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Thu Mar 06, 2008 2:40 am
Fall_Into_The_Sky says...

Chapter 1 : The Spectacle

Xavier walked through the shadows of darkness. You neither could hear nor see the surroundings. The shadows encased him as a sheath on a blade. Twice as deadly and triple the close fittedness. But what lurked about the shadows was not the danger. The danger was Xavier himself, for he is a creature of the night, a prayer on innocent, and weak. To put it simply he’s a “blood sucker” if you wish to call him. But he is more than that. He does not simply take his victims off the street without a moments notice. Every victim is planned. Everyone who is taken has no family, no future, and no life. Nobody will miss them, no one will care. If you really think about it he does the world a favor. Xavier kills off the disease-ridden and the filthy demons of this world. The beings that are too wretched with cruel intentions to deserve a life on this Earth.

His dark figure surveyed the houses within the safety of the shadows. Several lights were on but no one stirred inside. He scanned the beds looking for his nightly meal. Maybe a girl that has strayed from righteousness to far or a boy looking at explicit material on the Webb would do. But he found no one. Xavier turned from the shadows and began to walk toward a row of apartments. “Maybe there I will find a meal?”

The apartments rustled with life. A party on the 3rd floor caught his attention. Upon looking at the enticing encounters he shook his head and floated on. The figures inside the building had too much marihuana coursing through their veins. He hated the rush is gave him after feeding from their kind. That blood would make him retch. Walking on he came to another set of buildings. These white plastered etchings covered in vines of roses they waffered of sweet aromas. His feet dragged him forward. A light flustered in the distance. It drew him in.

A girl danced by her window. Soulful music sauntered from the window panes. One two left right she swayed. Her body fitted with the melody, her arms wildly engaged. Underneath the tile those feet played. They followed the beat whimsically and danced to the maze. She hummed the sweet melody, lips mouthing the words. They invited him for a taste. All he could do was stare. Stare at that body whisking in the wind. The white slip she wore breathed the air around her. With every breeze that transfixed the room her slip rose higher.

He sat down on one of the many benches and rose higher. Yes he was floating atop a chair that hovered in front of that kitchen window. O how he yearned to have her. To take her in his arms and bend her will to his. She turned around swiftly. He barely hovered out of sight. The girl stopped. Xavier held him breath. His body plastered to the cobble stone beside the window. She slowly walked towards the window and look around frantically. “It must be a figment of my imagination,” those luscious lips uttered. The window came down with a thud and latched in place.

Did she really think that would stop him? Such a simple latch was no watch for a lichen. By the time she had retired to the shower the latch was off and the window shut from inside once again. He sauntered past the row of knives. The smell of freshly steamed flesh enticed him. She stood there. The water beamed off that pale skin. Those black locks cascaded down her back. The girl ran her fingers threw that hair. The suds formed and the smell of strawberry packed the halls. His heart pounded in his chest. Beads of sweat formed under his silk shirt.

He had to get out of there before he did something foolish. She turned off the water and stuck her head from the enclosure. The dark haired girl looked around nervously. Her leg slowly exited the tub. Those feet touched the tile. She shivered at the cold beneath her feet. The towel wrapped around every curve. Her hair wrapped in a neon cloth kept falling to her shoulders. “Damn this new wrap! It never stays in place.” Angrily she twisted her hair as tightly as it could manage. She tied the wrap around it. “There! Now I dare you to come undone. So help me, I will cut you off.” He chuckled at the site.

She swerved around tumbling towards the bathroom floor. The rug skidded beneath her and she began to fall. Without thinking Xavier rushed forward he kicked a layer of towels beneath her. The broke her fall and she lay there unharmed. The girl came to her feet bewildered. How did the towels fall? She thought the shelf was secure above her. But this was no time to blame. Those towels had saved her from a sure concussion. She sighed and bent down to gather the towels. As she did her own towel fell from her waist. Her hair wrap which also covered her chest floated forward. She stood there bent down and completely naked as she gathered the towels.

Xavier stared and walked forward. He caught himself and darted towards the kitchen. A breeze chilled Cora. She hurriedly pulled her robe off of the towel wrack and wrapped it upon her. He climbed out the window and dropped to the asphalt below. Xavier walked down the lonely streets towards his one room flat. “Damn these hormones. I was this close to giving myself away.” He slammed his fist against the apartment building. The bricks shivered at his touch.

He slumped onto the ready maid lounge. Clothes lay scattered about the room. Beer cans and cigarette buds strewn the floor. A smell of death whispered out if the bathroom. The blood stilled stained the tub inside. He had brought his kill home last night. She had been an adulterer. One of the worst kinds of criminals. She had welcomed his advances and just as easily followed him into the bedroom. From there he dragged her to the bathroom. There he sank his teeth into her neck, and savored the flesh gingerly. She tasted on wine and betrayal.

Tonight her blood still lay on the bathroom carpet her clothes dripped inside the tub. He was too lazy to clean it up last night. Anyways he liked the smell of decaying blood. It cleared his mind and yearned his stomach. He dragged himself towards the bathroom. Now was as good a time as any to clean up the mess. On hand and knees he scrubbed the caked on crimson blood from the tile. He disposed of the rug in the washer below. Xavier sped run to a courtside river he dumped her belongings. The water washed the blood and vanished the clothing. They would fin it soon and assume she died of some sort. They wouldn’t find a body though. He had been much too hungry the night before.


Chapter 2: The Inner Battle

Xavier slept a long retching night. He fought an inner battle. His heart said go to her bend her will to yours. While his mind said “What the freak! Are you crazy…? She’s dangerous. You’re too involved. Stay away.” Yes his minds did that every now and then talk back that is. Once in a while Xavier would have an actual conversation with his conscious.

“Shut up!” he cupped his palms over pointed ears.

“We told you this would happen.” Another voice was inside him.

It was his counselor now. The voice that instructed his actions, every lichen had one. Have you ever heard that annoying voice? The one in the back of your subconscious, it screams out bloody murder now and then. Well Mia (my counselor) is 10 times worse.

“I can hear your thoughts you know!” Mia shot back.

“Well stop butting in then.”

Mia was his first kill her and her boyfriend that is. She controls his actions, and he controls the back talk.

“Stop bickering you two!” Nathan announced. Nathan is Mia’s boyfriend. See when Xavier made his first kill he hadn’t played by the rules.

The Rules Clearly Stated:

In no way or form may you take an innocents life. For if the deed is done you will be cursed with hell. Their inner thoughts will torment you, their voices will annoy you, and you may eventually go mad!

“Well thanks for the recap you two! I know the rules now!” “

O. but don’t you wish you’d read the handbook before you killed us? We sure wish you had. Now I’m stuck with this imbecile for eternity!”

“I am not an imbecile shut up Mia!”

“Freak! Shut the freak up!”

“Fine!” They said simultaneously.

Mia walked away into the back of his subconscious. Her auburn hair twirled around those thin fingers. Nathan followed but in a different direction. His spiked blue hair made him look like a porcupine. It was always untidy and in need of a comb. They both glared from their crystal eyes. That was the only thing they shared. Besides eye color they were completely different.

Xavier fell to his knees. They had slammed the door in his mid again leaving an ear wrenching echo.

“Damn you!”

“Sorry,” whispered Mia.

He walked over to his bed and sat down. Self temple massages helped but it didn’t fully rid the pain. He decided to go for a walk too clear his head. The air helped but his stomach churned.

“Time for a bite to eat.” He didn’t feel like killing today.

Xavier walked till he found a drug addict. “That’ll have to do,” he went for the meal. The guy was already passed out. He leaned over and took a long drink from the addict’s thin veins.The drug's made his nautious, and regret teh meal. For once since three centuries he healed the man’s wounds and walked on. He usually killed his meals, and saved them for later.

“Ahh! What’s wrong with me? I’m actually feeling sorry for these fools.”

Xavier gritted his teeth and walked on. The smell of barbecued beef sauntered to him. He let his heels guide him to the source. A diner on 42d street grilled ribs on a rotisserie fryer. Xavier walked in and the bell chimed. The chef turned to him.

“What would you like Sir?”

“The usually baby back ribs, rare please.”

“Yes sir!”

“O cut the crap Dante! I'm not in the mood.”

He grabbed his friend by the collar and yanked him forward. Any harder and Dante would’ve catapulted over the counter.

“Easy man. I’ll get you your freaking order.”

The plate of smoking ribs came 20 minutes later. Dante placed the tray on the table and slipped the plate onto the marble top. He sat down adjacent to Xavier.

“So what’s troubling you? Why are you so uptight?”

“ None of your business, “Xavier growled.

“ O so it’s chick problems.”

He rolled his eyes and sank his canines into the raw meat. The juices flowed and dripped onto his blouse. He put the bone down and licked the grease from the satin shirt. It left faint stains and red dashes against the white satin. It dripped onto his jeans also. He used his finger and wiped it off.

Dante stared. He handed him a napkin. Xavier wiped his mouth and made it into the waste basket. His friend clapped as if he had just made the final basket at a 76ers game. Xavier finished his meal in silence. Dante sat there staring all him. He placed the last bone on the end of the plate.

“Who is she?”

” Who is who?”

“You know who. Who’s the chick?”

“ She’s nobody. Just a girl I saw lat night?”

“Mmhmmm right, just some girl my ass! What is she lichen? Vampire? Half-breed? What?”

“She’s human Dante. She’s a human woman.”

“O… she must be something special.”

Xavier stood and turned to leave.

“Does she have a sister? And did you do anything to her?” Dante smirked.

“Shut the hell up Dante. She’s isn’t some plaything. A human woman is against the rules you know that.”

“ Rules were meant to be broken.”

Xavier smashed a mug near his friend’s head and stormed out.

He decided to go to the park. It always calmed him to watch the human children play. So innocent, they were oblivious to the danger. He would never harm them. Children were fair game in the rules, but he could never bring himself to hurt them. They were too innocent, too joyful. Xavier found his favorite cherry blossom tree and lay down. The giddy children played tag in the distance. He had never known that. The feeling of having friends. All his life he lived recluse to the outside world. Only now did he have some once of life.

A small town in Richmond was where he lived, locked in the cellar till his 18th birthday. They never told him what he was till that day. Even after knowing, he never fully understood. That is when he met Mai and Nathan. They were on their honeymoon doing what honeymooner’s do. At first Xavier was embarrassed for interrupting them. But then the lust for blood overcame him. He sank his teeth into Nathan first while Mai pitifully beat him. She tried so hard to save her lover.

When he was done he transferred his attention to Mai. She stood there clutching the sheet with one hand in a failed attempt to clothe her. With the other bawled up fist she pounded on Xavier’s back.

“Enough!” He turned around and pinned her. With one hand he pulled the sheet off.

The other wrapped around her waist. He pulled her close and tasted hher flesh. When the deed was done he traced his finger from her lips to her breasts, and all the way down to her bulging stomach. Only then had he known what he had done.

Mai was pregnant only a few weeks but nonetheless she was with child. He scrambled off of the faintly warm body in horror. Xavier braced himself against the wall. Thoughts riled his head.

“Murderer! Psychopath! Baby killer,” they all taunted him.

That’s when he heard them. His victims spoke to him.

“Ha! That’s what you get for killing us. Now we get to haunt you for life.”

He snapped out of the flashback when he heard a child’s cry. In the distance behind the maze bullies picked on a child. A group of young men maybe in their teens stood over a young girl. She must have been about 15 maybe younger. Her dress was turn and lips bled. Xavier walked up to the group of teens.

“Whatcha all doing? Can I join the fun?”

“Get your own whore old man!”

“Fine I will then,” pretending to be drunk he headed past them. When one of the young men started ripping off her dress it was too much.

Xavier sped ran behind him and thrust his claws into the boy’s back. Yes he could partially morph of his own free will. His claws pierced the boy’s body and exited the other side. The other boy’s turned to run. He let them leave. Xavier turned his attention to the young girl. Dark makeup clouded her face. She wore a dress way to revealing for her age. High heels strapped her legs. No wonder they had wanted to take advantage of her. She should dress more modestly.

He bent down and picked the girl up. Once they reached the swings he placed her on the metal seats. She shivered and recoiled at his touch. He simply grabbed the torn sleeve and placed it on her shoulder.

“Do you have any where to go?” She didn’t answer.

“I’m not going to hurt you. Now I asked do you have a home.”

“Nnn… no I got llll- lost.”

“Come with me then.” He grabbed the girls hand at guided her towards the apartments. Why did he always end up here?

He left the girl on the door step and rang the bell. Xavier hid in the bushed. Cora answered the door.

“I. I’m sorry to bother you, but a group of guys jumped me and a man brought me hear.”

“What’s your name sweetie?”

“Laura, Laura Wentworth.”

“My name’s Cora Nai Rose, Laura please come in.” The girl looked toward the bushed and smiled.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“Did you say something?”

“O nothing.”

Chapter 3: O, What the Hell!

He stayed there watching the two of them. Cora Nai let the girl shower, and mopped up the puddles. Laura spent a long time in that shower. As the water drenched her body she cried. The reality hit her. If that man hadn’t come those guys would have raped her. She tried so hard to look older. Now it didn’t seem so worth it. Cora called her from the kitchen.

“Laura are you okay in there?”

“I’ll be right out.” A while later she stepped onto the cold tile floor. Cora came and wrapped a towel around the girl’s hair. She let Laura her cotton robe, and slippers.

Laura followed the kind lady to the kitchen. Cora Nai warmed some hot cocoa on the stove. Laura sat on a stool near the island countertop. Her legs swayed back and forth like a 4 year old.

“Why are you being so nice?” Cora turned around and thought a bit.

“Because when I was your age I had no kind stranger to save me.”

“You mean they did….”

“Yes.” Silence filled the room.

The pot boiled. “Coco’s ready,” smiled Cora Nai.

Laura watched as she dropped marshmallows into a machine. “It’s a frappayer.”

“What does it do?”

“Just watch.” Cora dropped some hot fudge and caramel into the machine. She let it churn for a bit before adding some gram crackers.

The machine finally stopped. Cora spoon the contents over two bowls of ice-cream. Then she added some whip cream and a cherry on top. Laura’s eyes widened when Cora pushed a bowl towards her.

“That’s for me?”

“Yes, it’s yours.”

“Thank you!” Laura dug in and ate the ice-cream within minutes.

She put her hand to her head. “ Ah, brain freeze.”

Cora chuckled. “Now tell me what happened.”

Laura told her everything. When they were done Cora sent her to bed. Xavier left after that. When Cora awoke Laura was gone. She found a letter under the frap payer.

It Read:

"I’m sorry I left so suddenly. But you made me realize something. There is still hope in this world. I will go back to my family. They must be worried."

P.S. If you ever see that stranger, say thanks for me.
Thank you,
Laura Wentworth

“I figured she would be gone when I woke up.”

She sighed and folded the letter. That girl was so much like her at that age. Who was this man? She should find him and thank him.

Xavier walked towards the apartment. He’s finally gotten the guts to face her. The knock startled Cora. When she opener the door a handsome man lay behind it. His complection pale, dark blue hair and piercing green eyes.

“Can I help you?”

“I dropped a girl off last night. Was wondering if she’s okay.” She motioned for him to come in. Beyond his better judgment he followed.

“What are you doing?” yelled Nathan.

“O, leave him alone don’t you see he’s in love.”

“I am not in love.”

“Did you say something? “Asked Cora.

“No just thinking out loud.”

They both sat on the couch.

“So what happened to her?”

“She went home to her family. Gone before I woke up, she asked me to thank you.”

“ It was nothing. Don’t mention it.”

He saw how Cora Nai starred. Xavier wanted to take her then. But they had just met. Well she had just met him. He had seen her many times before. Or should I say spied on her.

“Would you like some coffee? Or tea maybe.”

He hesitated. “Tea sounds good.”

The slim figure slid onto the floor and headed for the kitchen. He just sat there looking at the assortment of objects. Indian artifacts scattered the living room. A leopard rug covered the floor. Black furniture cluttered the room. He flicked on a lamp. It had the same print as the rug. She took a long time with that tea. When she finally came, she was dressed. No longer did she wear PJs, a pain of sat pants and a blue blouse took their place.

“Sorry I took so long, but I had to change.”

“That’s fine.”

Before he thought he uttered “Looks nice.”

Cora Nai blushed.

“Sorry I’m thinking out loud again.”

“It’s okay.”
Cora sat next to him and handed him the cup. He sipped the tea in silence. She watched him from the corner of her eye. The tea tasted of rose blossoms. It was a nice change from the taste of the younger man Xavier had killed the night before. He finished his tea and turned his attention to the girl.

“Well I have to go.”

“What’s the hurry?” She was transfixed in his eyes now.

“I shouldn’t be here.”

“Why not?” For once he noticed she wasn’t under his spell. She was acting upon her own will.

“It’s against the rul…” Before he could finish her lips silenced him.

“I’ve seen you watching me.”

“You have how?”

“I know what you are. I know it’s against the rules.” She took his head in her hand and gently guided it towards her neck.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

He sank his teeth into her neck. Her body let out a tremble as he drank the warm enticing blood. When he was done he looked down at her. Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight that filtered threw the windows.

“Thank you.” He stayed there that night and made love to her.

Rule number 2:

You may only turn an innocent human of their own free will.

The End
Last edited by Fall_Into_The_Sky on Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:37 pm, edited 7 times in total.
The only wrong love is only one never felt.
Live to day as if your would die tomorrow.
Love like you know no other, dream as if they'd come true, hope because you can reach the stars.

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Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 27
Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:31 am
Moony says...

this was a very interesting piece of work
pm me when you make another story

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53 Reviews

Gender: Female
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Reviews: 53
Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:47 am
deavarna_satina says...

Hmm... good. I liked it. Overall I think that your descriptions were well done and your story caught me from the beginning. I'm a sucker for a good vampire romance :-)

Quite a bit of editing needed though.

Xavier walked threw the shallows of darkness.

This should be 'walked through the shadows

Twice as deadly and triple the close fittedness.

Something not quite right about this sentence. It doesn't flow right. I can't get my mind around how to remedy it, so maybe it's just me.

Xavier kills off the disease-ridden and the filthy demons of this world.

His dark figure surveyed the houses within the safety of the shadows. Several lights were on but no one stirred in the houses.

You use houses twice here and it bugged me a bit. Try 'no one stirred inside' perhaps.

The figures inside the building had too much marihuana coursing threw their veins.

Once again, through, not threw.

He hated the rush is gave him after feeding from their kind. That blood would make him retch.

Interesting take on the taste of their blood. I like

She hummed the sweet melody of phrases.

This doesn't quite fit. I don't think that she should be humming the sweet melody of [/u]phrases[u] as such. Perhaps just stick with 'she hummed the sweet melody.

He was at the edge of his seat now. Yes he was floating atop a chair that hovered in front of that kitchen window.

A chair? Maybe you should have mentioned that before. It threw me off.

“There! Now I dare you to come undone. So help me, I will cut you off.” He chuckled at the site.

He he, likes

And so on. Just another read-over should clear it up. I also noticed you said the girld had dark locks, then said that she was fair-haired. Typo?

Well in all I enjoyed it. I'd love to read more. Let me know when the next installment is available! :-)
The problem with falling for the enemy is that you can't take them anywhere ~a Titleless Tale

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582 Reviews

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Reviews: 582
Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:51 pm
KJ says...

I enjoyed this. I guess I have nothing negative to say, and I'm sorry this is so unhelpful. Waiting for more...

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108 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 108
Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:59 pm
Fall_Into_The_Sky says...

There are two more chapters
The only wrong love is only one never felt.
Live to day as if your would die tomorrow.
Love like you know no other, dream as if they'd come true, hope because you can reach the stars.

This report, by its very length, defends itself against the risk of being read.
— Winston Churchill