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Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:28 am
MadameLuxestrange says...

Romance is really my forte and I thought I'd try something out that I've wanted to do for a long time. The main topic of this story is probably a little controversial, so I suggest not reading it if you don't like romance between two girls.

For all of my years in high school, I can only remember loving one person. Her name was Soraya. When she walked into a room, you knew she was there because she lit up the room with her smile. Everything about her would scream out to me and cause my stomach to go into knots. For a long while she didn't even know that I exsisted. She didn't know my name. But when she did notice me, when she gave me a hug right after she learned my name, I felt like the world for me had stopped. Never again did I look at another girl the way I looked at her.

I sat in English class while chewing on my pen cap and listening to Ms. Cassidy talk Edgar Allen Poe and the symbolism in The Fall of the House of Usher. "Can anyone tell me what Roderick and Madeline symbolize? What the relationship between the two of them had to do with the house falling down?"

"They're the last of the Ushers. The house was connected to the family and when the last of them died, so did the house," I answered, not bothering to raise my hand. "The house was the family and the family was the house."

"Good, Allison," Ms. Cassidy said with a smile. "I guess all the Poe you read gives you good practice with this." I nodded to her and gave her a small smile back. Ms. Cassidy was cool; she was our student teacher and she knew her literature. She'd instantly won points with me. When the bell rang signaling the end of the period, I rose from my desk and picked up my books and folders.

The end of second period meant two things: lunch and seeing Soraya.

Hurridly, I said "goodbye" to Ms. Cassidy and walked out the room. The hallways soon became crowded with students who were done with class and I plugged my ears with my headphones to listen to my music. I set my iPod to play Muse, took a deep breath, and set off down the hall. Every step I took set my stomach in knots. Would she look at me? Would she smile? I'd been to chickenshit to talk to her after musical had ended. What if she thought that I didn't like her anymore. There were so many questions that I had and no way to answer them unless I talked to her.

That wouldn't happen either.

Then I saw her. Her brunette bob was shiny and she wore shimmery pink lipgloss. She wore dark blue skinny jeans, pointy black ballet flats, and a tight stripped shirt that hugged her hips. The small blue bag she carried swung at her side. She all about made me faint right there. I glanced over at her as I was about to pass by; she made no eye contact with me. Soon, I was past her and rounding the corner to the stairs. Soon, I was past her and rounding the corner to the stairs and feeling like a hole had been punched in my gut. Even seeing one of my best friends, Tasha didn't cheer me up.

"Allison!" she chirped cheerily when I stopped beside her at her locker. "What's going on?" She held a Monster can in one hand and her Nintendo DS in the other.

"Eh," was all I could manage. I leaned my back against the lockers and groaned. "I'm not having the best day. Like, at all." Glancing over at Tasha, I noticed that she was thoughtfully sipping her energy drink. "You know that drinking that crap is only going to make you shaky for the rest of the day."

Shrugging, she took another gulp of the drink and smiled brightly at me. "Cheer up," she said. "You look like you failed another history test." I stook out my tongue at her and grumbled something about meeting her upstairs for lunch. "Smile!" she called out as I headed away from her. I flipped her the bird, making her giggle.


The next few weeks seemed like torture. Each day I hoped to see Soraya smile at me or at least make eye contact. Each time I walked by her, disappointed. I felt like such a teenage girl, being all googly-eyed over someone and feeling sick to my stomach when I saw them. The feelings just seemed to fester though.

After school on a Wednesday, I was sitting in a secluded stairwell on the far eastern side of the school with a copy of Jane Eyre in my lap and my iPod set to The Velvet Underground when the door at the top of the stairs opened noisily. I didn't even bother to look up; no one I knew would be here this late in the afternoon.

"Hey Allison."

Startled, I looked up from my book and saw that Soraya was standing in front of me with her arms folded over her chest. I didn't know what to say to her. Her face was unreadable.

"Uh, hey yourself," I responded with a high-pitched squeak, yanking the headphones from my ears. "What are you doing here so late?" I smiled shakily. Soraya sat herself down next to me on the cold floor and leaned her back against the wall. She stared up at the ceiling.

It was awhile before she said anything. "I'm confused Allison," she murmured, her eyes still on the tiles above us. It was almost like she was counting them. This conversation was confusing me. This didn't sound at all like Soraya. Soraya was bright and happy and full of life. She was sure of things. She was decisive. "I'm so confused about this."

"About what?" I asked, now thoroughly confused. My head was spinning, making me abosolutely dizzy. She was right there. Our arms were resting next to each other and her touch made my arm tingle. I placed my bookmark inside the novel and set it aside as I looked at her. Her eyes were fixed on the ceiling still. "Soraya?" There were tears in her eyes when I looked closer.

Hastily she wiped her tears away from her cheeks. "When I look at you, I feel so completely..." She finally looked at me. I still couldn't read her expression. She touched my cheek softly and I felt my cheeks grow hot. Leaning over, she touched my lips with hers and kissed me gently, timidly. When she pulled away, I was in shock. Did whatever I think happened actually happen? The moment I had dreamed would happen for months actually happened? Her face fell because I didn't react the way she thought I would. "Did I do something wrong?" she asked, her voice quiet.

Realizing what had happened, I shook my head and didn't respond with words. Instead, I kissed her back with a passion I had kissed no one else with. I turned to make kissing her easier and I crawled to sit over her and I ran my hands through her hair. And to my joy, she kissed me back as hard as I was kissing her. Her hands wrapped around my waist and she held me close to her body. Pulling away with my eyes closed, I murmured to her, "Do you know how long I've wanted to do that?"

"Do you know how long I have wanted to do the same thing?" she replied. She kissed me again and we spent the rest of the night in the stairwell until we decided we couldn't stay any longer.


When she left for college, I felt like going through the halls without seeing her was torture. But we continued to see each other. We would spend nights together sitting on the hood of her car during the summer and we spent the winter nights snuggled together in one of our cars underneath blankets. All the while talking to each other.

By the time it was time for me to go to college at Columbia University, we left together with her going to pursue her acting career and me my writing. As time went on though, we grew apart. The distance between us even as we slept together was almost unbearable. When I came home to our apartment one day after writing all day at my studio, I found her things gone and a note saying that she would always love me but we weren't what we used to be. Tears poured silently down my cheeks as I read it. It was really for the best though. When she got her first big role as Elphaba in "Wicked", I was the first person she came to see to tell her big news. We slept together one last time that night and after that the only time we saw each other was when I was seeing her on stage or she was coming to my book signings. We had both thought we would love each other forever. We did love each other forever. She was my endless love. But that wasn't enough.


My love,
You will forever be in my heart, even while we are not together. I will always love you.
Much love and forever your lover,

Tell me your thoughts. I would love to hear them.
...or dear Bellatrix, who likes to play with her food before she eats it?
Fear makes the wolf seem bigger.
I got attacked by a swan.

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Fri Apr 01, 2011 1:13 am
OutandOpenMinded says...

Hello Luxe :] I am here to review... or read... either way.

There's really nothing for me to nitpick because I'm being distracted by my sister's dryer.

Or maybe I do...

"Do you know how long I have wanted to do the same thing?" she replied. She kissed me again and we spent the rest of the night in the stairwell until we decided we couldn't stay any longer.

So you're telling me they were making out the whole night in SCHOOL? D:
What about the janitors/teachers that would come and say, "Uhh... I know you ladies are having fun doing whatever you're doing, but school is closing, can you do that outside?"

Spoiler! :
D'awwww she left :[

What origin is Soraya from? And I mean the name, not the character.

Rather than that, I can't say anything else but a nice story. I do enjoy reading some girl love story from times to times :] So you get a point for that.
Progress of my Novel
Still on ARC 1 - Ch. 6
39 pages in total
17,530 words in total

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Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:38 pm
theotherone says...

Hello there. :)

I sat in English class while chewing on my pen cap and listening to Ms. Cassidy talk about Edgar Allen Poe and the symbolism in The Fall of the House of Usher.

I'd been to chickenshit to talk to her after the musical had ended.

Soon, I was past her and rounding the corner to the stairs. Soon, I was past her and rounding the corner to the stairs and feeling like a hole had been punched in my gut.

I stuck out my tongue at her and grumbled something about meeting her upstairs for lunch.

Each time I walked by her, I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

I added to this sentence because it was missing something...
It was awhile before she said anything. "I'm confused Allison," she murmured, her eyes still on the tiles above us. It was almost like she was counting them. This conversation was confusing me. This didn't sound at all like Soraya. Soraya was bright and happy and full of life. She was sure of things. She was decisive. "I'm so confused about this."

"About what?" I asked, now thoroughly confused.

You've used confused quiet much here... You should maybe try to change at least one of them for a synonym, such as baffled or puzzled.
By the time it was time for me to go to college at Columbia University, we left together with her going to pursue her acting career and me comma, my writing.

This was a good story. I'm not going to mention in depth the fact that they were in a stairwell all night, since Outland already mentioned it.
Also, why did she left? I'm a little confused on the facts that you tell us, since they both loved each other, but it just couldn't work... Did something happen, an event to trigger it?

Apart from that, it's great! Keep writing. :)

-Other One
Behind every mask, lies a man that can't live in his own skin. - Woe is Me <3
Need a reviewer? I don't bite, I promise. :) ---> viewtopic.php?f=188&t=76466

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Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:51 am
Soulkana says...

I liked this very much!!! Awwws she left? I hope you add more I want to know so badly what happens next ahaha!!! Good luck and hopefully you get more reviews!!! I'll read more whenever you post more haha!!! Good luck ok? May you receive many reviews and progress much!!! Keep up the good work and Happy Writing!!!!
May the gentle moon take you into peaceful dreams. May the mighty sun brighten your new days.

Once here on Young Writers Society, in chat, chickens wanted variety. They complained to Nate and after debate became funky orangutans silently.
— Mea