
Young Writers Society

Power of the Soul

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Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:13 am
piepiemann22 says...

(Is this thing dead, or are you guys just stuck?)
I will always fight back, no matter what.

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Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:18 am
sylverdawn says...

is it to late to join?

Name- Raslia (Ras for short)
gender- female
age- 17
race- demon/angel hybrid of the Dragon tribe
appearance- tanned skin, 5,3 in height, silver hair, grey-purple eyes. Wears black pants, sleeveless black top, goggles, and a red scarf. Black leather boots, black feathered wings (the mark of a half-breed)
weapon- two katana, one red one blue, can use fire and ice majic.
history- Her father was an angel, her mother a demon. While her mother was still alive her heritage was hidden from the demon race. When she was twelve her mother died and the demons realised what she was, has been on the run ever since. Her father was the angel of fire, so she is drawn to the Fire elemental stone, she dreams of it but she doesn't know why or what it is.


I screamed, the electricity coarsed through me and the room became a blur. I sagged against the wall, letting the chains take my weight. Dimly I heard the imp torturerers talking, but I couldn't hear them over the roaring in my ears, but I did catch a name, Laguna. A Cypher pulled the switch on the wall and another jolt of electricity coarsed through me.

I came awake with a gasp my mouth open as I tried to scream, but no sound emerged. Shaking I wrapped the blanket around me and glanced around the campsite, the embers of the fire burned low and the moon rose high in the sky. My swords lay beside my pallet ready to be used any moment, but for now the plains were empty except for me.

Payne, my wolf companion stepped out of the shadows his mind voice echoing in my head. Payne was a Cypher, part of a tribe of heavenly animals that had become trapped in the spirit realm, and enlsaved by demons.

His mind voice reached out to me, warm and washing away the last dregs of fear the dream had created. "The same dream again?" He asked.

I pick up a stick and stoke the fire into life. "Isn't it always, I either dream of that stupid rock, or the torturers. Hey Payne? Do you think the demons were right?"

Unbidden a voice drifted out of my past I shivered even though I knew it was just a memory. "You should have never been born."

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Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:53 am
Dynamo says...

Name: Kurasuke Okami

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Race: Atlantian

Appearance: Shoulder length white hair, gray eyes, red shirt and black vest, black headband to keep his hair out of his face, a thin scar runs across his face over his nose and between his eyes.

Soul Blade(s): Tsume (three fingered cat-claw weapon), Kiba (short, thick curved sword)

Personality: Short-sighted and temperamental, Kurasuke is always trying to stand out from others as "the best". He tries to be the best at everything, which gets him into a lot of trouble. His most favoured tactic in battle would be to run in head first and hope the enemy doesn't block.

History: Kurasuke's family is a very important group of people to the emperor. His father, Hogatsu Okami, is one of the empirer's assistants. His older brother, Ichigan Okami, is a high ranking general in the emperor's army. It's only because of his family's high status that Kurasuke was able to get into the army at such a young age. But he still lacks the proper training to be a valuable asset to the emperor's army, suffice to say he has yet to learn how to fully control his aura.
Last edited by Dynamo on Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Sun Jan 06, 2008 3:18 am
Dynamo says...

(I'm still a little hazy on whether Raiku is an emperor or a prince.)

"Ichigan, why do we have to keep doing this?"

The older brother sighed. "Until you learn how to control your aura."

"But I'd rather be training with my weapons!"

"Kurasuke," Ichigan's voice was strict, almost scolding. "An Atlantian soldier is nothing without the power to control his aura. It's what sets us apart from the demonic enemies we encounter."

Kurasuke sighed. "Yeah, yeah. I get it." He turned back to the pond his brother had brought him to. "So, explain to me how I'm supposed to do this again?"

"Focus your aura to your feet and use it to walk across the water."

"Okay, I'll try." Kurasuke concentrated with all his might as he began to walk across the pond. Seeing his success, he shouted, "I did it!" which broke his concentration. He dropped like a rock into the depths of the pond.

Ichigan let out a weary sigh. "Don't lose your concentration, now try again."

One of the emperor's messengers approached Ichigan. "General Okami, I have a message from the emperor."

"What is it?" Ichigan asked. Kurasuke had crawled out of the pond and was now shaking himself dry.

"Raiku wants you to assign three of your best men to assist a group of warriors."

"And what is the mission?"

The messenger handed him a piece of paper. "This is classified information. The emperor doesn't want everyone to find out."

Ichigan quickly read the paper, his eyes widening a bit. He folded the paper and hid it under his vest. "Very well, I'll send three of my best to the emperor for his approval."

Once the messenger was gone, Kurasuke asked, "What was that all about? What kind of mission was he talking about?"

"Kurasuke, keep practicing. I'll be back in an hour to check on your progress."



That one word froze him in place. Kurasuke sighed and said, "Fine..."

(The three guys are probably just going to be killed off in the first enemy encounter anyway. I just needed some way to get my character into the story.)
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:47 am
RoryLegend says...

Hope its not too late to start.

Name: Evain
Race: fallen angel
Age: 25
Appearance: long dark hair usually worn down, violet gown, hazel eyes, pale complextion.
History: was dragged from heaven by a demon but escaped. Became trapped from heaven with a girl she considered her sister, Fye. When the two of them fell into the realm Evain was nocked unconsious. Fye waited three days and she still did not wake up so she decided the best thing to do would be to find others.

My eyes fluttered open and I sat up. Fye was the first word to come out of my mouth. I looked around frantically. I remembered being so cruelly taken from heaven and I remembered falling with Fye. I stood up but had to put most of my weight on my left leg, for my right leg was injured. I didn't know where I was or where to go. I began to walk (with a limp), and stepped on a small rock with my bare right foot, sending tremors of pain up my leg. Stupid rock. I picked it up and noticed it had strange markings on it. I wanted to throw it in anger but something told me to keep in. I slipped it in my pouch then put my hands on my hips. Now what.
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:48 am
sylverdawn says...


I walked along the canyon path careful to stay silent, Payne padded along beside me. I peered down to the bottom of the path. A large number of demons were getting off an airship.

"That's Shyuda's ship."

"I know Payne, but why is here, he can't be after us no one knew we were coming here."

Whatever, lets leave before we get caught. Shyuda is one of the six demon generals, and that guy more then anyone else would want to fight you.

"Why? I've never done anything to him."

"It's not what you've done, but what you may become. Now lets GO"

"Fine. If you're that insistent. But we can only go east. Any further east and we'll hit the wall. You know, the wall that divides the Atlantian realm from the rest of the spirit realm."

Even though I was arguing I was already following Payne back up the canyon path. The shadows created by the rising sun, hid us from any prying eyes.

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Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:10 pm
Dynamo says...

Later that day, Kurasuke found his brother in his office. His office was how an army general's office should have looked like, weapons hanging from the walls, suits of armour on display and battle plans and other documents scattered all over the place.

He spent most of his time on the field, so Ichigan didn't have much time to keep his office clean. He also refused the emperor's suggestion of having someone clean it for him, arguing that he didn't want anyone reading any of his documents.

Ichigan was sitting at his desk writing logs as usual. Kurasuke came up to him and said, "Hey, brother. When you're finished whatever it is you're doing can you teach me a new fighting technique?"

"I'm not going to teach you anything else until you've got the basics down pat," he said. "That's how it is for every man in the army, you don't get any special treatment just because you're my brother."

"But, doing basics is boring," Kurasuke argued. "I want to learn something new!"

Ichigan was about to give his brother another one of his lectures when there was a knock at the door. "Come in."

One of his sergeants came into his office. "General Okami, the three soldiers you requested are waiting outside for your approval."

"Very well." Ichigan got out from behind his desk. He was almost out the door when he turned to his brother and said, "Don't touch anything."

"Yeah, yeah..."

Once his brother was gone, Kurasuke started looking around the room. He liked being in his brother's office, it was much more interesting than his own room. He came up to one of the suits of armour. His brother once told him this particular suit was modeled after the kind of armour warriors from a place called Japan wore on Earth. He ran his hand against the surface to feel the texture. The armour fell to the ground in a heap of metal clangs.

"Uh oh, Ichigan's gonna be pissed..." Kurasuke turned to leave but stopped when he saw a piece of paper on his brother's desk. It had the same seal as the one the messenger gave him this morning.

When Kurasuke had asked what was on the paper his brother said it was classified information. It must have been very important if he was keeping it a secret from his own brother. Kurasuke grabbed the paper and opened it.

It read: "General Ichigan Okami. I, Prince Raiku, order you to select three of your best soldiers to accompany a group of warriors on a mission I have assigned for them. Their task is to recover the Elemental Stones. The stones must be found before our enemies find them, but the group must also be small in order to avoid detection from the enemy. I trust you will find the best men for the job." The prince's signature was at the bottom.

"Elemental Stones? Sounds important." Kurasuke had an idea. "Hey, if I found all the stones I'd be a hero! All I have to do is follow these guys and help them recover the stones and take all the credit once we get back!" Kurasuke was giddy with anticipation as he ran out of his brother's office to pack his things for the long trip.

(How many Elemental Stones are there exactly?)
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:50 am
Knurla says...

(Guys, I don't have internet anymore; I have to use my friends comp whenever I can. I can't post until piepieman posts, or until someone pulls my character away from his some how.)

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Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:13 pm
Dynamo says...

(I checked piepiemann's profile and it says he hasn't been on since the 7th. I guess we're just going to have to wait until he comes back.)
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:35 am
sylverdawn says...


The sun was setting in the west, we had been climbing the natural cliffs that ringed the atlantians wall for several hours. At last we reached the top of the canyon, exhausted my legs buckled under me. Below us you could see over the Wall into the atlantian realm. It was beautiful, like nothing I had ever seen. and it took my breath away.

Payne nudged my hand with his muzzle pulling back in surprise when he felt how hot I was. "You're burning up Ras, what were you thinking travelling when you're this sick?"

Tiredly I ran my hand trough his thick silver fur. "I don't know. I want to go home, but I no longer know where home is. Its funny Payne, we've been running all this time, but I can't remember what we're running from."

Promising myself it would just be for a little while, I sighed and closed my eyes, letting sweet darkness wash over me.

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Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:50 am
RoryLegend says...


I searched my mind and tried to get into Fye's. See where she was, how she was. I only saw a few short glimpses of it, but i definatly saw a great city. I began walk towards a tree. I placed my hand on it and asked it a few questions. If it knew of this great city? Which way was the best way to go? What dangers should i be wary of? When it gave me the information i desired I thanked the tree, Ermius, and headed in the direction it told me. I was ready for a long journey, but it was only mere hours before i reached a great stone wall. I could find no means of climbing the wall and as I had yet to earn my wings before being ripped form heaven I could not fly over the wall. I looked past a mountain range along the wall and to a canyon. I could see a spec of a person standing next to what looked like some sort of dog. The person dropped and lay on the canyon floor and did not get up. I decided they would be no help and as i could not get over the wall i would have to go through it. There had to be a gate to the place on the other side of the wall some where. Otherwise the system would make no sence. I began to follow the wall, tracing the silver bricks with my hand as i went. No matter that i was still limping, or that the stone in my pouch was whispering to me, all i could think of was Fye, and seeing her again.
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:08 pm
Fye says...

(oops, is everyone gone already?)

Fye sat on the cold but ornate tiled hallway floor. Her mind was occupied, nosing in the room behind her. It was something new. No, not Raiku showing off. It was that other people - selected warriors - were summoned on a mission. She had heard the whispers earlier while fiddling with Lady Michelle's bow. Elemental stones. If we can find them the gate way to heaven will reopen.

"I loved God," she had thought, "until the day He stole my home away from me because of those stupid stones."

She then had heard nothing more.

Now she sat on the floor, musing herself to think that Raiku was going off topic once again to show his powers. Poor Kris. Michelle was caring, too, to have been so kind to a person she had only met - what more, while she was half-unconscious. But it was, of course, plain courtesy to return the favour he gave her.

She became bored again.

Her right wing emerged and she leaned on it against the wall. The feathers were soft whereas the feel, warm. Her hand slowly and gracefully caressed her wing as she thought of living in heaven once again, where white feathered wings were not so rare.

A feather dropped to the ground. "Oops," she said aloud, picking the feather up with her pale fingers. Then she started caressing the floor with it, as if the tiles would get tickled.

Boy, am I bored.

Then, "Fye!" A distant echo, a calling, somehow so far away and soft. It was like an imagination.

"Shhh...I'm quite at peace here," she giggled, "I'm tickling the tiles!"

"Fye!" It was then she stopped at her bosh, and realized who it was, or who it might be.

Her eyes opened wide as a sudden rush of adrenaline flowed through her. "E - Evain?"

"Where are you?" It was that voice again. Could it be? Her heart sank with guilt and regret. She didn't want to leave her back then, but she had to. "Evain, is that you?"

"Fye!" It was as if the voice did not hear her. It was weak, it was not like Evain. Evain had a strong voice, a strong mind, stronger than Fye's. But no doubt would stop Fye.

"Michelle?" Fye spoke her mind to Michelle in the room across the walls, "I'm sorry I can't stay. I think I've finally found a place to go! Tell Kris I said hi." She knew Michelle might not have the ability to speak her mind back to her, but she didn't have to.

"Evain!" A trail of a few feathers lay on the hallway floor to a window, and the angel flew out into the sky.

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Thu Feb 21, 2008 6:55 pm
sylverdawn says...


I don't how long I slept for. When I came to the rain pounded overhead, the sky was obscured by dark clouds. Payne had kept me warm and managed to bring my fever down, but now that I was up he was going to interrogate me.

"What's wrong with you Ras. You're so strong willed a fever shouldn't be able to bring you down. And up until a month ago you avoided the East like a plague. Suddenly we're as far east as you can get."

I rub his ears, running my hand through the thick wet fur. "Something is calling me to this place Payne, and it's beyond that wall. Honestly, I'm as surprised as you are, I never knew I was suicidal."
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


The ink in which our lives are inscribed is indelible.
— Helena 'HG' Wells, Warehouse 13