
Young Writers Society

Other world.

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Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:03 am
SisterItaly says...

Where does one go when they die? Heaven? Hell? A hole in the ground?

Other world.

The world one goes to when they die. There is no proper name for this place, because only those dead ever went there. So no one knows what it's like. If the dead could speak, I'm sure they'd tell you it's not exactly heaven, but not hell either. The dead like to think of it as a new home, one with strict regulations. Strict regulations and a cruel tyrant. He rules with an iron fist to make the world seem like a heaven to people known as dreamers.

Dreamers are classified as crazy to the normal living citizens. They believe when they sleep, they don't really sleep. They go to this strange but wonderful world. Other world. it only appears wonderful to them, and the dead are not allowed to warn them of the extreme danger they are in. If they do, (or attempt to) they have to deal with the tyrant. The tyrant is not a forgiving man, and he controls the other world. He controls what it appears to be. He controls who lives in it. He controls who dies in it. If you die in other world, you go into limbo.

Dreamers see what the tyrant makes for them. The tyrant goes through all this trouble for one reason alone. He wants their souls. The tyrant loves nothing more then the souls of the living. Once you die, your soul is spoiled, no use to the tyrant.

The tyrant cannot control the dreamers, he can only persuade them. He needs to persuade them to stay in the dream world. Once they consent to staying in the dream world, their fate is sealed. The tyrant rips their soul from their body and places it in a jar for later use. Dreamers remain unaware of the loss and remain amazed by the world.

The tyrant should have expected this day to come. Humans cannot remain clueless forever. One day, a man with a crazed look in his eye runs into town. Everyone seems wary, some women hold their children close as if the man was a monster. He's breathing heavily and looking for someone, anyone who would listen. For the laughs, many people listen to the crazy man. "It's all lies!" he cries. It doesn't catch your attention yet. "The other world!" he cries. Now your attention is caught. You listen intently as the man accuses the godly figure of the other world of being a tyrant. Saying it's all a lie, everything you see their. He'll take your soul and kill you. Force you to inhabit the other world to gaurd his secret and convince you all is well.

Soon authorities come to drag the man off. He's just a nut. Right? But how did he know of the other world?


-Permission only, send your profile to me before posting it. I want you to send it to me, this means I want detail, a good profile please.
-NO GODMODDING. I absolutly hate godmodding and Mary/Gary Sues. You will get a warning then no more misses nice storybooker.
-No sex scenes, but romance is allowed.
-Keep posts at least 550 characters. That's not a lot, but I will enforce it.
-Post regularly. If you're going to be away, tell us. Posting regularly will help you keep up with the story.
-Check/post in the DT often.
-No 'Claiming spots' it's first come first serve. Send me your profile. I'm only allowing so many girls and so many guys.
-I do want more dreamers then dead people. At most I'm allowing three dead people.
-I know this is a 'dream world' where all of people's dreams come true, but keep in mind a few things...
-You cannot use the tyrant to control people's characters. As for the dead people, the writer of that character will tell us what the tyrant does to them.
-You cannot have super powers/mythical beasts/stuff in that catagory.
-Be realistic. These are small town people who don't know all that much about the big world.
-All is not as it seems.

*note* Think 19th century.

Code: Select all

[b]Age:[/b] (18+)


[b]Appearance:[/b](NO Anime)


[b]Alive or dead:[/b]

[b]Up For Love:[/b]





Elizabeth Delorie - Female - Isha

Monique- Female - Puzzler

Vesper Kame - Male - Razcoon

Frank Carver - Male - Jagged


Isaac Garrow - Male - Lumi

Abel Hertzfeld - Male - Octave

Annie Collins - Female - ScarlettFire
Last edited by SisterItaly on Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:51 pm, edited 8 times in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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66 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1882
Reviews: 66
Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:43 am
SisterItaly says...

Name: Monique

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Spoiler! :

Personality: Mona is a free spirit, she loves to be out in the open where the air can reach her. She's slightly claustrophobic. She is very talkative, in fact she never shuts up. She's a very friendly person, she just happens to get annoying quickly. She's always open to new idea's in the end, even if she is really confused acting. She isn't seen often in town, since her father thinks she's crazy. All he needs is that on his family's reputation.

Alive or dead: Alive

Up For Love: Of course

History: As the rancher's daughter, Mona spent her life around horses. She even raised and tamed a wild horse she named Bronco. Bronco died when she was 19, but she's gotten over him. Her heart still belongs to horses and riding freely. By freely, I mean bare-back. She has never rode with a saddle and she never will. Mona has no experience with men, and she hardly ever thought about love.

Spoiler! :
Last edited by SisterItaly on Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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212 Reviews


Gender: Female
Points: 11771
Reviews: 212
Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:22 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Alright, Emy. I'll join. Dead female....coming soon.

Edit; Profile. (Finally >.>) Sorry it took so long, Emy.

Name: Annie Collins.

Age: 20.

Gender: Female.

Appearance: Annie is about 5'8 in height with red hair and light brown eyes. Her skin is pale, almost barely tanned and she's slim yet athletic. Annie has a natural grace and always seems to be smiling. She likes to wear earthy tones.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Annie is loyal, kind and caring--to a degree. She doesn't like to see those she cares about harmed, and if you do harm them--or even threaten them--she will not be happy. She's bold, blunt and is not afraid to start yelling if someone pisses her off. She's not shy at all and will not hesitate to slap someone--and this will mostly likely get her in trouble. Annie also seems unafraid, but she's just hiding her fear well. Unafraid to cause trouble if and when she can, Annie's sure to be a handful. She dislikes the Tyrant but fears him too much to speak up.

Alive or dead: Dead.

Up For Love: Er, she's dead...so I guess that's a no...

History: Annie used to be rich--when she was alive. She had a seemingly perfect loving family and plenty of everything. She grew up pampered...until she had to marry. She spent several years avoiding it until her 20th birthday.

She was to marry a stranger, but didn't like the idea. On the night of her 20th birthday, she snuck out--to meet a much younger and much poorer young man. She didn't come home that morning or the next day. Or the day after that.

Other: Almost always seen wearing this;
Spoiler! :
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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384 Reviews

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Reviews: 384
Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:53 pm
eldEr says...

Name: Elizabeth Delorie (Tends to go by Beth)

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Appearance: Short blonde hair, fashioned into a longer version of a pixie cut. She has normally fierce grey-blue eyes that seem to match her temper. She usually has a fairly bored expression on her face, and is the kind of girl whose appearance says, 'I can walk away casually from an exploding hotel.' (Of course, this is just an act she likes to keep up) She has very good posture and a fairly athletic build. She's a bit on the short side at 5'4''.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Elizabeth usually acts how her appearance suggests she does. She's dry and sarcastic, and always bored. She needs thrills to keep herself occupied, and thrills she lives for. She has a tendency to poke fun the second she notices somebody's even the slightest bit afraid, even if she's afraid herself. It's a coping mechanism, and she hides her own fear very well. Her temper runs on a very, very short fuse, and when she's angry, you'll know. What's the point of hiding your rage when you can club somebody over the head with the nearest hard object? Despite her inability to show people, she does care and would put her life on the line for a friend. Particularly one who's seemed to be able to cope with her blunt, irritating ways. She's loyal, though you won't know this until it matters the most.
It usually comes as a surprise to know that Elizabeth is both claustrophobic and deathly afraid of being alone in the dark. Seeing as she's twenty-one years old, it's her top priority to keep those two fears secrets. She will go to extreme lengths to avoid getting herself into a position where her secret will be given away, and if she can't avoid it, she'll go into hysterics and completely break down.

Alive or dead: Alive

Up For Love: Haha... yeah, I wish you luck.

History: There isn't much to Elizabeth's history. It's been dull, save for the fact that everybody assumes her crazy. She's been avoided and shoved around, bullied through school, but she doesn't seem to care much. It hardened her, to say the least, and her parents weren't much of a help. They just sat around and watched for the most part, never offering her advice or comfort. She had no siblings around to help her either, and there wasn't anybody she could really talk to, save for her grandfather.

Grandpa Mike was Elizabeth's one comfort. She could tell him anything and everything, and the best part was that he didn't think her insane. He was her mother's father, and one thing that Elizabeth always found strange was that he never spoke of his family's history. Grandma was said to have died a long time before Elizabeth was born, but the topic was so avoided that Beth began to wonder.

After Mike died four years ago, Elizabeth's life started falling apart. Depression gave way to boredom, which gave way to her cravings for thrills. There was nothing this girl wouldn't do for an adrenaline rush. She'd run across the top of roofs, jump them on occasion, among any other programs or activities her "crummy little town" had to offer.

Other: She has a strange obsession with earrings. The longer the better, but they can never be hooped. Never. They have to be long and dangling, preferably beaded, and they can not have any type of animal on them. Save for dragonflies. Or, in some cases, snakes.
If she's taking part in an activity that requires her to take off her earrings, she has a separate pouch that she has to put them in, which attaches to her belt. So, if you really think about it, she is never seen without a belt, either. (She doesn't wear sweatpants. Ever.)

got trans?

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Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:16 pm
Lumi says...

I'mma editin' Lumi. Don't read any of this yet because it's just a mess of notes and stuff.

Name: Isaac Garrow

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: Thinking long-ish blonde/brown hair and green eyes. Slender-esque. Like he could fight if necessary, but would rather not. Not particularly tall, but not short either. Aiming for 5'10"-6'0". Strong hands. Jamie Campbell Bower? He looks nicer than he can act, but also cold in circumstances. Jamie Campbell Bower?

Yeah. Jamie Campbell Bower.

Personality: Isaac is charismatic and attractive young man that could lead you to hell with a winning smile. His basic persona is that of a diplomat with a hidden set of claws. Back when he was alive, he was his village favorite, and was sworn to have all the promise in the world.

Alive or dead: Dead

Up For Love: He's...dead...?

History: Isaac was born upon the turn of the century, 20th century London, to a poor couple living beneath an old pub. His parents were aware that they could not sufficiently raise a child, and therefore abandoned him on the doors of Parliament with a note:

Fragile--handle with care!

He was then since raised by an heir to the throne in 42nd place, and was told upon his 13th birthday,

"Isaac, if forty-two people suddenly die in an inexplicable incident, you are the new King of England!"

The pressure, by some good grace, never got to him.

He died in America during a Boston gang war.

Other: He used to be a good shot with a musket.
Last edited by Lumi on Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:36 pm, edited 4 times in total.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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202 Reviews

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Points: 8831
Reviews: 202
Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:08 am
Octave says...

Name: Abel Hertzfeld

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: Abel stands at a fairly respectable height of 5"10, and often dons a hat/cap to cover his dark hair. His gray eyes are large and doe-like, and his lips are fairly pouty when he doesn't get his way.

Spoiler! :



Go on, talk to him. Abel is willing to listen to all your problems and sympathize with you. Just be careful what you say.

Abel is...off-kilter, to say the least. The stringent rules of the tyrant don't bother him, and in fact please him. His support of the tyrant borders on obsessive, and he wants nothing to disturb his perfect little world. All the rules and such are fair, in his opinion, and the tyrant wants nothing but the best for the people. His quiet, unassuming, and often charming demeanor hides his madness with calculated precision, and he's very quick to hurt anyone who ever speaks ill of the tyrant. He covers his tracks fairly well, though, and is soft-spoken and educated when holding a conversation. Seems to respect the opinions of others, but deems anyone who doesn't follow the rules to a T a deviant who must be purged from society. Views himself above most others, and punishes himself for perceived flaws and failures, often by provoking the tyrant he worships. He's intensely loyal and is forever searching for the redemption he adamantly denies himself. Anything that catches his fancy will more often than not be the object of obsession.

Alive or dead:


Up For Love:

...Er, what? ._. ..You could try? oO But he's kinda...dead. And crazy.


Abel was (is?) a Jew studying to be a doctor when Hitler came to power. He managed to hide for a bit, but not well enough, as he was only getting by with fake papers and such. Something in him broke during the year he spent in hiding. It wasn't much of a surprise, seeing as fellow Jews in hiding often came creeping to Abel for help, even though the young doctor-in-training had no proper equipment, medicine, or complete training. Despite Abel's best, many a patient died in his hands through a combination of those factors, and Abel couldn't really take that.

In April 1942, Abel and his family were discovered by the Nazis. He was separated from his family (two younger sisters, a sickly father he was trying to cure, and his mother) and sent to a concentration camp, where he found solace in punishment and strict rules. He was quite possibly the tamest among the Jews there because he viewed the concentration camp as a path to absolution, and willingly accepted his fate long before his death.


Very good with a scalpel/other pointy objects and poisons. Not bad in hand-to-hand combat. Incredibly meticulous and good with noticing/memorizing details. Bad with spontaneity and needs everything to go according to plan. Prefers to deliver a coup de grâce as opposed to letting his victim languish slowly.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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114 Reviews

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Points: 9046
Reviews: 114
Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:55 am
Razcoon says...

Name: Vesper Kame

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: Vesper is albino, about 6'1" in height. His white hair is thin, fluffy, and messy. Most people are slightly taken aback upon seeing his eyes, as they're void of color but full of thought. He often wears hats and dark colors, as they dull the obvious attention-grabbing effect of his being albino.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Vesper is a shy man who keeps to himself and enjoys contemplating the different aspects of life. He sees beauty in everything and takes the time to enjoy what's around him, nature and cities alike. Playing guitar is a much enjoyed pastime of his, but he doesn't sing often. Everything fascinates him, amusing him easily. A good majority of his time is spent in his own head. He's an all-over laid back man, for the most part.

However, if his peace is disturbed, he bites. Not literally, but he's irritable and cold towards anyone who interrupts his thought process. It's rare that he becomes stressed, but when he is, the source really affects him and sticks with him longer than it would with the average person. He hates being social, and hasn't lived a life with nearly enough human interaction to be healthy. When he talks, he's usually quiet and as blunt as possible, so as to say as little as he can get away with.

Alive or dead: Alive.

Up For Love: Hell to the yes, can I say that twice?

History: Born to a single, teenage pothead, he was passed to three various foster families he never managed or cared to be close with. At school, he felt far away from everyone else. He would be that one kid who always worked (and doodled) quietly and kept his head down. Never even getting good grades; just antisocial and strange. As far as he's concerned, he's worthless.

Other: This is his fedora:
Spoiler! :
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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153 Reviews

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Reviews: 153
Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:02 pm
Jagged says...

Name: Frank Carver

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Appearance: Lean and of average height. Hazel eyes, long brown hair, a tendency to stare and overdress.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Fatalistic, bitter and harboring a great deal of anger, though he keeps it directed inwards most of the time: Frank is the type to bottle up his feelings and then explode violently once he's reached his limit. In the meantime he'll seethe quietly, and occasionally direct sharp words towards annoyances. He's good at dissecting people verbally, picking up his cues and making educated guesses based on observation and paying attention to what they say--he's had little else to do but watch and listen for the last few years, and he's gotten good at it. Prone to recklessness and ignoring advice he doesn't want to hear. On the brighter side, he's very practical, pragmatic and dedicated to what he thinks is worth it. And he can learn from his mistakes. Eventually. Sekritly a romantic at heart, but you're gonna have to get the dynamite out to get that from under the sarcasm and deprecating sense of humor.

Alive or dead: Alive

Up For Love: ...sure?

History: Boring normal childhood. Married young, had kids, happy family yadda yadda. It probably would have gone on to be very happy and functional, had it not been for The Accident which killed his infant daughter and got him stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, after some rather... tense moments spent in the operating room. Some people learn to seize the day after that sort of event; Frank withdrew into himself for a bit, and when he re-emerged it was as a caustic, half-broken man who dealt with an already unbearable situation by making life hell for everyone else around him. It wasn't long before he was alone and stewing in his resentment and helplessness, and too proud to take anything back. Now it's just a question of "what now?"

Other: Still wears his wedding ring, even though he's not technically married anymore. In dreamworld he can walk.
Lumi: they stand no chance against the JAG SAFETY BLANKET

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Reviews: 66
Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:47 pm
SisterItaly says...

Mona - At Home

I yawned and stroked Nina's big, grey neck. The sun was setting, signaling the end of another day, and the beginning of the dream. I smiled, thinking about returning to the other world. Nina turned her head to look over her shoulder as my father approached. My mother looked over from her spot on the stool, she was also grooming the horses. We did this every night before my father got home from town.

"Mona! My darling!" He exclaimed as he lifted me and twirled me in the air. Through the shine you could see the pain in his eyes. I didn't understand why everyone thought I was crazy. If they had seen what I had seen they wouldn't call me crazy. He set me down so I could clean up the cleaning supplies.

He took my mother off to the other side of the stable, still barely within ear shot. I couldn't help my curiosity.
"Lise, some nut case came running into town today. He was talking about something that may interest you... he was talking about..." He glanced at me, and I pretended to be busy with cleaning up, "A place. A place called other world. He says it's dangerous."

I looked over to them, mother had an odd look on her face. A mix of worry and confusion. My stomach twisted. The man was just a nut, right? There was no way he could have known about other world.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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384 Reviews

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Reviews: 384
Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:09 pm
eldEr says...

Elizabeth | At home; her room

The door squealed rather unpleasantly as I pushed it open. I sighed and stepped into my bedroom, trying as hard as I could to ignore the creaky floor-boards. It had been one of those days, the kind I spend begging the skies for something to do. I hadn't, however, been expecting the old coot who was going on about Other World.

Now that had been troubling. Normally, crazed rants would have slipped my mind; I had witnessed my fair share of them in life. Of course, my idea of a crazed rant was somebody claiming that Other World didn't exist-- that I was insane.

I shook my head and fell into bed fully clothed, save for socks or shoes. It wasn't late, but I was pulling my covers up to my chin and closing my eyes anyways.

Exhausted. That's how I felt. Exhausted and more bored than I had been in a very long time. Other world would be more welcomed this evening than it usually was. At least something exciting might happen there.

I smiled to myself, expecting sleep to come gradually. Of course, it decided to surprise me by coming almost immediately. There was an odd moment where I was hovering somewhere between my reality, and Other world. A bit of fuzz, voices and sounds and smells that didn't quite belong. A few images that flashed between consciousness and what most others would call 'sleep.'

And then I was under, half-way down the side of a cliff, shrieking my delight. As always, the details of just how I had gotten there were fuzzy, but it hardly mattered. The thrill was all I really cared about right now.

The air whizzing past my ears, whipping my short hair behind me as far as it could go, the fact that I was falling, and there was no rope around my waist to make me bounce back up again. I let out one more whoop, squeezing my eyes even tighter together than they were before.

I was expecting water any second now, but it wasn't coming. In any other place, this would have worried me. Here, however, it was wonderful. The water would come eventually. It always did. Sometimes it jolted me back to the 'true' reality, and other times I would be able to swim back to shore and remain in Other world.

This time around, though, I wanted to stay here for as long as possible.

got trans?

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
— Thomas Edison