
Young Writers Society

Daddy's Little Plaything

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Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:43 am
galadriel says...

This room is far too white.
White walls, white bed sheets, white bandages, white hospital gown, white floor, white white white. The only other color is dull gray-blue. A stripe of it runs around the room and it colors the guest chairs. The guest chairs are not empty, as I would have thought they would be. A tall Asian boy sits in one chair, thick-rimmed glasses falling down his nose as he types away on his phone like always. A tan boy with lots of jewelry and bright blue hair shoved underneath a thick knit cap is sitting in another, earbuds in his ears and a far-away expression on his face. And in the third chair sits a petite, black-haired girl, wearing a blue dress over jeans and reading Pride and Prejudice. And this is the girl I speak to.
“It didn’t work, huh?”
Her head shoots up like one of those Whack-a-Mole things I played when I was a kid. "No, it didn't, if you meant to kill yourself." She smiles. “I told you it was hard to cut that deep.”
“Stop encouraging him,” Aden says, looking up from his phone and rolling his eyes at Charlotte. Lyric smiles, tugging the earbuds out of his ears.
“You’ll have wicked scars though,” Charlotte says, not paying attention to Aden, who looks rather irked. “It’ll be pretty awesome.”
I want to hug Charlotte. The second I think this, she puts her book down and slides her arms around my neck. She smells like honey-scented shampoo. It’s refreshing compared to the harsh, stale hospital smell I’ve been inhaling for the past minute since I’ve been awake. I kiss her cheek as she pulls away, and she kisses the top of my head. Lyric pretends not to notice, but Aden looks obviously disturbed. He doesn’t get us, doesn’t quite fit in with us, but we needed a manager and he was cheap, good, and willing to drive our tour van.
“Can I see it?” I ask, looking up at Char’s face. She’s pale and her black hair falls in loose curls around her shoulders. She shrugs, and they tumble.
I look down at my left arm. It’s covered in white gauze and tape and it’s hard to find a place to start. I eventually manage to peel all the tape off, then I start on the bandage.
When the white gauze falls onto the matching bed sheets, I’m left staring at the words carved into my arm. I remember doing it; it hurt like a motherfucker, then wouldn’t stop bleeding. The last thing I remember was Lyric banging on the bathroom door of the motel room.
Charlotte’s pale hand reaches out and her fingertips touch the stitched-up skin. She’s quiet, reverent.
“It’s a shame,” she says softly after a while, “that people are going to think you were only trying to make a statement. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s people being unaware of how deep someone’s pain is.”
“You sound like you condone what he did, Charlotte,” Aden says, looking up from his phone once more.
“The last thing I want is you dead,” Charlotte says to me in a raised voice so Aden can hear, looking at me with deep brown eyes. “You know that.”
I lace my fingers with hers. “I know.”
“You’ve got to stop trying to off yourself,” Lyric says, drumming his fingers on his thighs. He’s an antsy person. His mom says it’s ADHD, but Charlotte says that rhythm is in his soul and he has to get it out some way or another. Charlotte is usually right about these matters.
I look down at my arm. I wasn’t trying to kill myself, really. It just got out of hand. Daddy’s Little Plaything, my arm reads in stitched slices. It’s the name of our band, it’s the subject of my therapy sessions, it’s everything. It’s consumed me. I am my issues, I am my problem. It’s too late to turn back now.
This is what I think. Charlotte thinks otherwise. Charlotte was a toy once too; she was something to be used, abused, and thrown away just like I was. But she used it to her benefit, she wrote songs about it and she made us famous in our little Jersey town. The difference between Charlotte and me is that Charlotte is strong and I am weak. This is why I cut myself last night. This is why Charlotte’s skin is whole. This is why I’m on a hundred different medications for depression and PTSD. This is why she smiles. This is why I frown.
Charlotte reaches her hand out again, but this time she reaches up and tucks a lock of black, curly hair behind my ear. “Don’t think about it too much,” she says softly. “Let it go. Let it be.” And with that, she kisses me on the lips, soft and sweet and wet. I kiss back, tangling fingers in her hair, which is so like mine.
“Heads up,” Lyric says, and Charlotte pulls away just in time to see the door open and our mother walk in. And our mom looks resigned, because she’s been in this place before, been called to the hospital in the middle of the night more times than any mother should be. She brings with her an uncertain future, uncertain except for one constant: my sister, Charlotte.
i will unleash the f'ing bats

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Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:01 am
PandyBear528 says...

Hey!! It's me Pandy! :P

whoaaaa twist in the ending!!!!! Omg. lol I really thought they were together or something!! Sister?? Hope you explain that laterr :) PM me when you put more out.

I like how you explained Charlotte, She sounds so beautiful and put together, but has a past. I also enjoyed how she was young, but sounded like she had years of experience.

-"It’s covered in white gauze and tape and it’s hard to find a place to start."
I think this is kinda like a run on sentence. Maybe try: "It's covered in white gauze and tape. I find it difficult to spot a place to begin." Or somewhere around that. Just felt like there were to many 'and'.

-"He doesn’t get us, doesn’t quite fit in with us, but we needed a manager and he was cheap, good, and willing to drive our tour van."
Maybe try 'doesn't understand us' Just a suggestion :)

I didn't really see anything wrong with it, I reallyyy enjoyed reading it. I want you to PM me when you get more of this up :) Pleaseee?? :)
"We rest-A dream has power to poison sleep;
We rise-One wandering thought pollutes the day;
We feel, conceive or reason, laugh or weep;
Embrace fond woe, or cast our cares away:"
(Mutability, Shelley)

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Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:10 pm
KailaMarie says...

Whoa. Haha, crazy ending. I loved this to be honest. I only found one thing I think you might want to change.

It’s refreshing compared to the harsh, stale hospital smell I’ve been inhaling for the past minute since I’ve been awake.
That sentence was worded a little oddly. Maybe say "..I've been inhaling since I've been awake." Because when you say "for the past ..." the reader expects a longer time frame than a minute. At least, I did.

Besides that, it's amazing. A little bit strange, because you know, insest is a little creepy to me, but it kind of makes sense because of their shared past and everything. And your characters seemed really developed, especially for something so short. Great job.

This is why I cut myself last night. This is why Charlotte’s skin is whole. This is why I’m on a hundred different medications for depression and PTSD. This is why she smiles. This is why I frown.
I love that part. It's beautiful.

Really great job. I loved the beginning of it too. If you continue this, I'd like to read it. Pm me if you put more up, please!
Last edited by KailaMarie on Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:25 pm, edited 4 times in total.
... :D ...

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Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:18 pm
kmb_7803 says...

I really loved the twist at the ending. please, PM me when you post more.
I would love more background on some of the characters, but I'm sure that's coming in future chapters.
-A tall Asian boy sits in one chair, thick-rimmed glasses falling down his nose as he types away on his phone like always.
--"like always" seems juvenile.
That is just an example of a coulple of tacked on phrases that are not necessary, and vaguely sound like slang. Thats all I've got for you, though.
Really great writing. Nice flow, and I'm very excited to see what you've written next.

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Sat Jul 18, 2009 7:38 am
Midnight_Rose says...

I really loved the ending, please, please PM me when there's more. I can't wait for more!!!
"Not all those who wander are lost" - J.R.R Tolkien

"It's horrible when you're giving a microphone a blowjob and it's giving you negative feedback" - Ville Valo


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Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:09 pm
lilyjacobs says...

Damn! And well done! Did not expect that twist right there. But its pretty amazing so far. Keep writing. I wanna see what happens with them.
"You're special." "Like, 'Stop eating the paste' special?"
"For a dreamer night's the only time of day."
"No Day But Today"
"Run mad as often as you choose, but do not faint."

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Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:22 am
Jaime0102 says...

This is great!!! Didn't see that twist in the end. I didn't really see anything wrong with it. Please PM me when you post more.
Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality. - Jules de Gaultier

I can't understand why people are frightened by new ideas. I'm frightened of old ones. - John Cage

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Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:07 pm
Dr. Who says...

Whoa man! Sweet stuff! That was one of the most beautiful pieces I've ever read! Dido to the others, PM me when you have more.
She's my forever

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Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:33 pm
UnicornNerd says...

The ending made me read it over about five times. I thought he liked her!! It was a cool ending, nevertheless. Anyways, I can relate to this story because one of my friends cuts herself. Very interesting.

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:06 pm
ASH1397 says...

I have to say, this had me near tears. It hit really close to home, and I like that about your writing.
I found no faults in this piece or at least none that i could see. Another reason I like this is because it left me with questions.
-Why did he kiss his sister? If it's supposed to have meaning in the story that seems like it would make more sense, but that little tidbit at the end confused me slightly.

I'm really looking forward to a part 2 if there is one coming up, but no pressure. I think it would benefit you to make a part 2 to answer some open ended questions.

I am very interested in the overall story as a whole though, this really seems like you put alot of thought into it.

Keep writing :)
And just when the caterpillar thought her life was over, she turned into a beautiful butterfly.

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:21 pm
Emmzziee says...

I don't think I've ever read anything like this before :) I'm always looking for stories like this but can never find them!
I wish I could write like this, for a start. I have nooo imagination. But you have talent :D I guess that I'm sorry if you're after critisism, because I have none! :D Perfect flow, perfect ideas, perfect little story :)
Perhaps you could have made the message slightly more clearer, but only slightly - it's maybe because I'm slow at catching on, but I don't really understand the relelvance of the title :) But GOOD JOB! :D Xxx
I want to play a game.

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:29 pm
wonderland says...

Alright, so, that was slightly incestuous. Just slightly, though, nothing too major.
So, your little story leaves some questions. Why would he attempt suicide, and why? Answering these questions will mean going in deeper to find your characters emotions and thoughts. You have to keep asking yourself, as a writer, why anything is
important to write into the story. You have a good story, you just need to go a that little bit further to make your story really fantastic.

Keep Writing
'We will never believe again, kick drum beating in my chest again, oh, we will never believe in anything again, preach electric to a microphone stand.'

*Formerly wickedwonder*

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:48 pm
airforcegirl says...

awesome piece of writing the last 3 words is what really hooked me! pm me when you put up more! though you need to further explain the deal with the abuse? and what "daddys little plaything" means, why exactly did he cut himself? why are those two going out? why does lyric ignore the relationship? otherwise great book!
Air force!

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:42 pm
BehindtheMask says...

Woah!! That was certainly interesting. I wish you'd go into more depth- though, continue it, maybe? You have an entire novel etched out here, and then it just-ends!

It's really cool though and seems to have a pretty complex background.

Not really sure what else to say though, it was very good.

"If you were half as funny as you thought you were, my boy,
you'd be twice as funny as you are."

- Dorothea, The Mortal Instruments

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:50 pm
Amfliflier says...

This was really good, but I have a question: Did you mean to post this in Romantic Short Stories? It just doesn't seem like it's about romance, if you get what I'm saying.

The plot was a little confusing, then again, I'm the person that needs everything explained in black and white, but yeah.

This was really good! Great job, keep writing! You may even want to take this further! :)
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