers
History: Cousin to Stephan's father
Social Status/Rank: Enkil's spymaster
Friends/Comrades: Enkil
Main Targets: Lester(and one other, which will be revealed later) Enkil wants lester dead because he's a rival for Akasha's affections. He does not, however, want Akasha to know he's responsible, which is why he didn't act when Lester was still with them. Victor knows how much this means to Enkil, which is why he chose to come himself, rather than send others.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.
George Orwell

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Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:12 am
Pundit says...


There he was. Alone, crying, and clutching a doll to his chest. Vulnerable. I was ensconced behind a mausoleum, and the rest of my team were surrounding him. There was no way he was going to survive the night.

Elizabeth stepped silently in front of him. He blinked. Sweet little Elizabeth had been turned into a vampire as a child, had an air of innocence about her, and a knack for making people feel uncomfortable. "Why are you crying, mister? My mum says boys shouldn't cry like that."

"I'm not a boy, but a man!"

"But you sure are crying, mister!"

"What was I crying about is my own business, not that of a tyke like you."

"I'm way older than a tyke. I'm nine years old!"

"And I'm twenty-one! Try that, kiddo."

"Try what, mister?"

"Try to surpass that age. I have many years under my belt, thank you."

"You're not that old. You aren't as old as my granddaddy. He's been alive forever." At the word grandaddy, I drew my sword. Five seconds after Elizabeth stopped speaking, she struck.

Her first blow dug into his groin, twisting painfully. The second blow stuck his chest with enough force to stop a heart. The third blow never came, as by then Shiva had recovered enough to block it. But by then, Ryan was there.

Shiva spun around, carrying Elizabeth, just as Ryan swung his axe.The blow that should have beheaded Shiva instead killed Elizabeth. Shiva evaded the next blow and took a swing at Ryan. The blow passed through him uselessly. Ryan was an elemental.

As they traded blows, I crept closer, looking for an opening. My hair rose, and I could smell ozone. Zzap. Ryan collapsed, and I turned. Stephan. I fled, shooting at his head with a burst of vibrations.

*He hit Stephan, but it's kinda hard to have good aim while you are running away from your target. He only broke his leg.*
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.
George Orwell

'Like' and 'equal' are two entirely different things.
— Madeleine L'Engle, A Wrinkle in Time