
Young Writers Society

The Bus Stop

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Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:47 am
briggsy1996 says...

It was one of those cold November mornings- you know, it’s not quite winter but there’s already a thin layer of sticky, ultra-white snow on the ground. I was waiting by the bus stop, arms folded across my chest to conserve heat. The only parts of me that were not frozen to the bone were my ears (covered with my fuzzy, turquoise earmuffs) and my hands (covered in matching turquoise mittens). I had been waiting for two very important things that morning.
The bus was the first thing, which is probably obvious, but the other thing might not be so apparent to an outside observer. No one but me knew what else I was waiting for. I hadn’t told a soul- not my best of friends, or my sister, who was in that awkward graduated from high school but not quite ready for college phase. I told Missy everything. But not this. This, I wanted all to myself.
I looked around the street corner, leaning extremely close to the road. If a car had come whizzing around that corner, it might have hit me. I was too anxious to care.
That’s when I heard footsteps. His footsteps. My heart stopped completely, and then picked up double the original speed.
I shouldn’t have been so excited; I saw Simon every week-day morning at exactly this time. And it wasn’t as though we didn’t know each other well- we were the only two people at this bus stop, so we talked a lot. Not about anything in particular. Just the weather, or school, or our families... the usual stuff. Normal stuff.
Today, however, I was waiting for him to come so that I could tell him something very important. Something I’d wanted to tell him since the day we’d met, two years ago when high school started. I had been new to the neighbourhood, and Simon had offered me a warm acquaintanceship that grew into something much more for me very quickly.
I had finally worked up the courage to tell him. And today was the day.
I saw him as he rounded the corner, wearing his typical jeans and sweater combination along with that toque that never left his head in the winter. I loved that hat, but I loved his gorgeous head of dirty-blond hair even more.
As he approached the bus stop, I began to realize that I had no idea how I was going to start.
So, Simon, cold weather, huh? By the way, I’ve had the biggest crush on you since 9th grade...
I don’t think so.
He greeted him with his infamous smile, and stood close enough to me that I could reach out and touch his bare hands. He must have been freezing.
“Chilly out, huh Valery?” He stated, rocking onto the back of his heels. He looked at me from the corner of his brown eyes.
I nodded. “Very.”
Simon started to shiver. I rolled my eyes, even through the built-up tension I felt. “Simon, you should be wearing a jacket, or gloves, or something. You’ll catch a cold.”
He shrugged. “I’m fine. The bus will be here soon.”
Thanks for reminding me. I cringed, and quickly thought of a way to begin. “So, Simon, I think that maybe I kind of want to tell you something.”
He didn’t even notice the shaking in my voice. He probably assumed I was just cold, too. “Shoot,” He prodded, smiling kindly at me.
“Well, I’m not sure how to put it,” I said, thinking about how easy it would be to back down and change the topic.
“Just say it, Valery.” He said to me, his beautiful smile turning down into a slight frown.
“Ok, well, I... I... I like you, Simon.”
His expression didn’t change. “I like you too, Val.”
I rolled my eyes. Guys were so clueless that it drove me insane. “No, I mean, I like you. Like, you know, as more than a friend.”
Simon’s facial expression morphed into what could only be described as mortification. He didn’t speak.
I took that as I sign that I should evacuate the area. Now.
“Ok, well, now that’s that out in the open...” I stammered on my words. “I’m just going to go home and get Missy to give me a ride to school...” I didn’t wait for Simon to speak; I just started for the street. My house was only across the street and down a few houses. I’d get there in no time.
Unfortunately, I didn’t hear the bus coming. I didn’t see it as I started to cross the street, and it didn’t see me.
It was too late; it was going to hit me, I just knew it. I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact, but instead felt something grab my arm and jerk me sideways.
The brakes of the bus squealed, and the big orange vehicle came to a noisy stop. I opened my eyes, and found that I was staring straight into Simon's. He had his arms wrapped tightly around me in a way that made me feel safe.
“Are you alright, Valery?” He whispered, his face so close to mine that I felt a shiver run through my spine.
“I’m fine.” I answered.
He smiled. “Good.” He tucked a piece of hair behind my hair. “I like you too, by the way.” His lips came into contact with my right cheek, and I nearly melted in their warmness.
The bus honked from the road. Way to ruin the moment.
“Guess we’d better get going,” Simon said, removing his arms but taking one of my hands in his.
“Yeah. It’s kind of chilly, for November.”
And so we boarded the bus, thankful to get out of the cold.
but the sky is love and i am for you
just so long and long enough
-E.E. Cummings

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Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:02 am
JudyG710 says...

Well, I must congratulate you on a very nice piece of work. However, I have noticed that there are a few grammar mistakes, which, if you knew me, you'd know that I would correct you on them. And I must note that you don't have to add remarks in parentheses. It would have been fine without them. But that may be a personal preference. I do enjoy your details in the way Simon looks, but you do lack some details elsewhere. As to, who exactly is Valery? Who is Missy, and who are her friends? I've been told things similar to this so I understand how you might react. I'm merely trying to help you, not hurt you. Overall, I am very pleased with your work. Keep it up, because you could definitely become a great writer.
"Always believe in yourself. Do this, and no matter where you are, you will have nothing to fear." - Baron Humbert von Gikkingen
JudyG <3

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Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:16 am
Deathcurrent says...

I'll be congratulating you as well, but I think you ended a little abruptly. You could definitely draw this out, even if it's suppose to be short. Ending a story this quickly, after such a great start was disappointing. I agree with judyg3710 with how you could have talked more about Valery. We only know that she moved to where ever they are. Which is another thing, where are we? Are we in a state? A country? Another world? Just a suggestion, you could come up with a place. Such as Alaska or Colorado. I know how hard it is with settings and making characters real, but give it a shot. What I do, that might help you out if you want to try it, is imagining myself as that character and how I'd react. Okay, one more thing, what does Valery look like!? I'd have a better image in my head of what's going on if I had an idea of what she looked like. I know it's hard to put how the main character looks when you're doing first person. An example of how to do it would be:

My blonde curly hair tickled by cheek as I stopped brushing it.

Okay, that's a short one that I came up with just now. In your story, you could add something like that at this part:
He smiled. “Good.” He tucked a piece of hair behind my hair. “I like you too, by the way.” His lips came into contact with my right cheek, and I nearly melted in their warmness.

Just a reminder! You don't have to do anything us reviewers say, it's just suggestions that we think might help.Now I'm going to tell you what I liked! :P

I liked how you describe Simon, and how you say that boys are clueless :) . I also like how Valery almost gets hit by the bus and Simon saves her. That's a nice touch. I don't know if that would actually happen...at least where I live, but it's a nice touch none the less. The way you describe the snow was different than what people use to describe snow. That's an interesting way and I really got the feeling of what the snow was like. Great job! :D

At judyg3710: Missy is Valery's sister that Valery tells everything too. Missy is also a high school graduate who is in between high school grad. and not quite prepared to go to college yet. I don't think Missy and Missy's friends are that important at this point.
“Logic and practical information do not seem to apply here.” -- Spock from Star Trek

"There's power in stories. That's all history is: the best tales. The ones that last. Might as well be mine."-- Varric Tethras from Dragon Age II

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Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:49 am
joshuapaul says...

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Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:47 pm
Ehaynes1 says...

It's great good building of tension. Like another reviewer said I would'nt add the extra descriptions in the brackets it makes it seem like an afterthought in the description of the gloves I would personally leave that extra description out. Secondly if this was a part of whole novel if the characters smile if infamous you would perhaps need to describe it in detail. Overall it's good maybe make it a bit longer with more description of the character to build the tension even more .

You walk into this room at your own risk, because it leads to the future, not a future that will be but one that might be. This is not a new world, it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements, technological advances, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like every one of the super states that preceded it, it has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.
— Rod Serling