
Young Writers Society

The Emperor's City *Permission Only* (Dead)

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Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:00 pm
CelticaNoir says...


Isolde waited, impatient and irritated. If there was one thing she didn't like, it was being ignored. She folded her arms and started to speak. "Look. I'm sure this is very important. But you've got more serious issues to deal with. And if you want my protection, you'd better start speaking. And soon."

"Protection, my lady?" Elphame glanced at her, looking startled. "But that is - "

" - going against my father, as I am very aware, tracker. I don't care." She stared directly at Ravel. "I need answers, and I want them now."

He chortled, and she could recognize a tint of bitterness in it. "What makes you think we need your protection?"

"Well, why don't we see? You are an enemy prince being attacked by the very father who was supposed to protect you. I won't even get into what those two are facing." She indicated Seghed and Shawnee. "But I need to know what's going on."

"Why would you help us?"

"I have my reasons." She glanced at Elphame. "Tracker, what is your business here?"
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:18 pm
Theodorable says...


She was shocked that the princess had address her, but she gathered her will and said, "I was to take Shawnee back to Lyall. Although, now I am forsaking my duties and helping this group with what needs be done."

Elphame had no idea how the princess would take her news. A tracker forsaking orders was a big deal, first of all because she was a tracker and they had to get by somehow, but also because she was an elf. And elves do not make a habit of breaking their oaths.

*Sorry it's so short, but I have no idea how she'll react to this.*
Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole. -Dean, Supernatural

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Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:52 pm
sylverdawn says...

*I'm exhausted so this will be short, I've had a ton of schoolwork lately, so I'm only going to be able to post sporadically for a little bit. I was thinking we could have some more enemy soldiers sneak into the city. It could jumpstart the story.*


"She's assuming I'm going to trust her." Rav thought irritably. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall watching his sister stare down the Princess. Honestly Rav was curious enough about his supposed family to let Elphame stick around. That didn't mean he was going to be dumb enough to turn his back on her.

Isolde had surprised him too. He never would have expected her to climb in over the rooftops. Come to think of it the way she kept tracking him down was seriously impressive. With the focus off of her Shawnee had drifted back across the room to stand beside Seg who had placed his hands gently on her shoulders. Seghed's eyes twinkled with mischief as he looked at his best friend.

The Tracker and the Princess looked for all the world like a pair of alley cats squaring off. Rav thought, his lips twitched in amusement. Seg's sense of humor was contagious he could always pull Rav out of his brooding temper. After years watching eachother's backs the two young men didn't even need to speak to convey their laughter.

Quietly, Rav waited to see how Isolde would react to Elphame's open defiance of her family. This could be very interesting.
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:53 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Good idea, Sylver. I'll have my General report that to the Emperor.

Sanura | Room; Palace - Lyall:

I stared after the other healer, frowning. He really hated our father, didn't he? I dragged my gaze back to Jarelle. "You aren't going to stop him?" I asked, gesturing to the door the healer had just left through. Jarelle shrugged.

"There isn't much I can do," he muttered, then said louder; "I am not allowed to meddle in human affairs."

I considered this for a moment, then eyed him warily. "Yet you healed me..."

He seemed to think for a moment, staring at his hands again. Then he looked up, meeting my gaze. "My children are another matter.... They are not fully human, and so I freely choose to help them."

Right... Did that mean I was the same? I sighed, leaning back against the bedhead again. So, Jarelle was here in my room. I closed my eyes, head tilted back against the bedhead. Right.... Somehow, I felt...lost. What was I meant to do? Why was I here? Lyall.... The Emperor's city. It was insane...

General Altair Jinan | Throne Room:

"General, you have something to report?"

Altair nodded, comnig to a stop before the throne. Emperor Ziran sat there, looknig weary. "According to one of the Captain's of the Guard, several enemy soldiers have somehow snuck into the city."

The Emperor sighed. Altair shifted his stance, both hands behind his back, one hand gripping the other wrist tighter. He watched his Emperor closely, wondering what the old man would do. Altair glanced towards the empty thrones beside the Emperor's. He was wondering where the prince and princess were.

"We shall have to find them, won't we, General?" the Emperor finally said. Then he glanced towards the far door. "Where is that healer? And where in the name of the gods in that guard, Elleraj?"

Altair bowed. "I shall find him, my lord." Then he turned and made his way towards the door.

"Oh, Altair?" the Emperor called.

The General turned back, one eyebrow raised. "Yes, my lord?"

"Try the healer's room." Altair didn't have to ask which healer he meant--it was obviously the female, since the male was missing. He nodded and continued on his way, sweeping out into the hall and making a left, then a right. The female healer's room should be down this way somewhere... he thought, glancing at the passing servants.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:34 pm
CelticaNoir says...


Isolde scowled and crossed her arms, staring intently at Elphame. "Why are you doing this, tracker?" Isolde personally didn't know what to think. On the one hand, she could empathize with the tracker on a certain level - if she had followed her father's orders all the time, many things would be left undone. On the other hand however - a tracker disobeying her orders almost always meant treachery. Isolde could only purse her lips and wait for the answer.

The other woman shuffled uneasily. "I can't tell you my reasons, princess, except that they are probably based mostly on my personal opinions. But I can't capture this healer. I simply can't."

Isolde took a deep breath. "Just tell me one thing. Are you doing this because you want to, or are you doing this because you have to?" The tracker's answer would determine whether Isolde reported her or not. Was she doing this because she wanted to? Or was it because someone else was telling her to?

Isolde waited for the answer.
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:34 am
Theodorable says...


What was the princess trying to get at? Elphame knew that she could report her, but what would she gain from it? Elphame could keep her reasons to herself and flee, but then it would cause others to look for her. And even though her earth affinity would help her get away, there were too many things that could go wrong and she could end up in prison-or worse: dead.

Elphame looked into the princess' eyes and told her the only thing she could, the truth. "I am forsaking my duty because to do so would cause pain to me."

"What do you mean it would cause pain to you?" The princess leered at her.

"This healer is aiding these two in their task, and without her they may fail. I have a special interest in the fire-eyed elf, and to see him die would crush me." Elphame hoped she wouldn't demand more.

But it didn't seem she would. "Stop beating around the bush, and tell me your reason!"

Elphame sighed and said, "He is my brother and my only kin left to me. I will not be the cause of his death," she bit off the last word, like it hurt to say it.
Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole. -Dean, Supernatural

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Sat Mar 26, 2011 6:12 pm
SisterItaly says...


I watched helplessly as the two bickered back and forth. I wasn't sure what to do, so I remained where I was with Seghed. Hopefully they wouldn't start fighting. If they did someone in here could get hurt... it wasn't the largest of rooms. They could roll into someone and knock them over, or someone could be stabbed by mistake. I shuddered at the thought.

My mind kept wandering back to what the tracker had said. How could she have gone through all that trouble trying to catch me to just give up? Was she waiting for me to lower my defenses and take me during the night? What would happen if I got put in a healer's temple? I had heard so many bad things about those temples, and so many thoughts were buzzing through my mind that I never had long enough to get the answer to one.

The only question that stuck was... was I really free?

I snuggled into Seghed and waited to see how the princess would react to the Tracker.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:40 am
PhoenixBishop says...


Niton did not drop his hood until he was in his brothers tent. The guards raised their swords, but Niran simply smiled and motioned for them to lower them.

"My brother to what do I owe the pleasure."

"Quit with the niceties. I'm here to report that is all."

Niran pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes. "I do not recall requesting a meeting, this must be important."

Niton nodded and sat down, running a hand through his shockingly blue hair. It had taken him longer to get here then he had thought and the dye had long ago faded.

"I thought it would interest you to know that Jarelle is within the walls of the castle."

Niran's eyes widened, but he quickly hid his surprise. "Really, you know this for sure?"

Niton let out a sound in between a laugh and sigh. "Trust me, I know for sure. After I refused to heal a healer we found, he did it himself and scolded me for doing not doing it."

Niran laughed. "Did Niton get a spanking?"

"Shut up. I simply came hear to tell you this so you could revise whatever you're planning. I must get back. Alice can only keep them off my track for so long."

Niton headed for the entrance.

"Brother."Niran said softly.

Niton turned to look at him to see he was holding a bow an arrow. "I have a cover story for you. You were out in the city and were attacked randomly. Of course we must make it look believable. " He let the arrow fly and it hit Niton in the chest. Pain flared up inside of him. Another one hit him in the shoulder and another in the leg. "I can't have my mole become suspected, so I must leave you as close to death as possible. Don't worry, I'm sure your 'father will heal you before you die."

Niton hit the floor the world spinning and he listened to the next words carefully before he blacked out.

"Take a convoy near one of our enemies. Make sure that he can be spotted. Our enemies will recognize him as the royal healer and save him from near death. That should keep anyone from suspecting him."

One of the guards spoke. "But won't the people carrying him be killed?"

"I risk I'm willing to take."

And with that Niton fell into darkness.

*So yeah, whoever want to see the travelling guards can jump them and save Niton*
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:15 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Okay, I'm obviously not posting as either of my characters...but I thought it might give some insight into the Emperors and their actions... On with the posting...

Emperor Niran; His Tent:

Niran watched as his brother passed out and was removed from the room. He knew his men would do anything he said, despite the risks. They questioned him, they argued with him, but they wouldn't betray him, would never disobey his orders. He knew that and they knew that. Smiling grimly, he turned back to the map they had spread out on the table, passing off his bow to one of his Generals. "Any word on Ravel?" he asked, studying the map.

One of the Generals spoke up, "None as of yet." The man speaking shifted his stance, tapping a spot on the map to the north of the city--where the city merged with the forest. "We saw the pillar of flames around here and Jiysan sent out some scouts, but all they found was a blackened hole in the earth and peices of our dead. There was a man intact, and he is now in the healing tent. We're not sure if he will even survive at this point in time" The man straightened up, running a hand through his dark hair. "It seems the boy escaped and is still alive."

"Damn," Niran murmured, fingering the dagger he'd left laying on the table earlier. He picked it up and then drove the point down into the tabletop, right where the palace lay inside the city's walls. "Any word on the others? On Sanura?" There was a moment of silence as no one spoke. Niran looked up and straight at the General who'd spoken a moment ago. "Seiji?"

The General flushed, looking down at the map. "The girl was found and taken into the city as predicted." Seiji looked away, swallowing. He was clearly not a Melnarian, dressed as he was in Ronasian colours; the very clothes he'd been wearing during the supposed raid on Sanura's little party. "All we can do is wait. She is Ronasian, and a healer. And she also has very little to no memory of the attack; I made sure of that. She'll be fine." At least, Seiji thoguht she would; he was really saying it more as a reassurance to himself then anything.

Niran nodded, gaze drifting back to the map and the dagger. He straightened up and met the gazes of the small group of men standing around the map. "Very well, General Aiyanna," he said. "You are dismissed. That goes for the rest of you, too. And find Seiji a new uniform. It's a little suspicious, having a Ronasian around--especially a General."

With that said, the men dispersed, leaving Niran alone in the tent, save for the guard standing silently in the corner. Even an Emperor couldn't risk being caught out with his guard lowered. Niran sighed and ran a hand through his hair. It was an incredibly dangerous gamble, planting the girl in the palace like he had, but it had needed to be done. And so it was. It was like Seiji had said; all he could do now was wait.

Emperor Ziran; Thone Room:

Ziran watch Altair leave, a frown marring his features. He was worried; about the General, about the girl and especially for his children. Where had they gone? It wasn't unusual for them to go missing, but they usually turned up again before long. Ziran sighed, shifting wearily in his chair. He was tired, so very tired. But there was so much to do. And he'd lost his precious wife...

He groaned, tugging at his hair. What was he supposed to do? He had Niran and thousands of Melnarian soldiers camped right outside the city's gates. He couldn't risk riding out and he couldn't risk retreating through the forest. He sighed, rubbing both hands over his face now. It was exactly what Altair had told him earlier!

Ziran tilted his head back, staring up at the high ceiling overhead. It was definitely Checkmate at the moment, but it would be worth it in the end. Both men had pieces, players yet to be moved into place. Both had secrets they were keeping and cards hidden up their sleeves---saved for that very last moment when they would need them most. It was part of war, really, keeping a few players back and in the shadows, making sure your enemy never knew exactly how many tricks you had hidden up your sleeve.

And Ziran knew it was getting close to the time when he put some of his own into action. He couldn't afford to wait much longer; too long and the pieces he had set to come into play would miss their chance. He just had to wait until the opportune moment....

Note: Also. Check the DT if you're lost! Link; topic75313-30.html#p838845
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:32 pm
CelticaNoir says...


"You're his sister?" Isolde blinked at Elphame, not sure to believe. On the other side of the room, Ravel scowled and crossed his arms while the spy and the rogue healer hugged each other. Which was a rather cute sight, but Isolde wasn't particularly concerned with that. She mentally started to count the possibilities of what could go wrong in this scenario. "Unbelievable."

"See? Even she doesn't believe it. How am I supposed to trust you - "

"Be quiet!" Isolde barked at Ravel, who took an alarmed step back. "I'm trying to think here. Don't interrupt me!" She turned towards Elphame, frowning. "In all conscience, I shouldn't be letting you go, but..." Isolde sighed. "I suppose I won't report you this time. I won't guarantee what happens next time, however. And you three - " She turned to the others. "Have a lot of - "

Clang! Isolde froze. Why was the bell tower ringing? She counted the amount of rings. "One, two...five, six...eight, nine?!" She looked at the others and scowled. "Fine, you three get another reprieve. But I will be back!" She turned her back on them and started to walk off.

She had a throne room to go to.


The sun's heat bore down on him like a hammer on a nail. At this time of day, this part of the city was usually the warmest, to the point that some of the newer guards had gone into shock when they were posted here. Finally, the two Captains, tired of having guards sent to the hospital every week, decided to start patrolling the gates themselves.

Which is how he found himself to be here.

He paused for a moment as he wiped his forehead on his sleeve. Patrolling was hard work, especially if your finances were stretched thin to the point of not being able to have breakfast every morning. He half-wondered how Lilac and Simon were holding up. Being little terrors, probably. He smiled. Maybe his life wasn't that bad after all.

And then, he saw the shadows. He moved closer, unsheathing his sword. Two soldiers wearing the Melnarian uniform approached, carrying what looked to be the body of a blue-haired man - wait, it was the Royal Healer! Christan was close to panicking. He beckoned at the guards situated in closest tower - one of them was looking out, but seemed as if he was close to snoozing off, and didn't pay any attention to the signal. Not knowing what else to do, he shouted.

"OI! WAKE THE HELL UP!" The guard jarred awake, and mildly frowned down at Christan. He looked as if he was about to say something, but Christan quickly cut in. "ENEMY AT THE GATES! SHOOT THEM DOWN, NOW!"



The guard was fully awake now, looking as if he had something hit him in the face. He hurried to the other side of the tower quickly, and Christan gulped in the sheer agony of excitement - and then he heard a thud, as if something had been thrown against the walls. And then someone cried out - and then there was another cry. And then there was silence. Christan hurried out.

It was a mess of red. The two carrying him had arrows sticking out of them, while the Royal Healer didn't look any better and Christan realized that he had been what was thrown against the wall from the crimson marks left on the stone's surface. He knelt down to check the man's pulse. Still alive and strong. Christan breathed a sigh of relief. If this goes over well, I might even get a promotion. Getting up, he started to bark out orders.
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:31 pm
Synnoev says...


"Isolde!" Bristan called out for what felt like the millionth time. He'd been looking for her for what felt like - and probably actually was - hours, looking in her quarters, the garden, the infirmary, the garden, the library, and of course, the garden. But I hadn't managed to find her. She'd run off outside the palace walls before, but this was longer than she'd ever been gone in those times.

He sighed, then let out one last call, looking around, then turning to set off and look somewhere else. Just as he turned, he heard a soft giggle, and felt a tap on his shoulder. Bristan twisted around to see Isolde grinning cheekily at him, uncertain of whether he should be furious that she'd been gone or pleased to finally see her again.

Finally, he decided on just rolling his eyes, shaking his head in mock disapproval at his sister, who continued to smirk in reply.

"Been looking for me?" she asked teasingly, and Bristan narrowed his eyes, pretending to be more annoyed than he was. Isolde saw through this in an instant and laughed again, smile widening. "Come on, you." she ordered, slipping her arm through Bristan's and leading him back towards the castle. "I need to go to the throne room."

I hope this is okay, sorry for my inactivity. :)

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Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:01 am
SisterItaly says...


I sighed and rubbed my temples. This was all rather stressful, even for a king. My healer had gone missing again, as well as my daughter. Then their was Jarelle exposing himself to the prisoner. Why did it seem things just loved to pile up while we were in the middle of a bloody war?

Just then my two darling children came into the room. I glared at Isolde. A look she knew well... a look that told her she was in a world of trouble. She maintained a steady posture. Perhaps she was too grown up to fear a time-out or being punished to her room for the night. She would probably sneak away anyway.

"Isolde, do you have any idea how afraid I was? You can't just go trotting around at all hours of the day alone! We're in the middle of a war!" he shouted, raising to his feet.

"You do not control me, father. I can do as I please. I don't have to answer to you." she spat back.

I plopped back down in my throne and sighed. Teenage rebellion. I though we had enough rebellion with the rogues. Speaking of which... I thought elves were supposed to be terrific trackers. How come the few rogues left had not been taken in yet? If I remembered correctly their were three rogues running around out their who should be serving their country.

"I know, dear." he murmured before standing and walking over to his daughter "I was just worried. You can't scare an old man like me that much." he finished as he hugged her.

Just then, his captain came rushing in and dropped to one knee. I waved my hand allowing him to stand.

"Your majesty, we just found the enemy deposing of the royal healer in the kingdom's walls." he panted.

This meant several things. My healer was injured, possibly dead already. The enemy knew how to get in and out of our walls, which meant they came a little closer to my home turf. But most importantly my children were in more danger now then ever.

"Have him brought to a room and have your men make him comfortable. I shall have a healer see him at once!"

It calmed him slightly when the captain didn't say he was dead... so a healer wouldn't be necessary. With that he sat back in his throne and turned to his children again.

"I want you two to stay together at all times, and you aren't to leave this palace unless I know exactly where you are going and how long you will be." Both children nodded... Isolde didn't seem quiet happy about this. But she had to understand this was for her own good. "And one more thing. Where were you anyway, Isolde?"
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:58 pm
sylverdawn says...

*I'm back and I'm finally not sick anymore. Will try and get things rolling with these guys and get them going towards the throne room.*


Rav watched as the Princess ran out the door, judging by her reaction he assumed that the tolling bells were some kind of signal. Seghed watched Rav through narrowed eyes, snarling he crossed the room and yanked Rav around to face him. Snapping his fingers in front of Rav's eyes. The pupils were huge, making his eyes nearly black with only a faint rim of orange at the edges.

"No wonder you flamed out so easily. Normally you would have been able to handle those assassins easily. Niran made you Elementaly Fuse to get into the city didn't he?" Seg demanded.

Elphame sucked in a startled breath. "That's a Lost Art. It's far to dangerous to use."

"We know that." The two boys snapped in unison. Seg turned back to Rav. "The side effects are finally hitting. Sit down."


"Sit." Seg ordered in the tone he reserved for misbehaving children.

Rav glared reproachfully at his best friend but sat down in the chair. "It's not like we can do anything about it." Rav pointed out. "The physical side effects are easy to shrug off but the mental ones stick around for a couple days. Whether I like it or not."

Shawnee came over to stand in front of Rav, unconsciously studying him with the clinical air of a healer. "What side effects?" She asked curiously.

Seghed rubbed the back of his neck in frustration. "Basically it impairs judgement, sort of like Rav's drunk only he can still think with perfect clarity. Since Rav has an Asraadi's already questionable moral compass that's not a good thing."

"I'd be insulted by that if it weren't true." Rav commented to no one in particular.

Elphame looked both shocked and worried and Rav could almost believe she might actually care about him from the look on her face. He opened his mouth to say something to her, probably something stupid. But he never got the chance. A shouted order came from outside the forge. "This is the Lyansan Royal Guard. Come out fugitives, you are under arrest."

*I figure Ziran could have had a group of guards following Isolde during her sneaking out. Now that the Princess is no longer inside the building they can move in to arrest the group and drag, er... escort the four of them to the throne room.*
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:20 am
Theodorable says...

*Nice thinking.*


Elphame was still in shock from the fact that her brother could still Elementally Fuse. It had been gone for longer than she knew, but it obviously wasn't a Lost Art any longer. Tagging this knowledge with the fact that he was not going to be functioning properly for some time was almost too much to handle.

Then when she looked into his eyes once again, she saw what she had been searching for. A glimmer of hope was there. He almost believed her, and now all she had to do was be there for him.

Then he opened his mouth and before he could say anything she heard a voice yelling from outside. "This is the Lyansan Royal Guard. Come out fugitives, you are under arrest."

Elphame snapped her head in the direction of the voice and then raced to an opening toward the roof. There was a small assembly of men waiting for them outside. There was no way that she could be taken in. She would be found out that she had broken her oath, and she could be put to death for that.

She turned her head to the rest and said, "There's about 10 of them."

Seg looked at Rav and some unknown message passed between them. Seg turned to her and said, "We can't take them in this condition."

Elphame smirked, "We may not last, but we can at least try to get away..."

*She can't go down without a fight.*
Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole. -Dean, Supernatural

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Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:03 pm
Kelcia says...

Jarelle | Lyall Palace

Sanura had her eyes closed, a worn look on her young face. Jarelle hated what he had to do now. But, as it was, it was the only thing he could do. There was a presence in his mind, urging him to be gone.

“I’ve done what I can for you, Sanura.” He said, laying a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes opened slowly. “You’ve got a good spirit. You’ll be able to do what you need to do. You can figure everything out on your own.”

“But,” she sat up abruptly. “Won’t you tell me why I’m here? I mean, in Lyall, of all places? Why can’t I remember how I got here? Why-”

Jarelle shushed her with a look. It wasn’t in any way a harsh look, but it commanded attention. “What would the answers be worth if I just gave them to you?” He asked. “It’s the journey to find the answers that matters. And, I will admit, it will be difficult. But I know you, Sanura. You can take it, and then some.” His eyes creased in a smile.

“Just remember who your friends are,” he said. Sanura shook her head, looking just a little cross.

“That’s great for a game of riddles, Jarelle. But what do I have to do?”

Jarelle grinned, shrinking into a blue-eyed servant boy. “Whatever you feel is right,” he said in the boy’s falsetto voice. “I’ll see you later, Sanura.” He winked at her, and scurried out the door.

“Hey!” she called after him, but he just kept running.

A careful observer might have seen what happened then. The little servant boy, looking glum, darted into a shadowy alcove. The shadows seemed to ripple, and, a moment later, out stalked Elleraj. He hunched his shoulders and unconsciously clamped a hand around his sword hilt.

Jarelle really hated the other Gods sometimes. It wasn’t enough that they had banned him from the Heavenly Palace, oh no, they had to take it one step further. They wouldn’t even let talk with his own children for more than a few minutes at a time.

I’m sorry, breathed a voice on the air.

“Stuff it, Trelia.” He grumbled. Trelia was the spirit of the wind, and the messenger of the gods. She was the only one of his own race that Jarelle occasionally talked to.

I have to erase her memory of the face you wear now, she sighed. We can’t let your cover here be blown.

Jarelle grimaced. “Fine. Do what you have to. Just don’t erase me, alright?” The slight breeze in the empty corridor picked up briefly.

Don’t worry about it, said Trelia’s voice, and the wind died away.

The frown on Elleraj’s face slowly faded away as he made his way to the guard’s quarters. Maybe a game of cards would cheer him up. He could pretend to be human for once. Get away from it all for an hour or two.

Typically, it was then, just as the infectious good humor of his guise was smoothing out his black mood, that he walked straight into someone.

Sorry for the long absence. I'll try and post more often now. By the way, I'll also try to act more often as Elleraj, rather than Jarelle.
Mutant Plot Bunnies

Is it just me, or are the plot bunnies taking advantage of my ADD?



"She doesn't even go here!"
— Damian Leigh