
Young Writers Society

Only a dream

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Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:45 pm
xDudettex says...

Spoiler! :
Okay, so I know this is bad. I've had writers block for what seems like forever and I hoped that joining a contest with prompts would help to inspire me. This is what I came up with - my prompts were 'Chinese food', 'ducks' and 'Taylor Swift'. It's my first ever attempt at present tense writing and I really want to improve it so reviews would really be appreciated *bats eyelids nicely* :) Thanks for taking the time to read this!

I find him crouched down in our usual hang out spot. His long legs are splayed across the pavement leaving little room for people to pass-by, but he’s not being inconsiderate. It’s Sunday morning; most people are still in bed. I should be too, but I can’t stop thinking about my dream. My heart lurches in my chest at the thought of telling Tom.

I didn’t give him a place to meet me, yet we both end up in the same spot. The non-descript slab of concrete is surrounded on three sides by unkempt bushes and has been our hang-out spot for as long as I can remember.

My hands are shaking slightly and I’m not sure whether it’s from the cold air or the sudden onslaught of nerves that had invaded my mid-section when I’d turned the corner to see him waiting for me. The hood of his jacket is pulled up against the winter chill but a few locks of ebony hair escape. He pushes them back absentmindedly as he reads the paper he’s holding in front of him. His brows are narrowed closer to his midnight blue eyes in thought and I can’t help but wonder at how grown-up he looks. I’ve known Tom since pre-school and the dark shadow of stubble along his jaw makes me realise how long ago that was.

“You shouldn’t sneak up on people.”
He’s smiling and the sight makes my legs wobble.
“I didn’t want to disturb you.” I nod towards the paper he’s now folding in half. “You looked like you were enjoying the read.”
“You asked me to meet you half an hour ago,” he says pointedly. “I had to do something to stop myself from dying of boredom."
I can’t help raising my eyebrows at his tone. “I had to sneak out. I’m grounded, remember?”
Tom smiles again, rubbing a hand along his jaw line and I find myself imagining the scratchy feel of stubble against skin.
“I wasn’t the one who told you not to do your maths homework.”
“No,” I say, giving him my best stern look. “You were the one who stole my organiser. I haven’t done half the work I’m supposed to have done this week.” I take a step closer and rest my hands on my hips. “You never gave it back actually.”
“Who says I’m going to, Lissy?” He cocks an eyebrow and I can’t help the urge to fight back like always.
“Uh, I do.” I kick softly at one of his feet. “Or I won’t be your friend anymore.”
Tom sticks his tongue out. “Fine.”
For a moment I actually believe him and I wince at the cold feeling that fills my stomach, but then I see the tale-tell dimple appear on his cheek.
“You’re mean.”
He says nothing. Instead he lifts his bag from his side and scoots up so there’s room for me to sit down beside him. I bend down and brush the stones and dirt away before taking the seat next to him. When we were six, we could sit facing each other, but ten years on it’s a tight squeeze. There’s barely an inch between us and I can feel twigs poking my right arm.

“So what’s so important that you forced me to give up my lie-in?” His face is blank but I can tell by the way he’s watching me that he’s interested.
It’s then that my courage starts to fade and I feel a sudden doubt crawling its way up my spine. What if he thinks I’m being stupid? Or worse. What if he never wants to talk to me again? I gulp before chancing a glance at him. He’s still watching with a patient expression. I want to hit him for being so reliable and I want to hit myself for being the one that could change that.
The doubt trickles into my veins. “It’s nothing.”
“Come on. Just say it.”
“You’ll think it’s stupid.”
Tom does one of his half sighs before leaning forwards to pick up his paper again.
I can’t help frowning. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going to sit here until you tell me.” He flicks through the paper. “So I’m going to carry on reading. Just nudge me when you stop acting like a child.”
My mouth falls open and my frown deepens. How am I being a child? He doesn’t understand. This isn’t some silly matter than can go without being mentioned. I’m just scared of what will happen when I tell him.

I stretch my legs out and stare at both of our feet in annoyance. His shoes seem to dwarf mine and a small smile pushes its way onto my face, decreasing my irritation a little. Why am I making such a big deal out of this? It was a dream. A recurring dream that’s been haunting me for the past few weeks, ever since he made me that carving in wood shop. I instinctively reach for my jeans pocket where I’ve concealed the little owl. I can feel its beak sticking into my leg, reminding me of its presence.

Tom shifts in his seat, leaning ever so slightly into my other leg. My heart pounds harder at the contact.
“Have you ever had a dream that felt so real, you could almost imagine it happening in the real world?”
My words hang in silence for a moment before either of us react. I bite my lip in fear just as Tom leans a little closer to me, an unfamiliar look on his face. He drops the paper again and raises his eyebrows.
“Tell me about it.”
His request is so simple but I have to try with all my might to force the words out of my mouth. It was a bad idea coming here.
“You promise not to laugh?”
Tom raises a hand to his chest and draws a cross over his heart. “Promise.”
I feel myself relaxing a little. “Well, the thing is it’s a bit strange.”
“More strange than Mr. Larson?”
I cough to stop myself from giggling at the image of Tom’s eccentric next door neighbour. “Yes.” No-one should ever wear ski-pants with Doc Martens.
“Really?” Tom looks surprised. “Do I want to hear this dream?”
“You have no choice,” I say. “You asked me to tell you.”
“Okay, fine.” He sighs dramatically. “It’s obviously bothering you.”
He’s right. I feel my face start to flush with colour. “How is it obvious?”
He holds up a hand and starts counting on his fingers. “You’re fidgety. Angsty. You keep going all weirdly quiet.”
I can’t help interrupting. “Weirdly quiet?”
“That doesn’t sound right.”
“Stop trying to distract me.” He folds his arms over his stomach. “We’re not leaving until you tell me about this dream you had.”
I pout and take a deep breath. “We were at my house.”
“Hang on.” Tom sits up straight. “I’m in it?”
I nod and pray he doesn’t make some joke about me dreaming about him. I’m giving myself a hard enough time as it is.
Not knowing what to make of his response, I press on.
“Well we were both sitting on the couch, eating Chinese food.”
“What was I eating?”
I manage to shoot him a death glare even though I’m shaking with nerves.
“I can’t remember anyway,” I say. “But we were eating when all of a sudden this giant duck walks into the lounge and starts talking.”
I pause, waiting for Tom to make a comment, but he doesn’t. He’s biting down so hard on his lip that he can’t talk.
“So it starts talking about how we have to go for a run to burn off all the carbs in the food. But I tell it I don’t want to and the next thing I know, it starts chasing me everywhere. Then out of nowhere, three more ducks appear and they start heading for you.” I can’t help smirking at the thought of the next part. “Then you start screaming like a girl.”
The feeling of Tom’s hand on my arm almost has me jumping out of my skin. “I screamed like a girl? It must have been a dream.”
“Oh yeah? What about the time we went to that petting zoo and the goat tried to eat your hat?”
Tom frowns at my patronising tone. “We were eight.”
“You still screamed like a girl.”
“Get on with it.”
I shove my hands into my pockets. “So they started chasing you and shouting about keeping fit. There were feathers all over the floor and they were really going for us like they were possessed, fitness-fanatic ducks. But then the radio turned on and ‘Our song’ by ‘Taylor Swift’ came on and the ducks just stopped.”
“Taylor Swift?”
“Some of her songs aren’t half bad.”
Tom shrugs. “If you say so.”
“I do.”
We sit in silence for a moment and the song lyrics start racing through my head. My heart beats against my ribs and I bring my legs up close so that I can hug my knees.
“And then?”
I almost don’t hear Tom at first. The blood’s rushing too loudly in my ears and my hands are shaking so hard I’m glad they’re hidden in my pockets.
The sound of him saying my name makes me shiver and I slam my eyes shut. I can’t do this.
“Are you alright? You’ve gone weirdly quiet again.”
I don’t dare correct him. I don’t trust my voice.
“Is this about the talking ducks, 'cause I don’t think it’s that bad. I’m sure people have had crazier dreams.” I can hear him dragging a stone across the concrete, but all I can see is the back of my eyelids. “I once had a dream that I was chased by a lawn mower, though that was more of a nightmare.”
I can’t even laugh at his attempt to make me talk. My mind is spinning and my stomach knots itself. How am I supposed to tell him?
“I don’t think you’re insane, if that’s what you’re worried about. It’s only a dream, Lissy. None of it’s real.”
My heart feels like it’s been pierced by a knife. But what if I want it to be real? Not the talking ducks, but the ending that’s constantly in my thoughts. The part that I can’t bring myself to say out loud.
“I just want to know how it ends.”
He’s pleading with me, but I can’t tell him. I can’t bring myself to ruin what we have between us. I mean, seriously.
How are you supposed to tell your best friend you kissed them in a dream and now it’s all you can think about?
Last edited by xDudettex on Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'Stop wishing for the sunshine. Start living in the rain.' - Kids In Glass Houses.

'Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?' - MCR artwork.

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Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:00 am
Jas says...



This review gives me the unsettling feeling that it was written by me when I was a new YWSer. Anywho, this was amazing. I really, really love it. The story was great, the setting, the description, the characters, the narration, even the ending. IT WAS PURRRRFECT. I'll let you know about the contest thing around April 15th. :D


I am nothing
but a mouthful of 'sorry's, half-hearted
apologies that roll of my tongue, smoothquick, like 'r's
or maybe like pocket candy
that's just a bit too sweet.


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Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:13 pm
AmeliaCogin says...

I loved this. So brilliant. I just wanted to keep reading and reading. You're a very talented writer - I really enjoyed this piece. Thanks! Fab read! :)

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Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:21 pm
theotherone says...

Hello there. :)

Incredible story you've got there. The mystery of the dream just keeps the reader guessing until the end, and I was mad when in the end she didn't say it. Although it has its advantages to end a story in suspense, I still want to know what happens. I've got a feeling she didn't tell him... I'm sad. :( ;)

Anyways, for the grammar, I think it was good. I didn't see any mistakes, but I was so focused on the story, I didn't honestly look.

Keep writing, and good luck for the contest!

-Other One
Behind every mask, lies a man that can't live in his own skin. - Woe is Me <3
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Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:43 pm
fireheartedkaratepup says...

Hokay then, I'll just shoot for second place.

Seriously, this is REALLY good.

I like the ending--it's a good place to leave off, and leaves the reader wanting more. At the same time, I'd really like to see what happens next.

This is the kind of story I gobble up in seconds before begging for more. Thanks so much for sharing this with the world! XD Haha.
"Ok, Lolpup. You can be a girl worth fighting for."

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Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:00 am
borntoshop says...

I LOOOOOOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:15 am
Cassie9960 says...

This was wonderful!! You should really write more! It was great! I loved it!! You're an excellent writer!!! It was very interesting and fun to read. Please write more pieces of work, I'm eager to read em! :)
Happy (Keep) Writing!

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Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:11 pm
SakuraFallsSweetly♥ says...

OMG! When are you going to write more? Can you PM me when you post the next part please! Great story!
The only true failure, is when you give up. ♥

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Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:29 pm
PixieStix says...

I love it! You are awsome, And Ps. check out my poem Candy Kiss in the narritive poetry if you have achance and give me pointers!

All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie-dust!

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Sun May 01, 2011 12:07 am
Amfliflier says...

Why hello there!

This was really good. I really liked how you used a prompt to help. I'm not sure why, but stories seem better if the person used a prompt. I also liked the playful arguing between the two. It made it seem a lot more real. Nice job, this was really well written! :)
Forever for All <3


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Sun May 01, 2011 1:16 am
MOIMOW says...

Okay, fitness fanatic talking ducks...I wish my dreams had those.
Good job. I enjoyed this a lot. If it were my story (which it's obviously not, I could never come up with that awesome of a dream:)) I might actually shorten it. Usually we reviewers tell writers to add to their stories, but I think this one would be just as good and maybe better if there wasn't so much dilly-dally before the actual talking about the dream part. You'd still get your points across. But it's up to you.
Besides that, I think you're good. Oh, and by the way:
But what if I want it to be real? Not the talking ducks

Absolute favorite part. :)
Keep writing!
"Forget love. I'd rather fall in chocolate."

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Fri May 13, 2011 4:45 am
IKnowAll says...

Great! Loved it. I sorta want to know what happens after that but in some stories it's simply better not knowing. Great writing. If it were to be a full book I'd say add descriptions but if it's just a short story, I think it's great the way it is. :) I wish I could give my characters more personality...
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
-Mark Twain

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Sun May 15, 2011 5:41 am
thatoddkid says...

Lizzie sounds exactly like one of my best friends... I don't know if that added to the reality of the story, but it certainly helped. You have a certain wit that I like, and you don't make it mushy. Actually, you ended your story at the perfect time. So much personality, too. There are only a few minor mistakes (someone else will point those out, I'm sure). I like how you use dialog to help us realize what the characters are like, instead of just telling us.

It's great. I love it.

We always talk about the "doers" and "dreamers" but I'd like to give a big shoutout to the "tryers".
— Hannah Hart