
Young Writers Society

The Power of Love and Family

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Points: 712
Reviews: 3
Wed May 18, 2011 1:43 pm
RomanceWriter says...

The Power of Love and Family

By: Katie Swinford

Lauren ran, She didn’t know where she would go and she had no money , but she had to get away from that horrible house. She was only 20 years old, and she was fleeing form her first real job. She ran until she reached a church across town there was a young man coming out that immediately noticed her frightened state. He had blond hair and slightly tanned skin. He slowly approached.

“Are you well?” The man asked concerned.

“That would depend on what aspect of my person you are referring to.” She admitted.

“Are you Physically harmed or only frightened?” He asked as calmly as possible as he removed his jacket and placed it around his shoulders.

”Well I do not believe I am physically harmed. However I could not tell you myself what happened to me . It all happened so fast.” She said before beginning to cry.

“My name is Joseph Talmin. Do you have a place to stay. If you do not you may stay with me and my family if you wish.” He said before handing her his handkerchief and putting a protective arm around her shoulder. He lead her down the street she had just come down. She was alright until they reached the house. A cold chill went down her back and she attempted to walk faster. “What is the matter?” Joseph asked.

“Can we go faster. That house frightens me.” She said. Joseph began to laugh till he saw the look on Lauren’s face.

“The Tyril Household? I assure you he is the most amiable of men and you have nothing to fear.” He said attempting to calm her.

“Please can we just go on?” She begged. So Joseph and her walked on. Joseph attempted to make casual conversation however did not succeed. When they arrived at his house he called for someone.

“Mother, Elizabeth, Meg I'm home.” Just then a woman and three girls around her own age entered the room. Joseph introduced them. “Lauren this is my Mother and three sisters. Elizabeth, Katherine, and Meg. Everyone this is Lauren. Mother, She needs our help.” Joseph said simply.

“Very well. Katherine please fetch Lauren some garments. Surely one of you girls clothing will fit her. Meg you and Elizabeth need to take Lauren upstairs and fetch her some water so she can freshen up. Joseph please come with me to the kitchen to make some tea. You two look absolutely frozen.” Mrs.Talmin said. With that the girls rushed Lauren upstairs. In the parlor Mrs. Talmin and Jospeh was having a discussin. “Simon what happened to her.” She asked.

“Mother I honestly do not know what happened. She needed my help and I gave it. I think she is still in shock. I am sure she will tell us what happened later on.” He said. Mrs. Talmin put her hand on her her son's arm.

“You are a good man Joseph. If more people were like you the would would be such a better place.” She said. After she was washed up and in clean clothing the girls took Lauren back downstairs into the parlor. Joseph was sitting in a chair off to the side his sleeves rolled up to his elbow reading and Mrs. Talmin on the sofa with cups of tea waiting for all of them.

“Much Better.” Mrs. Talmin said “You are quite lucky that you found Joseph. Others might not have been as kind as we are.” She finished.

“How did you meet Joseph?” Meg asked. Lauren hesitated.

“She nearly knocked me over at the church and she needed help. She wasn't quite sure what had happened.” Joseph explained. Joseph then watched as his family made casual conversation. He became lost in thought until he heard his mother say his name.

“Pardon?” He asked.

“Mother was just saying that you wouldn’t mind giving Lauren a tour of the grounds tomorrow.” Elizabeth said.

“Not at all.” Joseph said smiling at Lauren which made her blush. They continued to talk late into the evening. Around 11 o'clock Joseph suggested that it was late and they all must get to bed. Once in bed Lauren laid awake thinking about her day. How it had gone from simply dismal to Joyous in only a short time. When she finally fell asleep her dreams made her relive those terrifying at the house. She awoke with a start to find Elizabeth looking down at her. She noticed it was morning and sat up.

“Are you well? Only a moment ago you were shaking and looked as if you had fallen ill or was having a terrible fright..” She asked concerned handing Lauren a damp cloth.

“Yes I am quite well. I simply had a frightening dream.” Lauren said wiping her face with the cloth.

“Well that is the good thing about dreams. The frightening ones are gone with the rising of the sun.” Elizabeth said smiling as she helped Lauren out of bed. “You know I do believe Joseph was quite taken with you. I can usually tell how he feels we are twins you see.” She said as she laced up Lauren's corset.

“I very much doubt that. He most likely just was concerned about my well being.” Lauren replied.

“No I very much doubt that. Joseph and I are closer then he is even to his school friends. I can tell when he is attracted to a woman.” Elizabeth said. After Lauren was dressed her and Elizabeth came down stairs. During breakfast she noticed a picture hanging over the mantel.

“Who is that in the Portrait above the mantel?” Lauren asked.

“That is our father. He died when Meg was small. Meg is the youngest you see. Katherine is for years younger when Elizabeth and I are. We are twins.” Joseph said with a smile that seemed to be bring back memories of his father.

“How long ago did he die?” She asked.

“For years ago. I was 16 at the time.” He admitted.

“O am so sorry.” She said. After they were finished eating Joseph took Lauren around the grounds. He pointed out various things like property lines and how secluded the house was. When they reached the garden they sat down on a bench together. “The garden is so lovely.” Lauren said. Joseph smiled.

“My mother planted this garden shortly after her and my father were married.” He said. “I simply adore it because it is so peaceful.” Lauren understood.

“I completely understand. Where I used to live before I cam here I used to sit in the garden for hours reading and playing hide and seek with my little sister.” She said “Joseph?” She said. He looked up from admiring a flower at the sound of his name. “Do you remember the house that I said frightened me?” She asked.

“Yes the Tryle Household.” He said.

“Well I feel I have something to tell you.” She said. However before she could continue they heard Elizabeth calling that is was time for lunch. Joseph stood and helped her up off the bench.

“Now what were you saying?” He asked.

“Nothing. It can wait till later.” She said. As they walked Lauren noticed how Joseph was almost a whole foot taller than she was. She noticed how different they looked not only from height, but also her brown and his blond hair looked quite different. In her mind from what she had seen of him she saw that he was a perfect gentleman. Polite, kind, intelligent, well mannered. It also didn’t hurt that he was very handsome. When they reached the door he held the door open and even helped her up the step.

“Lauren how long will be with us?” Katherine asked a month later at dinner.

“I truthfully have no idea. I had not really thought about it.” Lauren said.

“Do you have family nearby? Anyone we could help you to find.” Mrs. Talmin asked.

“My family does not live near here. I came here to work for my meals and room.” Lauren said.

“Where were you working?” Meg asked piping up. Lauren was silent for a moment. Here were people she could trust. She had lived with them for a month and knew they were very kind. Finally she spoke up.

“In a house nearby. Joseph knows the one. I ran away though.” Lauren confessed lowering her head.

“Why? What happened?” Meg asked. This was the question that everyone surely wanted to know. Lauren looked up.

“My Employer hurt me. He attempted to. That is to say he wanted to.” However she could not finish. She began to cry from the memory.

“What is it you know you can tell us.” Joseph said.

“I know. Very well. He tried to take advantage of me.” She said. Everyone understood except Meg who was to young to understand. After a few minutes Mrs. Talmin went to her. She pulled her head up to look at her.

“You poor thing. No one should have to endure that. Why did you not tell us this from the start? We must contact the police.” She said. Lauren jumped up out of her seat.

“Please no. He will know I told. He will punish me severely.” Lauren begged. Then she ran out of the room in tears. Joseph followed her. He caught her and gently turned her around.

“Lauren. Is this what you were going to tell me last month in the garden?” He asked. Lauren only nodded. “My god. If I only had known.” He said pulling her close to comfort her. After a moment he spoke again. “Lauren we have to go to the police. What if he tries to hurt someone else?” He asked wiping away her tears.

“Please do not say anything. The police do not care. It happened with another girl. Only she was not fortunate enough to escape. We took her to the police and they only laughed at us. They see us only as his property. He employed us and so they said he could do with us whatever he wished. They said we must be over reacting. It was the word of a so called gentleman against a couple of maids. Why don’t you understand that they would just send me back to him? I could not handle that.” Lauren asked attempting to run up the stairs. However Joseph still had hold of her hand.

“Lauren look at me. I care about you, we all do. We will not let him hurt you again.” He said. Over the past month she had grown closer to all of them. Especially to Joseph. The pair could often be found on the little bench out in the garden together talking. After a moment he continued. “Why will you not go to the police? If we do not do something he will never stop. He might even be hurting someone right now. You could expose him for what he truly is. A vile man from what you have told me who likes to hurt innocent defenseless women.” He said.

“I know. I just can not. They will not listen to me. All they would happen is that I would end up back there with him.” She said. Joseph stopped her before she could say another word.

“I will not let that happen. You trust me don’t you? If so you have to trust me that I will protect you.” He said.

“I do trust you. I trust all of you.” She said. She realized that she had to leave. She knew it would hurt leaving them, but she had to before Mr. Tryle found out where she was. Later that night when they were sitting in the parlor as usual. Joseph was reading, Elizabeth was playing the piano. Meg was playing with Meg with her paper dolls before she stood up.

“I am sorry if I have caused you any trouble. I will leave in the morning.” She said. She turned to leave, but before she reached the door she heard Mrs. Talmin.

“ You have caused no trouble. If you wish to leave you may. On the other had you may stay also” She said.

“ May I stay truly?” She asked turning around. She had a large smile on her face. They did not want her to leave.

“Of course you may. You may stay as long as you like.” Mrs.Talmin said.

“I would like to go for a stroll. Would anyone like to accompany me?” She asked. Joseph quickly stood up.

“I would.” He said sitting his book on the side table. No one else got up so they left and walked to the bench in the garden. The one which they had sat on so often together.

“We seem to be sitting here a lot.” She said.

“Lauren. I have something to tell you.” Joseph said.

“Yes?” Lauren prompted hopefully as she scooted closer to him.

“ Lauren I think I...” However before he could finish they were interrupted by the sound of a carriage coming down the road.

“I wonder who that could be?” She asked.

“ I have no idea we usually do not have visitors this late at night.” Joseph said. So they got up to see who it was. Just as they were going around the corner Lauren pulled him back. “What is it?” He asked.

“It’s Mr.Tryle. He found out where I was and is here to take me.” She said as she turned to run away. Joseph stopped her laughing.

“ You will have to face him sometime.” He said.

“Joseph please. I truly do not want him to see me. I want to be as far away from him as possible. You know what he did to me.” She said as she began to cry. Joseph wiped the tears away.

“You will have to be strong. Trust me remember. I promise you I will keep you safe. He won’t take you away.” He took her hand and they walked around the corner hand in hand. Laughing as if they did not know he was there. “Look we have company.” Joseph said. She opened her mouth to say something, but lost her nerve and cosed it again. Mr. Tryle was not even two feet away. Why did Joseph no do something she wondered? Lauren just stood there clinging to Joseph.

“Lauren come here.” Mr. Tryle demanded. When Lauren did not step forward he came closed. “Come here.” He growled. He stepped forward again however this time Joseph stepped in front of her. “Move boy.” Mr.Tryle said to Joseph attempting to push him aside, but Joseph stood his ground.

“No! I will not let you hurt her again.” Joseph said.

“This is the last time I am going to tell you. Move boy.” Mr. Tryle said growing angrier by the minute. When Joseph still did not move Mr.Tryle exploded. “Do you have any idea who I am.” He demanded.

“ Yes. You are one of the men who disgrace us all.” Joseph said. “I also know I won’t let you touch her. I love her and if you do not get off my property this very minute I will not hesitate to shoot you.” Joseph said. Lauren gasped she had never heard Joseph threaten anyone and he was doing it now to protect her. The girl that he loved. Mr. Tryle laughed.

“You love her do you? You are a mere boy you can not give her what she wants.” Mr.Tryle said. “As for your threat I am not worried about that in the least.” He continued. Just then Lauren looked behind her and say Mr. Tryle’s Man servant coming up behind him.

“Joseph what out.” She yelled as the man servant grabbed her and Mr.Tryle began attacking Joseph. She watched helpless as the two men fought. Eventually Mr.Tryle knocked Joseph unconscious. “ Joseph get up please.” She begged trying to go to him. It was useless though. She was dragged away towards the carriage. As she was being taken away she yelled towards the house. “Joseph if you can hear me I love you to.” She yelled. Once in the carriage Mr.Tryle slapped her across the face.

“You selfish, Ungrateful woman. How dare you disgrace me like that?” He demanded.

“You ought to know something. Joesph is twice the man you pretend to be. He always will be. You should also know that every minute I am working for you I will be wishing I was back here . Whenever you touch me I will be thinking of Joseph. I will always hate you.” She said bravely. Mr.Tryle grabbed her wrist and squeezed so hard that her hands lost all their color. “Stop it. Stop hurting me.” She demanded.

Back in the Talmin house the girls had brought Joseph inside. When he began to come around he started mumbling.

“Lauren. I have to help her.” As he said this tried to get up. Elizabeth pushed him back down.

“Joseph stop. She’s gone.” She said holding him down.

“No. She can’t be gone. I promised her I would keep her same.” He protested.

“Joseph you can help Lauren later right now you are hurt. You are in no state to rescue her.” Mrs.Talmin said.

“It can’t wait you heard her yourself. He’ll punish her.” He said trying to get up again. This time Elizabeth pinned him back easily.

“Joseph stop. I do not want to have to tell you again. We are all worried about her to. If you try to get up again just remember I am not above sitting on you to keep you down.” Elizabeth said. Eventually Joseph flouted off to sleep. He dreamed of Lauren. He dreamed of how close they sat to each other out on their little bench. How she had yelled she had loved him. Suddenly all his memories of her changed as he imagined Mr. Tryle beating her. When he woke up he dressed and went downstairs. Before he could reach the door Elizabeth stopped him.

“Just where do you think you are going?” She demanded.

“I am going to save Lauren. You know it needs done. So don’t even try to stop me. You know how I feel about her.” He said grabbing his coat.

“Yes I do and I figured as much. Just be careful. You are my brother and i do not want you to get hurt.” She said. Joseph nodded then left and headed towards the Tryle House. When he reached it the first thing he saw was Lauren hanging up clothes. Her hair was tied in a neat bun. As he got closer he saw she had been crying and that she had a bruise on her cheek. He put a hand on her shoulder.

“Lauren.” He said making her whirl around.

“Joseph. Thank god you are alright. I was so worried.” She said throwing her arms around him. She quickly pulled away however. How different that familiar embrace felt now that she knew that he loved her. Joseph caught his breath. “Joseph it is to dangerous for you to be here. What if he sees you?” She asked.

“I had to come see you. Did he hurt you?” He asked concerned. She touched the bruise on her cheek.

“Only a little. Joseph well you do something for me?” She asked as Joseph moved her hand and ran his fingers across her bruise.

“Anything.” He promised. Lauren waited a moment before continuing.

“Before we get caught and he punishes me again. Kiss me how I assume you have wanted to for so long.” She said. Joseph smiled and wrapped his arms around her then kissing her at first tenderly. Then passionately. After a few seconds he pulled away. Her hair had fallen out of it’s ribbon and fell down her back.

“If we don’t stop he will surly see us.” He said out of breath.

“I don’t care.” She said kissing him again. He held her just as tight as before.

“Lauren. The master wants you.” Someone called from the kitchen.

“I must go.” She said breaking the kiss. “Come back again tomorrow.” She said in a whisper. Joseph smiled as Lauren fixed her dress. Then they both walked in separate directions. When Lauren was in the house Joseph turned back. He could clearly see the parlor. Lauren was standing in the middle of the room. He watched for a moment as Mr. Trle began to circle her. He began to walk away though when he say Mr. Tryle start to kissed her neck. Just as he reached the road her heard Lauren scream.

“Let me go. I mean it. Let go of me now.” She yelled. Joseph turned around and ran towards the house at full speed. When he finally reached her Mr. Tryle had her pinned to the couch. She was crying.

“Get off her now.”Joseph demanded. Lauren opened her eyes and Mr. Tryle looked up at him.

“What do you want with her? Also why are you in my house?” Mr. Tryle asked pulling Lauren up by the back of her neck.

“Joseph please help me?” She pleaded. Then suddenly Mr. Tryle shoved her to the floor and charged at Joseph. Lauren rushed to help get him off Joseph. Between her and Joseph they got Mr. Tryle off. Mr. Tryle grew even more angry as they embraced. Suddenly he pulled out a gun and aimed. Joseph tried to move Lauren out of the way, but he was simply not fast enough. Lauren collapsed in his arms. He fell to his knees still holding her close.

“Lauren stay with me. Don’t leave me.” He pleaded helplessly.

“She is yours now .” Mr. Tryle laughed Evilly.

“So is this how it is to be? If you can not have her no one can.” Joseph asked. Then he scooped up Lauren and ran into town towards the doctor. When he reached the door the knocked frantically till the door opened.

“Joseph? What has happened?” The doctor asked.

“She was shot. Please tell me she will live.” Joseph begged hopefully as he started pacing once the doctor took her from his arms and set her on a sofa.

“I am not quite sure, but I sure will try.” Said the doctor. As he began to treat Lauren he made conversation.” I have never seen you so fearful Joseph.” He said as joseph walked over to sit in a chair looking out the window.

“I love her. ” He explained. Then he turned to look out the window again. “How is she?” He asked a few minutes later.

“Joseph.” Lauren called faintly. He turned around and went to her side.

“She will be fine.” The doctor announced. Joseph turned around to look at him.

“Thank you so much.” He said before turning back to Lauren. “Lauren thank god you are alright.” Joseph said smiling.

“Thank you.”She said.

“For what?” He asked laughing slightly.

“Everything. Saving me. You risked your life for me.” She said. He silently took her hand.

“Lauren. I know this is a big decision, but I almpost lost you just now. I don’t want to ever have to worry about loosing you again .So I have to ask. Lauren, will you marry me?” He asked. Lauren was at first shocked then she smiled.

“Of course I will. Truthfully I do not think I could ever regret what he did to me because if he hadn’t done so we never would have met.” She said with a smile. The doctor interrupted.

“Take her home. She ought to be well in a few days. Just let her rest.” He said. With that Joseph carried his Fiancée to his house. The next summer they were married. Lauren agreed to tell the police what had happened. Mr. Tryle was charged with attempted rape and attempted murder. However he was not sent to jail. Instead he was sent to a private asylum. He was found to be mentally unstable. Lauren and Joseph never heard of him again. From Lauren’s example all the other girls agreed to testify and there were even more then Lauren had thought. He was charged with over 7 accounts of rape and attempted rape. Though she sometimes would wake in the middle of the night with nightmares from that horrible night Lauren always felt safe when she looked over and saw Joseph lying there next to her. Together she, Joseph, Elizabeth, Katherine, Meg and Mrs. Talmin they mad their house a wonderful place to raise a family.

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Gender: Female
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Reviews: 4
Fri May 20, 2011 2:38 am
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Moestitia says...

Hi, I'll be reviewing your piece today. (the review isn't entirely finished - it wouldn't save properly; but I'll try and get the rest of it done for you by the end of tonight)

I really love the prose. It's elegant and provides vivid imagery and loveable characters. Though, like every writer, there are a few little things you may want to keep in mind.

Spoiler! :
Lauren ran. She didn’t know where she would go and she had no money, but she had to get away from that horrible house. She was only 20 years old, and she was fleeing form her first real job. She ran until she reached a church across town, there was a young man coming out that immediately noticed her frightened state. He had blond hair and slightly tanned skin. He slowly approached.

“Are you well?” the man asked, concerned.

“That would depend on what aspect of my person you are referring to.” she admitted.

“Are you physically harmed or only frightened?” he asked as calmly as possible as he removed his jacket and placed it around his (<-- her?) shoulders.

”Well I do not believe I am physically harmed. However I could not tell you myself what happened to me. It all happened so fast.” she said before beginning to cry.

“My name is Joseph Talmin. Do you have a place to stay? If you do not you may stay with me and my family if you wish.” he said before handing her his handkerchief and putting a protective arm around her shoulder. He lead her down the street she had just come down. She was alright until they reached the house. A cold chill went down her back and she attempted to walk faster. “What is the matter?” Joseph asked.

“Can we go faster? That house frightens me.” she said. Joseph began to laugh till he saw the look on Lauren’s face.

“The Tyril Household? I assure you he is the most amiable of men and you have nothing to fear.” he said attempting to calm her. (You may want to consider using a few less dialogue tags - some seem to be used when they aren't really needed, and just end up breaking up the dialogue, making it read less fluidly)

“Please can we just go on?” she begged. So Joseph and her walked on. Joseph attempted to make casual conversation however did not succeed. When they arrived at his house he called for someone.

“Mother, Elizabeth, Meg I'm home.” Just then a woman and three girls around her own age entered the room. Joseph introduced them. “Lauren this is my Mother and three sisters. Elizabeth, Katherine, and Meg. Everyone this is Lauren. Mother, she needs our help.” Joseph said simply.

“Very well. Katherine, please fetch Lauren some garments. Surely one of you girls clothing will fit her. Meg, you and Elizabeth need to take Lauren upstairs and fetch her some water so she can freshen up. Joseph, please come with me to the kitchen to make some tea. You two look absolutely frozen.” Mrs.Talmin said. With that the girls rushed Lauren upstairs. In the parlor Mrs. Talmin and Jospeh was (<-- were?) having a discussion. “Simon what happened to her?she asked.

“Mother I honestly do not know what happened. She needed my help and I gave it. I think she is still in shock. I am sure she will tell us what happened later on.” he said. Mrs. Talmin put her hand on her her son's arm.

(With 'you are' and 'do not' you may want to consider abbreviating them; you're, don't - depending on the rythm you are looking for in your characters speech)“You are a good man Joseph. If more people were like you the world would would be such a better place.” she said. After she was washed up and in clean clothing the girls took Lauren back downstairs and into the parlor. Joseph was sitting in a chair off to the side his sleeves rolled up to his elbow reading and Mrs. Talmin on the sofa with cups of tea waiting for all of them.

“Much Better.” Mrs. Talmin said “you are quite lucky that you found Joseph. Others might not have been as kind as we are.” she finished.

“How did you meet Joseph?” Meg asked. Lauren hesitated.

“She nearly knocked me over at the church and she needed help. She wasn't quite sure what had happened.” Joseph explained. Joseph then watched as his family made casual conversation. He became lost in thought until he heard his mother say his name.

“Pardon?” he asked.

“Mother was just saying that you wouldn’t mind giving Lauren a tour of the grounds tomorrow.” Elizabeth said.

“Not at all.” Joseph said, smiling at Lauren which made her blush. They continued to talk late into the evening. Around 11 o'clock Joseph suggested that it was late and they all must get to bed. Once in bed Lauren laid awake thinking about her day. How it had gone from simply dismal to Joyous in only a short time. When she finally fell asleep her dreams made her relive those terrifying (moments?)at the house. She awoke with a start to find Elizabeth looking down at her. She noticed it was morning and sat up.

“Are you well? Only a moment ago you were shaking and looked as if you had fallen ill or was having a terrible fright..” she asked, concerned, handing Lauren a damp cloth.

“Yes I am quite well. I simply had a frightening dream.” Lauren said wiping her face with the cloth.

“Well that is the good thing about dreams. The frightening ones are gone with the rising of the sun.” Elizabeth said smiling as she helped Lauren out of bed. “You know I do believe Joseph was quite taken with you. I can usually tell how he feels we are twins you see.” she said as she laced up Lauren's corset.

“I very much doubt that. He most likely just was concerned about my well being.” Lauren replied.

“No I very much doubt that. Joseph and I are closer then he is even to his school friends. I can tell when he is attracted to a woman.” Elizabeth said. (I don't think you need this dialogue tag; 'said' doesn't provide enough description and seeming it's just the two of them talking, it is assumed it was Elizabeth talking) After Lauren was dressed her and Elizabeth came down stairs. During breakfast she noticed a picture hanging over the mantel.

“Who is that in the portrait above the mantel?” Lauren asked.

“That is our father. He died when Meg was small. Meg is the youngest you see. Katherine is for years younger when Elizabeth and I are. We are (<- maybe we're instead?)twins.” Joseph said with a smile that seemed to be bring back memories of his father.

“How long ago did he die?” she asked.

“For years ago. I was 16 at the time.” he admitted.

“Oh, I am so sorry.” she said. After they were finished eating Joseph took Lauren around the grounds. He pointed out various things like property lines and how secluded the house was. When they reached the garden they sat down on a bench together. “The garden is so lovely.” Lauren said. Joseph smiled.

“My mother planted this garden shortly after her and my father were married.” He said. “I simply adore it because it is so peaceful.” Lauren understood.

(I'll finish this editing soon; the main thing to keep in mind is: your use of capitals in relation to dialogue, use of words such as 'said' - they don't provide much insight for the reader, and abbreviating some sentences/words to give the story a smoother rythm (e.g. 'don't instead of 'do not')
"First I thought it was a dream
But then it smashed into reality
Beautiful on the outside,
Decayed deeply within."

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Fri May 20, 2011 3:25 pm
LadySpark says...

hi RomRom! *curtsies*

Lauren ran, She didn%u2019t know where she would go and she had no money no space, but

%u201DWell I do not believe I am physically harmed. However I could not tell you myself what happened to me no space.

%u201CMy name is Joseph Talmin. Do you have a place to stay? If you do not, you may stay with me and my family if you wish.%u201D

whoa whoa whoa! She met this dude like 4 seconds ago and he is already giving her his jaket and offering his house?

%u201CCan we go faster? That house frightens me.%u201D She said. Joseph began to laugh till he saw the look on Lauren%u2019s face.

%u201CPlease can we just go on?%u201D She begged. So Joseph and her walked on. Joseph attempted to make casual conversation however but did not succeed.

%u201CMother, Elizabeth, Meg, I'm home.%u201D

what time is this?

Very well. Katherine please fetch Lauren some garments.

O.O these people seem to not care if anyone just waltz's into their home, I mean, they haven't even asked her how old she is, where shes from ect.

%u201CSimon, what happened to her.%u201D She asked.

whose Simon??? O.o

Katherine is four years

when Elizabeth and I are.


he feels; we are twins you see

%u201CFour years ago. I was 16 at the timeHe admitted.

Oh I am so sorry.” She said.

“My mother planted this garden shortly after her and my father were married.” He said. okay, because its Lauren talking now, you need to hit enter, so that its easier for the reader to well.. read :)
“I simply adore it because it is so peaceful.” Lauren understood.

Where I used to live before I came here I used

Where I used to live before I cam here I used to sit in the garden for hours reading and playing hide and seek with my little sister.” She said “Joseph?” She said. He looked up from admiring a flower at the sound of his name. “Do you remember the house that I said frightened me?” She asked.

Okay, this completely confused me. Whose talking, what does he mean? I'm just confused.

“What is it? you know, you can tell us.” Joseph said.

Lauren. Is this what you were going to tell me last month in the garden?” He asked. Lauren only nodded.

last month? I thought it was like a few minutes ago!

Meg was playing with Meg with her paper dolls before she stood up

Meg is playing with Meg? Who stood up?

“I would.” He said sitting his book on the side table. No one else got up, so they left and walked to the bench in the garden. The one which they had sat on so often together

Why did Joseph not do something she wondered? Lauren just stood there clinging to Joseph.

“Joseph whatch out.”

“Only a little. Joseph will you do something for me?”


Okay, so I thought this was cute, maybe a little generic, but very well thought out. My only problem is how jerky it seems to be. its like a block of text, then a block of text then another block of text. I felt no emotion.

I hope you aren't mad at me for being so harsh, I really did llike it. :)
~YOur lady in waiting.
hush, my sweet
these tornadoes are for you

-Richard Siken

Formerly SparkToFlame

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Tue May 31, 2011 8:07 am
Caerulean says...

Hello there. :) This review isn't finished 'cause this short story is REALLY LONG lol. I'm just gonna make another review when I finish reading the story.

Well, get read for a huge number of nitpicks:

Lauren ran, She didn’t know where she would go and she had no money, but she had to get away from that horrible house.

- You had a couple of typos in this one. First, the comma after 'ran' should be a period. Second, you accidentally put space after 'money'.

She ran until she reached a church across town there was a young man coming out that immediately noticed her frightened state. He had blond hair and slightly tanned skin. He slowly approached.

- There should be a period after 'town'.
- Also, these sentences are too telly. You've heard about show-v.s.-tell, right? Well, I'm honestly not good with it but, I think the key is imagery. ;) Just use some 'imagery' so that the narrator won't seem like he's just literally telling what was happening in the story. And adding thoughts of the characters can help too.

“That would depend on what aspect of my person you are referring to.” She admitted.

- It should always be a comma at the end of the dialogue when you're not using exclamation points, question marks, or dashes.
- The 'S' in 'She' shouldn't be capitalized. The first letter of the first word that follows the dialogue shouldn't be capitalized if it's a pronoun. |Ex. "Are you all right?" he asked|
- Also, I think you can find a better word than 'admitted'. :)

“Are you Physically harmed or only frightened?” He asked as calmly as possible as he removed his jacket and placed it around his shoulders.

- I think the better way to emphasize 'Physically' is by italicizing it. :) Also, the dialogue doesn't seem natural again.
- The 'H' in 'He' shouldn't be capitalized.
- There's one confusing thing here - 'as he removed his jacket and placed it around his shoulders'. How exactly did he do with the jacket. Be more specific. Also, didn't you mean he put it around Lauren's/her shoulders?

”Well I do not believe I am physically harmed. However I could not tell you myself what happened to me . It all happened so fast.” She said before beginning to cry.

- Put a comma after 'Well'. Anyway, their dialogue seems so formal or proper xD (except the 'It all happened so fast'). Be more natural/realistic with the conversations. :) It didn't feel like she had problems.
- The 'S' in 'She' after the dialogue shouldn't be capitalized. Remember that the first letter of the first word after dialogue should always be in small caps IF the word is a pronoun. |Ex. "Is anything wrong?" she asked.|
- You accidentally put a space after 'me' at the end of the second sentence.

"...Do you have a place to stay."

- It should be a question mark after 'Do you have a place to stay'.

"(...) If you do not you may stay with me and my family if you wish.” He said before handing her his handkerchief and putting a protective arm around her shoulder.

- Put a comma after 'If you do not'.
- It should be a comma and not a period after 'wish'.
- The 'H' in 'He' shouldn't be capitalized.
- Also, the dialogue tag seems too telly. If you don't know, the dialogue tag is the phrase or the group of words that follow after the dialogue. |Ex. 'he said', 'she asked', 'he said as he handed her his handkerchief', etc.|

He lead her down the street...

- The past tense of 'lead' is 'led'.

“Can we go faster. That house frightens me.” She said.

- It should be a question mark after 'faster'.
- The 'S' in 'She' shouldn't be capitalzed.

“The Tyril Household? I assure you he is the most amiable of men and you have nothing to fear.” He said attempting to calm her.

- If Tyril is the surname of the family, talking about the master of the household using a pronoun ('he') is wrong. You should mention his name. If it's the first name of the household master, putting 'Household' after it is inappropriate.

“Please can we just go on?” She begged.

- Put a comma after 'Please'.
- The 'S' in 'She' sh ouldn't be capitalized.

So Joseph and her walked on.

- The use of 'her' here is wrong. It should be either 'So Joseph and Lauren walked on.' or 'So she and Joseph walked on.'.

Joseph attempted to make casual conversation however did not succeed.

- The 'however' part is wrong. It should be something like 'Joseph attempted to make casual conversation which, however, did not succeed.'

When they arrived at his house he called for someone.

- Put a comma after 'house'.
- Anyway, why is there are huge space before the next paragraph?

“Mother, Elizabeth, Meg I'm home.”

- Put a comma after 'Meg'.

Just then a woman and three girls around her own age entered the room.

- The 'Just' should be omited.
- Since you said that the three girls were around her own age, you should mention the age of the woman. By the way, they are her daughters, right? Why are their ages close to their mother's? o.o

Joseph introduced them.

- You should just omit this sentence since he actually introduced them in dialogue. This would just feel redundant. Or you could just put this as the dialogue tag instead of 'Joseph said simply.'.

“Lauren this is my Mother and three sisters. Elizabeth, Katherine, and Meg. Everyone this is Lauren. Mother, She needs our help.” Joseph said simply.

- Put a comma after 'Lauren'.
- The capitalization of the 'M' in 'Mother' isn't necessary. You can do that when the mother's being called.
- It should either be a colon or a hyphen after 'sisters' rather than a period.
- Put a comma after 'Everyone'.
- The 'S' in 'She' shouldn't be capitalized.
- You should just omit the 'Joseph said simply' or replace it with 'Joseph introduced'. Also, the 'simply' makes the dialogue tag seem weak.

"(...) Katherine please fetch Lauren some garments. Surely one of you girls clothing will fit her. (...)"

- Put a comma after 'Katherine'.
- Also, I think the mother should already know whose clothes would fit Lauren the best since she is their mother. I don't suppose the three sisters have the same ages or sizes.

Mrs.Talmin said.

- You forgot to put a space after 'Mrs.'.

With that the girls rushed Lauren upstairs.

- Put a comma after 'that'.
- I think 'And so' is better than 'With that'.

In the parlor Mrs. Talmin and Jospeh was having a discussin.

- Put a comma after 'parlor'.
- Typo: 'discussin'

“Simon what happened to her.” She asked.

- Put a comma after 'Simon'.
- The 'S' in 'She' shouldn't be capitalized.

“Mother I honestly do not know what happened. (...)” He said.

- Put a comma after 'Mother'.
- The 'H' in 'He' shouldn't be capitalized.

Mrs. Talmin put her hand on her her son's arm.

- Typo: You typed 'her' twice.
- Anyway, were they sitting in the parlor? I think it's important that you say it in the story.

“You are a good man Joseph. If more people were like you the would would be such a better place.” She said.

- o.o Isn't his name 'Simon'. Also, put a comma after 'man'.
- Put a comma after 'If more people were like you'.
- You had a typo. You typed 'would' twice. I think you meant the first 'would' to be 'town', 'city', 'village' or something like that.
- The period at the end of the dialogue should be a comma.
- The 'S' in 'She' shouldn't be capitalized.

After she was washed up and in clean clothing

- She was washed up? The girls washed her? If not, remove the 'was'.
- The 'and in clean clothing' seems awkward. I suggest rewriting that part.
- Put a comma after 'clothing'.

Joseph was sitting in a chair off to the side his sleeves rolled up to his elbow reading and Mrs. Talmin on the sofa with cups of tea waiting for all of them.

- This correction isn't the best but I think it's better: 'Joseph was sitting in a chair off to the side, reading, his sleeves rolled up to his elbow. Mrs Talmin was on the sofa with the cups of tea waiting for all of them.'

“Much Better.”

- The 'B' in 'Better' shouldn't be capitalized.
- The period should be a comma.

"(...) Others might not have been as kind as we are.” She finished.

- I think the 'we are' should be 'he is/was' or 'he is/was to you' since she said that 'she was lucky that she found Joseph'. Also, 'we are' makes them seem 'boastful' of themselves.
- The 'S' in 'She' shouldn't be capitalized.
- Why is there another huge space before the next line?

“Pardon?” He asked.

- The 'H' in 'He' shouldn't be capitalized.

They continued to talk late into the evening.

- Did you mean 'until' instead of 'into'? The 'to talk late into the evening' doesn't seem to make sense. Around 11 o'clock Joseph suggested that it was late and they all must get to bed.
- Put a space after 'o'' in 'o'clock'.
- Put a comma after 'o' clock'.
- I think there should be a 'that' before 'they'.

Once in bed Lauren laid awake thinking about her day.

- Put a comma after 'bed'.
- The past tense of the form of 'lie' you intended to use is 'lay'. 'lay' in basic form has a different meaning and its past tense is 'laid' which is incorrect to use in this sentence. Check this out - http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lie

Once in bed Lauren laid awake thinking about her day. How it had gone from simply dismal to Joyous in only a short time.

- You should just put a comma after 'day' instead of a period 'cause the succeeding sentence can't really stand alone.
- I'm not sure why you capitalized the 'J' in 'Joyous' but I don't think you should. When she finally fell asleep her dreams made her relive those terrifying at the house.
- Put a comma after 'asleep'.
- 'those terrifying' what?

"(...) Only a moment ago you were (...)"

- Put a comma after 'ago'.

"(...) or was having a terrible fright..” She asked concerned handing Lauren a damp cloth.

- Strictly speaking, an ellipsis consists of three dots.
- The 'S' in 'She' shouldn't be capitalized.
- Put a comma after 'asked'. Also, I would rewrite the dialogue tag to 'she asked, concerned as she handed Lauren a damp cloth.' or something like that.

“Yes I am quite well. (...)"

- Put a comma or a period after 'Yes'.

Lauren said wiping her face with the cloth.

- Put a comma after 'said'.

“Well that is the good thing about dreams. (...)"

- Put a comma after 'Well'.

“You know I do believe Joseph was quite taken with you. I can usually tell how he feels we are twins you see.”

- Put a comma after 'know'.
- I didn't get what you meant by 'taken' there.
- Put a period after 'feels'.
- Put a comma after 'twins'. Anyway, I didn't expect that they were twins. That was an interesting addition to the story. :) However, you should've 'showed' us their resemblance earlier in the story.
- It should be a comma instead of a period after 'see'.

She said as she laced up Lauren's corset.

- The 'S' in 'She' at shouldn't be capitalized.

- - - - - - -

Since this review is so long already, I'm just gonna make my overall comments after the second part. I'm just gonna give some key notes:
*Learn how to 'show' and 'not tell'.
*You should end a dialogue with a comma instead of a period when you're not using other punctuation marks like exclamation points, question marks, dashes, ellipses, etc. when there is no dialogue tag.
*The first letter of the first word in the dialogue tag shouldn't be capitalized if it's a pronoun.
*The 'dialogue tag' is the words that follow a dialogue.

Never stop writing! :D Sorry if I sounded so rude or strict. >.< I didn't mean to. ;)
“(...) and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” - Gandalf, The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring

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72 Reviews

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Points: 3376
Reviews: 72
Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:31 pm
tigershark17 says...

WOw; how fast did you write this? Really try to pay attention to end marks, commas, etc... And make sure you include all the words you want to say. Sometimes you skip over a word or two, just because you're going to fast. Also, the scene where Lauren is at the doctor needs to be sllllloooowwweeeddd down. Way down. Add some more detail. Describe how he feels waiting there for her, and scared he his. Overall, I really loved this piece. You have a very unique writer's voice, and I enjoyed the tone of the piece.
Behind every impossible achievement is a dreamer of impossible dreams.
--Robert Greenleaf

“Though lovers be lost, love shall not; And death shall have no dominion.”
— Dylan Thomas