
Young Writers Society

Winter Bloom [edited yet again]

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Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:02 am
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Meep(: says...

Author's note:
Spoiler! :
Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to read this :D
It's been a long time (major writer's block) since I last wrote so pardon me if my writing is rusty.
I just decided against writing a long foreword, but basically, I hope to convey the message that in the eyes of your loved one, you don't need to be anyone but yourself.
I feel that people fret too much about 'looking good' for their partner, when it is completely unnecessary in true love.
To that special someone, you are always beautiful (or handsome, haha), so don't ever feel ashamed of any 'flaws' you may have.
I sincerely wish that all of you will be lucky enough to find that person in your life :)

She scatters seeds in the snow, her alabaster skin melting into the background of doves that flock around her. Her checkered scarf, stark crimson and olive green, nestles her head, forms her mask.

A couple strolls past, picture perfect faces tilted towards each other, breaths forming a misty cloud of lovers’ sighs.

I see only her mesmerising eyes, warm brown against the frigid pale canvas of her skin. They are wide-set, but the perfect distance for me to plant a kiss between.

She wears a beanie to tame her hair, but unruly wisps of charcoal frizz escape its confines. The contours of her ears can just be made out under her beanie, big but strangely endearing.

I stare helplessly, drinking in the sight of her as she turns to face the sun, basking in its rays. She glows, as if an ember burns brightly beneath her paper-thin skin.

Then she notices me looking. In her eyes is a tentative smile.

Heat rushes to my cheeks, like a child caught doing something he shouldn’t, I offer a sheepish grin.

I do not miss her left hand creeping up her neck, self-consciously adjusting the scarf, muting her radiance further.

Behind that scarf lies an exquisite smile. She hates the thinness of her lips and the mole that dots her upper lip. I love the softness of her peach-tinted lips, the smooth curve of her smile, spotted curiously with a mole.

She hates how her waist is centimetres too large and the undesirable circumference of her limbs. I adore the roundness of her body; those full arms are the tenderest cushions. She is all curves, without the angular outline of those slim figures that grace the cover of fashion magazines.

I am surrounded by a winter wonderland, glittery snowflakes descending and patterning the landscape blanketed with pristine whiteness. I am surrounded by people, some of the kind that makes her turn away from the mirror, ashamed and dissatisfied at what she sees.


She scatters seeds in the snow and I am captivated.

I see only her.

So beautiful.

She lived three houses down from mine, and we took the same bus to school every day. Being ten then, like most boys, I paid more attention to my Pokémon cards than I did to girls.

One Tuesday, I was forced to pay attention after I bumped into her, causing her to fall. I was too absorbed in trading cards with my bus-mate to notice. I heard an indignant “Hey!” behind me and turned, only to be whacked on the shoulder with a weighty backpack. Her surprising show of strength landed me on the floor. You could say she swept me off my feet.

“What did you do that for?” I shouted, rubbing my sore bottom.

She planted her hands on her hips and retorted, “You bumped into me and didn’t apologise!”

“You didn’t have to attack me, crazy!”

“No, I wouldn’t have to, if you paid more attention to where you were going instead of trying to get your friend’s Charizard card. Which by the way, is fake.”

I stared at her in shocked awe. My bus-mate looked annoyed.

When I continued to gawk at her, she decided to continue, “I have an extra Charizard card at home, if you want to trade for it. Provided that you be nice to me.”

Just like that, our friendship took off.

We spent our afternoons alternating between our houses, watching Pokemon shows and playing pranks on our housewife mothers. She made me laugh a lot.

During the winter of my fifteenth year, I started to see my playmate and best friend more as a girl. My mother teased me for taking so long to do so.

I liked our snowball fights. It gave me an excuse to admire her lovely face.

The way the corners of her eyes would crinkle as she laughed; the way she’d wrinkle her button nose when a snowball landed in her face; her lopsided smirk after triumphantly pelting me with snowballs; how her hair would spread against the snow as I tickled her relentlessly.

Noticing my stares, her hands would flutter nervously to her face, and she would ask me if there was something wrong with it. I would be guilt-ridden every time she did that. She was so self-conscious.

I wanted to tell her that she looked lovely, but I was too embarrassed.

Once, while we walked down the hallway in school, she suddenly asked me, “Don’t you think she’s pretty? And her?”

I followed her wistful gaze to two girls who had just passed us. One of them had large, round eyes that many students regarded to be very attractive. I thought she looked positively fish-like. The other, my classmate, was admittedly a fine specimen of feminine pulchritude. Her personality was also as charismatic as a fencepost.

“I think you’re pretty too.” I replied softly and earnestly, blushing. Her lips pursed, and she said nothing. Perhaps she had not heard me.

We walked home in silence.

I suspect that she knows I love her.

I even suspect that she may just love me back.

Every day, I tell her she is beautiful. Remind her. But she only listens to the cruel jeering of her peers. She still wets her pillows with tears.

Whenever I caress her face, her lips, she becomes a mimosa. She recoils from my touch ever so slightly, her body folding and bringing her shoulders closer together. Even as she lowers her head, I see the flicker of uncertainty in her eyes.

Take your time.

I’ll wait for you.
Last edited by Meep(: on Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:35 pm, edited 6 times in total.
~Liverpool F.C Supporter~
"You'll never walk alone"

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Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:11 pm
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LadySpark says...

HI [user]meep(:[/user]! I'm going to review you today, because I used all my points posting chapters to my novels.

She scatters seeds in the snow, her alabaster skin melting into the background of doves that flock around her. Her checkered scarf, stark crimson and olive green, nestles her head, forms her mask.

A couple strolls past, picture perfect faces tilted towards each other, breaths forming a misty cloud of lovers’ sighs.

I see only her mesmerizing eyes, warm brown against the frigid pale canvas of her skin. They are wide-set, but the perfect distance for me to plant a kiss between.

this whollleee thing is awesome!

She wears a beanie to tame her hair, but unruly wisps of charcoal frizz escape its confines. The contours of her ears can just be made out under her beanie, big but strangely endearing.

I stare helplessly, drinking in the sight of her as she turns to face the sun, basking in its rays. She glows, as if an ember burns brightly beneath paper-thin skin.

Then she notices me looking. In her eyes is a tentative smile.

Heat rushes to my cheeks, like a child caught doing something he shouldn’t, I offer a sheepish grin.

I do not miss her left hand creeping up her neck, self-consciously adjusting the scarf, muting her radiance further.

Behind that scarf lies a scarred but nevertheless beautiful smile. I remember how that angry, pink jagged line runs across the corner of her mouth, tugging it down into a perpetual half-grimace. With soft peach-tinted lips, her smile is a conflict of emotions. Hers is a bittersweet candy of which I ever only taste the sweetness.

I adore the roundness of her body; those full arms are the tenderest cushions. She is all curves, without the angular outline of those slim figures that grace the cover of fashion magazines.

I am surrounded by a winter wonderland, glittery snowflakes descending and patterning the landscape blanketed with pristine whiteness. I am surrounded by people, some of the kind that makes you turn away from the mirror, ashamed and dissatisfied at what you see.


She scatters seeds in the snow and I am captivated.

I see only her.

So beautiful.
wow ALL I see is good. so good job :)
hush, my sweet
these tornadoes are for you

-Richard Siken

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Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:57 pm
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Sins says...

Hey, Meep. :)

I'm here to review as requested! I'm not going to concentrate on nit-picks and grammar, if that's all right with you. If not, that's fine. Just let me know and I'll post another reply with any nit-picks that I have.

I really liked this, Meep. I adored the message of the whole thing and I think that you've portrayed it well. I purposely didn't read the spoiler before the story because I wanted to see if I could tell what the message was without being told, and... I could. That's great! It shows that you are able to send a clear, but subtle message in your stories. Your grammar was lovely, so even if you did want me to point out nit-picks, I'd fail at it. The same goes for spelling!

I'm warning you in advance that I don't think this review is going to be much help... This is a rather short story, so there isn't an awful lot for me to critique. There was one little thing that I noticed though. I get that this is supposed to be a bit of a "in the moment" short story, but I would like for you to show us a bit more. There isn't really any conflict or anything. For example, I didn't notice any mention of the girl in the piece feeling ugly or anything. You did describe her in a way that wasn't beautiful, but I'd have actually like to have seen her feeling as though she wasn't beautiful.

I know this critique is kind of vague, but I hope you're beginning to get the idea. I'd like to see a bit more about the background of the couple. You don't need to describe their life story or anything, but maybe add in some little details of their relationship. You can keep them unnamed - I like that - but I would also like to see you showing their whole situation a bit more. In the end, it's up to you what you do, so please take this with a pinch of salt. ;)

I'm sorry I wasn't much more help... I really can't think of anything else to say. I feel awfully useless! I think that your descriptions in this were really great and you worded them wonderfully. I like the style of this, and every sentence flowed into the next easily. Well done, Meep!

Keep writing,

xoxo Skins
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:05 am
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Shearwater says...

Hey Meep!

First of all, I can't help it if I'm popular, lol. Just kidding. ^^
Anyway, I'm here as requested. So, I'm not going to do a whole nitpicky review with this because there isn't much I can basically pick out and/or comment on. For starters, however, I would like to talk about the skin here. You seem to mention it a lot, it's not a bad thing if there was reason behind it or something but that doesn't seem to be the case. As for your prose, I find it nice and it surely does capture some interesting imagery and all. However, there a few spots where the wording is confusing and I end up reading it twice to make sure what I've read is right, this cuts the nice flow and I have to pick up the flow again - which is a tad annoying.
Behind that scarf lies a scarred but nevertheless beautiful smile. I remember how that angry, pink jagged line runs across the corner of her mouth, tugging it down into a perpetual half-grimace. With soft peach-tinted lips, her smile is a conflict of emotions. Hers is a bittersweet candy of which I ever only taste the sweetness.

This here is where I was a bit lost. Maybe it's just me but I felt like it could've been better since it's got the most action in your story. I also disliked the 'angry, pink jagged line' part because it seems out of the soft genre that you were making and it really pops out to me. However, it's your choice if you want to change it or not.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this and I like the scene. I'm calling it a scene because well...it's not really a story since it had no conflict, at least I don't think it did. However, there was interesting message behind your words that I really liked and it captured my attention. My only real suggestion for this piece is to possibly lengthen it. Not overdo it but certainly add a few more paragraphs and dig deeper with the characters because as of now, it's like vague dolls playing inside my head with no real definition, nor do I feel connected to him. Maybe that's what you were going for, I'm not sure.

I apologize if this is a pretty lame review. Your scenes very short and is filled with nice description and words but it fails at delivering a 'real plot' in which I can comment on. Your writing style is fine itself, minus the little few weird wordings here and there but casting that little nitpick aside, this was a good piece. It could use a little tweaking here and there. Anyways, I liked reading it, t'was a good one.

There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
-W. Somerset Maugham

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Thu Dec 09, 2010 4:54 pm
Winchester says...

Hey Meep, im here for the crappy review you requested :)

Meep(: wrote:Author's note:
Spoiler! :
Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to read this :D
It's been a long time (major writer's block) since I last wrote so pardon me if my writing is rusty.
I just decided against writing a long foreword, but basically, I hope to convey the message that in the eyes of your loved one, you don't need to be anyone but yourself.
I feel that people fret too much about 'looking good' for their partner, when it is completely unnecessary in true love.
To that special someone, you are always beautiful (or handsome, haha), so don't ever feel ashamed of any 'flaws' you may have.
I sincerely wish that all of you will be lucky enough to find that person in your life :)
I Know this wasn't really part of the story, but it's a really important message to people, so well done you! just for that :)

She scatters seeds in the snow, her alabaster skin melting into the background of doves that flock around her. Her checkered scarf, stark crimson and olive green, nestles her head, forms her mask.

A couple strolls past, picture perfect faces tilted towards each other, breaths forming a misty cloud of lovers’ sighs.

I see only her mesmerising eyes, warm brown against the frigid pale canvas of her skin. They are wide-set, but the perfect distance for me to plant a kiss between.

She wears a beanie to tame her hair, but unruly wisps of charcoal frizz escape its confines. The contours of her ears can just be made out under her beanie, big but strangely endearing.

I stare helplessly, drinking in the sight of her as she turns to face the sun, basking in its rays. She glows, as if an ember burns brightly beneath paper-thin skin.

Then she notices me looking. In her eyes is a tentative smile.

Heat rushes to my cheeks, like a child caught doing something he shouldn’t, I offer a sheepish grin.

I do not miss her left hand creeping up her neck, self-consciously adjusting the scarf, muting her radiance further.

Behind that scarf lies a scarred but nevertheless beautiful smile. I remember how that angry, pink jagged line runs across the corner of her mouth, tugging it down into a perpetual half-grimace. With soft peach-tinted lips, her smile is a conflict of emotions. Hers is a bittersweet candy of which I ever only taste the sweetness.

I adore the roundness of her body; those full arms are the tenderest cushions. She is all curves, without the angular outline of those slim figures that grace the cover of fashion magazines.

I am surrounded by a winter wonderland, glittery snowflakes descending and patterning the landscape blanketed with pristine whiteness. I am surrounded by people, some of the kind that makes you turn away from the mirror, ashamed and dissatisfied at what you see.


She scatters seeds in the snow and I am captivated.

I see only her.

So beautiful.

So i now realise this is from the point of a boy, and there's not much about grammar i can say becuase you seem to be a lot better at it than i am.
I see this as a prologue, though you go back to it at the end of your story, it pulls me in like a prologue


She lived three houses down from mine, and we took the same bus to school every day. Being ten then, like most boys, I paid more attention to my Pokemon cards than I did to girls.

One Tuesday, I was forced to pay attention to her when I bumped into her, causing her to fall. I was too absorbed in trading cards with my bus-mate to notice. I heard an indignant “Hey!” behind me and turned, only to be whacked on the shoulder with a weighty backpack. Her surprising show of strength landed me on the floor. You could say she swept me off my feet.

“What did you do that for?” I shouted, rubbing my sore bottom.

She planted her hands on her hips and retorted, “You bumped into me and didn’t apologise!”

“You didn’t have to attack me, crazy!”

“No, I wouldn’t have to, if you paid more attention to where you were going instead of trying to get your friend’s Charizard card. Which by the way, is fake.”

I stared at her in shocked awe. My bus-mate looked annoyed.

When I continued to gawk at her, she decided to continue, “I have an extra Charizard card at home, if you want to trade for it. Provided that you be nice to me.”

Just like that, our friendship took off.

We spent our afternoons alternating between our houses, watching Pokemon shows and playing pranks on our housewife mothers. She made me laugh a lot.

During the winter of my fifteenth year, I started to see my play mate and best friend more as a girl. My mother teased me for taking so long to do so.

While I still aimed snowballs at her face, my eyes strayed all too often to her eyes and lips. Noticing my stares, her hands would flutter nervously to her face, and she would ask me if there was something wrong with her face. I would feel guilty every time she did that. She was so self-conscious.

I wanted to tell her that she looked lovely, but I was too embarrassed.

Once, while we walked down the hallway in school, she suddenly asked me, “Don’t you think she’s pretty? And her?”

I followed her wistful gaze to two girls who had just passed us. One of them had large, round eyes that many students regarded to be very attractive. I thought she looked positively fish-like. The other, my classmate, was admittedly a fine specimen of feminine pulchritude. Her personality was also as charismatic as a fencepost.

“I think you’re pretty too.” I replied quietly and honestly, blushing. Her lips pursed, and she said nothing. Perhaps she had not heard me.

We walked home in silence.

suprisingly, this part made me laugh, again theres not much I can say about your grammar it seems to all be in tact, and the way the girl like pokemon and stuff was the bit that made me laugh, it's the same as a girl knowing all the cheats to call of duty nowadays :)

Like the day she hit me with her backpack, she didn’t back down without a fight.

I listened, each word compounding the ache in my heart, and held her hands to my chest. I listened, as she lay on the hospital bed, recounting how she tried to fight off a thief.

Two slashes. A gash on her stomach and a deep cut on her mouth.

When the bandages came off, she wouldn’t face me.

I suspect that she knows I love her.

I even suspect that she may just love me back.

Every day, I tell her she is beautiful. Remind her.

Yet, whenever I caress her face, her lips, she becomes a mimosa. She recoils from my touch ever so slightly, her body folding and bringing her shoulders closer together. I see the flicker of uncertainty in her eyes.

Take your time.

I'll wait for you.

What a perfect was to end a short story, it makes you think on how some people can be so shallow, but the one bit i don;t like is that you didn't tell us the girls name, or how she got the scars, but that was up to you and i guess you did it on purpose.

Keep Writing

Geronimo :O)
"Winner, winner, chicken dinner" Wise words said by the one and only, Dean Winchester.

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Thu Dec 09, 2010 5:49 pm
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Meep(: says...

Geronimo wrote:or how she got the scars

Lulz. Actually, I did.
~Liverpool F.C Supporter~
"You'll never walk alone"

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Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:11 pm
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laurabadleg says...

I think the title is such a shame. I mean it is a good title of course and a romantic one at that. However, is it just me or is it a little cheesey? I guess that is your own judgement but just my opinion.

A lovely read though!

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Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:08 am
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Meep(: says...

laurabadleg wrote:I think the title is such a shame. I mean it is a good title of course and a romantic one at that. However, is it just me or is it a little cheesey? I guess that is your own judgement but just my opinion.

A lovely read though!

Yeah, I agree. I didn't want to leave it as untitled, but I didn't like this title much either. Any suggestions? :)
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Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:43 pm
borntobeawriter says...

Hey Meep!

Thanks for the request.

I have no nitpicks, at all.

The End.

Haha, seriously, I loved this piece. It was simple and beautiful, and you showed us how pure and beautiful love is. I was a little confused at first, wondering if 'I' was talking about the woman walking with her boyfriend, but I quickly caught on :D

I think every woman, every man, deserves to be loved the way your MC loves his best friend. And your short story portrays that so well.

As for titles...I'm not sure. Play around with the words. What was it before?
Beauty in the eye of the beholder?
Fight for what you want? For what you believe in?
True love is unscarred?
True love is blind?

Meh. Just a few ideas, haha. Well, sorry I wasn't more help, but I really, really enjoyed this piece. Is it for Skins' contest?

Tanya :D

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Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:46 pm
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Yuriiko says...

Hello Meepy.


Corrections in RED.

She scatters seeds in the snow,

Why no one has noticed this? It should be 'scatter', since the noun after it is plural. :3

her alabaster skin melting into the background of doves that flock around her. Her checkered scarf, stark crimson and olive green, nestles her head, forms her mask.

Personally, I don't think you still need to describe the color of the scarf, 'checkered' alone is enough. However, I'm impressed with your opening line, it is simple yet attractive.

A couple strolls past, picture perfect faces tilted towards each other, breaths forming a misty cloud of lovers’ sighs.

Oh, I like this. Good wording of each phrases and an interesting metaphor you have here. :)

She glows, as if an ember burns brightly beneath paper-thin skin.

'Brightly beneath' whose skin? her skin?

One Tuesday, I was forced to pay attention to her when I bumped into her, causing her to fall.

Using 'her' thrice in a row seems to be wrong. Perhaps rephrasing this would help? Or you can just simply delete the first 'her'.

During the winter of my fifteenth year, I started to see my play mate and best friend more as a girl.

Playmate is one word, dear. :3

While I still aimed snowballs at her face, my eyes strayed all too often to her eyes and lips. Noticing my stares, her hands would flutter nervously to her face, and she would ask me if there was something wrong with her face. I would feel guilty every time she did that. She was so self-conscious.

There's too much 'face' here. Maybe in the part "something wrong with her face', I would change 'face' to 'it'. :wink:

“I think you’re pretty too.” I replied quietly and honestly, blushing.

How do you show that?

Her lips pursed, and she said nothing. Perhaps she had not heard me.

Oh... Why did you let her? (Kidding ^_^)


Kicking aside those nitpicks and comments, I thank you for the good read, Meepy. The emotion that consists of sadness and sweetness merged very well that has kept me interested from the first word until the ending. I've completely understood the message you're trying to express to your readers. Even though it seems a bit short, but still you've managed to narrate your main character's feelings and actions, without leaving me confused and unsatisfied. I'm considering your verb inconsistency since I know that you're writing from present-past-present style. The flashback helped it all actually. I also like it how you write metaphors or how you played with words, they are quite refreshing to read.

However there are just some things that I would want to clarify. The first thing I've noticed is that most of your depictions depend on your adjectives and adverbs. I think you're spoonfeeding us that much. Try to show also. As what they say, "One adverb is just about right in one or two pages.". And there are some things that could be described well with nouns and verbs only. So try to polish that one up again. And speaking about pronouns, try rephrasing some sentences which contains a lot of "her", because I know there are simpler ways to write it.

Grammar wise, I find it pretty neat and clean. There are no technically awkward phrases, so I think you deserve a clap for that. Hi-five! I like your main character and the pace of the story plot is smoothly flowing which doesn't lose my track even in the middle part. :)

Overall, this is really good, Meepy. I think I'm the only reviewer who has been very nitpicky in your piece, so I apologize for that. Maybe because I'm in the mood for being nitpicky. haha. But anyways, I'd understand pretty well if you agree or not on the review I have just given you, since these are all just based on my opinions. Thanks for the read again. Hope this helps and PM me for any questions. :D

As with the title... well does "MEEP is inspired" would help? Lol. Just kidding. haha. Sorry, I'm not just that kind of person who's good into titles. :wink:

Keep writing and peace out,
"Life is a poem keep it in the present tense." -Sherrel Wigal

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Mon Dec 13, 2010 8:05 pm
AngelMarie says...

well hey there meep! love the name by the way (: well i absolutely love this! your writing is so good, and the emotion you put into it is perfect. You got your message across perfectly, so great job!

You said you needed help with your title so i suggest you use your last line of the story for your title (I'll wait for you.) i feel it kind of ties the story together.

well anyway this is great. Keep up the outstanding work! :D
“Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.”
E. L. Doctorow

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Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:22 pm
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Rayneisthename says...

This story is so well written I can't put it into words! It sends a wonderful message to people and that really says good things about you as a person! This is a beautiful, beautiful piece!!!!!!!! I am looking foward to read more of your work!
keep writing
BE YOURSELF. Because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.

Two things are infinite: human stupidity and the universe; and I'm not sure about the universe

Don't tell me that the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:09 am
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Explosive_Pen says...

Hello Meep!
Let me start by saying that I thought this was absolutely adorable. It accurately describes the way a young person - especially a boy, I feel - loves someone. Setting them apart from others based on their flaws, which are found to be endearing and special, rather than on their "perfections".
However, I do have some critiques:

I am surrounded by people, some of the kind that makes you turn away from the mirror, ashamed and dissatisfied at what you see.

I wonder, would I boy be likely to say this? It sounds good, yes, but it seems a bit out of character.

Noticing my stares, her hands would flutter nervously to her face, and she would ask me if there was something wrong with her face.

I don't like the repetion of "her face" twice in the same sentence. The second one can be replaced by "it"; the reader already know what you are talking about.

I paid more attention to my Pokemon cards than I did to girls.

Pokemoooooooon! ^^<5

That's all the nitpicks I have. =P This flowed nicely, although I found the flow from when he was discussing how he fell for her to when she apprehended the thief to be a tad abrupt. That's not too big a problem, though; this is a short story, after all.
I liked that you seemed to return to the beginning at the end. It tied up the story nicely and your closing lines were superb. Also, I enjoyed the fact that you didn't name your characters. This made the story more universal and relatable.
Once again, this was adorable, and I liked the message and its execution. As Skins said, it was subtle enough not to be overwhelming, but clear enough that it was portrayed.
"You can love someone so much...But you can never love people as much as you can miss them."

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Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:41 pm
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laurabadleg says...

Scattered seeds in the snow

Beautiful line. You've used alliteration very well here. xx

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:42 pm
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RaeSuz says...

Hello Meep,

This is a charming story! It made me chuckle (out loud), and I like your style and voice. I think you did a great job expressing the frustration of loving someone who does not count themselves worth loving.

She scatters seeds in the snow, her alabaster skin melting into the background of doves that flock around her. Her checkered scarf, stark crimson and olive green, nestles her head, forms her mask.

Irrelevent question: What is she sowing?

I like the description.

I adore the roundness of her body; those full arms are the tenderest cushions. She is all curves, without the angular outline of those slim figures that grace the cover of fashion magazines.

Love that bit.

Her surprising show of strength landed me on the floor. You could say she swept me off my feet.

“What did you do that for?” I shouted, rubbing my sore bottom.

THAT made me laugh.

“No, I wouldn’t have to, if you paid more attention to where you were going instead of trying to get your friend’s Charizard card. Which by the way, is fake.”

I stared at her in shocked awe. My bus-mate looked annoyed.

When I continued to gawk at her, she decided to continue, “I have an extra Charizard card at home, if you want to trade for it. Provided that you be nice to me.”

Just like that, our friendship took off.

After all the oeey-gooey (don't get me wrong- I like the ooey-gooey), this is a nice change of pace. It rounds out the characters and makes them even more endearing.

During the winter of my fifteenth year, I started to see my playmate and best friend more as a girl. My mother teased me for taking so long to do so.

While I still aimed snowballs at her face, my eyes strayed all too often to her eyes and lips. Noticing my stares, her hands would flutter nervously to her face, and she would ask me if there was something wrong with it. I would be guilt-ridden every time she did that. She was so self-conscious.

I wanted to tell her that she looked lovely, but I was too embarrassed.

The boy character really develops here; I start to feel I can understand him a bit.

Once, while we walked down the hallway in school, she suddenly asked me, “Don’t you think she’s pretty? And her?”

I followed her wistful gaze to two girls who had just passed us. One of them had large, round eyes that many students regarded to be very attractive. I thought she looked positively fish-like. The other, my classmate, was admittedly a fine specimen of feminine pulchritude. Her personality was also as charismatic as a fencepost.

“I think you’re pretty too.” I replied softly and earnestly, blushing. Her lips pursed, and she said nothing. Perhaps she had not heard me.

We walked home in silence.

I'm frustrated at this point... this is a very relateable scenario. Ha, ha.

Two slashes. A gash on her stomach and a deep cut on her mouth.

When the bandages came off, she wouldn’t face me.

While I see the opportunity it gives you to further flush out the characters (the last sentence, "When the bandages came off, she wouldn't face me," is dynamic and powerful), this bit required some suspension of disbelief on my part. Perhaps more backstory is in order?

My only other critique is that, in some places, the narrarator's voice sounded slightly feminine. As a girl who chooses frequently to write for male characters, I'm afraid I'm picking at the speck in your eye while there's a plank in my own... just something to consider.

On the whole, the story is wonderful, and the characters are easy to connect with. I'd love to read it again If you ever felt like developing it into a longer piece.


What orators lack in depth they make up for in length.
— Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu