
Young Writers Society

Nerve - DT

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Reviews: 104
Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:47 am
JayeCShore says...

Here is the Official DT for the Story Book, Nerve.

Because it can be difficult to scroll through a forum looking for a specific post, we ask that you try to keep the chit-chat down to a minimum, and talk only about the Story Book and things directly related to it.
If you don't Writer of the Week you don't YWS.

History is like Jello.

I believe in marriage between a man and a woman.

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104 Reviews


Gender: Male
Points: 25731
Reviews: 104
Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:40 am
JayeCShore says...

- Nerve -

Ten days, ten lives, no brains.

The year is 2021.

The world is much the same as it was during the beginnings of the century. The NSA still casually reads George Orwell. Due to some economic struggles, technology in the U.S. has progressed very little in the last ten years or so, giving rise to a few innovative inventions, but nothing spectacular.

During these times of apparent peace, the "arts" have been able to progress, and an up and rising journalist, Mr. Jimmy Mehoves, fancies the idea of running his own newspaper, which he hopes will reach hundreds of thousands, and eventually millions of readers. Setting up in Chicago, Illinois, he quickly finds out that there is a downside to writers being a dime a dozen, and very few people are willing to accept a newcomer, especially one with his sense of humor. The "Rubbernecker" is filled with satirical stories and hard knocks reports about the darker sides of life. But those few people it does reach, simply aren't interested.

Constantly searching for the "next best story" that will take his writing career to the next level and get his name into the world, he begins to hire more and more desperate people, going beyond the bounds of normal reporter work. What they find, though, is something far beyond what Jimmy had believed possible.

At a water sanitation plant outside the city limits, a much fouler smelling secret lies behind the barbed wire. Here, under the supervision of government officials, a small group of zombies are behind held captive and tested. Very little information is given to those outside this secretive loop, and no one knows where these apparent monsters came from, or what they are capable of.

"Spitz" H. Wilcox, head of security at the plant, is trying to cover up a life of petty crime and misfortune by working in such a place. But running from his problems and mistakes continues to eat away at him, almost to the point of breaking. And it doesn't help that he hates the government.

One of Jimmy's reporters stumbles across this ill kept secret, capturing a few videos and hands them over to his boss, who then excitedly puts them on the web, expecting them to go viral. But most, while intrigued, treat it as a joke and a scam, and nothing more. Realizing that this is his last chance, and unwilling to submit to defeat, Jimmy and his small crew attempt to gather enough evidence to prove the existence of the zombie testing facility, and make history.

But right in the middle of it, a small group of these "zombies" unexpectedly escapes from their holding cells, fleeing into the forest. "Spitz" Wilcox's job description requires him to chase them down and return them to the facility, but at the same time, he is also required to take care of the snooping reporters that have gotten themselves mixed up in the mess. Angered with his job and tired of the treatment he receives, "Spitz" makes an interesting decision, and allows Jimmy and his crew to follow along on the mission.

That was on the third day.

Seven days later, things are very different.
If you don't Writer of the Week you don't YWS.

History is like Jello.

I believe in marriage between a man and a woman.

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104 Reviews


Gender: Male
Points: 25731
Reviews: 104
Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:32 am
JayeCShore says...

Housekeeping Items

Requirements after Joining:

Spoiler! :
1) We are looking for active members who take part on YWS daily and continually. We are planning to complete this SB within 20 days of starting. That means fast! Mostly this is because, when the time is spread out and open, people tend to leave or forget, and life gets in the way.

2) We are going to be working on the SB all the time, daily and hourly. You will be expected and urged to be on continually, meaning, not for an hour at the end of the day. We want you to take part extensively, so we're looking for at least one post a day.

3) This is going to be a sort of realistic, satirical horror story, with lots of interplay and foreplay between the characters. We don't want it to be about the zombies, or about the action, though we want there to be plenty of that. While we don't want you to think "oh, well, I'm not really amazing at writing satire humor" and not join because of it, we expect that you will be able to understand the sarcasm, and throw in your own little bits.

4) Yes, there are a lot of rules, but we want this to be epic! We understand that life is life and this SB is not life, but we expect that, if you join, you will take the time to familiarize yourselves with the other members prior to the writing actually beginning, and then, once the date is set for it to begin, devote a good amount of time each day to read through what others have written and posted, possibly speak with the other members about possible ideas, and write something worth reading. It doesn't have to be amazing, but it needs to be good.

Character Positons:

Spoiler! :
Jimmy and Crew:

Jimmy Mehoves: @Strange

Camera Man: Available

Senior Journalist: Available

Junior Journalist: Available

Editor: Available

"Spitz" and Team:

"Spitz" H. Wilcox: @JayeCShore

Security Chief: Available

Security Guard 1: Available

Security Guard 2: Available

Gate Tender: Available
If you don't Writer of the Week you don't YWS.

History is like Jello.

I believe in marriage between a man and a woman.

Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back, everything's different?
— C.S. Lewis