
Young Writers Society

I miss him

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Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:04 pm
NaRachel says...

My first romance story ever!! Yay :)... Completely written on a whim. I realise that nothing happens and its all just reflection but i'm wondering is it alright? To be honest it was completely self-indulgent so its ok if no-one likes it but anyway here goes...

I miss him. Its not in the gaping hole in my chest that threatens to suffocate me every time I even come close to thinking about it. When I get to the jagged edges, I don’t fall in. It used to be, but then again a lot of things used to be, we used to be. I miss him in a way that only makes me sad when it rains and when the cold is so forceful that it sinks through my clothes and shakes me from within. It shakes me, wakes me up to the situation. Because now, I am far enough away to look back; a safe enough distance not to be hurt but close enough to see the devastation. It’s in this mid-running away, awkward glimpse back that I get the delightful opportunity to reflect, note the sarcasm. And all I see is lost opportunity; I shut my eyes before my thoughts drift to the scary memories. Enough for one day. I shut him out, but he’s always there. Perhaps it has become habit for him to constantly ghost through my mind. He’s there when I’m trying to do homework telling me that everything’s okay. He’s there when I’m walking and if I’m not careful I’ll fall down off the jagged edges and start running. Most importantly he’s there in my most pensive moments- in the shower. My showers have become a lot longer lately, partly because when I’m there- I’m not really in the shower at all. Sure the water is still soothingly trickling down my body and the warmth is still filling me with a false feeling of hope but my mind is elsewhere. He is forgiving me and hugging me. I can almost feel the warmth of his hug from the warmth of the water. The shower leaves my skin plump, red and wrinkled, glowing with an angry feeling of betrayal. Instead of soothing the water beat at my skin and instead of warm it scalded. But in my desperate attempt to bring back the warmth I’d overdone it. How unlike me. As well as the phantom that stalks my mind there is also the real physical him. Every day I see him it is almost a surprise, the person who I’ve been idealising and spending almost every second with is now unapproachable. I stare with wonder, it never ceases to surprise me. When he walks passes, I get no acknowledgement. A small part of me is left missing. Not the painful, gaping hole I described earlier but just as if someone has grabbed a hole punch and punctured me. To be fair, I haven’t been making eye contact- perhaps I am the one with the hole-punch. Sure it’s only a small hole, but it leaves me even more less whole. So untouchable he remains, but that doesn’t mean unwatchable. I’ve always been cautious, so its from a safe distance that I watch and at safe time intervals. From my occasional glimpses I can manage to jigsaw together a picture, true it’s a pretty crude picture, but its all I’ve got to go by. Its not that I watch him because his physical self lure’s me in, I’ll admit he’s a stunner, but now instead of an aura running around his head it’s a warning sign saying “Don’t go there-pain ahead”. Maybe that aura was only ever an illusion of the sun, maybe he never glowed from within. I remember the way I used to watch him play basketball in the sun. It made his blonde hair shine and glow yellow like I’d always hoped mine did. He’s slim, but not in a bad way. He’s athletic in a fearless way, always eager to get the ball. He’s slightly pale but it only makes his lips look nice and red. His eyes are the type of blue that you don’t notice until the sun catches them. I used to think he wore himself on the outside. He’s got the muso haircut and the sports uniform to show his main passions in life. But all of this is recalled from memory, he doesn’t shine to me anymore, his light dwindles- I only see the glow from behind the shadow of the warning sign. And due to a shallowness formed by a combination of hormones and my shy personality I didn’t look into the troubled expressions like I can now, I thought he was merely shy- like me. But what they represented was something grave and remote- a black hole that I let myself be sucked into. He tried to warn me, but too late- I was too stubborn I let myself get too close. He had no choice but to fling me aside and leave me to make my own way out. Didn’t he?

But now I’m watching him like I’m a lost-relative, watching over him to check if he’s ok. Checking for signs- are his eyes slightly redder than usual? Is it the light or is he paler? He’s laughing? Oh that’s good, now I can laugh too. He’s sad? Oh wow the weather just magically made me feel depressed. I don’t know why I have taken upon myself the role of watching over him. If I do notice he’s upset, I am perhaps the one person in the world who can not do a thing about it without making it worse. It’s taunting really, once again I am setting myself, fully-knowingly, up for disaster. It’s the longing that’s getting to me now as I realise for the first time that I do miss him and there’s nothing I can do about it.
Last edited by NaRachel on Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
"You grow, you grow like tornado
You grow from the inside
Destroy everything through
Destroy from the inside
Erupt like volcano
You flow from the inside
You kill everything through
You kill from the inside"

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Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:12 pm
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LiteraryInk says...


First off, I really liked your story! The way you described your character's pain, was wonderful. It made me feel like I was the one experiencing it which isn't easy to do. While reading, I did come across some sentences that were awkward to read. I did correct them, but this is just my advice so please don't think I'm trying to tell you how to write.

NaRachel wrote:Instead of soothing the water beat at my skin and instead of warm it scalded. In my desperate attempt to bring back the warmth I'd overdone it a little. How unlike me.

You could write this as: Instead of soothing me, the water beat at my skin punishingly and instead of bringing me the warmth I craved, it scalded.

NaRachel wrote:When he walks passes, I get no acknowledgement.
Here, passes should be past.

I do have two questions. What does the guy look like? You say he's a stunner but a physical description would really help so the reader can 'see' your guy. Also, what exactly happened between the two and when will the reader get to find out?
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. ~Author Unknown

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Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:09 pm
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Twinkle4ever says...

I really liked that short story of yours. It made my heart ache by just reading about all the pain and sadness the character is experiencing but that's just the fun of it. The more emotion you put into the story, the more the reader wants to read further. The way you described about the character longing for something she can't get, it gave me goose bumps! I'm deeply moved by this story because things like these happen all around us. Good job, and I mean it. :)
You can wish for death... but you can't wish it away

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Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:13 am
NaRachel says...

Ok this is awkward because i just accidentally "liked" my own piece :/... i don't know how to "unlike" it so i just wanted to make sure people didn't think i was self-loving .. :)
"You grow, you grow like tornado
You grow from the inside
Destroy everything through
Destroy from the inside
Erupt like volcano
You flow from the inside
You kill everything through
You kill from the inside"

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Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:50 pm
Priceless says...

Hi there,
I really liked this. It was amazing! Your description of her pain was like wow. Very well-written, awesome job. Just a few nitpicks:
Perhaps it has become a habit for him to constantly ghost through my mind.

My showers have become a lot longer lately, partly because when I’m there, I’m not really in the shower at all.

Instead of soothing, the water beat at my skin and instead of warming it scalded.

It's not that I watch him because his physical self lures me in

Keep writing, this was great ^.^
We're all a little weird. And life's a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.

Defeat has its lessons as well as victory.
— Pat Buchanan