
Young Writers Society

Beasties vs. Clankers: A Leviathan storybook (accepting!)

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Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:38 pm
RedBird says...

Okay, so this storybook is based on Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan trilogy. These books are about an alternate history in which World War I was fought between the conflicting technologies of steampowered machinery and bioengineered animals.

The Plot:
War has just erupted between the major powers of Europe: The United Kingdom and the German/Austro-Hungarian Empire. The latter, called Clankers, use massive, steampowered machines to both fight and travel. The Allies in Europe, which include the UK, Russia, France, etc. all make use of bioengineered organisms (Beasties) for transportation and conflict. These opposing technologies are part of the reason for tension between the Allies and the Germans and Austro-Hungarians, but the last straw came when the Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated.
Now, with the militaries of both sides mobilized, recruitment is heavy everywhere. Youngsters from both the Allied powers and the Germans/Austro-Hungarians are joining up, ready to fight for their countries and their ways of life. As skirmishes grow more violent and more soldiers die, it becomes apparent that the very integrity of the world is at stake. As animals fights machine, the question grows: Whose technology will overcome the other and become the dominant force?

You are a new, young recruit in the military of either the UK or the Austro-Hungarian Empire. If you are a Clanker, then you are a midshipman on the German Land Ship Skorpion, a giant, eight-legged machine that can travel long distances and is armed with the finest weaponry available. If you are a Beastie, then you are a midshipman on the Airship Leviathan, which was engineered from a sperm whale, and breathes hydrogen to stay afloat.

So choose a side and gear up, because it's Beastie versus Clanker and the fight is going to be fierce.

Now...characters! You should be from around age 14-20. You can be a girl or a boy, but remember that in the 1910s, girls were still not accepted into the military, and so you'll have to be masquerading as male. Other than that, be creative!




Beastie or Clanker:







-All usual YWS rule apply (No god-modding, etc.)
-There will undoubtably be violence, but please, don't let it get too gory.
-Likewise with language: there will be some, it's inevitable in the military, but no one wants to read posts that are primarily cursing.
-No sex scenes.
-Have fun!

If you have any questions PM me!

Here's the DT...topic76751.html
Last edited by RedBird on Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:08 pm
RedBird says...

Name: James Smith

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Beastie or Clanker: Beastie

Appearance: James is a redhead and his face is covered with freckles. He has bright green eyes and his hair is almost always messed up. He always wears his brother's old boots from when he was a midshipman, and generally wears a loose shirt and a leather trench coat, when not in uniform.

Personality: James is very friendly and always has a kind word for others. Unfortunately, he is also prone to sarcasm when angry or annoyed, which is detrimental in the military, where one is almost always annoyed with a superior officer for one thing or another. He is also fiercly protective of his friends and family and will help them, whatever the cost to himself.

Strengthes/Weaknesses: James is excellent with both a sword and the airpistols that are used on board the airship; he very loyal and friendly and tries to find peaceful ways to resolve conflict. He is prone to sarcasmm, however, and can be very compulsive.

History: Ever since his brother took to the air a 5 years ago and was killed in a skirmish with airpirates, James has wanted to follow in his footsteps. He has worked hard to get the postition of midshipman, and he will do what ever it takes to stay there.

Other: Up for love...if there's ever a chance!
Last edited by RedBird on Sat Feb 26, 2011 10:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:26 pm
Threnody says...

Name: Ellis Carter (She's pretending to be her twin brother Emery)

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Beastie or Clanker: Beastie

Appearance: Ellis has a dancers build but a slightly boyish figure, which makes it easier to carry on her deception. She stands about 5'7'' and has cut her pale blonde hair in a choppy style that hangs slightly over her eyes. She dresses in the standard military uniform. She has very sharp features and grey eyes that seem eternally stern, even when she smiles. She has an imposing stance that makes her seem taller than she is. Though her appearance is softer than her brother's, it's only really obvious if you knew them personally.

Personality: Ellis is tough, strong and looks like she knows what she's doing. She keeps up the perfect military-man appearances. She's not much of a talker, but when she ever speaks, doesn't talk crap. She won't take any shit from anyone either and has been warned about engaging in violent fights with someone who pissed her off. She's very introspective and kind of wistful sometimes. She's a good listener and always the first confidante people choose to tell their secrets to. She's not a born leader, but can hold her own. She's spontaneous and doesn't like to travel the beaten path... she'll make a point to go the other way. She has a go-with-the flow type of feeling towards ambition. If an opportunity arises to take a higher position, sure she will, but she's not into funny business. She can't stand arrogant people, and, ironically, liars. She tries to be as honest as she can despite the fact that she's living a lie.

Strengthes/Weaknesses: She has an excellent eye and can hit a target from long distances away. Though she's always equipped with a long range sniper-type of fire-arm, if close combat is required she can take it away with an antique broadsword that was her father's. She is awful at hand to hand combat though and feels completely lost without any type of weapon, legitimate or improvised. She has a very high pain tolerance but holds grudges a little too deeply.

History: She lived in the slums of London. Her mother was a prostitute as her dad had died fighting in the skirmish of 1895, when a German force released their newest prototype, cat-sized spider creatures that could take a soldier down, tear out his throat and move on to the next one. She was always able to make do, but her twin brother Emery always wanted more. He signed up for the army and instead got assigned to an airship. He thought this was insulting and refused the job. However, this was as good as deserting and a search warrant went out, threatening prison or death for him and his family if he didn't return. Ellis and her mother waited, but when he didn't return Ellis stepped up to take his place, assuming his identity. So far she's working as a standing officer, specifically a gunner and a stand-in navigation officer (The last one fell of the airship in a drunk fight.) So far her true identity has been obscured, and she has a respected reputation in the airship.

Other: Up for love.
“One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes”
~ The Little Prince~

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Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:35 pm
Skull3670 says...

Name: Mikael Eisenstein

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Beastie or Clanker: Clanker

Appearance:6ft2 with medium length shaggy blonde hair and deep sea blue eyes. Tends to have goggles perched on his head with overalls and work gloves.

Personality: A tinkerer. He doesn't understand why the war is necessary. He is more caught up in working on such a vast a beautiful machine. He is charming and sweet but really has no idea when it comes to girls.

Strengthes/Weaknesses: Technologically skilled and fights reasonable well due mostly to his size. Paralyzing fear of heights.

History: His father worked aboard an airship as a maintenance officer and while his mother raised him at home. At 16 he began working along side his father. After only a few short months there was a terrible battle which badly damaged the craft. While Mikael was working working outside on hull repairs the ship was attacked and braught down killing his father. He was found with bad burns to his right shoulder and chest. Since then he refuses to leave the safety of a ground vehicle. He is now serving his standard military service and recent completed basic training.

Other: Up for love. Fights with a pair of repeating steam pistols (which he keeps on him in thigh holsters) and a rapier.
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

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Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:12 pm
tolkienrocks says...

Name: Niklas Fuchs

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Beastie or Clanker: Clanker

Appearance: Very small, 4'10", but he is wiry. He has green eyes and black hair that is cropped short to his head to ensure it doesn't become caught on machinery. He is almost perpetually covered in oil and grease.

Personality: Soft spoken, but immensely interested in other officer's war stories. He is wary of making friends, as he has lost many. Leads the other Oil Rats through strength of personality. He has difficulty seeing the bigger picture, but can see smaller details no one else can.

Strengthes/Weaknesses: His small size makes him ideal for the job of Oil Rat, boys that supply oil and parts to the many intricate and cramped pieces of machinery in the walker. He knows every inch of the Scorpion, from the legs to the main gun. Because of his time spent inside the tiny confines of the walker, he has a crippling fear of open spaces, which oddly does not translate into fear of heights.

History: Orphaned at a young age, when he was twelve he was picked up out of the sewers of Berlin a and impressed into the army. Originally serving on another smaller, less well-run walker, he saw three of his fellow Oil Rats killed brutally by malfunctioning machinery. When the captain of the walker was killed, a lieutenant from the Scorpion noticed his skill and requested his transfer the Scorpion. Despite having proved himself in many battles, he has not progressed beyond Oil Rat rank.

Other: Up for love. Although Oil Rats rarely see battle, he is allowed to carry a small revolver.
“It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.” ~J.R.R. Tolkien

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:27 pm
Skull3670 says...


I stood, sweating in the heat of the hydraulics, desperately attempting to wrench a badly bent cog from a joint array. We'd been hit by a group of beasty dog fighters known as the hornets. In the attack they had bombed a leg and manage to take out a knee joint. Thankfully the skorpion could continue but our speed was reduced meaning all available engineers were working on this. Finally the cog came free and i loaded into a trolley for one of the Grease Monkeys to take for re-smelting. I lifted the brand new cog, filed down two of the splines and slid it into the space before releasing the holding lever allowing it to move with the others once again. I picked up a radio off the table and dialled through.
"Central i need a Grease monkey for a trolley removel to the Foundry and i could use a Oil Rat down here with some formula six. That bomb realy did a number but the knee should be back soon."
"Alright Mikey. There on there way."
"Thanks Nexus." I put down the radio and began on the next cog. After a while i heard a grunt and the trundle of wheels as the trolley was removed and replaced. Finally i heard some light padding of feet and turned to see the familiar face of Niklas.
"Hi Nik."
"Mikey," he nodded. He always was a quiet boy.
"The fresh cogs need some formula six. Actually you wouldn't happen to have a three bar screwdriver on you would you? I dropped mine while i was working and no ones brought me a new one." He grinned and produced a small screw driver from his sleeve.
"It landed on me when i was oiling over on leg 5."
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:59 pm
RedBird says...


As the Leviathan drifts across the sky, I wonder about the German dreadnought that we passed not too long ago. It was being attacked by some of our lot, some nasty-looking beasties that were a cross between dogs and hawks. They'd dropped a bomb on one of the dreadnought's legs, and I'd seen the ship stop, crippled. Even though I know that we're at war with Germany, and that they would bring the Leviathan, my home, out of the sky just like that, it still pains me to watch people getting injured like that. Through my spyglass I could see a boy, not much older than me, beginning to work on the broken leg-workings.
I shudder. Clankers and their machines. It's like they've forgotten all about nature and where they come from. I put away my spyglass and continue to walk along the Leviathan's spine, passing some hydrogen sniffers along the way. They snort eagerly at the bag I'm carrying, which is full of figs.

"Those aren't for you, beasties!" I laugh, scratching one of the sniffers behind the ear, "You wouldn't like what they've got inside them, anyhow!" I laugh again, thinking of the steel spike embedded in each fig. These are for the flechette bats, one of the Leviathan's main weapons.
Just when I'm about to reach the bat roost, a message lizard catches up with me.

"Mr. Smith," it says, in a voice exactly like that of the bosun, "Your presence is requested on the bridge! End message."

I stare at the wee beastie. Why would they want me on the bridge? Have I done something wrong? I wrack my brains, but nothing comes to mind. Which is when I chance to look down, and see the Clanker missile coming straight for us.
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:05 pm
Skull3670 says...

Mikael Eisenstein

I took the screwdriver from Niklas and returned to work. After a while i heard the padding of feet once more as he scuttled away to some other work. Finally the klaxon rang signalling that the leg was operational. With a series of gurgles and clangs the leg lowered and dug into the ground. SUddenly the comms blared to life.
"The Stinger is preparing for launch. All those combat trained report to stations. If they sink low enough i want those harpoons ready to fire!"
As one the entire crew roared back.
"Yes Commander."
People began surging around the various decks, moving to there designated positions. I ran over to check on the Mk.II assault spiders and prepare them for launch as soon as the harpoons were in place.
Finally there was an enormous bang, followed by a sharp whistling as the Stinger rocket blasted into the sky. As i peered around i could see harpooners sighting up and the frightened looks of fear on the faces of the latest recruits. Finally i powered up each of the Mk.II's and loaded them into there launchers. If that rocker hit, we were all ready.
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

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Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:50 pm
Kobain72 says...

is this still open?
"This is my plan of attack"

"Hmmm, looks more like a pin to me"

"No, it's definitely a tac"

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Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:18 pm
RedBird says...

It sure is!
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:32 pm
Kobain72 says...

Name: Matthew Glibbsteig (Glib-st-ee-g)

Gender: Male

Age: sixteen years old

Beastie or Clanker: Clanker

Appearance: 5'9", mousey brown hair and wide, green eyes. Badly kept teeth and clothes and healed burns up his arms

Personality: A mute. Lightly timid and curious; rarely mean-spirited. Does what he's told most of the time and this is why he fights the beasties, not through any particular hate of them.

Strengths/Weaknesses: very good with the machines, inquisitive/not brilliant at communicating without his slab (a touch-screen pad with an average battery life who's only useful function is typing messages although many believe he's added more, possibly useless, applications....yes, it's a bit like an iPad)

History: he knows he's always been a mute but very little else is known about him as few people have the time to delve deeper. Raised by his mother who is now missing

Other: doesn't believe in goats

also up for love although it isn't really on his mind at the moment
"This is my plan of attack"

"Hmmm, looks more like a pin to me"

"No, it's definitely a tac"

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Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:46 pm
Skull3670 says...

Mikael - Clanker

I looked back to the Assault Spiders examinig there fearsome visage. They were built to an obvious spider shape but the hairs on there legs and the underside of there bodies were instead hundreds of tiny, razor sharp hooks and there mandibles were instead motorised small meat grinders. Truly dangerous machines.
Suddenly the whistling ended with a dull thud followed by the concussive blast as the rocket detonated.
I heard what i thought was deep bass moan, possibly from there craft itself. I looked up and it seemed to sag slightly in the air. This was quickly followed by a chorus of rattles from the harpoon guns.
Some of the harpoons caught but the airship seemed in good enough condition to tug back slightly.
Then i heard a worrying clank. I turned and saw my worst nightmare. The spiders hadn't launched and were trying to activate in the launcher. I grabbed the comms and called up to Nexus.
"I need an extra set of hands over here now!" I yelled
"I'll see who's free and get them over there asap."
"Thanks Nex."
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

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Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:56 pm
Kobain72 says...

Matthew Glibbsteig

Matt banged his elbow three times rushing down the pointlessly narrow corridor. He barely winced, just kept going. The damn thing stretched for a quarter of a mile and reached up vertically countless miles to a perspex ceiling, but was only a foot and a half wide. It was also, unfortunately, the fastest route between Matt's bunk and the beginning of his shift maintaining the twelfth engine. "Only a temporary measure, dear" he'd been told ten days ago; but after that long of them all alternating every six hours checking it didn't implode or something Matt was beginning to believe his mother had lied about the "help coming".
Breathing in sharply he squeezed through the final gap connecting his make-shift passagewaty to the three lane-wide beast of a corridor they crew had all grown accustomed to calling Main Street. A quarter of a mile wouldn't fill up 2% of this thing*. It flowed majestically through the full length of the ship, but we sadly don't get to see much of this as Matt only needed to run into the door directly opposite his entry point. He hurriedly unlocked and barrelled through the doorway, expecting to see his mother - everyone on this ship chipped in to help with everything, even the captain - who he was meant to replace.
She wasn't there.
No matter how predictable this twist was to a reader, Matt froze, as his mind exploded with a thousand unsorted questions his eyes flicked to the twlefth engine. It didn't look good. A sudden whine it began to emit snapped Matt out of his paralysis and he darted round and out of the room at top speed straight into a blinding light Matt gripped the sides of his bed to stop himself falling out as he shot out of the memory.


Matt gradually let go of his bed and with a deep breath welcomed the present back. A glance at his watch confirmed his suspicion: it was five mintues to his shift.
But somebody was already calling him...

* if you're particularly interested it would fill 1% exactly. 'Cause it's the little details that make a story
"This is my plan of attack"

"Hmmm, looks more like a pin to me"

"No, it's definitely a tac"

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Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:58 pm
Kobain72 says...

*Sorry if my reply wasn't great, I just didn't know where my character was coming in yet so was sort of treading water :s*
"This is my plan of attack"

"Hmmm, looks more like a pin to me"

"No, it's definitely a tac"

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Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:50 pm
Skull3670 says...


I managed to wrangle one of the spiders back into the launcher with only a minor gash to my forearm. Suddenly the intercom burst into chatter.
"Mikael there was only person free. He's just coming of duty and his file is special conditions."
"It doesn't matter Nex. If there down here soon I'm a dead man. I can't just seal off the section because the seal is still busted and i haven't had a chance to fix it."
"Good luck and i'll see you in the Cog and Chain when this is over."
Without another word Nexus shut off and i got on with wrangling the next spider. FInally i heard footsteps behind me and turned to see a boy holding a mech-tablet which he held out. The readout read
"Do you not see me wrestling the mehcanical attack spider? Come on kid. Grab a launcher, shut them off and reload them. Careful they don't OWCH! Slice you up." I advised cradling my bleeding finger. I had to raise my voice a little to be hard over the gunshots and animalistic and mechanised shreiks coming from above.
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open.
— Sir James Dewar, Scientist