
Young Writers Society

The Passage: Virals Rising-accepting!

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Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:28 pm
RedBird says...

The year is 2020. In lieu of the rising threat of war from all sides, the U.S. government has been doing some serious study into bioengineering, to try and make supersoldiers to protect their borders. Strains of a virus that has only been documented in a single species of Bolivian bat are being used to enhance the bodies, longevity, and stamina of normal human beings. The virus, in its current form, causes the body to grow an advanced exoskeleton of hardened proteins that is virtually impregnable, except in a few key spots. The body loses hair, teeth fall out, replaced by razor-sharp fangs, and the eyes glow a brilliant orange. If this weren't all enough, the subjects also become wildly unpredictable once the virus has completed its maturity. Truth be told, they aren't even really human anymore, filled with a bloodlust that cannot be quenched, and equipped with the tools to fulfill that lust. 12 strains of the virus, 12 subjects. Luckily, the subjects of this experiment are kept under 24/7 surveillance at a secure facility in the Rocky Mountains. Until something goes wrong.

No one can say exactly what happens, but suddenly, the guards of each subject,12 in all, begin to act strangely, and can't remember long stretches of time. Then, one night, just as the thirteenth subject, a young woman, is given the most advanced form of the virus, the guards all simultaneously release their subjects. Chaos. Guns have no effect. Human speed is laughable compared to the force of the monsters. But they do not kill all. No. Some are left, horribly mauled, but alive. And they begin to change.

In the midst of the massacre, the young woman, Amy Bellafonte, reaches her final stage as the virus matures. She, however, is not like the others. She has retained her humanity, with the benefits that the virus bestows. The other subjects ignore her, and continue outwards in search of more prey. The 12 multiply, become 100, 15000. It does not stop. They spread, ever outward, never killing all. And soon, it becomes apparent, these monsters have a semblance of unity, some force that keeps them together. Cities fall as armies of the creatures swarm. The only time there is respite are the few precious hours of sunlight, when the "virals" fall back into the shadows, either unwilling to show themselves, or unable to stand the sun.

The government starts to build compounds, equipped with powerful lights and weaponry, for the remaining citizens of the U.S. Refugees from the remaining cities of Philadelphia, Orlando, and Sacramento are taken to the compounds, as the last hope of the American people. In desperation, the government also uses the atom bomb on two of the viral "armies," as they've come to be called. One attack is successful: all of the viral for miles around fall to ashes, even if they weren't touched by the explosion. The other, however, kills only a few.

And that is that. The government's last stand. The compounds are safe, relatively. The virals are all over the continent, and no one outside is safe. 11 of the original subjects remain alive. Humanity is now an endangered species, at least on the North American continent. The unknown thirteenth subject, Amy Bellafonte, has disappeared. The only hope of the remaining survivors is to hold out, and figure out the secret of the virals' desctruction. The 11 must be destroyed.

That was rather a lot of info...but please, don't be scared off! This should be really fun once we get enough people.
Also, there are three compounds: one in California, one in New Mexico, and one in Wyoming. This story will start out in the New Mexico Compound, but we might add characters from the others, depending on how the story runs.
Onwards to characters...
You will play a survivor in the New Mexican compound, or perhaps a wanderer who is wily enough to escape the virals' notice.

Here's the template:





Work: (Healer, Guard, Student, Agriculture)

Weapon: (Can be anything from gun to sword, or cross bow to grenade launcher, although, keep in mind that ammo is limited)


Short Bio: (optional)


The virals sound like zombies or vampires, and they are, to a certain extent. However, they are quite different, as well. They have special psychological powers, at least, the original 11 do. More on that when we get into the story.


Usual YWS rules (no god-modding, graphic sex, etc.)

This will be fairly violent, but please, don't let it get too graphic or gory.

No killing other people's character without explicit permission.

Romance allowed.

Have fun!

PM me if you have any pressing questions....
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:33 pm
SisterItaly says...

I'm in

Name: Isabelle (Isa)

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Spoiler! :

Work: Healer

Weapon: pocket knife, hand gun.

Strengths: Running, hiding, good aim (Secretly loves to sing)

Weaknesses: Can't swim, not good in a fight, horrible under pressure (Secretly terrified of people taller then her)

Short Bio: There isn't much to say about her. If anything about her past is some what important, it would be that she grew up in a very sexist family. There was even a time she was going to marry a dominate male who treated her like a possession and nothing more. He died of an unknown illness, it hurt but she managed to move on. She truly believes males are better then females.

Other: Up for love
Last edited by SisterItaly on Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:41 pm
RedBird says...

Name: Nick Jonston

Gender: Guy

Age: 16

Description: http://0040.deviantart.com/art/Ginger-Boy-145073187

Work: Guard

Weapon: Cross bow

Strengths/Weaknesses: Nick is intelligent, agile, and hard-working, always ready to lay his life on the line to protect his friends in the Compound. He knows how to fight, and works well with others. However, he can be quick to anger and he is somewhat impulsive, leading him to do rash things.

Short Bio: Nick's parents were killed when he was 5, by some virals that breached the walls. Thus, when he was old enough, he decided to become a Guard, to ensure that this never happened again. He longs to find a way to destroy the virals once and for all, and knows that the answer is out there, hidden in the events of the past.

Other: Up for love.
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:11 pm
Camulaeus says...

Name: Emily Turne.

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Description: Emily is short and thin due to the limited food outside of the compounds. She has shoulder length pure white hair and angelic blue eyes. She has a long thin scar on her left cheek. She covers her face with a bandana to hide the scar.

Work: Wanderer

Weapon: Two submachine guns and a steel katana.

Strengths: She studied fencing before the Viral's Uprising, and is talented with a sword. She is also adept at gun-use and has excellent stamina. She is also has an extensive knowledge of famous literature and sometimes quotes her favorite pieces.

Weaknesses: Hubris (pride and arrogance), she also struggles to finish off wounded Viral, she remembers all to much that they were humans once as well.

Short Bio: Emily lived in the suburbs of New Mexico with her single father who was an English Teacher at her school. Her mother died in child-birth. Emily was never really popular at her school, preferring to read Shakespeare than discuss the latest fashion. When the Viral Uprising took over her father tried to evacuate, but the Viral's attacked the car they were in, killing her father and scarring her cheek. She killed the Viral with her katana, and used it to fend off one or two until she managed to find the dead Guard who she "relieved" of her guns. She wanders around the New Mexico area, moving only during the inactive time of the day and being sheltered in an old apartment complex during the night. She finally ran out of food, and is preparing herself to try and find the nearest compound.

Other: Her only memory of her father is a tattered collection of his favorite poetry.
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:10 pm
Dreamwalker says...

I saw this and knew I had to join! Hopefully it starts soon!

Name: Tobi Isaac Walker

Gender: Male

Age: 18


Tobi is lithe, tall, and, in all honesty, a little geeky. His hair is darker shade of brown (pretty much black) and shaggy, his skin tan, and balanced percariously on the edge of his nose is a large set of Clark Kent glasses. He has very defined features, though, and looks rather sharp in a suit (when he doesn't move, as he's still not really used to his staggering height). He's a bit shy, and constantly carries a red hilory under his arm as to take down notes on everything and anything that comes his way. Good observation is what kept him alive this long. He misses his dell laptop.

Work: Student


Because Tobi is heavy on his feet and not so great with athletics, he carries with him two twin pistols of which he keeps in his belt. For times when ammos short, theres a dagger in the lining of his left hiking boot, and a bow hidden in the confines of his closet (he loved archery growing up. Fortunately for him, the times call for it now). He has never really needed the use the bow in combat yet, but if time should call for it, he wouldn't be against the decision.


He is smart. A quick learner with an eye for observation. He loves music, and the theory behind it, so whenever he has the chance to 'slack off' he'll return to his room where he'll play any array of instruments he still has with him. He is bad on his feet, though, and when it comes to hand to hand combat, he's pretty much useless. The farther away from a fight, the more lethal he is, as is his thought process. That and he is really shy. Girls freak him out completely. He doesn't really like to talk with other people around the compound for fear that his meticulous behaviour will be taken as 'over-doing' things as was once how people treated him.

Short Bio:

Tobi grew up in Canada. His mom was a neurosurgent and his dad was an aronaughtical engineer. That being said, smarts was sort of in his blood. When the devastation started hitting, he was split up from this rest of his family (parents and three siblings) and ended up in this compound whereas the only established connection he still has left is with his sister in another compound. She has also not see her parents and their two younger brothers since.

Tobi now longs for St. Catharines, Ontario. He dreams about the old days of when things were simple. Now he's here, fighting for the chance to make things right and good once more, even if his talents are rather... weak compared to everyone else. That and he hopes to be reunited with his family once more, though, in all honesty and he knows it deep down, that he'll most likely never see them again.


Tobi is up for love but a hard nut to crack. That being said, if conversation is had, he may either sound horribly smart because he doesn't know how to calm it down, or completely out of it (stuttering and nonsensical words). That being said, if you so happen to have conversation with him, try to keep it in character, thank you!
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:42 pm
RedBird says...

Thank you all for joining! Hopefully we'll get some more people, and then we can start!
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

Change isn't inherently good, but you can't stop it, so let's just enjoy the ride. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
— TheSilverFox