
Young Writers Society

Hunted 3 *Invite Only!*

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Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:01 pm
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ForsakenAngel says...

Sorry if I don't post for a while, I'm grounded and not supposed to be on. Please make sure Annie and Damon are kept in this. Here's a small Damon post, it's not much.


There were a lot of girls who could turn my head, and there weren't many who couldn't. Even loving Samantha didn't stop me from looking at other women. I didn't have high standards when it came to flirting, which says a lot. Tory just wasn't one of those girls who turned my head. Her eyes didn't hold anything interesting in them, and her mouth was always set in a way that made me want to look away from her, rather than at her.

Any women with breasts and legs and a cute face could make me look at them. Even some of the young girls here on the island made me want to take a second look, but Tory--lets not go there.

There was silence in the room for a long while as we all watched the monitors. If anyone was going to break the silence, it would be my bored self. I let out a loud sigh and smiled. I was annoyed now that Tory was here--I hated her guts. Plain and simple, but I would use my hate to get her to like me, thus making it easier for me to get my way. That was the Damon style.

My smile faded until it was completly gone. Serious time. First, I needed coffee. Ignoring Tory, I walked past her and out the door. I could feel Sam's eyes on me as I left, but didn't turn around.

(Sorry, a little brain dead. I'm at school right now >.<)
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:20 pm
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ScarlettFire says...

((Just introducing a new character.... Check the DT for his profile.))

Dimitri | Approaching/In The Monitor Room:

I passed Damon as I entered the Monitor room but couldn't decipher the look on his face. I shrugged, coming to a stop beside Tory. The bank of monitors were trained on the fort. I chanced a sideways look at the two women beside me. Tory was emotionless as ever while Samantha was just watching the screens.

Focusing my attention back on the monitors, I took note of Maiara and the lanky, dark haired boy--Micah, wasn't it?--as they crossed the short distance to another hut. Maiara...was acting strangely. "She's hiding something," I said absently, tilting my head to one side as I studied Mai. A spike of anger wound its way into me but I pushed it aside. I was not there to get angry over something--not yet.


I glanced towards the women. "Maiara Ashton," I said calmly, poised in my typical-soldier stance. "She's hiding something." I nodded to the screen focused on Maiara and the boy. She swept her hand across the front of her t-shirt, as if she were trying to get rid of a few creases. I frowned. A moment later, I heard the clicking of computer keys as Samantha brought the shot I was talking of up on a central monitor.

"How interesting."

Samantha chuckled. "Well, he did come in handy, didn't he?"

I didn't dignify that comment with an answer. I just went back to watching the monitors and Maiara as she led the boy towards another hut. Now what were they up to? Tilting my head to the other side, I watched the scene unfold with anticipation and absently fingered the gun on my hip.

((Thought I might throw a spanner in the works. Uh oh. Do you smell trouble? Cause I do. >.> ))
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:20 am
PhoenixBishop says...


Seth lay in his bed curled up in his blankets.He just wanted to curl up in a ball as tight as possible and die. Such a fate would be so much better then the empty hollowness he felt. He had run out of tears hours ago, and merely lay there in silence. His door creaked open and the unmistakable click of his sister's high heeled shoes echoing off the wood floor. Without preamble she swatted him on the head with the back of her hand, allowing the large diamond ring she wore to dig into his skull.

"Get out of bed," she snapped.

"Go away," he whined.

He could hear her suck in her teeth in annoyance and leave. He sat in silence for only a few moments before she came with the sound of another pair of feet. Seth had no doubt that it was his brother, Kevin.

Kevin did not hesitate and said nothing before yanking the end of Seth's blanket. Seth was thrown from the bed and hit his head on the end table. The world spun around him for a moment. He climbed back onto his bed and gave his siblings a sullen glare. Megan stood with her hands on her hips with a look on her face that denoted trouble. Kevin, on the other hand stood impassive. He had his hands clasped together as if he were about to pray.

"Clean him up Meg. He looks like the ball of hair we snaked out of your sink.

Megan gave him a cold glance, but grabbed Seth by the arm and pushed him to the bathroom. Seth even in his haze knew better than to fight his sister. If he made one false move she would scratch him with her nails. They were perfectly filed to be fashionable and dangerous. He decided not to be of help either and remained a dead weight as she started his bath. Once in the bath she scrubbed him down until his skin was red and raw.The whole time she did this she lamented about how pathetic he was.

"Honestly, one girl and you turn into a useless lump."

He ignored her comments and wondered if he could slip under the water and let himself drown. He doubted Megan would allow this of course.

Once he was clean Megan brought him back into the room where Kevin still remained. Megan shoved him into a chair and began to brush his hair. Seth had a feeling she had been dying to do this for ages. He usually kept his hair messy and she often complained about his slovenly way of keeping it.

Kevin nodded at Megan as if giving her some signal, but Seth did not give it much thought. "Seth, you and Megan are all the family I have and I want to protect you. The world is a dangerous place if you enter it unprepared. I had to learn this, Megan had to learn this and now you have to learn it. The weak are preyed upon. If you show even the smallest hint of weakness you'll be eaten alive."

Seth was brought out of his bubble for a moment. "But mom said..."

"Mom is dead, so listen to my words," he paused. "At this very moment you feel like your world has ended. You feel like your heart has been torn from your body."

Seth just nodded.

Kevin began to walk around the room. "Imagine that pain occurring regularly in your lifetime. Imagine constantly being used and abused by those around you. Used like Tory used you; abused like father abused you. Do you think you could survive such consistent pain?

Seth shook his head, tears coming to his eyes again. Megan yanked his head back by his hair. "Stop crying like a little baby."

"Oww stop," he wailed.

"Make me," she whispered into his ear.

Kevin did not even look over as he continued his speech. "People can get away with anything if you let them. Tory hurt you because you let her. Father hurt you because you let him." He glanced at Megan and she pushed off the chair onto his back. She put her knees on his chest.

"Father let the world hurt him. When the world took away mother he let it hurt him and he lost all sense of purpose. He turned to drinking so he could feel good."

Kevin nodded to Megan and handed her a bottle that Seth had not seen in Kevin's hands before. His observation skills were a bit impaired at the moment.

"Do you want to be like father, masking your pain with alcohol?"

Megan pried open Seth's mouth despite his protest and pored the drink down his mouth. The liquid burned his throat as it went down and it was pouring into his mouth so fast that it overflowed. It was like drowning.

"Stop, please," he managed to sputter.

"Stop her yourself," Kevin said unconcerned.

Seth couldn't take it anymore. Half of the drink had gone down his throat already and he could already feel his mind slowing. He pushed at his sisters arm, but she did not relent. He thrashed about and managed to knock her off spilling the rest of the drink all over his front.

"Good, now that the preliminaries are out of the way, we can start the real enlightenment."

For the first time that Kevin had entered the room he smiled.


Seth looked around the camp. He was a predator and the people on this island were his prey. He reminded himself this a few times and then shook away all of his doubts. He felt his stomach rumble. Hopefully they had some decent food here.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:21 pm
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eldEr says...


Okay everybody, we're on the site now.
We're going to time-skip to the next morning.
Yes, that's right-- a whole day has passed.


got trans?

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Fri May 27, 2011 12:27 pm
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Jashael says...

I think I'm lost.



I had some good food yesterday. A little girl with a weird tail had her birthday celebrated, so I guess, though food seemed a bit scarce here (just my assumptions) they - the old ones - tried their best to provide some decent food. Last night was a fine night. I got to know more about the others. We exchanged questions. It was fun, though many were remained unanswered.

I went out of the kitchen, where we - the five of us, the new ones - had slept for the evening, even before the sun had risen. No one else I was with was awake yet.

Outside, the wind blew sharply. Hugging myself and wishing I had a jacket, I walked up a tree and leaned on it. I wondered how my life would be from now on. I swear, I'd thought of it a great deal since yesterday. But it seemed like as long I was here, I'd keep on thinking of it forever.

Great sadness overtook me again. I hugged myself tighter. Everyone else was sad - a couple even mad - to be here, I guessed; except Micah. He was so silent last night. Just held a notebook, seemingly jotting everything that was happening.

I shook my head and look upwards. Through the leaves, I could see the sky. There were some thing, wispy clouds here and there, but the rest was clear so that the stars and moon, half reflecting light, half dark, could be seen. The sight gave me strength. I took grasp of a branch and started climbing the tree. I wanted to reach the stars, grasp them.

"Sallie Vermont?"
“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen:
not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”


Got a life?

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names.
— Chinese proverb