
Young Writers Society

To Have and To Hold (*coco + soggypoptart)

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Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:29 pm
*coco says...

“No!” Naya snapped. “God, Jennifer! Have you not been listening to a word I’ve said?”

She brushed Jennifer’s hand from her shoulder and dug into her pant pocket to pull out her wedding ring. “Give this back to him,” she said, placing it on the palm of Jennifer’s hand.

Jennifer arched an eyebrow. “Naya-”

Naya interrupted her. “I’m sorry, Jennifer, alright, but I really can’t deal with this...not today...”

With that she left Jennifer standing in the middle of the lounge and walked back up to her bedroom, passing Danni out in the hallway. She’d obviously been standing there the whole time and from the look on her face she’d obviously heard the whole conversation too.

Feeling both embarrassed, annoyed and angry, Naya ignored her sister’s gaze and walked straight past her to her room.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:10 am
SoggyPoptart says...

Why and the fuck could they not realized that they were made for each other. Honestly!

Jennifer couldn't play match maker anymore. Naya was acting like a spoiled little bitch. Things were never going to go her way because of the way she acted. Julian and her were both and the same. Except Naya waited for things to come to her, and Julian was a go getter. Jennifer got into her car and slammed the door to examine the ring. It was something too simple for Julian's taste.


Julian layed on the sofa. This sofa had been from the movie Titanic, when Rose had been posing naked for Jack for the painting. Julian didn't know why he loved this sofa so damn much... Oh wait... :wink:

He threw his head back, black curls bounced everywhere. He had avoided going to get his hair cut. He had all over just given up since Naya. She didn't care, he guessed he would never see her again. He was done with women, although his stomach clenched when he thought of her. His heart would leap when her named was mentioned. Which was odd, because he was all alone... And drunk.

The bottle hit his lips. This was the third one today. His stupid body had fought to not allow him to get drunk...

Since the window was open he heard a car pull up in the drive way...
Life isn't like a box of chocolates. Life is more like a jar of Jalapenos, what you do today might burn your rear tomorrow!

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Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:02 pm
*coco says...

“So, what was that all about?” Danni asked, entering Naya’s room.

“Nothing,” Naya muttered, preoccupying herself by running a bath in order to avoid her sister’s gaze.

Several seconds of uncomfortable silence passed between them, until Danni finally spoke.

“You like him don’t you?” she asked.

Naya paused her movements and looked up. There was obviously no point in trying to act like she didn’t know what ‘him’ Danni was talking about, but that wouldn’t stop her from lying about it. “No, I don’t,” she grumbled before walking over to the bathroom where steam was beginning to build up from the hot water.

Danni followed her. “C’mon, Nay, you totally do...”

Naya bit her bottom lip. “No, I don’t,” she repeated, this time more coldly as she grabbed a spare towel and flung it over her shoulder.

Danni continued to follow her, oblivious to Naya’s denial. “I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before. It’s so obvious, even a blind man can see it!” Danni’s voice suddenly fell to a whisper, “So, were you telling the truth when Jennifer asked you if you and Julian...y’know...” she motioned a coming together with her hands and Naya felt the sudden urge to kick her. The problem was Danni didn’t look like she was making fun, she looked dead serious, as though Naya’s sexual life was her utmost concern. “You two must’ve done it...at least once...right?”

Naya growled in frustration, eying her sister irritably. “No, Danni, we didn’t, alright? So just drop it!”

Danni was relentless. Even as Naya was undressing, she continued to press her. “But, why? I mean, you’re two ridiculously good-looking people who were married for like nearly a year. How could you not have-”

“Newsflash Danni, we were never really a couple, remember?” Naya responded almost bitterly from behind a wooden changing screen. “We were only married by name...”

“Yes, but you were married all the same. You should’ve at least explored the benefits,” Danni responded in a dead-serious tone.

“Well, I didn’t want to!” Naya growled, her cheeks flushing.

Danni arched an eyebrow. She wasn’t believing any of it. “You must’ve wanted to though, right?”

“No!” Naya snapped.

Now a smile appeared on Danni’s face. It was infuriating. “Bullshit!” she declared. “You totally wanted to!”

“Will you just get out of my head please!” glaring, Naya slammed the door shut in Danni’s face before her sister could ambush her even more, but that did little to keep her quiet.

“Is it because of what happened with Jace?” Danni asked from behind the door.

Naya leaned against the tub and sighing outwardly.

“It’s okay to feel scared you know,” Danni continued. “What happened with Jace was terrible, but it’s been two years, Nay, you’ve gotta let it go and start trusting people again...you’ve gotta start living your life again...”

So that was why Danni was so interested about her and Julian. She was worried about her. Naya realised that Danni was right. She couldn’t stay alone forever. Sooner or later she would have to let her guard down and start letting guys in. The only problem was doing that was easier said than done; especially when the only guy she really wanted to let in was Julian...
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:49 pm
SoggyPoptart says...

Julian was humming a jolly tune. Like a pirate song or something. Jennifer walked into the room and noticed him humming. She rolled her eyes as she noticed the bottle of scotch in his hands. She walked straight up to him and tried to grab the bottle, but she was pulled into his large, muscular arms. He squeezed her into his arms and almost made her stomach pop.

"Don't touch the booze, Jennifer Michelle Georgia Anderson." He hummed again.

Jennifer grunted, and weesled her way out of Julian's arms. She grabbed his wrist and took the bottle from his hands. If she couldn't get into Naya's brain she might be able to get into Julian's. Thaaank yooou, booze! She took the empty bottle and threw it to the marble floor.

"Damn it, Julian!" She fell to the floor on her butt and felt tears seering out of her eyes. She was angry and she wanted him to stop drinking it was killing him! "Don't you understand that everyone loves you. And you're pushing us all away! You're not invincible, Jules. You will die one day and there's not going to be anyone around to say goodbye to, Julian in the end you do realize love is all the matters."

Julian was very drunk, he wanted to go after Naya, but he didn't know if he could... It would mean putting his heart on the line and that's something Julian never did.
Life isn't like a box of chocolates. Life is more like a jar of Jalapenos, what you do today might burn your rear tomorrow!

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Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:22 pm
*coco says...

Naya couldn't sleep much that night. She stayed awake in bed until the early hours of the next morning thinking about things she'd never thought of before. Like where her life would go from here, what could she do with herself. She thought about getting a job, maybe as a stylist or something, and save some money to get a place of her own. She knew Danni would want her to stay with her but Naya was determined not to. She'd spent her whole life living off her parents money, she wasn't about to do the same with Danni's.

Her mind continued to think about such things until she heard Danni knock on her door for breakfast.

Naya got out of bed, wrapping her dressing gown around her body, and made her way to the dining area to find Danni already sitting at the table with a big breakfast already laid out.

"Morning, sis," smiled Danni. She piled up Naya's plate as she took her seat. "I made your favourite, blueberry pancakes."

"Morning," Naya responded with a strained smile. She really wasn't in the mood to put anything in her mouth be it her favourite or not.

Silence fell at the table which lasted for a minute before Danni spoke again.

"I have to go to work for about an hour to deal with some stuff," she said almost guiltily, "I'm really sorry...Adam will stay with you until I come back."

"Adam?" Naya questioned.

"He's a friend of mine who used to work for witness protection. I've hired him for you."

"Danni, I don't need a babysitter."

"Have you forgotten that you were almost kidnapped? I can't leave you alone. You need to be protected."

Naya rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I'll be fine. I was gonna call Lola and the girls over anyway-"

Danni interrupted her. "You can still call them over, but I'm leaving Adam here with you."

Naya crossed her arms over her chest angrily. Her sister was treating her like a child, just like her parents had treated her like a child.

Danni gave her an apologetic look. "I need you to be safe, Nay..." When Naya didn't respond, Danni looked away and returned to her breakfast. "Do you know when Julian's lawyer will come with the divorce papers?" She asked trying to change the subject.

"No," Naya mumbled, picking at the food on her plate frustratingly. She'd almost forgotten about her divorce...
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:27 am
SoggyPoptart says...

Julian felt something wet and smelly on the floor. It was really cold and it made him want to vomit. He lifted himself off the green marble floor and looked down as a trail of drool followed him. He groaned and wiped his mouth. Really? That's gross! It all came with the next day of being sober, and having no hangover but a good night sleep.

Jennifer was no where to be found and he was in the living room. He wanted to go look for Jasper, and he knew that he needed to see Jace. As much as he didn't want to. Jace was still his brother.
Life isn't like a box of chocolates. Life is more like a jar of Jalapenos, what you do today might burn your rear tomorrow!

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Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:17 am
*coco says...

Danni sat in the visiting room with her war-face on. She came here for one reason and one reason only. She’d heard Jace would be released on bail in a few days time and now that Naya was back in the picture Danni knew she had to do something. Jace had hurt Naya enough, Danni wasn’t about to risk him finding new ways to hurt her some more, especially after everything Naya had been through already.

With confidence she regarded Jace as he approach her. He was dressed in an orange jumpsuit, his dark hair was a little longer and he had stubble on his face. It seemed that the only thing that hadn’t changed was the cocky look in his eyes.

“Danni...” he regarded her with an arrogant smirk. “Why am I graced with your presence?” his tone was sarcastic.

Danni looked him dead in the eye and got straight to the point. “Did you know that Naya and Julian have come back home?”

“Yes, I did,” the smirk was still on his face. “I saw it on the news.”

“Did you know that they’ve separated?”

The cocky smirk on Jace’s face suddenly transformed into a triumphant one. “No surprises there,” he said with an air of smugness. “Naya never belonged to Julian in the first place.”

Danni arched an eyebrow. “Who did she belong to then, Jace? You?

A muscle twitched in his jaw but Danni didn’t wait for a response. She was seething.

“My sister never belonged to you Jace, do you hear me? Not now, not ever.”

Jace looked at her dangerously. “We’ll see about that,” he responded icily. “I’ll be out on bail soon...”

“Let me make one thing perfectly clear to you,” Danni said, in her own icy tone. “Naya is staying with me now which means she’s under my care.”

Jace raised an un-interested brow. “So...?”

So,” Danni responded, “if I so much as see you even trying to come near her again, I swear to god I will make your life a living hell.”

Jace let out an arrogant laugh. “Is that supposed to scare me?” he brushed off her comments. “You can’t do anything to me.”

It was Danni’s turn to laugh. “See, now that’s where you’re wrong, Jace. Look around you. I’ve already managed to do so much...”

Jace stared at Danni for several seconds before his eyes fell on the orange jumpsuit he was wearing, and the cops and other prisoners around him. It took a while for him to put two-and-two together but when he did he glared at Danni, his eyes emanating an anger like no other.

“It was you?” he fumed in disbelief. “You were the anonymous caller that tipped-off the Police? You’re the reason I’m in jail?”

Danni shrugged. “I did what I had to do to protect my sister. You ruined her life so I thought it was only right that I ruin yours.”

Jace was fuming. His eyes looked dangerous. “I swear to God you’re gonna pay for this. When I get out next week I’m gonna-”

Danni gave a dry laugh. “Oh, let me guess, this is the part where you threaten me, right?” she leaned in forward and met Jace straight in the eye. “In case you haven’t already realised, I’m not Naya, you can’t use me or intimidate me or scare me. I am the biggest bitch you will ever meet, and if you think that sending you to prison was all I had up my sleeve then you’d better think again.”

With that, Danni swung her bag over her shoulders and turned around to leave. But just before she walked off, she paused and turned to face Jace for the last time. “She’s in love with him, y’know...”

Jace was still glaring at her, this time his brows crashed together in confusion. “What?” he spat.

“You heard me,” Danni responded, a small smile creeping on her lips, “Naya’s fallen in love with Julian, and you know what that means don’t you?”

Jace was glaring daggers at Danni, but she was enjoying this way too much to notice.

“It means that she’s over you...” Danni continued, still smiling. “After everything you put her through...she’s finally over you...”

Savouring the look of utter dismay on Jace’s face, Danni threw him one final smile before turning on her heels and walking away. She took a deep breath as she stepped out of the prison. She’d done what she needed to do. Jace would stay away now, if he knew what was best for him, he would leave Naya alone one and for all.

Just as she approached her car she saw a Bentley pull up next to her. Danni turned her head a little and saw to her shock that Julian came out of the driver’s seat. He recognised her straight away, Danni could see it in the way his face fell as he saw her.

She remained standing where she was as Julian slowly walked up to her. He looked awful, like he hadn’t slept in years; his hair was a mess, his eyes were a little bloodshot and he looked like he hadn't showered this morning.

“Hey,” he said to her a little confused. “What are you doing here?”

Danni raised a clever brow. “Just tying up some loose ends,” she didn’t need to ask what he was doing here.

A few seconds of awkward silence passed before Julian broke it.

“How’s Naya doing?” he finally asked.

Danni just stared at him for a while. She honestly wanted to hate the man standing before her, he wasn’t as bad as Jace, but he’d still hurt Naya in his own way. But no matter how much she tried, she couldn’t hate him completely. At the end of the day, he’d protected Naya and brought her back home to her family safe and sound. That fact was what redeemed Julian in Danni’s eyes and it was what made her curious as to how he truly felt about her sister.

“If you truly cared about my sister then you’d go and ask her that yourself,” she said bluntly before entering her car.
As she turned on the ignition and drove off she wondered whether Julian would even bother to...for some reason a part of her hoped that he would...

*sorry about the long absence*
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:58 pm
SoggyPoptart says...

**I'll forgive you, if you forgive me lol**

**Remember: Jace isn't THAT evil.**

Julian didn't think it was humanly possible to be as drunk as he was right now. He hadn't driven, thank God. He had a taxi on speed dial. It was for all of the drunken nights at the clubs and what not. He walked to the telephone area where he could finally talk to Jace.

Jace rolled his eyes when he saw Julian. "Shit, it took you a while."

Julian glared. "Oh, I'm sorry here I am running for my life, I didn't have time to phone you, asshole."

Jace smiled. "Well, at least you found time."

"Cut the crap, Jace. I heard what your conversation with Danni, you will do no such thing as to hurt either of them. Do you understand me?" Julian's death stare was just that, a death stare.

"Danni put me in here! I need revenge."

"I suggest you don't, unless you wanna end up back in here." Julian looked around, it wasn't somewhere he wanted to be.
Life isn't like a box of chocolates. Life is more like a jar of Jalapenos, what you do today might burn your rear tomorrow!

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Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:37 pm
*coco says...

This ‘bodyguard’ that Danni had left Naya with; Adam...it had only been an hour since he'd started his shift and Naya already hated him. Not because he was annoying or anything; quite the opposite, he was actually really nice. He’d just come inside Danni’s apartment a few minutes after she left, introduced himself, and then stayed out of her way. No, Naya hated him for a completely different reason.

He reminded her of Julian.

Everything, from his height, to his deep voice, to his piercing green eyes; it all reminded her of him. At first, she’d thought that it was actually Julian at the door when she first saw Adam. Naya remembered how her heart felt like it would jump out of her throat at the thought that maybe he’d come to apologise to her, to tell her that he really did love her and that he wanted to be with her...

And then she remembered the pang in her chest the moment she realised that it wasn’t him. It hurt like hell and left her both angry and confused beyond imagination. How could she still feel so strongly about someone who had hurt her so much?
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:36 pm
SoggyPoptart says...

Talking to Jace was completely pointless, but he needed to do it to protect Naya. He didn't care too much for Danni, but she was related to Naya and if Jace hurt Danni he would hurt Naya too. He may think he couldn't love her, but he thought about her 24/7. It drove him completely up the wall. Usually, if he ever thought about a girl it was a one-night type of thing. He and Naya hadn't even gone there, and he was constantly thinking about her.

"Jace, I won't pay for your lawyer if you don't promise m ethat you will not hurt either of them." Julian glared at his brother, he knew had already won this fight.

Jace's expression matched Julian's. He simply glared. "Why do you even care about her? You two aren't even together." The way Jace said it so a-matter-a-fact. It pissed Julian off.

"Maybe not, but I'm still technically married to her."

"Hmm, too bad that your not the chocolates and flowers type of guy, eh?" Jace smirked.

Julian smiled. "No, no I am not."

"If she thinks your running after her, is she wrong?" Jace asked.

Julian didn't deny it, but he didn't say yes. He wasn't sure what he was going to do yet.
Life isn't like a box of chocolates. Life is more like a jar of Jalapenos, what you do today might burn your rear tomorrow!

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Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:59 pm
*coco says...

Naya was watching television in the lounge when she heard the front door open. Danni stepped inside and planted her jacket and bag onto the kitchen counter. She let out a tired sigh as she took a seat on the couch beside Naya.

"Is everything okay?" Naya asked her.

"Yeah, everythings fine..." Danni waved away.

Naya's eyes suddenly fell on the shiney pass around Danni's neck. "What's this?" she asked, touching it with a look of confusion.

Danni quickly whipped the pass from her neck but still tried to maintain a look of calmness on her face. “Oh this? It's just a visitors pass...I had to meet with a uh new client at their office...” she trailed off quickly changing the subject. “So, how was your day? Did the girls come over?”

Naya hated being lied to. She grabbed the pass from Danni's hand, catching her sister completely off-guard, before examining the shiney pass. "Beverley Hills jail?" she read the card in disbelief. Her eyes pierced Danni's as she put two-and-two together. "Oh my gosh. You went to see Jace, didn’t you?”

Danni pretended like she couldn’t hear her. “I’m hungry, are you hungry?” she suddenly asked, getting up off the couch. “Let’s get a pizza-”

“Danni!” Naya said sternly.

Danni sighed heavily and placed a tired hand on her head in defeat. “Okay... alright...I went to see Jace...”

Naya couldn't believe it. “But, why...why would you do that?”

“I wanted to give him a final warning to stay away from you before he’s released on bail tomorrow.”

“They're releasing him?” Naya repeated in horror. “Tomorrow?”

Danni’s lip curled in anger as she nodded. “No thanks to Sergi Anderson’s lawyers...” she gripped Naya’s shoulders sternly. “But, don’t worry, Nay, alright? Jace won't be coming anywhere near you.I'll make damn sure of that...”

Danni’s words did little to comfort Naya, but she nodded nonetheless. Suddenly, a thought jumped into her head. She didn't know where it came from, but before she could even stop herself, she found the words coming out of her mouth...

"D-did you see Julian there?" she asked quietly.

Danni's eyes suddenly turned cold. She waited several seconds before answering, "Yes, I did..."

Naya found herself swallowing hard, her heart pounding in her chest... "H-how is he?"

"He's fine," Danni replied, as if it weren't important. But it was important, at least to Naya...

More silence followed, this time lasting for much longer than a few seconds. During that time Naya tried to build up as much courage as she could to ask Danni one last question about Julian.

"D-did he..." she began shakily, "...did he ask about me?"

In an instant, Naya could see Danni's cool and calm composure suddenly snap like a twig. "God, Naya," she quipped, "why the hell do you even care? Have you forgotten everything that's happened? Have you forgotten what he did?"

Naya bit her bottom lip. "No...I haven't," she struggled. "But..."

"But what, Nay?" Danni demanded, her eyes dangerous.

Naya said nothing. There was no point. Danni would never be able to understand her feelings for Julian. How could she, when Naya couldn't even understand them herself?

Danni let out a frustrated sigh before making her way to the kitchen. She stopped suddenly and turned to face Naya.

"Look, none of this makes sense to me," she said, her tone sincere, "I mean, I still can't get my head around everything that's happened since I got back; you being married, you being kidnapped, you being on the run..." she shook her head and continued, "after all that, Nay, all I want is for you to be happy and safe, and if Julian is the person who will make you feel those things then so be it."

Naya watched as Danni raised a hand to her shoulder. "He did ask about you, by the way."

"Really? W-what did he say?" Naya asked, butterflies zooming around in her stomach like some lovesick teenager.

"He wanted to know how you were..." Danni replied.

"And what did you tell him?"

"I told him that if he really cared, he'd come and ask you that himself..."
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Sat Mar 05, 2011 7:22 pm
SoggyPoptart says...

Julian had left Jace, he was cursing at Julian as he walked out the prison. Julian guessed that he would be out in a few days, curse at him some more and then everything would go back to normal... Except, Naya. She would still hate his guts, and there wouldn't be anything too exciting happening. Why did it have to be this way? Why could he be the person that she needed? Why couldn't all of this just work out in his favor? No, that would be way too easy. Julian got into his car and drove home, he hoped that in the next life that everything would be a little less complicated...

He wondered how she was doing? Did she think about him? Was there someone new in her life? His hands curled on the steerling wheel. He had never been the jealous type...

**I have nothing.**
Life isn't like a box of chocolates. Life is more like a jar of Jalapenos, what you do today might burn your rear tomorrow!

It is most unlikely. But - here comes the big "but" - not impossible.
— Roald Dahl