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Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:33 pm
sylverdawn says...


Hunter grinned at TJ, slightly out of breath from the run. He turned to scan the new batteground sword in one hand dagger in the other. "Arrogance was always Jair's greatest weakness, of course it's mine too but he's worse. Thinking, Hunter clamored up onto a boulder so he could see the fighting. He spotted Jair off to the side, crouched behind a tree with five or six warriors. His brothers hand was clamped tight around Branwen's arm twisting it painfully.

Taking a deep breath Hunter shouted to be heard over the shouts of battle and the clash of steel. "Jair!! I know that's you Jair! Let her go and come face me!" He saw Jair stiffen and whip his head around seeking the owner of the voice so like his own. Hunter grinned ferally as he saw his twin brother's eyes widen. The two of them were identical but years alone in the savannah had tanned Hunter's skin and given him a lean muscular frame. But even after seven years of seperation the differences were so subtle as to be unnoticeable.

"You freak!! You are dead, you're supposed to be dead!!" Jair snarled, shoving Branwen into the arms of one of his men. He drew his curved sword and stalked out onto the battlefield heedless of those around him. Hunter laughed bitterly and jumped down from the boulder meeting his brother half way.

Hunter smirked, taunting his younger twin. "Been a long time baby brother. Still beating up people who can't fight back?" Behind Jair, his wolf snarled and pinned his ears back. Hunter glared at the wolf with glowing crimson eyes. He really felt for Sinopa, he knew exactly how painful that wolf's fangs were.

Jair poked Hunter in the chest with the tip of his knife, the two brothersstood toe to toe with each other. "Cripples without a Pairbond shouldn't exist. You're a stain on our families good name. Since it seems the wilds couldn't kill you that just means I get the pleasure of doing the job myself." He smiled menacingly.

Laughing, Hunter threw his head back. "How wrong you are baby brother. I do have Pairbond." Above a silver shadow flitted over what little sunlight remained and Hunter grinned, shouting. "Now Swift!"

Above the treetops the dragon flared his wings and lit aflame the tree Branwen and her captors were crouched under. With shouts of fear and dismay the men and their bonded dropped their prisoners and scambled back from the bonfire. Swifts tail swung like an axe and sent the burning husk crashing to the ground. Roaring the dragon landed in a crouch draping his wings protectively over Branwen and Sinopa.

Jair's wolf yelped in terror and ran to his bonded, cowering behind his legs. Hunter's smile was all teeth as he grinned fiercely at his slack jawed brother. "Now then." His voice was silky with menace. "Where were we?"
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:21 am
ScarlettFire says...

((Forgot to mention that the fox-fire can also heal, depending on the situation. Not that Branwen knows she can use it in that way in the first place...))

Branwen & Sinpoa:

It had happened so fast. One moment I was being dragged along and then there was a boy there and then the other two. Somehow, I got shoved into the care of another clansman, and Sinopa was injured. Then the tree caught fire and the silver dragon was there....and now the boy pairbonded to the Dragon was fighting someone who looked exactly like him. I stared, completely missing the dragon draping a wing over me and Sinopa.

Branwen! Sinopa snapped. She sounded... I don't know. A moment later, she yelped and I blinked, turning my attention to my pairbonded. She was bleeding...from several places. I dropped to my knees beside her and scanned her wounds. Oh, damn. I had...we had never had to treat wounds like this...

"Jair!" someone shouted. I blinked and looked up, suddenly realising that the dragon was gone. And the boy with the wolf was running towards me. I looked around to see the men who had been with him creeping up on me. Uh oh. I glanced back towards the boy with the wolf. Oh, dear.

I looked past him to see the other boy holding his arm or leg or something; I couldn't tell. I was too far away. While I was staring at the others, someone grabbed my arm and dragged me away from Sinopa, who started protesting. The man holding me backed up, muttering something under his breath; I couldn't understand it....untill the man's hyena started dragging Sinopa back too. We vanished into the the bushes and I lost sight of the others.

((Hey Sylver, I'll let you write out the battle and decide how Hunter will be injured. I have a plan; Branwen is taken back to New Aster. This would force you guys into the town, not just to warn them about the impending attack, but to also get Branwen back. Yes? No? Maybe?))
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:47 pm
sylverdawn says...

*Yeah I was thinking along the same lines, I just wanted to throw in the evil twin for spice. :wink: Also there has to be severe limitations on our powers, they haven't really had time to develop. In Hunter's case theres a time limit on how long he can use it in a day.*


The fight between the brothers was brutally quick. They exchanged only a few rapid blows. Wanting to end this fast, before his fatigue from using the Shadow Cloak caught up with him, Hunter parried a blow from Jair's scimitar and struck. He slashed a long thin line across Jair's ribs with his knife.

But in his haste to fight his brother Hunter dismissed his brother's bonded. Thinking the wolf cowed by Swift's appearance he didn't notice the wolf pounce until she had sunk her fangs into his thigh. Swearing he jumped back from the fight cracking the wolf on her head with the handle of his sword. She let go and crouched in front of Jair eyes glinting as she snarled at him.

When Hunter put weight on his leg it almost buckled beneath him. Clearly his brother still like to sharpen his bonded's fangs. As far as Hunter was concerned they were plenty sharp already. Jair pulled a bloody hand away from his side and stared at it in shock. The wolf snarled and took another step towards Hunter, which was when Swift lost it. Roaring the dragon leaped forward. A mass of moving scales, he was surprisingly graceful for something so large. The dragon roared as his tail and claws lashed out sending anyone who got too near him or Hunter flying. One man made the mistake of running to close to his head and the dragon's sharp teeth ripped him in two.

Hunter recognized the rage and fear that were at the forefront of the young dragon's mind. Swift wasn't thinking rationally. Gently, Hunter wrapped his arms around the dragons neck pressing his cheek to the warm scales. At his touch, Swift calmed but only slightly. Hunter couldn't risk letting go of the dragon to chase after Jair, he could only watch as his brother and his men snatched Branwen again and bolted off into the darkness as the true storm hit.

*Maybe the others could catch up to them as they head for New Aster?*
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:42 pm
SisterItaly says...

*Sorry, I was kinda lost for a while, and about the ear thing. I have a friend who is completely deaf in one ear and when you're standing on that side she can't hear you at all.*

I blinked a few times, allowing all that had just happened to process in my mind. It seemed we were on out way to find the others, and Cuddles was pulling on my sleeve. He didn't seem to like that idea.

"Miss Nya, be reasonable. It's dangerous. You saw what happened to that girl! She got dragged off! Do you want something like that to happen to you? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to you."

On my other arm, Cassia was pulling me along towards the others. She was babbling on about how we should all stick together and go help the others. I tugged my arms away from the two of them and patted Cuddles' neck.
"It's alright, calm down. It can't be that dangerous Cuddles."

"Miss Nya, it's Stallion. S-t-a-l-l-i-o-n. And I hope you know what you're getting us into."

I giggled and patted his neck again, walking along side the others. Cuddles kept his unimpressed look set on me. I could tell he was just being protective, like the day he found me...

"I remember that, cast out in the desert. Injured and afraid. Your kind disgusts me, you excluded of course... Miss Nya. You were so afraid you wouldn't let me near you. I made a vow that day, to never let anything or anyone harm you again. And I intend to keep that vow, m'lady."

I smiled up to him and rubbed his forehead.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:52 pm
sylverdawn says...

*People seem to be stuck about what to do next so I will try to get this thing going again shortly.*
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:33 am
DaSpetsnaz says...

Yeah, that might help.
"Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality."


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Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:50 am
sylverdawn says...

*Alright lets see if I can get this thing jumpstarted.*


6 hours later

Night had well and truly fallen, the storm had been short breaking shortly after sunset. After the two groups of Outcasts had met up they had argued about chasing after Branwen. They were scared, nervous, and excited by turn. Most of them hadn't been around anyone but their Bonded for years. Growing up in the savannah, they had all learned to avoid humans. Finally, the group had agreed that they could at least look for Branwen's kidnappers. Whether or not they would all enter the town remained to be seen.

Swift banked to the left, descending out of a low cloud. Hunter glanced to his right, by the light of the stars he saw first TJ then Nya shake their heads. All three had taken to the sky as soon as the search began but nothing could be seen of Branwen or the hunting party. Beneath Hunter's fear and determination to help his new friends was the familiar smoldering rage. He couldn't help but blame himself for Jair's actions, irrational though it was. The only thing that bound them together anymore was a shared appearance.

The rest of the group had searched on foot, winding their way through the tangeled brush near the sea shore. They had agreed to meet up on a bluff overlooking New Aster. Hunter spotted a spark of light on the clifftop, a torch to signal their location to the flyers. The three winged beasts spiraled downward, landing one at a time as the oters backed away to give them room. For a moment Hunter could hear nothing but the thunderous beating of wings as first Cuddles, then Rex and Swift landed on the bluff.

Hunter scanned the group as he dismounted, searching for a face that wasn't there. He stifled the urge to swear as each member of the group shook their head in turn. They were all sticking close to their Bonded tonight, seeking comfort from the Pairbond.

Hunter glanced down the cliff towards the seaside town and the encampment spread out around it. Fires burned cheerily and the night breeze carried the soud of music and voices. The celebrations would continue long into the night, at dawn the council of Clan Lords would meet to debate the rule of the entire savannah. And the first item on the agenda would be Branwen and the 'freaks' that escaped. Idly, Hunter wondered how his father was taking the news of his survival.

Swift leaned down and blew in Hunter's hair. "I doubt it's occured to anyone that eversince the lot of you succeeded in Pairbonding you were full citizens again. You children could have gone home at any time and demanded justice for your treatment. So this should be eventful.

Hunter twisted around and stared into the dragons green eyes. "Children?" He thought-spoke. "Who's the older one here?

"I know Hunter. But when it comes to your family. You have a tendency to let your heart rule your head. More so than usual.

Hunter blew out a frustrated breath as he glanced around the group. The others appeared to be having similar conversations with their Bonded. As they chose whether or not they would go into the Clanmeet. Branwen was an Outcast. Her trial, if there even was one, would be a farce. If they were going to save her it would have to be tonight. Swift was right in fact, eventful was an understatement.
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:51 am
ScarlettFire says...

Branwen & Sinopa:

I hated this. The getting dragged and tossed around like I was nothing. But I wasn't nothing. And they'd seperated me from Sinopa. I had no idea where the fox was. Yet it was worth it to see my father's face when they dragged me past him. Then they'd tossed me into a some dark little hole. I had shivered then, and I was still shivering now. I just had no idea how much time had passed since I'd been seperated from Sinopa.

Two Hours Before Dawn...

"Get up!" someone snapped, kicking at my foot. I bolted upright, startled. Then I winced at the light from the lamp shining on my face. I scrambled backwards until I felt the wall behind me. Suddnely, as my panic vanished, I recognised the voice.

"Derin," I said, smirking. "Why, what a nice time to recieve a visit from my older brother."

The light was lowered and his face came into view, hair as blonde as mine, tanned skin and blue eyes. Yes, it was my brother. Ha, he was heir apparent. Hmph. I frowned as I took in his face. He had a set of four parallell lines across one check. A scar? Claw marks. I smiled.

"I see you've aquired some new scars," I added, tiliting my head to one side. "What do you want?" I snapped.

Derin paused, glancing back over his shoulder. There were at least two hours before dawn, he didn't need to worry about being overheard. "What in the name of the gods are you doing back?" he hissed, crouching down. "You were outcast! You're not supposed to be here. And what is with the nine-tailed fox?"

I narrowed my eyes. He did not just say that. I glared at him, keeping my vocie somewhat steady as I spoke, "That fox is my pairbond, Derin. And I'm only back here to tell the clanmeet something and then I'm gone again and you lot will never have to see me again."

Derin fell back, startled. He stared at me. "What did you say about a pairbond?"

I snorted and looked away. "He hasn't seen me in ten years, Derin. I doubt anyone cares."

With a sigh, Derin got up, brushing off his rear and backing out of the so-called cell they'd dumped me in. He knew I wasn't going to talk. He knew I was stubborn about things sometimes. With a final glance my way, he blew out his little lamp and stalked off. I shrugged and crossed my arms over my chest. Eventually, I dozed off again.

Two Hours Later - Dawn: The Clanmeet

It was unnerving, standing before all the chiefs in the clanmeet. Yes, this trail was going to be a farce. A facade just to get rid of me. And yet, I was smiling. Everyone present was staring at me. Oh, and there was dear Derin, my big brother. I still hadn't seen or heard from Sinopa yet, but I could feel that she was hurting. By the gods, if they'd done anything to cause lasting damage.... I clamped down on that thought as the anger flickered across my face. No need to make them more wary of me.

Father was staring at me, I couldn't help noticing it. He looked like he'd seen a ghot--and he probably had. I was meant to be long dead, wasn't I? And with my pale skin, I really did look like a ghost. I smirked at that thought and then wiped all emotion off my face, eying the Chieftains blankly. No emotions meant they couldn't use that angle on me.

Instead, I spoke, my voice distant, cold, "Hello father. It's been ten years, thought you'd never get over it."

And that was enough to make my brother wince and my father's face flush with anger. That was better than the cold hostility he'd had before, and even the pale shock before that. One of the other cheif's stood--was that the one from Jalia? I couldn't be sure...

"You are not to speak!" he exclaimed, pointing off to the side. I followed the gesture and saw a wolf carry Sinopa into the room. It dropped her near the edge of the circle and sat down. Sinopa. Oh, no. I clenched my hands and turned a cold look on the Jalia Cheiftain. Jair step into position behind the man. Jair, the other boy's brother. I'd never caught his name. I took a closer look at the wolf--Jair's. Damn.

I swallowed, but otherwise showed no response to Sinopa or her distress. I couldn't--not yet. Instead, I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow, as if waiting for him to continue. Two seats over and behind my father, I noticed Derin smirking. He shrugged and copied my position--arms crossed over his chest, feet shoudler length apart. I returned my full attention to Jair's father.

"You are an outcast, you have no pairbond. You are not welcome here, nor are you meant to be anywhere near our clans, let alone a clanmeet..." the man began, eyes narrowed on me. I just waited for him to finish his little rant. But I couldn't help the reaction from that 'no pairbond' comment. I was pairbonded! Sinopa proved that!

((Sorry for skipping ahead and for such a long post. Thought I might get into the action already. Feel free to burst in on the meeting at any time now.))
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:00 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

*Someone bring me in please I am so lost!*
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:13 pm
sylverdawn says...

*Branwen got captured by the Clan's and we are trying to rescue her. There were a few time skips part way through the last few posts. She is currently at a 'trial' while they decide how to execute her.*


Hunter recognized that voice. Shouting, arrogant, with just a hint of cruelty. Just the sound of it sent his mind spiraling back to his childhood. When his father had stopped looking at him and seen a monster instead of his son. The man was a fanatic. Hunter's anger surged but it was held back behind a wall, the Pairbond with Swift was seperating from his emotions. He kept in constant contact with the dragon's mind as Swift circled high above the town, small enough he would be dismissed as a bird.

They had split up again as soon as they entered the town. Hunter wondered where the others had hidden their unique Bonded. Close enough to come help, but hidden well enough they wouldn't attract attention.

His father's voice was rising as he ranted at Branwen. Vindictively, Hunter wondered if the old fart was shouting at Branwen or him. But as he heard the bastard deny Branwen's Pairbond, Hunter snapped. Hang the others he wasn't going to wait for them, they could follow his lead or slip away it was their own choice.

Snarling he stalked into the hall where the council was meeting. His crimson eyes gleamed like twin flames in the smokey hall. His voice rang throughout the hall as his father stared aghast at him. "I Challenge that statement and Judgement. And I Challenge your right to Banish us in the first instant. You Old Bastard."
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:22 pm
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ScarlettFire says...

Branwen & Sinopa:

I jumped, startled, when the boy with the dragon stormed into the hall, coming to a stop a few feet away from use. He faced the cheifs and spoke. And what he said left me staring at him. He challenged them? I stepped forward, touching his arm. The boy blinked at me for a moment. I gave him a cold, empty look but he seemed to see past it. I stepped forward, facing the Jalia cheif.

"If I'm not pairbonded, what do you call her?" I demanded, pointing to my fox. Sinopa struggled up a little and fell back as I watched. This time I let the fury wash over my face and turned glowing pale blue eyes on the Jalia cheif. From the corner of my eye, I saw my brother staring at me. I ignored them all as I crossed to Sinopa, dropping to my knees before her and pulling her head into my lap. It will be alright, Sinopa. I'm here. I'm not letting them touch you again.

Behind me, the boy was still speaking--when he wasn't being interupted.

"You are outcast, both of you!" the Jalia cheif shouted. "You are not welcome here! You have no voice! You are not pairbonded!"

The boy laughed, cutting him off. "But we are, Father. What do you call the fox? Or my dragon? Jair knows. He's seen them."

I didn't look up, hiding my face against Sinopa's fur. The damn wolf. Jair's wolf. I was going to kill it if I ever got the chance. I drew back, gathering Sinopa into my arms, ignoring the blood that was now soaking through my dress and covering my arms. She was large for a fox, but still only a little over half the size of a wolf. I stood, my nine-tailed fox in my arms and returned to the boy's side. I'd never learnt his name.

"Hunter!" someone shouted and I looked around, frowning. Cassia, in all her freezing cold glory, stood in the doorway. Those nearest to her backed away, wincing. I smiled. She may be frozen, but she wasn't emotionless. "Branwen!"

((LOTDR, why don't you catch up to the others, who should be just arriving at the clanmeet in a hall in New Aster about now?))
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:06 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Sacha & Blaze *It's all I could think of at the moment I hope it works*
I crept behind Branwen and Hunter and stood beside them Blaze in his smallest form about the size of a hawk on my shoulder. I lifted my chin in defiance shaking slightly. "We are pair bonded you must acknowledge this fact or deny the existence of the creatures bound to us." I said quietly staring them down my eyes blazing with a green fire. "Where'd you come from?" Branwen asked. I smiled at her. "I came with Cassia and now I am extremely glad that I did." I replied coolly never breaking eye contact with the chief/s.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:09 am
tolkienrocks says...


As if stepping from thin air, Kamau appeared beside Branwen's father, grabbing him roughly and holding the blade of his staff to the chieftain's neck.

"In about two minutes, a lot more outcasts are going to show up, most of them with beasts that could eat you whole." he said, pricking the chieftan's throat with the blade when he tried to struggle. "Fortunatly for you, and beyond my comprehension, some of us don't really want to kill you. We just want to talk."

"We will not negotiate with freaks!" the one called Jair shouted. "You and your so called Pairbonds are abominations, and should be eradicated, for the good of the villages!"

"There won't be any eradicating, unless our hunches are right about what's coming." Kamau said. "Hunter knows more about this than any of us. I suggest you listen to him."

"We haven't seen your 'monsters' yet." Hunter's father said. "I think you're bluffing."

Kamau's smile chilled many of the chieftains' blood.

"Do you still think we're bluffing?" he asked, as a wall shattered with a huge impact. Carabol burst in, roaring, and knocking over any soldiers that tried to attack him. The building shivered, and chunks of masonry shattered on the ground as the roof was lifted off the walls by Swift. Screams sounded from the water, as sailors began jumping into the water as the hydra's heads surfaced.

"Let the discussion begin." Kamau said.
“It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.” ~J.R.R. Tolkien

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Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:08 am
sylverdawn says...


The hall was large and spacious, built to hold all the adults of the New Aster clan. The gong that sat by the fire rang as debris fell from the ceiling. There was plenty of room for the larger of the magic beasts now. Swift stepped daintily down into the room from the hole he had torn in the roof, his scales gleaming in the torchlight. Hunter grinned at Kamau, apperantly he wasn't the only hothead in the group.

He laid a hand on Swift's flank and gazed unblinkingly at his father. Hunter despised the man with every breath in his body, the abuse he had endured was one thing. But some actions could never be forgiven. Part of him screamed to leave them all to their fates and fly far far away, beyond the horizon. It was the least they deserved. But the other half of him felt only pity for this old man and his people.

Hunter could still here his mother's voice, the words she had told him the night after he was Banished. "Do not let hatred taint your heart m'gios. Laugh loud, love hard, live like you've never been hurt. I will always be proud of you m'gios." He clenched his teeth, keeping his face expresionless, though he doubted it fooled his new friends. His mother had refused to repudiate him, and for that crime his father had executed her. Hunter saw the sweat on the old bastard's face. Some things were unforgivable, the old man knew Hunter would kill him given half a chance.

But Swift's warm prescence, the knowledge that he had friends now, allowed him to rein in his rage. And when he spoke his voice was steady, hard as iron. "I'm going to make this very clear. Two years ago the Empire of the Northern Continent began expanding their army. They hunted down the magical beasts native to that land, seeing them as a threat. Some of them managed to escape across the ocean, they found their way to the savannah. Where we Pairbonded with them."

"So what! Why should we give a damn about your freaky Bonded." Jair's voice was loud, and derisive. His mocking laughter trailed off as the Clan Chief's looked at him in disgust. It was usually a dumb idea to antagonise the people that can kill you. But some of the Lord's eyes were widening as they put the pieces together for themselves. Hunter watched his father turn white as a sheet. The bastard may have been cruel, but he was far from stupid.

Hunter smirked, speaking to his brother like he was a not very bright toddler. "Simple brother mine. You don't expand your army unless you're planning to use it. Last I heard the Empire had already conquered the Northern Continent. And who is their closest neighbor again? That's right it's us." His voice dripped with sarcasm.

Pandemonium erupted at that pronouncement, the nobles leaped from their chairs and started shouting at each other. By Hunter's judgement about half had believed them, while the rest had yet to pull their heads out of their butts. He cast an exasperated glance at the other members of their group. After ten minutes of non stop shouting that was quickly degenerating. Kamau stepped away from Branwen's father and slammed the but of his spear into the gong, shouting for order.

*Alright someone else can take it from here, ideally I would like the invasion to begin in three or four posts. By the way m'gios means 'my son'.*
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:33 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Sacha and Blaze
I kept standing and Blaze flew from my shoulder and went to his second largest form about the half size of a dragon and I laid my hand on his soft constantly warm feathers ranging from the darkest gold to a crimson red to gold around his beak which was bright blue. "Calm down!" I said my voice ringing through the hall and as I suspected no one listened. I sighed 'Blaze would you?' I asked quietly. 'Of course.' He replied and then he let out a bone chilling shriek that cut through the shouting like a knife and it died down. "I understand that this is frightening for all of you and I know it is hard to accept but you have no choice the armys shall be here soon and they will show no mercy." I said firmly surprising my friends because I was known for my silence. "Why should we trust you and those ... things!" one of the chiefs exclaimed. I closed my eyes and sighed. "You have no choice in the matter." I said my voice firm. "You either trust us or I'm sorry to put it like this die." I continued. I could see that my words were having some effect but I couldn't tell if it was good or bad.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

Only the suppressed word is dangerous.
— Ludwig Borne