
Young Writers Society

Kicking Like There's No Tomorrow

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Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:58 pm
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MadameLuxestrange says...

My life is in shambles.

Those words were ringing through my head as I danced at my senior prom with the boy who was supposed to be my boyfriend. The boy who everyone in school thought was the father of the baby girl growing inside me. The boy I was supposed to be in love with.

All I could think about though, was Logan.

Logan, Logan, Logan.

I winced as the baby inside of me kicked viciously. Asher smiled down at my swollen belly as we swayed on the dancefloor. "I think someone wants a little more attention."

Still wincing, I forced a smile. "Well this someone needs to use the restroom. Bad." I prayed to whatever higher power there may be that that he wouldn't be able to tell I was lying.

"Okay," Asher whispered in my ear. He then leaned down to kiss me for the first time all night. His breath tasted like cheap whiskey and it was enogh to make my delicate stomach do a flip. As the nausea came over me, I pushed him backwards.

"You didn't bother to tell me that you were drinking?" I hissed, my head spinning viciously.

Raising his hands as if in surrender, Asher said, "Sorry babe! I forgot that you couldn't stand to be around alcohol anymore, being prego and all."

Pissed off, I retorted, "Yeah, well I guess you forgot that the cops are searching everyone's cars too!"

"Char, I'm sorry! But it wasn't me who brought it. Some of the guys brought it up. I swear on the baby's life!" he said, as if his pathetic excuse would fix things. He knew that I knew he was a sucker for the booze.

I choked on a gasp at the last sentence he said. "I'm going to the bathroom," I muttered, stalking off with the skirt of my black chiffron gown dragging on the ground. As I passed by a group of girls sitting around on the garden patio, they immediately stopped their conversations so they could stare at me. Rolling my eyes, I continued walking.

"I don't know what Asher sees in her," said the voice of Jamie DeWart. "And I seriously hope he doesn't end up marrying that slut. Even if it is his baby. Which I seriously doubt it is." A chorus of laughs followed. It didn't matter. I was used to girls giving me shit all the time. Somehow all their boyfriends couldn't stop checking out my ass or trying to get me into a threesome. But even in the complete hell-hole known as my high school, there was one person I knew I could trust.


Sweet, caring, beautiful Lea. We'd been friends for the longest time and I could depend her for anything. She was the one person I could trust. The one person, other than my family, who knew the truth about my baby.

Just as I entered the mansion where the prom was being held, I ended up running smack into Lea. "There you are!" she exclaimed, smoothing the skirt of her short, yet elegant cocktail gown. "Come with me!" She dragged me by the arm down the corridors of the mansion. Our heels clicked the entire way down the halls.

"Umm, Lea? What the fuck is going on?" I asked. We'd stopped in front of a set of double doors that I assumed led to the mansion's first floor library.

Placing a calming hand on my arm, Lea sighed. "I told him that you didn't want to see him, but he insisted that it's important."

My heart started to thump faster. My daughter began to kick restlessly in my belly.

Logan, Logan, Logan.

"Umm, Charlie? Could you stop digging trenches into my arm, please?" Looking down at Lea's arm, I saw that my nails had dug into her skin.

"Listen, you need to know something: he's still in love with you. And you're for sure still in love with him," she said, gesturing to her arm. "Go in there and tell him the truth."

I looked at her like she was crazy. "Lea, he left me to go back to his wife. I was stupid to think that he actually loved me. Let's face it: I was sixteen when I met him. He was twenty-five. Now, even though I'm eighteen, I was just a fling for him. Let's face it, hooking up with the married med-student was the worst idea I've ever had." I paused. "Even if I told him about the baby it wouldn't change anything. I'd still be the underage, dirty mistress."

"He has a right to know though."

"I can't go in there and tell him that!"

"Charlie Montgomery, get your preggo ass in that room and tell him the truth!" Lea whisper-shouted.



Huffing, I watched as Lea danced back down the hallway and disappeared around the corner. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door to the library. On the other side of the room, standing before the empty fireplace, was an exceedingly handsome man in his late twenties. He was dressed in black dress pants, black dress shoes, and a white button down shirt that was undone at the collar. His dark brown hair was cut close to his head and his clean-shaven face was filled with grief. His tall, muscular frame was hunched over slightly as he stared blankly into the empty fireplace.

"Hello Logan," I said softly, shutting the door behind me. Turning around abruptly, his dark brown eyes instantly met my sapphire blue ones.

"Char..." he replied, his eyes straying down to my pregnant belly. His voice was filled with pain. "How have you-"

I held up my hand. "What do you want, Logan?" I didn't care how much I wanted to run into his arms and let him say I'd be his forever. I was not backing down.

His expression darkened. When he spoke again, his voice was hard. "I want to know... I want to know who the baby's father is."

My throat felt like it might close up. "Why?" I asked, avoiding his question and his gaze. "Why would I share private information with you?" He didn't answer because I didn't let him. "You left me Logan! You abandoned me to go back to Lisa! I may have just been a fling to you, but you were not just a fling to me!" I shouted, all my pent up rage spilling out of my mouth. I felt tears burning from behind my eyes.

Now Logan's face looked like a thundercloud. "You think I thought of you as a fling? You think that I stayed with you for two years, risking my career and my freedom, for a fling? If I was not a fling to you then why do seem to know me so little?" Swallowing hard, I watched him continue. "I had no choice but to go back to Lisa. She was going to destroy you. She was going to do eveything humanly possible to make sure that you were miserable for the rest of your life. I thought that if I went back to her that you would find someone else and be happy!" Pausing to laugh darkly, he added, "And I see that you found happiness! You went off and got yourself knocked up with someone else's child!" His voice broke. "That should be my baby! You should be with me!"

In despair, he fell into one of the armchairs in the library and put his head in his hands. Against my mind's warnings, I walked over to him and put my hand against his cheek. He looked up at me with eyes that I'd never seen him have before. His eyes were wet with tears.

"Put your hand here," I told him, pointing at my stomach.


"Just do it!" I said rolling my eyes in exasperation. Hesitantly, Logan placed his hands on my stomach. Just as his hands reached there, my daughter began to kick. His face looked startled for a moment. When she kicked again, I murmured, "She knows who her father is."

Logan looked at me then as if he didn't believe me. Then he stood up on his feet and pulled me into him as far as he could with my stomach being as large as it was, and kissed me. His lips were warm and gentle at first, but they turned scorching and passionate in a matter of seconds. My arms wrapped around his neck and I felt as though my body was on fire.

When he pulled his lips away, his arms were still around my back holding me agianst him. He asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"The day I came to tell you was the day you told me you were leaving," I responded, holding his shirt collar tightly, hoping I would never have to let go.

Smiling, Logan bent down and kissed my lips, reigniting the fire that had been burned out six months earlier. "I'll never leave you again. You or our daughter." And without another word, Logan pulled me into the most heartfelt kiss we'd ever shared. Inside me, our daughter started kicking like there was no tomorrow.
Last edited by MadameLuxestrange on Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
...or dear Bellatrix, who likes to play with her food before she eats it?
Fear makes the wolf seem bigger.
I got attacked by a swan.

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Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:33 am
ASH1397 says...

O my god! I loved it! ^_^ It was so sweet and romantic and just about every other romantic thought that I've ever thought in my life! Haha XD.
I do suggest going back and making another though to continue your story line, you really have something here. please please PLEASE don't leave me hanging here! I really think you can expand your story of course it is yours so feel free to do what ever you want with it. But If you get stuck or something or need some advice, just PM me I'll have plenty of Ideas and i won't get tired of talking to you!

Continue your creativity-----
And just when the caterpillar thought her life was over, she turned into a beautiful butterfly.

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Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:09 am
SporkPunk says...

Hey Luxy! Sorry this took so long, but I'm here as requested. :)


"Umm, Lea? What the fuck is going on?" I screeched. We'd stopped in front of a set of double doors that I assumed led to the mansion's first floor library.

Screeched? That's an unpleasant, loud, squealing sound. I don't really think that sound matches the situation, to be honest. But it's your call.

Could you stop digging trenches into my arm please?"

Comma after "please."

Those are my only real grammatical nitpicks. : )

Short and concise story, I like it. It was well written, and I enjoyed the read. I really felt bad for the MC. I'm thinking you could expand this. It was very dramatic, which is fun to read. I'd comment more on plot details if it were longer. xD

Not bad, I really enjoyed it. Just make sure to check word choice, and consider expanding. :)

If you have any questions, would like a review, anything at all, visit my wall or PM me!

Grasped by the throat, grasped by the throat. That's how I feel about love. That it's not worth it.

REVIEWS FOR YOU | | Uprising (coming soon!)

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Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:40 pm
LadySpark says...

ok here is my review.
I'm not going into the grammar right now but i gotta say: great job!!!!!!!!
ok thats all :)
hush, my sweet
these tornadoes are for you

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Formerly SparkToFlame

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Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:48 pm
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cfakc says...

Please reconsider your word choices. Or use **** <those. Overall, good story. But i think we, the readers, could use some backround. Please think about it. :):):):):):)

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Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:32 pm
LiveLaughLove says...

It's so sweet. I really liked your story, it was written beautifully! That's all I got so, Good job and Keep writing!
Sierra :mrgreen:
If you look deep enough you will see music; the heart of nature being everywhere music.
Thomas Carlyle

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Lao Tzu

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Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:34 pm
birdiegirl42 says...

Omg that was great. i liked that you described logan's face in so much detail, but could you describe charlie more, so it's easier to see it play out in your mind. i like the plot idea. coolio!!

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Reviews: 138
Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:12 am
MadameLuxestrange says...

Thanks all! I'm in the process of planning an expansion! Your comments and critique are all helping very much!
...or dear Bellatrix, who likes to play with her food before she eats it?
Fear makes the wolf seem bigger.
I got attacked by a swan.

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205 Reviews

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Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:37 pm
Kagi says...

This was incredibly heartfelt and I felt every single word in your story.
Your words were placed perfectly and well thought out. The structure of your story was delicate and smooth with a contineous suspension running throughout.
Put it into novels and write a couple more entries-if you want! It has so much poteintal to become a whole story!
I loved your story and found no faults. You have a wonderful talent and it was such a pleasure to read your story.
I like to know a little more about how maybe moody or sore you are from the pregnancy.
Maybe a little more detail aswell with why Logan left you and you're true feeling for Logan.
All we know of your love for Logan is:
Logan Logan Logan
I loved this plot and I'd love to read more.
Kaka x
Got YWS?

If, when you mean to type yes you type yws, you know you belong. :P

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Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:31 am
werewolfconfessions says...

This is absolutely fantastic, completely well described, wonderful story.
Sweet, caring, beautiful Lea. We'd been friends for the longest time and I could depend her for anything. She was the one person I could trust. The one person, other than my family, who knew the truth about my baby

I'd actually like to know more background information on these two, why can is she so trusted, what have they been through together? Things like that.

I'd also like to know more about Charlie, where she came from, why she didn't tell Logan the truth sooner. Things like that.

Aside from wanting to know more information, just from being so into the story, I think this is brilliantly thought out. Keep up the good work!

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Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:13 pm
Piper says...

Hi, you told me to comment, so I did. Ummmmmm.....Some of your word choice made little sense but other than hat, it was great!
Cats are like characters. You may say they're yours, but in reality, they own you. ~Me

You can take away all the arts you want, but soon, the children won't have anything to read or write about. ~Glen Holland

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Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:44 am
aweqs says...

This is really impressive!
I was gripped throughout and I loved the story line.
You could make it go further, but to be honest, i love it as a short story!

I found myself reading through it intentively and i enjoyed it alot.
I agree with werewolfconfessions , I think there could be more background info on Lea,
that could add to the story nicely :)

Overall, i think this is a great story, and a nice little read :)

Sorry, im so bad a reviewing :)

/Isha:/= To be honest, we are talking about mostly nothing which in its own essence is something. But somethingness can't be nothing if there isn't nothing in the first place. So really, we're talking about meaningly somethingness that's technically caused by nothingness.

The Smiley Spammer

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Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:58 am
Meep(: says...

Reading this story made me want to puke rainbows :)
I think the story would be improved if you add more background to it, more development of her relationship with Asher. We don't know if he's just a character of convenience to fill in the holes in the story, why the persona even dated him if her life's in shambles, the progression of her pregnancy (especially the discovery), thoughts about her pregnancy, etc.
There's also the mysterious Logan. How did she meet this married man and how did they fall in love? What about the obstacle that his wife poses? How did she find out?
Many things that can be developed here :)
I did like how you incorporated a baby into the story though!

~Liverpool F.C Supporter~
"You'll never walk alone"

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Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:52 am
hockeyfan87 says...

luxevampwolfwithwand wrote:My life is in shambles.

Those words were ringing through my head as I danced at my senior prom commawith the boy who was supposed to be my boyfriend. The boy who everyone in school thought was the father of the baby girl growing inside me. The boycomma? I was supposed to be in love with.

All I could think aboutcomma though, was Logan.

Logan, Logan, Logan.

I winced as the baby inside of me kicked viciously. Asher smiled down at my swollen belly as we swayed on the dancefloor. "I think someone wants a little more attention."

Still wincing, I forced a smile. "Well this someone needs to use the restroom. Bad.comma not period" I prayed to whatever higher power there may be that that he wouldn't be able to tell I was lying.

"Okay," Asher whispered in my ear. He then leaned down to kiss me for the first time all night. His breath tasted like cheap whiskey and it was enoghenough to make my delicate stomach do a flip. As the nausea came over me, I pushed him backwards.

"You didn't bother to tell me that you were drinking?" I hissed, my head spinning viciously.

Raising his hands as if in surrender, Asher said, "Sorry babe! I forgot that you couldn't stand to be around alcohol anymore, being prego and all."

Pissed off, I retorted, "Yeah, well I guess you forgot that the cops are searching everyone's cars too!"

"Char, I'm sorry! But it wasn't me who brought it. Some of the guys brought it up. I swear on the baby's life!" he said, as if his pathetic excuse would fix things. He knew that I knew he was a sucker for the booze.

I choked on a gasp at the last sentence he said. "I'm going to the bathroom," I muttered, stalking off with the skirt of my black chiffron gown dragging on the ground. As I passed by a group of girls sitting around on the garden patio, they immediately stopped their conversations so they could stare at me. Rolling my eyes, I continued walking.

"I don't know what Asher sees in her," said the voice of Jamie DeWart. "And I seriously hope he doesn't end up marrying that slut. Even if it is his baby. Which I seriously doubt it is." A chorus of laughs followed. It didn't matter. I was used to girls giving me shit all the time. Somehow all their boyfriends couldn't stop checking out my ass or trying to get me into a threesome. But even in the complete hell-hole known as my high school, there was one person I knew I could trust.


Sweet, caring, beautiful Lea. We'd been friends for the longest time commaand I could depend her for anything. She was the one person I could trust. The one person, other than my family, who knew the truth about my baby.

Just as I entered the mansion where the prom was being held, I ended up running smack into Lea. "There you are!" she exclaimed, smoothing the skirt of her short, yet elegant cocktail gown. "Come with me!" She dragged me by the arm down the corridors of the mansion. Our heels clicked the entire way down the halls.

"Umm, Lea? What the fuck is going on?" I asked. We'd stopped in front of a set of double doors that I assumed led to the mansion's first floor library.

Placing a calming hand on my arm, Lea sighed. "I told him that you didn't want to see him, but he insisted that it's important."

My heart started to thump faster. My daughter began to kick restlessly in my belly.

Logan, Logan, Logan.

"Umm, Charlie? Could you stop digging trenches into my arm, please?" Looking down at Lea's arm, I saw that my nails had dug into her skin.

"Listen, you need to know something: he's still in love with you. And you're for sure still in love with him," she said, gesturing to her arm. "Go in there and tell him the truth."

I looked at her like she was crazy. "Lea, he left me to go back to his wife. I was stupid to think that he actually loved me. Let's face it: I was sixteen when I met him. He was twenty-five. Now, even though I'm eighteen, I was just a fling for him. Let's face it, hooking up with the married med-student was the worst idea I've ever had." I paused. "Even if I told him about the baby it wouldn't change anything. I'd still be the underage, dirty mistress."

"He has a right to know though."

"I can't go in there and tell him that!"

"Charlie Montgomery, get your preggo ass in that room and tell him the truth!" Lea whisper-shouted.



Huffing, I watched as Lea danced back down the hallway and disappeared around the corner. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door to the library. On the other side of the room, standing before the empty fireplace, was an exceedingly handsome man in his late twenties. He was dressed in black dress pants, black dress shoes, and a white button down shirt that was undone at the collar. His dark brown hair was cut close to his head and his clean-shaven face was filled with grief. His tall, muscular frame was hunched over slightly as he stared blankly into the empty fireplace.

"Hello Logan," I said softly, shutting the door behind me. Turning around abruptly, his dark brown eyes instantly met my sapphire blue ones.

"Char..." he replied, his eyes straying down to my pregnant belly. His voice was filled with pain. "How have you-"

I held up my hand. "What do you want, Logan?" I didn't care how much I wanted to run into his arms and let him say I'd be his forever. I was not backing down.

His expression darkened. When he spoke again, his voice was hard. "I want to know... I want to know who the baby's father is."

My throat felt like it might close up. "Why?" I asked, avoiding his question and his gaze. "Why would I share private information with you?" He didn't answer because I didn't let him. "You left me Logan! You abandoned me to go back to Lisa! I may have just been a fling to you, but you were not just a fling to me!" I shouted, all my pent up rage spilling out of my mouth. I felt tears burning from behind my eyes.

Now Logan's face looked like a thundercloud. "You think I thought of you as a fling? You think that I stayed with you for two years, risking my career and my freedom, for a fling? If I was not a fling to you then why do seem to know me so little?" Swallowing hard, I watched him continue. "I had no choice but to go back to Lisa. She was going to destroy you. She was going to do eveything humanly possible to make sure that you were miserable for the rest of your life. I thought that if I went back to her that you would find someone else and be happy!" Pausing to laugh darkly, he added, "And I see that you found happiness! You went off and got yourself knocked up with someone else's child!" His voice broke. "That should be my baby! You should be with me!"

In despair, he fell into one of the armchairs in the library and put his head in his hands. Against my mind's warnings, I walked over to him and put my hand against his cheek. He looked up at me with eyes that I'd never seen him have before. His eyes were wet with tears.

"Put your hand here," I told him, pointing at my stomach.


"Just do it!" I said commarolling my eyes in exasperation. Hesitantly, Logan placed his hands on my stomach. Just as his hands reached there, my daughter began to kick. His face looked startled for a moment. When she kicked again, I murmured, "She knows who her father is."

Logan looked at me then as if he didn't believe me. Then he stood up on his feet and pulled me into him as far as he could with my stomach being as large as it was, and kissed me. His lips were warm and gentle at first, but they turned scorching and passionate in a matter of seconds. My arms wrapped around his neck and I felt as though my body was on fire.

When he pulled his lips away, his arms were still around my back holding me agianst him. He asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"The day I came to tell you was the day you told me you were leaving," I responded, holding his shirt collar tightly, hoping I would never have to let go.

Smiling, Logan bent down and kissed my lips, reigniting the fire that had been burned out six months earlier. "I'll never leave you again. You commaor our daughter." And without another word, Logan pulled me into the most heartfelt kiss we'd ever shared. Inside me, our daughter started kicking like there was no tomorrow.

I might have missed errors and that is simply because I was so into the reading its SUPER good and I like the plot and all. I'm rooting for Logan and Char. I will be haha. Jenn
when you grow up you realize that Prince Charming is not as easy to find as you thought. You realize the bad guy is not wearing a black cape and he's not easy to spot; he's really funny, and he makes you laugh, and he has perfect hair and isnt wearing a black cape and easy to spot Lots of Love Jenn

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45 Reviews

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Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:38 am
AllieMeadows says...

Omg I'm in love with your story. It s so sweet and romantic. I love the emotion and the understanding that I got. I love how I can unnderstand everything and I feel like I can relate to t even though I've never been through this. I can wait to read more about Charlie and Logan. I'm rooting for the all the way. Keep p the good work and keep writing. :D
Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead :o <3

When I use caps I do not want you to read it like a little screech, I want you to read it like a 5,000 year old ogre with the strength of 10,000 men.
— avianwings47