
Young Writers Society

The Never-ending love

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Fri Apr 04, 2008 3:01 am
girlie_92 says...

It was in the fall of 1999. A boy named Alex and a girl named Mariah had been childhood friends. They saw each other through everything. They were always there for each other no matter what. They had realized that they were perfect for each other and they had fallen in love at a young age. Ten years old.
One-day Alex's father decided that he wanted to move because the area was getting worse and worse everyday. Too many gangs, drugs, and partying. Stuff he did not want Alex to get into. So Alex told Mariah that he was leaving and he didn't know where o. Mariah cried and cried and he told her not to because the moment that he is free of his parents he was going to find her. She said, "What if you never find me?" and he said, "That's impossible."
Therefore, at the end of fall he and his family had moved away. Mariah cried herself to sleep every night for a very very long time. Alex called her for the first couple of months and they would talk for hours. Then all of a sudden, he stopped calling. Therefore, she started calling him everyday 5 times but he was never home or he was too busy. Alex's parents told him she called but he would never call her back.
One day 2 months later, she had gotten a phone call and it was Alex. He apologized for not calling back sooner. He told her that he met someone, her name was Nicole. Mariah started crying and asked him what about her. He told her that he would always love her but how could he be happy when the one he loves lives miles away. Alex had told her he was sorry and he would understand if she never wanted to talk to him again. She asked him where he was living and he told her in Hollywood. She asked him if would still keep in touch and he promised her he would.
Pretty soon years passed without one phone call from Alex. Alex never wrote or emailed. Therefore, Mariah had moved on. Soon she was 23 years old and happy but still a little bit depressed. Mariah was out hanging with some friends from her apartment building. She had bumped into a very sweet person named Scott.
Scott was a very sweet person and very wealthy. Somehow Scott reminded her so much of Alex. Therefore, she kept on talking to him. Scott had then asked her if she would like to go out sometime and of course, she said yes! He asked her if Saturday would be good. She said, "Yeah is 8:00 p.m. good for you?" and he said that was perfect.
Saturday night came quickly. He took her to a very nice restaurant. They talked more and more. Then he took her to see a movie. Afterwards he took her dancing. She was having the time of her life. However, for some reason she kept seeing Alex's face. She was falling for Scott, but she got scared that he was going to break her heart. The night was over and Scott asked her if she would like to go for coffee the next day. She said sure.
She had went upstairs and called her best friend Sarah and told her how the date went. Her friend told her she should keep on seeing him. So Mariah agreed. She really liked Scott; and not for his looks or his money. For his personality, she was falling for him as she had fallen for Alex. She was getting scared because she did not want Scott to be like Alex and break her heart.
Mariah had realized Scott might be the one. He may not be Alex but he was a man. As they kept on dating, she got happier and happier. Mariah's family loved Scott as well as Scott's family loved her. They had soon been dating for 1 year and 3 months.
One day Scott told Mariah to meet him at this very nice restaurant at 7:30 sharp. Therefore, she had got all dressed up and went. She saw that there were rose petals and candles everywhere. So as she walked into the restaurant she noticed that the whole place was empty only Scott and some waiters. As they sat down and had a drink of champagne Scott said, "I know I'll never be your first love but I know I can comfort and be very supportive for your needs." As Mariah sat there, she had started thinking about how that is how she had always dreamed of being proposed to but not by Scott by Alex.
Mariah had looked at Scott with a smile as Scott got down on one knee. He said, "I care about you more than anything in this world. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to grow old with you, have kids together. Will you marry me?" She started crying happy tears and asked him if she could have some time to think about it. He said "of course sweetie. I don't want to push you into anything your not ready for."
As the night ended, Scott took Mariah home. She had apologized and said thank you for this beautiful evening. He said it was fine and he would see her in the morning. She said all right and kissed him goodnight.
*he had slipped the ring in her jacket pocket as he hugged her*
Mariah went inside, took off her jacket, checked the pockets, and found the ring. Sat there and looked at it. She started thinking about Alex. She had starting thinking about what Alex had told her before he left. When he said he has come back to her the first chance he got! She started wondering if he was ever going to come back or if he thought about her. Therefore, she had decided to look him up. She had found out he had a nice place, he had become very wealthy. Therefore, she decided that she was going to go out and see him.
As the next day arrived, she got up, got a suitcase, and packed. She was going to Hollywood to find Alex. When she got there, she did not know what to say.
Mariah had finally went to his house and knocked on the door. He answered and he was in complete shock. He had told her to come in and talk. She had asked him how he has been and Alex replied, "I've been miserable." Mariah asked why, and he said, "Because leaving you was the hardest thing I could do, and not calling you made it worse." Alex then went on saying, "I lied about the girl Nicole, I've been in love with you since we were kids and nobody could ever take that away from you. I've been trying to find you but I haven't had any luck!"
As Mariah sat there in front of the love of her life with a dumb found look upon her face. She then said, "I've waited for you for over 10 years. I've met someone who really loves me." Alex then said "I figured you'd move on, but if your with someone else then what are you doing here?" Mariah then said, "I had to know that my feelings for you were gone, but now that I'm actually in front of you I can't help but think that I've been dying to be the girl who you put before everything in this world. I was proposed to and the only thing I saw was your face. I could not say yes or no. This is the reason I’m here right this minute." Alex then said, "You will always be the girl who I put before everything even if we were just friends." Mariah then started to cry because she had finally been in front of Alex and heard what she wanted to hear.
Alex grabbed her, whipped all of the tears off her face, and hugged her. He then asked, "How long are you going to be in town?" Mariah told him she really did not know. She told him that she did not know what to do considering she had a wonderful person at home. Someone who really cared about her.
Alex looked at her and said, "I understand. I waited too long to tell you how I was feeling. I should not have waited. I should have kept my promise to you when I said I would come for you." Mariah said she understood but she still did not know what to do. She then went on to tell him that everything she does reminds her of him and how she cried and cried for a very long time after he left. She told him that the day he told her he found somebody else; how it broke her heart. She never thought she would find anybody else like him.
Alex started to cry and said, “I wanted you to know the truth but I knew how much I hurt you that day and I just couldn’t call. You don’t know how many times I dialed your number and hung up because I didn’t know were to start.” He then asked her if he could make it all up to her by taking her on the best day of her whole life. He even told her that she could stay at his house instead of wasting money on an expensive hotel.
Mariah then went out to the car and got her suitcase. She asked him where she was going to sleep. He told her she could sleep in any room she wanted. She chose Alex’s room with him. They talked all night. Caught up on all the time they spent apart. She discovered that he became a private investigator. That he owns his own company. Then she had started to believe that he was actually looking for her. They had finally fallen asleep.
The next day Mariah had woke up and on the nightstand; there was a note that said:

“My love,
Follow the rose petals throughout the house. Go through each obstacle. At the end, you should look even more beautiful than you already are.
With all my love,
Therefore, Mariah woke up and followed the rose petals. At the first obstacle, she discovered the bathroom. She had seen a note that said, “Use whatever you need!” She had taken a quick shower. She got out; put a towel on and kept following the rose petals. She had found a room with hair and make-up artists. She had gotten all of that done. She then went into the last obstacle, which was a big closet full of dresses and shoes. She saw that they were all designer and that they were all very expensive. She then saw another note saying, “don’t worry about the prices. Pick out whatever you want.”
Mariah chose a very elegant red long dress with red high heels to match. She put it all on and followed the petals. Which lead her down to the entrance of the house where Alex had been standing? He had a rose in his hand. She walked to him and he kissed her on the cheek and told her how beautiful she looked. She realized she was falling in love all over again.
Alex had grabbed Mariah’s hand and led her outside to the limousine. Mariah then said, “Alex, you don’t have to spend money on me to show me how much you love me. I already know.” Alex looked at her and said, “I really do love you. You have no idea. And I don’t want to compete against the guy you have a t home but I just want to show you a good time here.” Mariah looked at him and said. “The greatest thing of all is being here with you. That is fun for me!”
Alex then told the limo driver that he was sorry and he did not need his service anymore. Mariah looked at him with a big smile. They walked back inside, they both changed. After, Alex made a nice lunch and they went outside and had a nice little picnic. Mariah and Alex were having so much fun just being in each other’s company. Mariah then had become sad. Alex asked her “what’s wrong?” Mariah then went on to tell him that Scott was backing home waiting for her to return home. She had then remembered that her flight was leaving the next day early afternoon. Alex then too had become weak and sad. Mariah told him that she was having so much fun being with him that she had lost time. She also told Alex that Scott had no idea were she was. Alex asked her “Why haven’t you called him?” She said, “Because I am scared he’ll leave me.” Alex went on to tell her that if she truly loved her then he would not ever leave her. In addition, that if he did he would be making the biggest mistake of his life.
Mariah and Alex spent so much time talking they did not realize how late it was getting. Mariah went inside and started packing her luggage all back together. Alex asked her if she could stay with him. She had replied, “Alex, I wish I could but I have to go back to Nevada and face Scott. I have probably hurt him more than I could imagine.”
Alex then asked, “Can I have your address and phone number?” Mariah said “of course!” She had gotten a piece of paper and a pen and wrote all of her information down. Alex was thrilled. Alex kept thinking to him-self and thought after she gets home, I am going to go and see her.
The next day arrived quickly. Mariah and Alex said their good-bye. Mariah told him not to b a stranger and to go on by whenever he is in the area. Alex agreed. Mariah drove to the airport thinking about how much fun she had with Alex, and how her being with Scott doesn’t even add up to the enjoyment she has with Alex.
Mariah arrived back to Nevada and drove home to find Scott at her apartment. Scott had hurried to her and gave her a big hug asking her where she had been and if she was all right. Mariah told him that she had went to Hollywood to see her first love and he she had told Scott that she couldn’t marry him because it wouldn’t feel right. She told him how everything they did together reminded her of Alex.
Scott told Mariah that he understood. Then he had asked her if they were still going to be friends she told him of course why wouldn’t we be? Scott had gotten sad so he told her he was going to go.
As Scott was walking out Alex was walking in. Alex told her that the moment he saw her leave that he would not be able to live with him-self if he had let her go all over again. Mariah jumped into Alex’s arms and said, “We have that Never-ending love no matter were life takes us.” Alex then told her that they were meant to be and he goes on one knee. He said “MARRY ME?” Of course, Mariah said yes.
As Mariah and Alex stood their talking and looking into each others eyes. Alex said, “Do you want to live in Hollywood or would you rather stay here?” Mariah replied, “I was kind of hoping that we could stay here and just get a bigger house.” Alex said that was fine.
As a year passed the wedding finally arrived. Mariah was 3 months pregnant. Alex and Mariah had finally made it to the day of their wedding. Mariah was such a pretty bride. The wedding was over and they had all gone to the reception. They danced and had fun all night.
*6 months later*
Mariah was in the delivery room having her first-born child. Which was a boy. They decided to name him Israel. Mariah was thrilled to finally have that baby. Alex stood in the delivery room holding his newborn child and told him that he was the most handsome boy just like his daddy. Mariah giggled.
As the time passed, Israel got bigger and bigger. While Mariah and Alex got weaker and weaker. They were getting too old. Israel was just about to graduate from high school a go to college when Alex had died. So he had to re-evaluate the whole college situation and help take care of his mom.
Mariah had gotten sick and she knew she was not going to make it. So one day she had told Israel “Tell my grandchildren that I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet them and that I love them.” Israel told her he would.
A couple months later Mariah died. She died having that never-ending love between her and Alex. And that one-day Israel would have that too!


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Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:13 pm
saily.kiwalkar says...

welcome to YWS! nice story. i thought it was a bit long but the story is good. keep writing!

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Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:15 pm
Aedomir says...

Heya girlie!

Just a couple of things before I review this:

Please make sure you do at least two reviews before submitting anything, that way, you will get more people :wink:.

Also, please space out the paragraphs, it is very hard to read.

Just sort out hose things and I will give a good crit for you :-D


We are all Sociopaths: The Prologue

Sociopath: So • ci • o • path noun
1. Someone who believes their behaviour is right.
2. Human.

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Fri Apr 04, 2008 5:18 pm
lerieal says...

I like the story idea, it's really sweet. I think it would be even better though if you were more decriptive with Mariah's feelings and went into more detail when things happen. It seems like the story just moves to fast. Keep working on it though, it has a lot of potential. :D

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Sat Apr 05, 2008 11:21 pm
Writing for love is a pas says...

Hey wats up? I teared up a little reading your story, but it was great! Feel free to pm me!!
No where to run...baby let's hide. Take her in your arms on a chilling winter's night. Watch the stars twinkle and glisten. Know that you've found the one person that will listen. ~*(ME)*~

The simple truth is that authors like making people squirm. If this weren't the case, all novels would be filled completely with cute bunnies having birthday parties.
— Brandon Sanderson, Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians