
Young Writers Society

Burning Apart

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Points: 2338
Reviews: 40
Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:11 am
fading-dream says...

Prepare to be blown away by cheesiness!

The building was nearly completely gone. Carlos stood at the edge of the property watching the flames dancing about. The fire sent heat upon his face yet he felt no warmth. Sparks arose from the burning wreck, floating away like spirits as they raced toward the starry sky before passing away. Carlos bit his lip as he continued to watch; his eyes wanted to shut out the world. Yet, Carlos knew that this was just the beginning. He would have to lose even more before it was over.

With a shallow breath, almost as if he had been pierced in the heart, Carlos turned his back to the image. The flame’s heat grew duller as he left the mess behind, yet the pain was as clear as crystal in his mind. Like fireworks, the crackling flames burst in his ears and left his conscience ringing. A familiar depression entered his body and weighted on his feet, causing them to drag in misery. Yet, even though everything he knew was gone, his eyes shed no tears. He had to be strong now; no one was going to be strong for him anymore.

He glanced over his shoulder as to see the orange glow fade from the night sky. It was the edge of the property and the trail became broader here. Ahead of him was an unfamiliar darkness that made him pause for a brief moment. Where was he going? Who could he turn to? Why had he done it? Carlos couldn’t make sense of the questions in his mind. He couldn't make sense of the world he lived in. It was only now, in his deepest sadness, that he realized the pain in his side. His eyes looked upon the foreign silver as it hung from his flesh.

“Are you okay?” the angel’s voice asked.

Carlos looked up, yet all he saw was darkness. His bones cringed as the air was silent again. Finally, he had had enough. Without the motivation to go on, Carlos fell to the ground covered in smoke and blood. His body was helpless to the blade as more of him left from the wound. Where was the angel? Where had she gone? Still, his eyes did not waver.

“I... I’m sorry. I’m sorry...” He sobbed without tears.

The sound of nature awoke him as the stream echoed in his ears. Slowly, he opened his eyes. In front of him was a grassy meadow. He was on a hill he recognized from childhood. He glanced to his right and noticed the stream. He traced its path with his eyes and followed it deep into the trees which surrounded the valley. The sunlight was bright on his face.

“Finally.” The angel spoke.

Carlos turned his head quickly, afraid to miss her again. From behind him, she stood up slowly and began to walk toward him. It wasn’t so much an angel as an old friend. Her brown hair swayed in the breeze. Her blue eyes shimmered as if but a dream. Maybe she was an angel. Carlos didn’t care anymore.

“What? Why are you staring?” she stopped and stared.

“It’s... nothing.” Carlos said.

“Guarded as always,” she said as she began walking toward him again.

Carlos turned his head back toward his childhood backyard. It hit him in that moment that it really was gone. Everything he knew, everything he was, was an empty room. He grasped his wound as a reminder of what he had given up. To his surprise, there were bandages. He glanced to the cleaned cut and then to the girl. His eyes were wide with shock.

“What, you thought I’d let you bleed to death?” She sat down in front of him.

“Actually, Rebecca, I thought you’d be the one to kill me.” He made an attempt to lighten the situation.

“Well, that’s still a possibility. At least give me the chance next time before you go off to kill yourself.” Her humour had an ominous tone that told Carlos that she was only half kidding.

“I wasn’t trying to kill myself.” Carlos stood up, brushing past her while he did.

“No, of course not. I’m sorry.”

Carlos looked out at the rolling clouds. He didn’t know how to be himself around her anymore. Of course, if he did act like himself, she wouldn’t recognize him anymore anyway.

“Why did you do it,” Rebecca asked, clearly avoiding an awkward silence. “Why did you burn down your own home?”

The question caught Carlos off guard. How had she known that he had done it? “I did it because... I...” He sighed. “You wouldn’t understand.”

She stood up. “Why not? I’ve seen more horror than most would in their entire lives! You don’t think I understand pain? Do you really believe that?” Rebecca paused for a moment. “Or maybe you’re too scared.”

“Maybe.” Carlos shrugged then turned his gaze back across the valley.

Behind him, Carlos heard his friend moving. He thought he heard her approaching him but her steps stopped short.

“No,” her voice cracked, “if I get any closer, you’ll just disappear again.”

“Don’t do this. What I do has nothing to do with you!” He turned around angrily. “There are some things that don’t revolve around you!” Carlos stopped just inches in front of her. The sunlight shone warmly on her face, reflecting the stubborn girl he had always known. She wasn’t giving up on him yet.

“You...” she raised her fist, then dropped it. “You’re right. I’m not important at all. Never have been. I guess I’m just wasting my breath. You’ve never cared at all. But that doesn’t matter.” She walked past him and took a few steps down the hill and into the valley. “Don’t forget to change your bandages.” Angrily, she stormed off, half running, half crying as she left.

Carlos watched her go. After a few moments, she disappeared into the trees. The world grew silent again. Even the blowing leaves and the stream seemed to make no sound. How pathetic was he? Even angels would leave him to rot. He was going to be alone forever, wandering in the darkness. Not even the sun could make a dent on the clouds of gloom that surrounded him.

No. Carlos clenched his fist in a determined resolve. He wasn’t going to let her walk out again. He needed someone. How could he have let her leave? How could he let her go again? The answer was obvious; he couldn’t. So, ignoring the pain in his side and listening to the flames in his heart, he sprinted off to find Rebecca.

It wasn’t long before he found her. After only a few moments, he came to a pond where Rebecca was. She was sitting on a rock, crying. Carlos didn’t know how to approach her. He didn’t know what to say, how to apologize or even how to look into her eyes. All he could do was stand and watch her.

After a short while, Rebecca stood up and began to run. “Wait!” Carlos screamed. Startled, Rebecca jumped and threw something in his direction. It hit him with sharp stab. Rebecca’s eyes grew wide with fear when she realized what was happening. Carlos glanced to the knife which stuck out of his chest. His heart was heavy as his breathing slowed and the world was drained of color. His knees betrayed him as he fell to the ground in agony. Rebecca bolted over to him and caught him before he hit the ground.

“Carlos,” she cried, “I... I didn’t know it was... I...”

“This? Nah, this is nothing. Just yesterday I was stabbed much worse than...” His thoughts and words gave in to the thoughtless numbness of injury.

“Carlos? Please!” She screamed.

“Look,” his tone grew serious, “I’m sorry I cut you out. It’s just, after you had to kill your own family I...” The pain took his words again.

“Why are you bringing that up? Come on, you didn’t cut me out. If I wanted to see you I should have visited. It’s my fault.”

“No it’s not. You asked me why I burned my house down. Well, my family had the same...” he struggled to fight through the pain. “They had the same disease. I had to stop it... But my father... He stabbed me... All I could do... I had to burn it all away...” His lips refused to move.

“I understand. I heard about your family so I came looking for you. That’s when I found you by the road dying. Carlos, I just got you back, I don’t want to lose you again! Please, just... survive.”

“Please...” He raised his hand to her lips. For a second, all was quiet. His thoughts were no longer coherent and he barely noticed his body. The breeze blew through the leaves above Rebecca and him. He looked upon her face and noticed it almost glowing. Finally, with short breaths, he closed his eyes to her. All he could feel were her tears on her face. Then, he couldn’t feel anything anymore.

Sorry for any typos or mistakes/ inconsistencies. Please comment if you read it, no matter what you have to say. I take well to criticism so don't be afraid to share what's on your mind.
Current Project: Otherworld (Novel) - 11,000 words so far
Latest Story: Overflowing Emotions.
Past stories: Burning Apart, The Beast, Binding Darkness - Ch. 1, What David Taught Me, The Banquette, Mirror of Memories, Leaving Humanity, Little Green Men, Six Days

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Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:59 pm
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Busheldood says...

What a story. I found it very moving, yet puzzling("It hit him with sharp stab"). I like the way it left so many questions in my head, and pulled me straight into the action at the begining without any hesitation taking me straight to the place. It had very good descriptive areas where i was taken along to be shown a flash of the caracters past. But, I found there were too many blank areas. It was very fast moving and you didn't have enough time to describe a lot about the main caracter (personalities and issues). It was a bit like the ending of a book, yet, the begining as well. But I do like your style of writing and the way you are out there and get straight the point. Over all it was a good story, but could do with a bit of improvment.

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40 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 2338
Reviews: 40
Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:43 pm
fading-dream says...

Thanks for the kind words Busheldood! I really appreciate your input. I agree, there are TONS of holes left in the story. I actually intentionally did this so that I could continue the story if I wanted to later on. I don't think I will. It all feels cliche' to me (which it is) and I'd rather move on. However, I might someday dive into their backstories and her future.
Current Project: Otherworld (Novel) - 11,000 words so far
Latest Story: Overflowing Emotions.
Past stories: Burning Apart, The Beast, Binding Darkness - Ch. 1, What David Taught Me, The Banquette, Mirror of Memories, Leaving Humanity, Little Green Men, Six Days

May you never steal, lie, or cheat. But if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows. And if you must lie, then lie with me all the nights of your life. And if you must cheat, then please, cheat death.
— An Unknown Bride, Leap Year