
Young Writers Society

The Twin Terror: A Storybook Created by Snoink and Grif - DT

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3821 Reviews


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Points: 3491
Reviews: 3821
Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:31 am
Snoink says...

This is our DT thread! Wooo!
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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3821 Reviews


Gender: Female
Points: 3491
Reviews: 3821
Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:32 am
Snoink says...

Here's a convo. Nothing's set in stone... we're just excited and talking about the possibilities.

Spoiler! :
Welcome! You have entered [The Lounge] at 12:36 am
[Nutty] 12:36 am: Hey snoink
[Griffinkeeper] 12:36 am: Nice post.
[Snoink] 12:36 am: hi!
[Snoink] 12:36 am: it kind of sucked, but hey! It kind of sets up our conflict
[Nutty] 12:36 am: Maybe Sev is part of a travelling circus.
[Snoink] 12:37 am: lol, I already kind of figured out a place for Sev... XD
[Nutty] 12:37 am: ...0.o
[Griffinkeeper] 12:37 am: ?
[Snoink] 12:37 am: dude, I love storybooks
[Nutty] 12:37 am: xD I noticed.
[Snoink] 12:37 am: I can fit any character you throw at me into a storybook
[Snoink] 12:37 am: it drives people nuts
[Nutty] 12:37 am: So where are you steering my character?
[Griffinkeeper] 12:37 am: Psh, you have a funny way of loving storybooks. What, is this the second one you've been on in YWS.
[Snoink] 12:38 am: shut up, lol
[Snoink] 12:38 am: We have a flying human and a gryphon hunter, no?
[Nutty] 12:38 am: Yup.
[Snoink] 12:38 am: they are probably going to clash, like whoa
[Nutty] 12:38 am: One is bipolar and one is borderline sociopathic, from what I can tell.
[Snoink] 12:39 am: if you turn it just right, Kandi can possibly attack Sev
[Nutty] 12:39 am: how does this fit in with the gryphons?
[Snoink] 12:39 am: and Sev isn't really equipped to handle Kandi, is she?
[Nutty] 12:40 am: Nup. She's not much of a fighter.
[Snoink] 12:40 am: the gryphons might try to save Sev, thinking that she is their own
[Nutty] 12:40 am: She's a hit-and-run kind of girl.
[Snoink] 12:40 am: because, hey, large wing span, etc... it kind of effects them
[Nutty] 12:40 am: or sit out of reach and throw stones. xD
[Snoink] 12:40 am: or!
[Snoink] 12:40 am: Sev can stir up trouble against the gryphons
[Snoink] 12:41 am: maybe the reason why Kandi starts hunting is because of Sev causing trouble
[Snoink] 12:41 am: Gryphons really don't want to associate themselves with the humans, yet Sev is forcing them to deal with the humans
[Snoink] 12:41 am: sooooo, if we play this right, Sev can be hugely important
[Nutty] 12:41 am: hrm.
[Snoink] 12:41 am: in any case, Sev is going to be the link between the humans and the gryphons
[Nutty] 12:42 am: So, have Sev force the human world to acknowledge the mythical world
[Snoink] 12:42 am: ...and yes, I build stories too easily.
[Snoink] 12:42 am: pretty much, yeah
[Nutty] 12:42 am: By being herself, basically
[Snoink] 12:42 am: and she can do this, just by being mischievous
[Snoink] 12:42 am: exactly
[Griffinkeeper] 12:42 am: This could lead to the formation of the council.
[Snoink] 12:42 am: oh gosh, a prequel? XD
[Griffinkeeper] 12:43 am: If it brings in more writers, why not?
[Snoink] 12:43 am: I could deal with that. Snarkindron is a bit of an ass though
[Nutty] 12:43 am: I am not sure how this will play out in Sev's favour in the end, though. Once she gets the ball rolling, she is not a fighter or a peacemaker.
[Snoink] 12:43 am: Sev will have to do what all characters have to do
[Snoink] 12:43 am: deal with conflict and, possibly, change
[Nutty] 12:43 am: Indeed
[Griffinkeeper] 12:43 am: Patrus is a bit of a peacemaker.
[Snoink] 12:44 am: nine times out of ten, storybooks die because writers don't want to change their characters from their initial state
[Griffinkeeper] 12:44 am: Any ideas for Patrus?
[Nutty] 12:44 am: Oh.
[Snoink] 12:44 am: Patrus seems to want to connect the gryphons with the humans, peaceably
[Griffinkeeper] 12:45 am: But thanks to an accident with a fruit loop box, he won't be able to do it.
[Snoink] 12:45 am: he understands that eventually the humans are going to find out, so he wants to do it gradually so that humans don't kill the gryphons upon their discovery
[Snoink] 12:45 am: he seeks to do this through training trustants
[Nutty] 12:45 am: As griff said before, by pretending to be a performer, Sev could possibly get into human towns...
[Snoink] 12:45 am: however, Sweenie is against this idea because she wants to keep entirely separated from the humans
[Griffinkeeper] 12:45 am: Ah. I've never thought about how the trustants were originally formed. Patrus may have just earned a place in my personal canon.
[Snoink] 12:45 am: separationist, as it were
[Snoink] 12:46 am: haha, I'm just making I had an accident up at this point. XD
[Griffinkeeper] 12:46 am: You're on a hot streak, keep going.
[Snoink] 12:46 am: ...an appropriate censor!
[Nutty] 12:47 am: it will interest me to see how this will pan out if we start getting emos and wizards and dragons joining.
[Snoink] 12:47 am: Kandi is going to be the one who basically knows and wants to stop Patrus, because she thinks he is just brainwashing the gryphons, without concern for their humanity
[Griffinkeeper] 12:47 am: Then we'll have TTAC.
[Snoink] 12:47 am: dude, if wizards and dragons start joining, we will make it like TTAC
[Snoink] 12:47 am: and it will be the greatest thing ever
[Snoink] 12:47 am: Owls Mowing Grass . Can Sally be part of this?
[Griffinkeeper] 12:48 am: Nutty, TTAC is the best and longest running storybook ever written to my knowledge.
[Snoink] 12:48 am: That would be tres awesome, I think
[Nutty] 12:48 am: I still reckon someone should headhunt alteran.
[Griffinkeeper] 12:48 am: Do it.
[Griffinkeeper] 12:48 am: Both of you.
[Snoink] 12:48 am: this is going to be an amazing storybook though, if it is a prequel to TTAC
[Snoink] 12:48 am: I think, in TTAC lore, THE COUNCIL was created long before
[Griffinkeeper] 12:49 am: Perhaps it was more efficient during that time period?
[Snoink] 12:49 am: But, what I always thought was that THE COUNCIL (at that time) didn't really include gryphons... it was mostly old order species, like dragons and elves, etc.)
[Snoink] 12:49 am: Gryphons were considered to be isolationalists, I believed.
[Griffinkeeper] 12:50 am: Gryphons would have been part of THE COUNCIL originally. They split off when they realized how stupid the organization had become.
[Griffinkeeper] 12:50 am: Sort of like what the US would do if the UN wanted to build their own theme park.
[Snoink] 12:50 am: no, they had a council to themselves... I think it would have been more like US and the League of Nations thing
[Griffinkeeper] 12:50 am: Nutty, I know this is sounding alien to you, just try to keep up. Ask questions to slow us down.
[Snoink] 12:50 am: it was a good idea, but they didn't care to jjoin
[Snoink] 12:51 am: ...eek, sorry, this is a bit fast
[Griffinkeeper] 12:51 am: If we're doing a prequel, we'll want Zoya.
[Snoink] 12:51 am: maybe... she's very busy though
[Griffinkeeper] 12:52 am: Let's see how it develops first. We can call her in if it turns that way.
[Snoink] 12:52 am: I think she would be more interested in finishing TTAC3
[Snoink] 12:53 am: ...and yes. TTAC was the longest storybook ever. I have about 600 pages of edited story, single spaced and everything. XD
[Snoink] 12:53 am: on microsoft word, no less
[Snoink] 12:53 am: *excited!*
[Snoink] 12:54 am: of course, all the things that I've said could happen don't have to happen
[Snoink] 12:54 am: but then you just weave the story as it were
[Griffinkeeper] 12:54 am: We need to get more characters to work with.
[Snoink] 12:54 am: it's eeeeeasy
[Snoink] 12:54 am: uh huh
[The Lounge]: Durriedog has entered at 12:57 am
[Griffinkeeper] 12:57 am: TTAC Beta?
[Snoink] 12:57 am: "The Twin Terror: A Storybook Created by Snoink and Grif."
[Durriedog] 12:57 am: Hey all
[Snoink] 12:57 am: Duggie, love!
[Durriedog] 12:57 am: Who wants to hear something amazing?
[Snoink] 12:57 am: I do!
[Durriedog] 12:58 am: I have recieved a greeter's badge and a storybooking badge
[Durriedog] 12:58 am: !!!
[Snoink] 12:58 am: yay!
[Durriedog] 12:58 am: This is a big thing for me!
[Snoink] 12:58 am: you're a storybooker? :D
[Snoink] 12:58 am: would you like to write a storybook with me?
[Griffinkeeper] 12:58 am: post760942.html#p760942
[Durriedog] 12:58 am: I didn't expect a thing! And yes I am, and Suuuuuuure!
[The Lounge]: Amnien has entered at 12:58 am
[Snoink] 12:58 am: I don't write storybooks that often, but this is going to be fun
[Durriedog] 12:58 am: What's the Storybook about?
[Snoink] 12:58 am: Hello Amnien!
[Durriedog] 12:58 am: Amnien! Nice to meet you!
[Snoink] 12:58 am: it's... complicated, lol
[Durriedog] 12:59 am: Ah
[Griffinkeeper] 12:59 am: Indeed, we just need characters. Any characters.
[Snoink] 12:59 am: it's a fantasy/real life/drama/comedy
[Snoink] 12:59 am: yeah
[Snoink] 12:59 am: any characters you want... a high schooler? A dragon? An elf? A vampire? ANYTHING.
[Griffinkeeper] 12:59 am: Very whimsical.
[Durriedog] 12:59 am: Characters? Apparently I'm good on that front. Is there a plot or anything?
[Amnien] 12:59 am: Sup Guys! :) How's life?
[Snoink] 1:00 am: life is wonderful, thanks for asking! :D
[Durriedog] 1:00 am: Life is treating me well, thank you for asking!
[Griffinkeeper] 1:00 am: Life is exciting. Amnien, have you ever been in a storybook before?
[Durriedog] 1:00 am: Yourself?
[Amnien] 1:01 am: I am good. I have not been in a storybook... :( I'm listening to this new rapper my friend wanted me to listen to.. His name is Koaxe. www.myspace.com/koaxe or www.youtube.com/koaxe.
[Amnien] 1:02 am: If you guys want to listen..
[Amnien] 1:02 am: Anyways.. I'm trying not to fall asleep
[Griffinkeeper] 1:02 am: Owls Mowing Grass , we've never had a rapper character before.
[Durriedog] 1:02 am: I'm listening to Jack Johnson O.o
[Amnien] 1:02 am: :)
[Snoink] 1:02 am: Koaxe reminds me of cabels...
[Snoink] 1:02 am: cables, I can't spell tonight
[Amnien] 1:03 am: Lol!! That's what I thought of..
[Griffinkeeper] 1:03 am: Seriously, if you ever wanted to start writing in a storybook, this would be the time to start.
[Griffinkeeper] 1:03 am: post760942.html#p760942
[Durriedog] 1:03 am: Koaxe reminds me of detergent or deodorant for some reason
[Griffinkeeper] 1:04 am: It is a storybook that is just starting. It needs characters. Any kind of character you want.
[The Lounge]: jasminebells has entered at 1:04 am
[Snoink] 1:04 am: jas! hello, love!
[Amnien] 1:04 am: Sup Jasmine
[Durriedog] 1:04 am: Twin!
[jasminebells] 1:04 am: hey snoink and amnien! Hey Twin!
[Griffinkeeper] 1:04 am: Jasmine, join the storybook.
[Griffinkeeper] 1:04 am: post760942.html#p760942
[Snoink] 1:04 am: Twin!
[Durriedog] 1:04 am: Sup. I love that word. Especially when it comes i Wallabies Toting Hats a nod
[jasminebells] 1:04 am: Snoink, your going crazy with the reviews today lol
[jasminebells] 1:04 am: ooh, storybook!
[Durriedog] 1:04 am: *with a nod
[Durriedog] 1:05 am: haha
[Snoink] 1:05 am: ...I only did about 12, right?
[Snoink] 1:05 am: that's not bad
[Griffinkeeper] 1:05 am: It's a comedy/drama/fantasy/modern storybook.
[Durriedog] 1:06 am: Do they have to be Gryphons? No?
[The Lounge]: Amnien has left at 1:06 am
[Griffinkeeper] 1:06 am: Read.
[Griffinkeeper] 1:06 am: There are gryphons, but there are people too.
[Snoink] 1:06 am: you can be ANYONE
[Snoink] 1:07 am: emo kid? that's awesome
[Snoink] 1:07 am: vampire? okay
[Snoink] 1:07 am: yeti? Totally cool
[Griffinkeeper] 1:07 am: Snoink says she can make a plot with any combination of characters. I'm putting that to the test.
[Snoink] 1:07 am: Dragon? Definitely cool
[Snoink] 1:07 am: hecks yeah
[Snoink] 1:07 am: just give me an idea of who the characters are and I can spin a story
[Griffinkeeper] 1:08 am: She's actually one of the best storybookers on YWS.
[Snoink] 1:08 am: mind you!
[Snoink] 1:08 am: I don't like storybooks which are planned
[Griffinkeeper] 1:08 am: She'd be a total addict if it weren't for her novel and reviewing sprees.
[Snoink] 1:08 am: you are free to do anything, as long as it fits
[Durriedog] 1:09 am: My character is... is... a THING!
[Snoink] 1:09 am: but expect that your character will be used to the fullest extent. :)
[jasminebells] 1:09 am: This is my profile: Raven Duskstar is a blonde cheerleader with a semi-dark side. She is also a fairy but she doesn't know that yet. She's gorgeous and smart and has no flaws. She's peppy, bubbly and never upset. She's pretty annoying once you get to know her but her perfectness pushes that thought away.
[Snoink] 1:09 am: jas, that's perfect!
[jasminebells] 1:09 am: I always wanted to play a Mary-Sue
[jasminebells] 1:09 am: xD
[Griffinkeeper] 1:09 am: Post it!
[Snoink] 1:09 am: dude, you're free to be a Mary Sue!
[Durriedog] 1:09 am: You should name her Mary-Sue, just to make ehr more interesting ;)
[jasminebells] 1:09 am: Just did

[jasminebells] 1:12 am: I have a headache and it's past 4am
[chibibo] 1:12 am: J-Cell
[Snoink] 1:12 am: Kara, dear! How are you?
[jasminebells] 1:12 am: I think I'm going to go
[Nutty] 1:12 am: Kara =D
[Griffinkeeper] 1:12 am: Kara, are you with us?
[Kara Hargreaves] 1:12 am: Hey Rico, Snoink
[Durriedog] 1:12 am: Aww, bye
[Snoink] 1:12 am: goodnight, Jas. :)
[Kara Hargreaves] 1:12 am: Julien. ^^ Hi Griff
[jasminebells] 1:12 am: Hey Kara
[jasminebells] 1:12 am: Good night Kara
[Griffinkeeper] 1:12 am: Kara, do you like storybooks?
[jasminebells] 1:12 am: Lol
[jasminebells] 1:12 am: Bye all!
[The Lounge]: jasminebells has left at 1:13 am
[Kara Hargreaves] 1:13 am: I left to do my homework, and fell asleep while trying to do it. :/ That goes to teach me a lesson about trying to do homework. >>"
[Kara Hargreaves] 1:13 am: Why, Griff? oo"
[Griffinkeeper] 1:13 am: Because Snoink and I have just created the greatest storybook of all time.
[Griffinkeeper] 1:13 am: post760942.html#p760942
[Kara Hargreaves] 1:13 am: oo" Oo
[Nutty] 1:13 am: Oh, I know this newbie *pms her instead*
[Griffinkeeper] 1:14 am: It's only hours old. Snoink says she can spin a plot with any combination of characters imaginable, I'm testing that claim.
[Griffinkeeper] 1:14 am: It's a modern/fantasy/comedy/drama.
[Griffinkeeper] 1:15 am: It doesn't look like much, but it is that flexibility that will make it awesome; that and your character profile.
[Durriedog] 1:15 am: I posted!
[Kara Hargreaves] 1:15 am: oo"
[Durriedog] 1:15 am: My profile, that is
[Durriedog] 1:15 am: :biggrin:
[Nutty] 1:16 am: Griff, how far back am I going? Some of these newbies are not supernew anymore.
[The Lounge]: SoulRider has entered at 1:16 am
[Durriedog] 1:16 am: SoulRider! Nice to meet you :D
[SoulRider] 1:16 am: Hello
[SoulRider] 1:16 am: nice to meet you too
[Snoink] 1:16 am: Hello Soul! :D
[Griffinkeeper] 1:16 am: How many have you done Nutty?
[Nutty] 1:16 am: I've already reviewed this girl, for instance. A couple of her stories =o
[Kara Hargreaves] 1:16 am: Hello, SoulRider
[SoulRider] 1:16 am: Hello
[Nutty] 1:16 am: Hey soul!
[Durriedog] 1:16 am: Are you newm just coming in to chat, not new, what?
[Griffinkeeper] 1:16 am: Hey SoulRider.
[SoulRider] 1:16 am: New
[Durriedog] 1:16 am: *new, just
[SoulRider] 1:17 am: yup
[Durriedog] 1:17 am: Well then welcome! :D
[Nutty] 1:17 am: six and PMed one of them
[SoulRider] 1:17 am: thanks
[Nutty] 1:17 am: I'll go to the start of the month, maybe?
[Griffinkeeper] 1:17 am: SoulRider, would you like to join a storybook?
[Durriedog] 1:17 am: Anything you want to know, just PM me
[SoulRider] 1:17 am: ok
[Griffinkeeper] 1:17 am: Nutty, that's fine.
[SoulRider] 1:17 am: of course
[SoulRider] 1:17 am: i would love too
[Griffinkeeper] 1:17 am: topic69224.html
[Nutty] 1:18 am: six is fine? Or to teh start of the month?
[Griffinkeeper] 1:18 am: Start of the month?
[Nutty] 1:18 am: ossim.
[SoulRider] 1:18 am: How old are you Guys??
[Durriedog] 1:19 am: 13, myself
[Griffinkeeper] 1:19 am: I'm 22, kind of old.
[Durriedog] 1:19 am: "kind of"
[Snoink] 1:19 am: I'm Grif's twin. :)
[Durriedog] 1:19 am: giggle-wheezes
[Durriedog] 1:19 am: Kidding
[SoulRider] 1:19 am: im 17
[SoulRider] 1:19 am: Are you all Writers??
[Snoink] 1:20 am: yep! We all love to write. :)
[Griffinkeeper] 1:20 am: I'm an applied mathematician actually.
[Nutty] 1:20 am: I am 18.
[Snoink] 1:20 am: oooh, Duggie's, your char will be hard to fit in
[Nutty] 1:20 am: And I like to write. =D
[Snoink] 1:20 am: but not too hard. :)
[Durriedog] 1:20 am: >:D
[Durriedog] 1:20 am: She lives with Griffins, if that helps
[SoulRider] 1:21 am: oh i write poems
[SoulRider] 1:21 am: stories
[Snoink] 1:21 am: So Duggie... is Mie kind of human?
[SoulRider] 1:21 am: mainly everything
[Durriedog] 1:21 am: I should probably add that
[Griffinkeeper] 1:21 am: That, I've got to see.
[SoulRider] 1:21 am: see what??
[Durriedog] 1:21 am: Mie is kind of human, but she likes playing tricks on them
[Snoink] 1:21 am: okay, Patrus... I think you would be in charge of Mie
[Durriedog] 1:21 am: sometimes very bad tricks...
[Snoink] 1:21 am: Sweenie is more of an isolationalist
[Snoink] 1:21 am: ooh, so maybe you can play a trick on Sev, lol
[Snoink] 1:22 am: it would be awesome to see an aerial battle between you two
[Griffinkeeper] 1:22 am: "Sweenie the Meanie."
[Durriedog] 1:22 am: Isolationalist?
[Durriedog] 1:22 am: Sev?
[Durriedog] 1:22 am: OhLol
[Snoink] 1:22 am: haha, yeah
[Griffinkeeper] 1:22 am: Snoinkus, they weren't around during the big plot burst you had.
[Durriedog] 1:22 am: Well, part-Australian animals always win ;)
[Durriedog] 1:22 am: *Arrogance*
[Snoink] 1:22 am: in fact, maybe your tricks will actually bring Sev into the mix
[Snoink] 1:23 am: I'll go post the conversation on the discussion thread, no?
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

Stop being mean to your self-insert character, you're just being mean to yourself.
— WeepingWisteria