
Young Writers Society

Cspr and MLC's dragon idea

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Sat May 07, 2011 1:56 pm
MilkNCookies says...

"Would you just hurry up, Kai?! We'll be late!" I hissed, pushing on my red, one inch high-heels. It's the max that James Crawford High School.

"So?" He replied, shrugging. His brown hair fell into the milk, concealing the golden part from view. He ate his cereal One. Grain. At. A. Time.

I wanted to pull his hair out. Instead, I just took his bowl and splashed it into the sink, my ears as red as my hair, seething with anger.

"Hey, I wasn't done!" He hissed, golden eyes flashing with surprised anger.

"Now you are."

He groaned, grabbing his icky bag. Me? I grabbed a totally in-fashion, big side-strap purse. The color matched my eyes, a nice chocolate brown.

I walked from our Victorian-styled home and into our old, worn-out sedan with a sigh. I was only 10,000$ away from that new race car-looking one. Only 10,000$.

Next thing I knew, after about fifteen minutes of traffic (in which Kai was cursing out all of the other stupid drivers) we could see the school. It was the sort of thing you expect to see in a book. A huge, brick complex with ivy crawling up the sides. I swung Mom's old car into the first spot, before dashing out. Today was practice for our play, Pirates.

The inside of the building was no different than the outside. It was old-fashioned and a tad run down.

"Kara, where have you been, girl?" Cried one of my friends as I was swallowed by a huge hug.

"Kai wouldn't get up."

"Oh. Kai." She said, backing away.

"Why, you have a problem with him, Daniella?"

She shook her head. "Can I trust you?"

"Of course!"

"I... well..." She moved her lips really close to my ear. "I sorta like him."

I giggled uncontrollably. "You like K-"

"Shh!" She replied. "Well, anyways, Mr. Tanner'll have our butts if we don't get back to practice."

I nodded, following her as she ran, the click-clack or our heels making a wondrous sound.


"Kai, where are you?" I called outside, sweaty from wearing a corset for hours. A huge bird circled overhead of us, like a death omen or something. We needed to get home- it was a weekend practice, and I had to go to work now.

"What? I'm over here." He said, stuffing a pipe sort of thing in his back pocket. A few of his friends followed after him, their pipes still hanging from their mouths. "I gotta go. Sister and all." He said to them. Both boys were about twice his height, yet they thought of him as their master or something.

"Kara, can you give us a ride?" Daniella cried, her sister- who was a freshman- following in suit.

"Sure thing, Dani." I said, giggling as Daniella and Kai caught sight of each other and both looked away.

A deafening cry emerged, making us all cover our ears. We were almost knocked down my a ferocious spurt of wind when something emerged in front of us.

I looked the snorting, ferocious dragon costume up and down.

"Wrong play, Dani." I told her. But she was pale.

And I realized it wasn't a costume.

I began to run before the dragon grabbed me by the chest. I freaked out, squirming and screaming.

"Get away from... sister!" I hears from the ground as the Dragon looked down.

"Conus, can you get those ones? If we bring six, the Elders will be quite pleased. I'll get those." Said something, as the dragon pointed to the girls.

"Run!" I screamed, in hysterics. But the female dragon grabbed the two girls with her other claw before they could take one step.

It's breath was terrible as I drew me up to eye-level. It was cruel, hating, and merciless- I could tell.

"Kai! Kai!" I screamed between crazy sobs. My life was over. This dragon as going to kill me, I was going to die!

My face was soaked when another dragon came up my captor, looking at me.

"Don't you cry, little one." It said. It had yellow-gold eyes and purple scales, an odd concoction. I turned away and sobbed even louder. Partially because the dragon was squeezing me so hard. Partially because I was going to die.

Next thing I knew, the dragon crouched, and took off. My tears flew in the wind behind us, sending a desperate plea for help to anyone who would listen to them.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Thu May 12, 2011 2:17 am
Cspr says...


Kara had been her usual annoying self this morning. Oh, Kai, you have to wake up two bloody hours early because I have to get there and socialize. Oh, Kai, don’t use up all the hot water--in a five minute shower. Oh, Kai, are you really going to go out dressed like that?

Honestly, she was turning into my mother--I didn’t need two of those. The queen of the house was bad enough. Kara didn’t have to go all princess Bloody Mary on me.

I thought on that. That was the right historical figure--?

“We’ll be late!” my sister squawks suddenly. I just ignore her and hope she’ll go away. Honestly, we’re so early--

“So?” I ask, grumbling. It’s not like it matters, anyway. She’s some drama geek, going nowhere, and I’m a loser, going nowhere. We might as well get ourselves low-income jobs and call it quits.

I jerk back as Kara suddenly grabs my bowl of cereal and dumps it into the sink.

Oh, it’s going to be like that is it?

Stupid redheads.


So, I’m not really sure what the heck is going on. Kara was in another play and since neither of our parents decided to even come, I was forced to sit through it and be her number one fan or some such shiz. I don’t think she noticed me, though. I tried to clap when she spoke, though. Somehow that got me dirty glances, but whatever.

I think there was something about pirates in it. It looked sort of like that. ‘Course, with all those corsets it looked like some dated romance, like the shiz my mom hid in her dresser, same with my dad hiding his lady-mags in his dresser.


Honestly, maybe I shouldn’t dig through everyone’s stuff.

I snap back to attention as the whole assemble or whatever comes forward and does this sort of bow thing in a wonky-line. What? I thought those two holding hands were trying to kill each other. What is this shiz?


So, ahem. I have this--ah, thing, I do. Nothing serious. Mostly I just fake it and--never mind.

So I was hanging with Zachary and Mitch, as per usual, and then Kara started squawking again or something but I sort of tuned it out.
Was I supposed to bring flowers?

Think I was supposed to bring flowers.

See? I mess everything up. I really need to just go and work at an industrial laundry. That would suit me, I think. I can handle blood rather nicely.

All the sudden, I notice something--off. A shadow, but not shaped right. I look up, hand blocking the glare of the sun, and see two swirling dark shapes. They look like kites, but there’s no string--or sign of one.
And then they move closer.

My mouth pops open soundlessly.


Everything that happens next is blurry. I'd yelled, a lot, I know. Now I'm hoarse. I know I jabbed the pipe I hang on to into some chink in the dragon’s scales, but that didn't work. Of course, I wouldn't want the dragon dropping me now. It also has some guy in its claws and, yeah, suicide and murder--not my thing. Anyway, nothing worked. Not kicking, biting, scratching, stabbing at with whatever possible, or screaming. I don’t think anyone even saw what happened to us back at that school.

That’s what sets my heart pounding. I don’t want to be that sort of statistic. I don’t want to be some random kid that just is poof gone. No, I would want my parents to know what happened if I died, or got kidnapped. Like what’s going on now.

Can dragons kidnap people?

All I know is, this isn’t real. And I didn’t do shiz today, or the day before. Faked it, like I said. And--this isn’t real. It can’t be. Zach must’ve done something. He always pulls stuff like that.

My brain tells me, while logical, it's highly doubtful. I don't think anything can make you have all the sensations of having a dragon holding you--scales chafing your skin, exterior all too hot, claws wrapping you in a near-death hold, faint puffs of smoke whenever the dragon exhales making you choke on occasion, from the stench partly.

Finally, I just force myself to look around. The thin air that we hit when we shot up knocked most of the kiddies out, or they fainted. I don’t even know. Kara’s out, same with a few they also got. Some nerdy kid that’s in one of my classes, I think--he's in the clawed foot next to me. Then in the other dragon's talons, their outlines getting fainter and fainter. But I know who they are. There's some Asian chick I don't know and that hippie girl who always hovers near me for one reason or another. One other I can’t make out, too--pressed up back-to-back with the Asian chick.

My nose wrinkles in disgust.

Zachary and Mitch, they’re good. Same with that girl who stalks me (that might’ve been fun, I mean, she’d need comforting--comforting involves touching). Safe. Perfectly fine. Perhaps scarred for life and already in straitjackets but probably not intended dinner.


Some days I hate my life.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Thu May 12, 2011 10:42 pm
MilkNCookies says...


My eyes were sore from crying. Sore! The dragon glanced down at me as I choked again, partially because it was squeezing the life out of me and partially because of its rancid breath.

"Breath, human." It hissed.

I tried to gasp, but swallowed more smoke and coughed more. It had been hours, I think, since we were at the school. I had run out of tears and a voice a while back. The dragon carrying me, who had swerved out of earshot from the other dragon carrying the boys, banked towards it.

"Why can't humans accept being kidnapped sometimes?" The voice demanding- I think it was a girl.

"Well, would you accept some sort of ogre taking your food?" The other asked- a male, definitely.

The female holding me snarled. "No."


After a few hours more, it was the middle of the day. "I need... food... water..." I coughed. The dragon, its eyes hostile, glanced down at me.

"Fine. Conus, we're landing." She hissed. The purple dragon nodded, shifting its bat-like wings downward. We landed clumsily, in the middle of some sort of forest reserve. The dragons released us.

I tried to run, but, between the dragon's quick reflexes and my heels, was caught quickly.

"None of that. Conus, I'll go get food. You look after the humans."

The purple Dragon- Conus- nodded, though his face was like stone, staring at us.

"You need rest to, Nyoka. Don't be gone too long."

The female- Nyoka- nodded in turn, before thrusting with her back legs and taking off.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Sun May 15, 2011 4:51 pm
Cspr says...


I let out a shaky sigh the second my feet touch the ground. The larger dragon had dropped me pretty fast and now my feet were firmly on itchy grass and crumbly dirt and it never felt so good. My knees bent and I was down on the ground in an instant, shivering.

"Kara?" I call out, looking wildly around. All I can see is the geeky boy sitting beside me where he fixes his glasses, the Asian girl who seems to be looking around, and trees. There's--

There she is. By a log, halfway across the expansive clearing the dragons had decided to land in--for reasons unknown. (Did dragons even have reasoning skills? I wouldn't know.) I try to get up but find I'm just too winded. My side hurts, but I don't think it's anything serious. The flight, the heat, and the smoke all got to my head and now I'm wimping out. No big deal. I imagine some body builders might.

"Kai? I'm over here!" Kara yells back. Her voice is muted and something about it--it makes me shudder. I can't help it. Being so far away from her and feeling so lost, hearing her sound wrong like that--

I shudder again. "Can you come 'ere, please? I mean, are you okay? I need to make sure-- Mom will kill me if you're not and--"

"Would you please shut your cake-hole?"

My head snaps around and I look at a rather large male--all clenched fists and high contrast, pasty skin and dark eyes and hair. His eyes are fierce and there's anxiety written all over his features, but unlike the others I can see, he doesn't look dazed.

"Excuse me?" I ask.

He shakes his head, looking mildly disgusted. "I'm trying to find a way out of this mess. Frick. Can't you shut up?" He shakes his head again and looks around. His gaze catches on the black-purple dragon, whose scales remind me of grackle feathers, and he does a full-body-shudder thing. I notice that the dragon's golden gaze is locked on him and its tail is flicking, making me think of a cat getting ready to pounce, and I begin to feel sorry for the potentially dangerous and funnily butch-looking kid.

He puts a hand to his forehead and just walks over to the Asian girl and sits down. I notice red marks on her arms and I wince. Lucky for both me and the other guy, not sure about the others, we don't have that. 'Course, both me and that other guy are wearing old-fashioned leather jackets--mine bomber-style, his something out of a flea market.

I look over at the nerdy kid. Yep. Sunburn-like marks on his arms, too.

Everything is near silent for a minute--the sound of far-off running water, a few crow caws, and the dragon's all-too-loud breathing the only things breaking the silence.

That is, until Kara speaks up once again. She never knew how to keep quiet. Today maybe that's a good thing.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Sun May 15, 2011 5:23 pm
MilkNCookies says...


"Please let me wake up... Please, let me wake up..." I muttered to myself, pinching my arm repeatedly. That didn't help me wake, or relieve the marks.

The golden dragon is watching a big-looking boy I hadn't seen before, who was sitting next to Daniella. My entire body frame was shaking with sobs that had to tears. I somehow wiggled my way over to Kai, rubbing my arms.

"I want to go home, Kai." I mumbled. "I want to see mom, I want to feed the dog, I even would rather clean the entire house! I just want to go home. I don't want to die."

He just glared into he distance.

"Shh. I think someone's watching us." He replied.

"Duh, the Dragon thing."

"Other than tha-"

Out of the brush bursts some sort of park ranger. "Holy..." He mumbles, looking the dragon up an down. "Im'ma need some back-up, Sarge." He sputters into the walkie-talkie. "Quite a trick you've got there. What is it? Nylon?" He asked, hands in his belt as he walks up to us. The shaky call of sirens could be heard in the distance.

"It's not a trick." One of the boys, the big one, said. Conus growled alarmingly, before- without warning, he lunges forward and gobbles up the officer. But, before I knew it, we were surrounded by officers.

"Well, we're leaving. Way to crash our party." Conus hissed. One single bullet fired at his wing, making him howl in pain. Than another bullet. Than another. "Get on!" He cried. The kids, knowing they'd die like the officers will if they didn't oblige, climbed into his claws.

I was last to get there; there wasn't any room in either claw.

"Just climb on my back!"

Worridly, shakily, I did. And it wasn't all that uncomfortable either. He rocketed into the sky, before a plume of fire struck the entire mass of officers, leaving the trees burning. No one was escaping that.

All in all, I think we were missing one of the other girls. I clung tightly to a spike as he flew onward, and called for Nyoka.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:21 pm
Cspr says...


In particular, I'd never really liked roller-coasters. I'd always felt like I was going to fall off. And the feeling in my stomach, well, I'd never liked that either.

Hence, this--this was horrible.

I clung to one of the claws, eyes closed and heart pounding. The purplish-scaled dragon had eaten some sort of uniformed authority. Eaten him. Like he was a two-bite brownie. It had been--too much. I still couldn't believe it had even happened. It had just been so quick.

And now, smashed up with Kara's friend, Daniella, I wasn't having much luck. Sure, it was nicer than be squeezed with Glasses over there, who looked ready to puke, but--

Gah. This was just so frickin' awkward.

"Kara?" I asked, calling soft--hoping not to alarm the hurt, angry beastie that had us a few hundred feet up about now. "You okay?"

I decided then my worst nightmare would be if she didn't respond. Fallen off somehow along the way and I hadn't done the proper thing and kept an eye on her. Take care of Kara. Honestly, I had one thing to do--take care of my sister. My parents didn't want much else. I wasn't much of a model student as it were. And if I failed this?

I couldn't imagine being without my twin, either.
My SPD senses are tingling.

All truly wise thoughts have been thought already thousands of times; but to make them truly ours, we must think them over again honestly, till they take root in our personal experience.
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe