
Young Writers Society

The Veil

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Sat Apr 23, 2011 3:32 pm
jok101 says...

The year is 2015 we may not be aware of it but all around us is a world of magic. The magic world is hidden by a Veil this Veil stops mortals from being able to see magical creatures clearly if at all. However if a human has magical potential then the Veil can be lifted. Once the veil has been lifted it can’t be returned and the person must enter the world of magic and swear the oath of mages. If the oath is broken then the person will die.

You have just had your veil lifted and must now enter this new world. Even if your parents are both mages because of the oath they have had to keep it a secret until today your 15th birthday, or perhaps an uncle. Hell maybe you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now that your veil is gone you’ll have to take the oath. Once you’ve taken the oath the council will assign you a master. That master could be someone you know or it could be a complete stranger, they might not even be human, who ever it is there your master now and like them or not for the next hundred years of what will now be a very long life is going to be in service to them.

Main groups in the magical world:

Elves: You probably already know these tall pointy-eared pricks. They live with a strict Hierarchy system and make up ten percent of all the rich in the human world. Their King is called John and has been King for the last six thousand years. Elves like to think that they’re naturally better than Humans at magic the truth is that these guys just have longer lives after all you can pick up more in the average 5000 life span they have than you can in the 2500 years human mages have.

Shape shifters: These guys are human mages that have given up their magic to be given the ability to shift into one animal. [I know big disappointment mages can’t naturally use their magic to change into animals] Lone shifters often hang around it cities waiting for love or hoping to find a pack. However for the most part they live in packs out in the wild enjoying their very long lives to the full. [When a Mage becomes a Shifter it adds an extra four thousand years to their life and powerful mages sometimes change to cheat death.]

Monsters: There are all manner of monsters out their however most of them don’t talk. Most monsters don’t normally want a chat just eat you. However there are a few exceptions:

Trolls: Not the horrible looking monsters you’d expect their brutish build and nature makes them great bodyguards.

Dragons: These creatures are quite the conversationalist and live for tens of thousands of years. Great Mages are sometimes offered the chance to become a dragon when they die.

Green skins: Goblins, Orc’s and Hobgoblins: These creatures are all related species a bit like a human is related to a chimp with out actually being related. They live in tribes or clans and are often associated with illegal activities in the magic world. Even the Green skin king, currently a goblin, has a criminal empire.

Demons: These creatures are often just monsters out to kill you but there are enough of them with some logic to count as an important part of the magical world. Demons are not at all associated with the legitmate side of magic and run huge crime empires.

Angels? If you listen to a drunk demon spilling his woes chances are you’ll hear of these winged good doers however since no one else has ever seen them the chances are the demons just drunk. Or they’re more concerned with keeping order and running the world. Either way they won’t be bothering you or helping you.

[I’ve got a lot more to add like the rules of magic but since you probably want to just finish reading this I’ll post that later]


*Romance is allowed but fourth or third base are big no's.

*I’m afraid no magical animal comrades( not because they don’t exist just because your character has only just realized their identity and thus hasn’t had a chance to find one)

*No god modding (yep the bread of a rules list now where’d I put the butter)

*No killing off others characters (found it, full fat, none of that fake shit for you guys)

*No excessive swearing with out reason (I have to put this here can you f**king tell)

*Don’t double post unless the othesr have decided to not post back for at least twenty four hours

*Since I want your character to be important and have your full attention It’s one character per person.

*550 characters minimum (ha I found more butter)




Age: (Its 15 for everyone but put it their any way so no one forgets ☺)

Appearance: (I’d prefer no pictures of perfect people but if that’s how your character is meant to be just remember to mention they’ve always been pretty)

Personality: (include some of their vices here too)

Magic in the Family: e.g Uncle, mother and father, just brother (If no one in your characters family is magical other than you that fine it doesn’t put you at a disadvantage it’s just to streamline the history section of the profile)


Magical object: (Hell yeah, you got one it can be whatever you want I stress you try and be more original than throwing knives, especially since if someone steals your object they can drain you dry)

Up for love:

Master: (Master doesn’t have to be human but can’t be a demon, green skin or Monster include their age, name and race but nothing else it will be up you when you write them to craft them)


The Stage is yours....
(Post your profiles now:)
Last edited by jok101 on Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Reviews: 29
Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:59 pm
jok101 says...

*Posting the Rules of magic and Certain important NPC's in the world so you can get a better feel for the world.

Rules of magic

Every Mage has two types of magic their base magic (this is the magic that every mage has locked inside them and can be used with out their Amp) and their wand magic (This magic that you channel through your magical weapon or Amp).

Base magic: This is for your easy tricks like controlling the elements, casting curses and charms. Curses are magical symbols cast with base magic and implanted on an object e.g wall, brick, Baseball. Curses are attacking symbols where as charms are defensive. For example if you enchanted a brick with a curse to protect against someone when they picked it up or got close to it the curse would blow the person away however if you put a charm of the brick when the person the brick was enchanted agains it would form a shield around the brick. Extremely powerful mages can use wand magic as if it is base magic.

Wand magic: Base magic might be good against monsters, humans and other creatures that can't use magic but if you come up against a mage your base magic will be practically useless you might knock them down with a strong breeze but anything stronger than that and they'll just counter with something that would make you wish you hadn't even tried. The magic emitted from an Amp is a different colour for each person. Every mage can only ever have one Amp the longer a mage is away from his Amp the weaker he becomes. If an Amp is stolen the magic locked away with in it can be drained the process takes time however and isn't a fight ender. When a Mage is drained via their Amp one of two things happens. One they die, two they loose their magic but stay alive, when the second option occurs the person becomes know as a Morge.

The Amp is the most important weapon in a Mages arsenal for one reason more than any other it unlocks the Vortex. The vortex is a mages greatest tool and deadliest weapon when using the vortex all that a mage who is not in the vortex can see is a blur of that persons magic colour. Mages often fight each other in the vortex it slows down time thus a more powerful mage is faster in the vortex than a less powerful mage. The vortex can also be used to track other mages and teleport from one place to another.

Persons of interest

Authortarians: These mages are selected by the council to maintain order and hold mages responsible for their actions. Only powerful mages are chosen to become Authortarions and are a force to be reckoned with. They can excute Mage under a thousand years of age without a trial and even mages older than a thousand years come out of the trial any diffrent than if they'd died the day they were arrested.

Judgetorion: These mages have transcended the base/wand magic barrier and can use all types of magic without the need for an Amp they can even take people with them in the vortex. They lock away their amps in secret places protected by spells and enchantments however theirs amps are normally kept within reach as every year they have to return to their amp to replenish there strength. Judgetorions are often respected in the community their are currently only seven alive. They have no particular job that they are sworn too this is just a title given to them. However they are above the law and are thus expected to uphold it.

The Council: The Council govern the magical world it is made up of all the aspects of the magical world. Their are ten members:

King Jonath thorn: The elf king he is the only creature to have held a seat on the council since the beginning of the council 4000 years ago.

King Galemeth: the green skin king his seat on the council has switched hands the most since the start of the council.

Authortarion Able: The leader of the Authortarions and the security forces of the Council (C.S.F)

King Hawker: The dragon king he rarely attends the council however his Queen, Gladys, often attends. It has been noted that since a seat was created for the dragon monsters attacks have decreased leading some to believe the Dragons are actually doing something.

Secretary Jane: The second in command of the operation of the council this woman has carved herself a name in the world. She is expected to be the next high chancellor.

High chancellor Adams: The leader of the council he is the only Judgetorion to hold a seat on the council and has led it for the last thousand years.

Grand marshal Lore: The man in command of the council's magical army. The C.M.A is made up of human mages and trolls those who are most loyal to the council. Green skin armies and Elven armies are only loyal to their kings. Fear of the C.M.A is all that keeps the green skin king part of the council.

Queen Emerald Thorn: The elven queen when it come to the council she is strictly political and will disagree with her husband and often votes against him.

Captain Barker: A powerful troll he is the leader of the High chancellors bodyguard and is the only person, other than the high chancellor, privy to the where-abouts of the High chancellors Amp. Being a troll he is dim witted and agree with the Chancellor on everything.

The Senex: The oldest human mage alive is given a place on the council and the Senex is old he's been around for the last three thousand years. He rarely takes sides of trivial things and tries his best to keep the peace.

(Thats all I've made for this world so far the rest of it is ready for you to populate with your ideas)

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Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:10 pm
megsug says...

Name: Sloane King

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Appearance: She has thick, brown hair that has a natural red tinge that's normally in a french braid and freckles over her cheeks and nose. She has brown eyes that are always sparkling and very light eyelashes and eyebrows. She stands at 5' 7 and appears very willowy because of her less than average weight. Normally, she's wearing red converse shoes, paint spattered jeans and a ratty T-shirt. She has a scar running down the inside of her left arm.

Personality: Sloane has a hard time with authority. She's a free spirit and would rather do her own thing than be bossed around. She not so much a trouble maker as a bad listener though she can get in a sly mood where she'll take play multiple pranks on someone who's gotten on her bad side, normally a figure of authority.
She's a bit of a clown. Laughter is a stress reliever for her. If she begins to crack multiple jokes with little to no humor, something's wrong.
She's creative and was pushing her uncle for some schooling in the arts so she could expand her painting skills when the viel was lifted. Because of her creativity, she's very open minded. This new world of magic isn't very hard for her to accept.
She's used to getting her way, and doesn't really care what other people think though, if people begin to insult her continously, she either gets angry or hurt.

Magic in the Family: Magic runs through the women in Sloane's family. When her grandmother had only boys, she thought the line of talented mages would be ended, but instead it just skipped a generation. Unbeknowst to anyone in the family, Sloane's crazy uncle has also had his veil lifted.

History: Sloane comes from a family that has been well off forever. Her father was practical minded and took no nonsense. Her mother was more of the open minded woman, Sloane is turning out to be. She didn't think about elves and trolls, but she accepted the odd ideas of the normal world.
When her parents died in a car accident, Sloane was the only survivor at age nine. She came out with only a scar running down the inside of her left arm. She went to live with her rather odd uncle and has been pretty happy with the help of weekly therapy for four years. She knows her uncle was gone on very long business trips but never thought anything of it until recently.

Magical object: It doesn't have to be a weapon? ...Uh... A locket of her dead grandmother's I suppose.

Up for love: Yeppers

Master: Cameron Leif (Apologize for the cheesy name)


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Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:00 pm
Rabbit says...

Name: Amovea Beluinus (I'm terrible with names.)

Gender: Female.

Age: (Ohkay c:) 15.

Appearance: Amovea is a fair-skinned Korean girl, who has been brought up in Britain. She is not the prettiest, but nor is she too ugly. Amovea likes to consider herself in the middle, but even so wears a little bit of make-up such as mascara and foundation.

Amovea's hair is extremely dark, and although it may seem black, it is actually brown; just like her eyes. Her hair is naturally curly, but Amovea dislikes this, and so to keep it out of her way she is almost always seen wearing some sort of hair accessory.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Amovea is just another average fifteen year old that wants to have fun, apart from the whole 'having her veil lifted' thing. She doesn't consider herself to be very funny, but she loves other people who tell jokes and manage to make her laugh (which is fairly easy). She is very sensitive when other's tease and taunt her, and although most would go into a depressive state, Amovea would rather plot her revenge -- but she never goes through with it.

Magic in the Family: Both of her brothers had their veils lifted too, and when Amovea experienced it they were there to guide her and introduce her to the new world.

History: Amovea was born in South Korea, but at only a few months old her family traveled to England where a lot of their relatives lived. Since she had not been taught any language during her time spent in Korea, English is the only language she can speak fluently as it is her mother tongue.

When she started secondary school, she was just another girl, not popular yet not the nerdy one. She had a nice, normal life, studying dentistry and what-not, but her whole life changed when the veil was lifted when she was fifteen.

Magical object: Amovea's sight is not very adept, and so she uses a close range melee weapon known as a Katar. Attached to it is a charm bracelet her brothers have passed down to her. It is attached by string, and a lot of the time Amovea loses it and retraces her steps in order to find it.

Up for love: Maybe, we'd probably have to discuss it through the PMing system, but I'm more up for friendship.

Master: Figur Medeis, shapeshifter, 1028 years old.

Other: Nothing else c:
"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars."
--Brian Littrell.

Just think happy thoughts and you'll fly.
— Peter Pan