
Young Writers Society

Darkness Rising

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Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:11 am
SisterItaly says...


I flinched and for a moment it seemed I was going to run away. Until I jumped on the Bastilin and hugged him. He looked kind of... surprised. Rora hugged him happily before grabbing the Izci's key and unlocking her ankles. The man clambered to his feet and everyone around him looked warily before returning to their work.

Some Bastilin were such cowards.

"My name is Rora. Thank you for helping me!" she smiled brightly, looking up to the Bastilin.

He looked at her oddly. Much like everyone did when they talked to Rora. Some even told her she was 'Not right in the head.' She simply smiled sweetly at everyone. The Bastilin turned towards the forest.

"We should get you home... I'm Turoch."

"You remind me of Raiu. Tur, do you know Raiu? You two would be good friends. I hope he's okay. The scary wolf Kaiser didn't look very friendly." She simply wouldn't shut up.

Tur sighed as she pawed at his tail while they walked.


I handed the chain to the girl gingerly. She looked kind of... confused. But grateful. She better be damn grateful I just risked my life to save her.

"Why did you save me?" she asked.

I simply shrugged and inched away from the angry Kaiser.

*Short post for Raiu, it's three am. Sue me.*
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:34 am
WrittenInStone says...


He inched away from the enraged Kaiser, whom I delivered another blow to - this time deeper one that actually made him scowl and shrink away from her.

She looked up at the Bastilin, "I am grateful for what you did - you have given me a prize atleast, to deliver." she told him. "You should be honoured at having served a higher cause rather than that of your pettiful former life. You will be known for this." she told him calmly before glancing down at the Kaiser.

"Although you did let the other three go to run the forest. Now - why give me this one and not the others? You haven't mated with one of them? The female of course?" she asked him with a narrowed glance.
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:14 pm
Lethero says...

Varg ran out of the village, stopping long enough to grab a hatchet from someone's house. He bounded into the forest, at an easy lope and when he was sure that no one was following him, he stopped. His breath was even, as if he never ran but walked. His shoulder only pained him a little.

Closing his eyes, Varg opened himself up to his forest. Feeling everything around him. Off in the distance, he could feel other people walking through the forest. Whether they were Bastilin, Izci, or Kaiser, he didn't know. With a firm grip on the axe's handle, he made his way to the nearest source of life he could sense.
Fly, Fight, Win . . . in Air, Space, and Cyberspace.
-Air Force Mission Statement-

Integrity First
Service Before Self
Excellence In All We Do
~Air Force Core Values~


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Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:27 am
PhoenixBishop says...


Sid sat at his desk sipping hot tea. The door opened and he looked up. Two hunter Izci came in bleeding. The first one stepped forward and reached for a silver box on one of Sid's bookshelves. Helena moved with wicked speed and slammed the Izci in the chest and pinned him to a wall.

Sid observed this with a bored expression. "Where are my fresh specimens?" he asked continuing to sip his tea.

The other Izci that had not been pinned to a wall spoke up with a quavering voice. "We are sorry. We ran into a vicious Kaiser. We were unable to subdue him. Please sir we need some of your regenerative serum."

Sid pulled the silver box from the bookshelf. His regenerative serum was made from his own blood and once injected it caused the cells to regenerate at rapid speeds. In only a few seconds one could heal minor wounds. He had yet to prefect more serious injuries. "Is this what you want?" he asked shaking the box.

The man nodded.

"Too bad," he said. "Helena I think we found our next specimens. Inject them with the new serum and report to me the results. Let us see if they have the same reaction as the Kaiser.

The Izci tried to run but Helena opened her mouth and a thick purple smog shot out of her mouth and filled the room. The Izci inhaled it and made it half way down the hall before the dizziness became too much.

Sid began to pack his bag with various bottles and syringes. "Apparently we need to gather our specimens ourselves."

Of course it was not customary for Izci to hunt on their own. If he had to have a partner it would have to be Kan-ta. Everyone else was so incompetent. He found the blonde haired Iczie in the training room. Rows and rows of targets stood in front of him. With no apparent effort leveled the targets with one of his kinetic blasts.

"Up for a hunt Kan-ta?"
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:04 am
WrittenInStone says...

Post deleted.
Last edited by WrittenInStone on Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:27 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Written, in case you missed it; Sid is not in the lab. He is already in the training room. How can he be in two places at once?

Kan-ta | Training Room/Hall:

"Up for a hunt, Kan-ta?"

I turned at the sound of Sid's voice. He stood just inside the door, watching me hone my talent. I smirked, twirling the dagger in my hand around and around. I was considering his offer--but we both knew I'd accept. Frankly, I was damn bored here. There wasn't anything really exciting to do. I shrugged, sliding the dagger into the sheath on my hip.

"Sure, why not. It's become quite uneventful here."

With that said, I strode past Sid and out the door, leaving the man standing in the training room. After a few minutes, he caught up to me--as I knew he would. I waited a few more mintues before speaking,

"So, we have something to hunt?" I asked, not sparing the good doctor a glance. "Did those idiot screw up again?"

"Yes, and yes," Sid said. "And you could be quite useful."

I nodded, uncaring. I'd heard it all before; Your talent could be useful. You're such great backup. You'd make for a wonerful hunting party leader. Yes, it was irritating. So I ignored it. "Kaiser, right?" I asked, cutting him off.

Sid eyed me for a moment. "Of course."

"Ah," I muttered, fingering the dagger at my hip. I was already thinking of the hunt. "The usual. Any beast in particular?"

Iseul | Edge of the Forest:

I crouched low in the tree, watching the village. My gaze flickering over the Bastilin there and then to the Kaiser all lined up in cages. And I grew furious. Their pain had drawn me here. Didn't they realise they were hurting them? That Kaiser weren't meant to be locked up? No, of course not. They weren't Kaiser. They were Bastilin and Izci. Foul, foul Izci.

Growling under my breath, I shifted on my branch and then looked down, noticing the wolf Kaiser with white fur below me for the first time. What the hell was he doing? Just standing there with his eyes closed? Smirking, I dropped to the forest floor and approached him from behind. I was very startled when he suddenly turned on me, growling. That was also when I noticed that he was bleeding.

And that was when my so-called gift decided to push me forwards. Why did I have to feel pain and be compelled to heal it? I growled at myself, muttering lowly in Kaiser about my stupid healing senses. The male Kaiser paused, staring at me. Neither of us spoke for a long minute, until I bit out, somewhat angrily, "What?"
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:47 pm
CelticaNoir says...


The atmosphere in the Red Scarecrow was never the best Darren had ever faced - in fact, it was one of the worst. People of all stripes and suits inhabited the small bar. It was cheap, it was anonymous, it was easy. The bartender - which was him - was famous for his discretion. Nobody knew that said bartender also happened to be someone they'd have killed at another time.

Darren stared at the wine-glass. A very prominent Izci had just been in and out of the bar. While Darren didn't receive any particular favours from said Izci, he did glean a very useful bit of information. Or more like, a very useful bit of personal information.

He had the Izci's journal in his possession.

Darren put the glass back on the shelf and picked up another one, considering his options. Apparently, there was going to be a very large shipment of Kaiser coming to this town soon. If he wanted to free them, he had to act. And fast. It was in the middle of this thought that the door squeaked open, and Darren looked up.
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:06 pm
Camulaeus says...


I laughed as Rora pawed my tail. She reminded me all too much of my younger sister. I forced these emerging memories down into the bubbly froth of the recess of my mind. Those thoughts would only dampen and shatter this moment.

"So Rora, where are you heading?"

"Oh no where, if that's close by. You should meet Raiu; you'd like him" she said, before noticing a butterfly soaring on the gentle breeze. She watched it fly by; her mouth gaping wide open. I rolled my eyes.

"Sounds like we should go meet this Raiu fella' do you know where he is?" Rora snapped out her butterfly induced stupor and hopped on my back clenching my hair in tight little fists. Couldn't she remember we just met?

"He should be around here somewhere.." she muttered, craning her neck left and right from her perch on my shoulders. I winced as her hands tugged my green hair from side to side. "Look!" she screamed and sprung off my back. She landed on all fours and smiled gleefully. "Raiu's over there with the pretty Kaiser girl!" she bound towards them on all fours her black and orange tail bobbing playfully in the wind. I shaked my head and sighed before taking off after her.
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:08 am
WrittenInStone says...


She threw open the door to the Izci laboratory only to find it empty - only the lingering smell of feces reached her nose. She wrinkled her nose before she entered further into the room. Hmm.. she thought idly, now where could that mad scientist be?

Her ears detected the faint sound of voices in the training room and she entered just as she heard the door slam closed behind the leaving occupants of the room.

She groaned in frustration, where in the world could such a restless man go?

She heard the howling of the enraged Kaiser out in the cage she had placed him in, she heard the metal squeal against the tearing claws that tried so vainly to free him.

Alexiss gripped her hair in her fists - her vacant eyes darkening with rage at the thought of having to deal with the Kaiser again.

She stomped outside, her leather fashioned jacket flapping in the wind as she marched up to the cage with lethal intent.

The Kaiser saw her and howled to the sky - letting her know that it had no intention of listening to her rants of anger.

She fumed silently before the creature snarled at her and she tore a small clump of her hair out - though she paid her pain no heed.

"Will you not shut up you foolish Kaiser!" she snapped, her screams echoing around in the distance.

"I am sick of your crying and moaning! You're going to die here! I'm going to let Sid rip out your insides, slowly, just to see you suffer!" she screamed, her throat paining her as she did so.

"I hope he poisons you - does something that your body will slowly decompose from the inside out. I'd love to watch that!" she shouted at him, and as she slowly caught her breath she realized that she held her dagger in a deadly tight grip around the hilt.

She slowly let go as she glowered maddeningly at the Kaiser - who simply blinked and cocked it's head to the side.

Alexiss then realized that she'd been shouting in her language rather than it's own. She rolled her eyes, "Good."
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:05 pm
SisterItaly says...


I had managed to find the female wolf before she got herself hurt. That was a good thing. Now just to find Rora and that other wolf... I had to be sure they were safe. I let my mind wander off to that Izci. I didn't feel the least bit guilty for handing over that Feral.

Ferals were disgusting.

Though, the others may not agree with me. I'd have to keep it my little secret. Just then, I saw Rora. She was being closely followed by another Bastilin... he wasn't a trader was he? Oh gods Rora what did you get yourself into?

"Rora, get over here!" I demanded, trying my best to sound like a master. I didn't need her to get taken.


I mewed and jumped up onto Raiu. People around us were beginning to look suspicious, and I couldn't blame them. I needed to blend, but I couldn't help it.

"Raiu! This is Tur! He's nice, you'll like him. What are we going to do now Raiu? And where did Varg go?" I asked quickly.

He pulled me off of him and looked around nervously. I continued to smile unaware of how angry he looked. He grabbed me by the wrist and gave me a sharp yank.

"Rora, be careful!" he whispered harshly.

Tur walked over, I really hope he didn't get the wrong impression.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:41 am
PhoenixBishop says...


Helena and administered the serum to the two failed Izci, and the reaction was the same. She made a note on a pad and cleaned up the mess. She headed off to find Sid. She did not like being away from his side for too long. Their distance made her uneasy as if he might get hurt while he was out of her sight. It was a silly fear since he could easily take care of himself, but none the less she worried.

She was distracted by a loud obnoxious voice and so she went to investigate. It did not surprise her to find the annoying voice came from Alexiss. In most cases Helena would approach the situation with mirth as she played with the Izci, but she did not like Alexiss; she smelled funny and was Sid always called her a a waste matter. Whatever Sid said was law, so the women was no good.

"Why do you have to be so noisy all the time Alexiss? It's annoying and very unbecoming of a Iczi. You should take note from my master. He is a prime example of how one should act."

She smiled at the Izci and cartwheeled forwards stopping so her face was inches away from hers. "Sigh, you're not even fun to play with," she giggled.


Sid kept stride with the other Izci with a little effort. Sid was not accustomed to physical action he usually just staid in his lab and cut things open. Occasionally he would come down to the training room to spar, but that was about as far as he went. In fact this would be his first field outing in a long time.

""I do not know the beast name,but I did manage to extract some information from the failures.They reported two. A large adult male wolf Kaiser with white fur, and a young female tiger Kaiser." That was all they were able to gather before they were injured."

Kan-ta nodded.

Sid had a practiced eye and he enjoyed beauty. How things came together in perfect patterns. A good example of this was the human body. Or any animal body, but humans were the most fascinating. Cells, organs, bones, skin, hair, muscle all combined to form the human body, and Sid found all forms of science beautiful. In his opinion the human body was the best example of science anyone could get. Because of this he often measured peoples beauty when he looked at them. Nothing so mundane as pure looks. No he liked to look at the overall package, the structure and anatomy is what he considered beautiful.

He had sized up the other Izci before. Alexiss was uninspired and a failure in evolution if he ever saw one. Lorielle was interesting. He had always been fascinated by her overall beauty. He often thought about examining her body structure closer She was a good example of what science and nature could produce. Kan-ta fell in this same category. Sid watched him from the corner of his eye and his genetic makeup with nearly perfect. His bone structure and muscle mass coupled with his symmetrical features was a testament to how beautiful human could be with the right genetic structure. Sid shook his head breaking out of his mind tangent.

"So do you want to go after the male or female?" Sid asked raising a eyebrow.
Last edited by PhoenixBishop on Wed Mar 23, 2011 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:37 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Kan-ta | Hallway:

I stayed quiet, thinking. Male or female? Did it really matter? Well, well. I thought this over for a moment longer, than sighed. "It doesn't really matter, does it?" I asked, glancing towards Sid. He shrugged. "Shall we go for both then?"

There was another moment of silence and then he nodded. "Two subjects, then," he said as we turned a corner. "Shall we?"

I let him lead. Yes, both would do nicely. Now, if only we had a decent tracker. I nodded, frowning. "Yes, we shall." I gestured for Sid to go first. "Lead the way, my friend, lead the way."
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:12 pm
Lethero says...


Varg growled at the Kaiser who had jumped down from above him. He wishes his senses allowed him to sense things in the trees as well as the ground. His hand flew to where his dagger normally rested on his hip, but remembered that it was gone. He growled at her again, not liking at all being find without his weapons. Especially in enemy territory.

"What do you want, Female?" Varg growled.
Fly, Fight, Win . . . in Air, Space, and Cyberspace.
-Air Force Mission Statement-

Integrity First
Service Before Self
Excellence In All We Do
~Air Force Core Values~


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Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:24 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Iseul | Forest:

I studied him for a long moment, eying the bleeding wound on his shoulder. Then I stepped forward, but halted when he growled. "I can heal you," I told him, keeping my voice gentle--I wasn't a threat...yet. Wait, why had I said that? Stupid gift!

He glared at me, defensive. I didn't blame him... Looking away, I frowned. Why did I suddenly smell Izci? I glanced towards the male. He smelt them too. I swore in Bastilin, and growled at myself for being stupid.

"Look, we should move," I stated. "Do you smell them?" He growled. "Good. Then we do not want to be caught, yes?" He nodded, slowly. "Let's move....before they come closer." He looked a little uneasy, but I ignored him for the moment, eynig the way his gaze darted away and back again. "Which way?"

He turned and started walking. I had no choice but to follow. Stupid gift. I could curse the day I found out about it.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle. The door opened on to a tube-shaped hall like a tunnel: a very comfortable tunnel without smoke, with panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished chairs, and lots and lots of pegs for hats and coats—the hobbit was fond of visitors. The tunnel wound on and on, going fairly but not quite straight into the side of the hill —The Hill, as all the people for many miles round called it—and many little round doors opened out of it, first on one side and then on another.
— JRR Tolkien