
Young Writers Society

What the Emperor Doesn't Know DT

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Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:52 pm
eldEr says...

Well, mostly because I'm insanely impatient at this point...

Does anybody know where they're starting? I'm actually already starting the first post- or my first post, at least- (yeah, I want to start THAT bad), but does anybody want me to find some sort of creative way to bring them in? I'll probably be posting for all three characters, so I'll probably be able to conjure something. :3

got trans?

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Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:11 pm
Sins says...

Well, mostly because I'm insanely stalking Pisha at this point...

I was thinking of Xanthus having his first scene with Eselda doing something or other, and then I'll continue with Tiberius' point of view. I'll have him, like, disturb them, thus irritating Essy. I'd like for her fisrt post to be before Xanthy's though, methinks.

She's your character and it's your SB and everything though, so hey, it's your call in the long run. I'm merely sitting here in my pyjamas while brainstorming and shizz. The usual. But yeah, I'm generally really bad at coming up with ideas for first posts.
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:17 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...


Name: Kestral Moss

Age: 16

Gender Girl

For or Against: For, of course.

Rank/Title/Occupation Orphan

Appearance: She has short, messy, uneven brown hair with natural darker highlights. She has many scars across her back, from her Dad [Read History] and she is of average height. She has one green and one blue eye. In her own eyes, she isn't pretty. Due to her unusual eyes, people think her pretty. Maybe not gorgeous, but pretty. ( ;) ) She is usually seen wearing a raggady top and bottoms, covered in mud and grass stains. She has a pale complextion, but very rough skin, usually marked with dirt.

Personality: Kestral doesn't care what people think about her. She is determined to evade being caught and married off for as long as she can. Even at 16, she sometimes hopes that she will find someone that she'll love and care for, and will fight for her rights. She is loyal to her friends, usually other orphans, who she gets along well with. She is brave, and will always put her friend in front of herself in a time of need, which often leads to her jumping into a situation without thinking. She is tough for a girl, tougher than boys expect. She is skinny, but possesses a lot of speed, strengh and endurance, which most orphans need to have. Susprisingly, Kestral enjoys a laugh and a joke. You could describe her as a joker, because when she's not being chased or hunted down, she's usually found playing pranks on stall managers, and even some of the guards. She can be shy and reserved, but once you get to know her, you'll see the other side of her. She can be very reckless, jumping from rooftops into hay barrals, or some other crazy stunt.

Flaws/Weaknesses Will jump into a situation without thinking it through, usually leading to her narrowly getting caught or injured. She is typically strong for an orphan, but running and jumping most of her life means she gets injured much easier now than she did before.

History: Kestral was orphaned at the age of nine. Her Dad was extremly abusive, and a gambler. Her mother died shortly after her sixth birthday; she caught a serious illness (cholera, but they obviously didn't realise that at the time) and since then, her Dad lost it. Driven mad with loss, he was out most of the time, drinking or gambling. Kestral was left to pick up the pieces.

She dreaded the time her father came home. She was abused, and now has a series of scars along her back and arms. She doesn't show them to anyone unless she trusts them completly, with her heart and soul.

Before her Mother died and her father turned abusive, she was very fun loving and care-free, and usually got what she wanted. After her mother died, she took a nose-dive and became more reserved, and was drove deeper into her shell when her Dad turned abusive. She is more fun loving now becasue she's come out of her shell- the adrenaline she feels when she's running or doing something paricularly foolish, made her become more adapted and her usual self.

She found the tunnels after a seriously vicious night with her Dad, she ran out of the house, abuse hurled after her, and was found by Papa [She usually slips and calls him Papa, as she sees him as the Dad/Grandad she would love to have. She is the only adult she truly trusts, and Xanthe usually scares her half to death.] She made her way into the tunnels literally black and blue, shaking with shock and anger, her clothes torn and scars bright against her pale skin, no matter how much she tried to hide them. This was the night she first met Tib,and refuses to metion it, no matter how many times he asks.

Up For Love: Yes, straight, and I am going to PM them now. *runs off*
Other: *runs back* Nah. *runs off again*
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Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:46 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

^ Edit in the History Block in Small-Caps. ;DD
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Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:14 pm
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Apple says...

Name: Draco (He doesn't speak his real name, it's to hush-hush!)

Age: Nineteen turning twenty [19-20]

Gender Male

For or Against: FOR!!

Rank/Title/Occupation Resistance Member

Spoiler! :

A blonde haired, blue eyed babe, or so he thinks...Draco is tall for his young age and looks older then his age protrays (by a few years) because of his love for the sun although his pale skin doesn't show this. Draco adopted his square jaw from his father and the skin tone from his mother, something that he is definitely trying to change. He always has a smirk across his face no matter the emotion he is feeling. If he is sad, there will be a smirk; if he is angry, he'll smirk! Smirk. Smirk. Smirk! Makes you really want to smear it off of his face. Draco has an athlete's build (don't want to say dancers', he might kill me!), with very broad shoulders, and thick arms. It looks like he was a built ruffian just waiting to brawl but Draco is a pussy cat!

Personality: He is a man of his word. Draco is loyal and kind to animals, women and plants; some often consider him a saint, a Prince Charming in this corrupt word. When kid's sing of heroes, they sing of young Draco and about how he rides a pegasus down from heaven - pfft, yeah, unlikely! If anything they sing about how much of a blood sucking demon he is! Draco is sarcastic jerk that takes care of only number one (himself). The reason he joined the resistance is unknown but you can be sure it had something to do with benefitting himself. Is he kind to animals, women and plants like some kind of Prince Charming? Well, he is nice to women but that's because he think he's a ladie's man, and let's face it, Draco isn't. Plants and animals, though - definitely not. Draco dislikes many things, people, objects but most of all those who oppose him, get in his way and interrupt his beauty nap. That's right, Draco thinks it's necessary to sleep at least half an hour to keep up his beautiful complexion. If you haven't figured it out yet, Draco is up himself! :wink: He doesn't need to fall in love with anyone, give him a mirror and he'll be cooing like a school girl. Draco doesn't like to get his boots dirty so he'll usually leave the fighting to someone else ('Well you can't suspect me to get blood on my new leather boots!'). Draco's a prick, I know guys! It's something that can't be helped.

Flaws/Weaknesses I think I've already pointed out a very large weakness above: arrogant, stuck up jerk. He doesn't care for other people, his heart is like stone. To place your imprint on his heart will be a very big feat, don't think it will be easy to do. Draco is also a very massive coward. If it weren't for his cunning, he'd be dead with an arrow through his heart by now. Whenever there is a fight, he'll shy away, pick-pocketting the dead for loose change or possibly stealing himself a new set of shoes. What a gentleman?!

History: His mother and father both were of high status and for that reason he was spoilt severly when he was young. Draco didn't suspect anything was wrong in the kingdom, he thought that the king was brilliant and that any who opposed him deserved the worst kind of punishment. Of course, one day, he woke up to smell the flowers. Witnessing the execution of his father who 'supposedly' had aided a resistance party emerging from the shadows, - how his father had helped, Draco will never know - the old man was killed. Draco's mother was told that her husband had run away but Draco knew the truth and no matter how many times he told her the truth, she'd shun him for his foolishness and quick tongue. His whole life was turned upside down after that; he couldn't live in a city where he knew his father had been murdered for something he may or may not have done.

At the brink of nightfall, when Draco was thirteen, he left. Grabbing some short supplies (he was simply a kid, he wouldn't have thought ahead and what actual materials would be helpful to him), he ran for the outskirts of the kingdom. He didn't know where to go, he didn't really want to leave his mother either but now that his mother was to be newly wed to the man who had accused Draco's father, he didn't want any of it. Draco would rather skin a loin then share a home with the man who had caused his father's death. For this reason, he doesn't really like his mother. In fact, he kind of resents her. Sure, deep in his heart he loves her but on the outside he is not shy to curse her every fibre. After walking for a few months, the only thing Draco could do to get some cash was play music to travellers or beg, and hope that they'd spare some change. Because of this, Draco is quite musical and is quite recourseful in the art of begging. Although, a gypsy's wage is not something you can live off. Soon Draco could hardly step a foot forward just how hungry he was, having to stop singing and dancing completely. It was one customer that would come to watch his display once a week that came up to him when he was on the brink of his very slow demise. I bet you could guess who that person was. A member of a resistance.

Up For Love: Sure, why not. I haven't got anything organised but if someone would like to wing it with me, then sure. If you can take him, too. Don't just dive in suspecting that Draco is an easy peice of cake to handle. He's double mud chocolate with whipped cream and caramel topping. A heart attack on legs, practically.
Last edited by Apple on Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
I spy!

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Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:01 pm
Synnoev says...

Name: Leo Therniet
Age: 24
Gender Male
For or Against: For
Rank/Title/Occupation Physician and Council Member

Appearance: Leo is of average height, at 6'0", and is slightly on the slimmer side of an average build. He is reasonably toned, though hardly muscular, and has a thick mop of dark brown hair that is rarely brushed or tidy. Leo has dark brown eyes that are often mistaken for black, and his skin is an olive tone.

Personality: As his namesake, the God of Protection, Leo is generally a calm and nurturing kind of person,
often acting in the most diplomatic way in difficult situations and preferring not to vocalise strong opinions,
no matter how fierce his internal thoughts on the issue may be. He has a soothing presence, easily relaxing patients with his gentle demeanour and his seemingly never-ending ability to listen without making judgements.

It is only in matters of life or death does Leo's attitude change, switching from his usual laid-back style of behaviour to one that is fast=paced and urgent, with little patience for any failures from his assistants and a tendency to act in a snappish manner. Whilst he is often apologetic and concerned after these outbursts, his remarks can often be cutting to those who they are directed at.

Flaws/Weaknesses Whilst he is good at aiding people both physically and mentally, Leo is a poor tactician and has little eye for seeing how things are likely to happen outside of his small field of knowledge. He puts a great deal of trust in the other Councillors, following the majority opinion when the time calls for a vote, and is easily persuaded by those who he trusts the most.

History: Leo is one of the few of the Resistance who are neither orphaned, sick, homeless, or otherwise classed as invalids of the Emperor's system. Leo came to the Resistance of his own choice, after many years of working as a city physician and seeing how easy it was to heal or help those who had been labelled by the city as outcasts purely because of disfigurement or disability. For the three years before he officially joined the Resistance, Leo was engagin in illegal activities; namely, the aid of those who were judged fit only for death or as bait in the Games, doing his best to hide any disfigurements and to learn more about mental illnesses. However, a year ago the city discovered what he had been doing, sending a force of men to shut down his practice and take him into custody. Somehow, he managed to escape, fleeing to the streets and eventually stumbling upon the Resistance, where he has been ever since.

Up For Love: Yes.

Other: n/a for now

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Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:07 pm
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gleek456 says...

Posting so I could get notifications from here! Can't wait to start!

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Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:11 pm
eldEr says...

You're not alone, Gleek, you're not alone. xD

got trans?

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Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:25 pm
DSF6647 says...

Well... I am told I am supposed to post in here. *grins at Isha*. So hello... my name is DSF6647, but you can just call me DSF. I am rather knew to this whole world, but I like it and am excited to get this SB going. *coughs uncomfortably* And yep... that's all...

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Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:41 pm
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eldEr says...

DSF is also an exquisite storybooker, and deserves a very warm welcome. ;)

got trans?

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Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:00 am
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DSF6647 says...

*blushes* Ahhh... thanks Isha. I am just glad you invited me to join :)

And I was reading through a lot of the profiles and basically... every character wants to be in love. They are all just abused, tortured, and have extreme emotional issues... Bahahahahaha, should be fun :D

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Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:47 am
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eldEr says...

That's quite obviously because those are the best kinds of characters. ;) It makes for lots of pretty scenes, sappy moments and sad yet heartwarming scenes. :3 I already have a few planned out... It shall be fun. ;3

got trans?

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Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:26 am
Sins says...

And DEATH. I like death.
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:03 am
Apple says...

Ooh, death is pretty interesting! :D PS. I editted my character's profile. I didn't realise just how many mistakes were in there. I am surprised your eyes didn't melt out on the side walks. :wink:
I spy!

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Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:46 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Yes, DSF is an awesome storybooker. ^^

Also, DSF. Is it okay if Darren has a personal slave? She's female and young. :\
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

Spend your days thinking about things that are good and true and beautiful and noble, and you will become good and true and beautiful and noble.
— Matthew Kelly