
Young Writers Society

Chance Encounter

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Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:30 pm
StellaThomas says...

If you hate it, fine. I'm not so sure I like the style. Maybe it's too personal. The only people who have read it are me and my best friend who understood. Written ages ago... I was hopelessly in love with a guy in my year. No longer. But this was floating around my room and I thought I'd type it up... So here goes. Crit accepted, and if you just want to say you don't like it that's fine too...

Imagine this. Me, aged twenty four, ten years from now. A blustery evening in Mid-May, in Paris. I’m going back to my bed-sit on the Right Bank, finishing work in a little café in Montmartre. I’m studying English literature through French, I’m hoping to teach it here.

I’m heading down the Champs D’Elysées, to the Charles de Galle Metro station. I don’t have to switch here, but I love the centre of the city, and watching the change. Already as summer rolls in, the Japanese tourists are snap-shotting the Arc de Triomphe.

I’m walking slowly, watching. Do you know how many people will bump into their soulmate in Paris everyday? Most, of course, are Parisian. Yet perhaps there’s hope for this language adoring Dubliner girl.

So I watch. It would be typical of me to bump into the love of my life along here and not know it. I’m looking at faces, eyes. After all, don’t they say eyes are windows to the soul? Grey meets green, like storm clouds let grass grow, hazel hits blue like trees strive to reach the sky. That’s why I look. Here a little old lady carrying her groceries, here a business man shouting down his super-slim chrome mobile phone. They all have lives. This one is planning to propose to his girlfriend tonight, this one was tragically widowed a few months ago. Their heads are as full as mine.

I am tempted by the soothing aromas of a Starbucks. Perhaps not French, but they’re warm. I stop in and continue my walk. It is a long one. The longest avenue in the world to be exact, and filled with rubbish. A Lacoste shop takes up about a quarter of one side. But what can you do about it?

I snuggle my chin deep into my coat collar and wrap my hands around the paper cup, pausing for a moment. My sweet little brown handbag dangles at my elbow and I am ever wary of pickpockets. But I must look like a born Parisian, the street hawkers selling tat to tourists no longer bother me. Perhaps it’s the hairspray and silver eye-shadow, black mascara, red lipstick. Or my high-heeled leather boots and fitted coat. Or perhaps the way I am at ease with the city. Once you get over the fact you’re in France, it’s no different from home.

I watch a couple of American honeymooners walk past and I smile at them. True love and Paris go hand in hand.

With that thought still in my head, my mind wanders to Pierre, the witty, gorgeous boy in my lectures. His English is as good as my French.

Suddenly he is pushed out of my mind. To one side, squashed between Costa Coffee and a private boutique, is a patisserie.

It’s probably horribly overpriced, but I never have been able to resist a real tarte au citron.

I absent-mindedly wander in that general direction and… I crash into someone. You idiot, my conscience tells me. You’re so effing clumsy.

And then I look up. Whoever it was caught my elbow and prevented the near empty cup from spilling.

The someone is a man. Same age as me. Grey eyed. Dark haired. But yet so different looking from me. And so familiar. Who is it? Someone from classes, someone from back home? Whoever it is, he also recognises me.

Who is it? I realise suddenly.

The Starbucks spills as I throw my arms around him.

Many people will bump into their soul mate in Paris everyday. And perhaps there’s hope for this language loving Dubliner girl.

--I know, perhaps it doesn't make a lot of sense, sorry. Please review, please?
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:54 pm
SeraphTree says...

Well, there was a few things I noticed. :D

This one is planning to propose to his girlfriend tonight, this one was tragically widowed a few months ago

This is also irrelevant to your story. The MC doesn't need to know this. :D

Perhaps it’s the hairspray and silver eye-shadow, black mascara, red lipstick

This is a bit infodumpy. Spread out this description. Like 'they look at me funny. Come on it's silver...' etc.

Your ending makes no sense. I can't tell if it's Pierre or someone completely different.

Overall it was good. Consistent, upbeat. We need more background, a bit more history of the character. Is she an exchange student? Is she visiting a relative? Details!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have any questions PM me :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
"How grateful we are that the heavens are indeed open, that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored, and that the Church is founded on the rock of revelation. We are a blessed people, with apostles and prophets upon the earth today."~ Thomas S. Monson

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Wed Jan 02, 2008 9:38 pm
StellaThomas says...

I thought that was a problem... I wasn't sure about that description either, it's supposed to be like, I'm growing into a Parisian, all glamour etc.

If you're wondering about the ending, flip I knew this was too personal. Let's just say he was a very, very old friend...

Thanks for the crit though!!!
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:11 pm
SeraphTree says...

No, it's not too personal :D Just make it clear that it was someone she already knows, in this or the next post. :D:D:D:D A couple flashbacks would help, especially if this is someone she already knows. That will give us a bit of foreshadowing/a very big hint of who this is ;)
"How grateful we are that the heavens are indeed open, that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored, and that the Church is founded on the rock of revelation. We are a blessed people, with apostles and prophets upon the earth today."~ Thomas S. Monson

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Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:13 pm
StellaThomas says...

Thanks for the tips!
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:14 pm
SeraphTree says...

YW. I'm here to help :D:D::D:D
"How grateful we are that the heavens are indeed open, that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored, and that the Church is founded on the rock of revelation. We are a blessed people, with apostles and prophets upon the earth today."~ Thomas S. Monson

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Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:43 am
The Blind Trombonist says...

Ok, I like the story. However, detail is my lover and I want to spend more time with her! (sorry, I'm a crazy person, this is how I talk) Main characters are usually very very round and I'd like to hear a lot more about her, anything you could tell me that would improve her character.

I like the description used, but you could always use more vivid words and describe things in a way that it doesn't stick out. You always want a story to flow or people lose interest. Otherwise, good job, and I hope to see more. ^^

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Mon Jan 07, 2008 4:13 pm
StellaThomas says...

Thanks :). I love detail too, and usually to me the characters are the most important part of a story. The problem is, this person is who I'd like to be when I, ahem, grow up, I didn't really want to write about her and sound really conceited!

But thanks for the crit!
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:43 am
Bella says...

Well, I really like this. Unlike Seraph, I liked the way it showed into some of the other peoples minds -- I didn't think it was irrelovant. The only thing that bothered me with that was the fact that the narrator wouldn't know that for a fact, unless she's supernatural and can read minds...which I doubt.

I thought this was sweet, although the ending was quite abrupt. Do you plan on continueing it?


i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) <3

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Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:15 pm
Sweeney_Todd says...

kool. that was short, sweet, and to the point.
It the guy she ran into---wha's his name?--Pierre?
How do we know?
The way the story flows is good, and her 'wandering' appearance adds to the tranquil mood of the piece. Long story short (haha, forgive the pun)

I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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Thu Feb 07, 2008 1:42 am
Fall_Into_The_Sky says...

i thoroughly enjoyed that

anymore to the story?

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Fri Feb 08, 2008 8:24 pm
StellaThomas says...

Thank you for reading and reviewing.

As to who he was, okay, the fact is, he was the guy I really liked at the time, so in context, an old school friend, with black hair and grey eyes. I don't really plan on continuing, sorry :).
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Fri Feb 08, 2008 8:32 pm
Aedomir says...

Hey! I haven't time for along crit, but here goes:

Imagine this. Me, aged twenty four, ten years from now.

I can't, because I dont't know you. That was the only problem I had that made it personal. I don't know what you look like, I little description would go a long way.

Overall, I really, honestly liked it. It was personal, but I didn't know that because its personal to the character, who may or may not be you.

Keep writing!

We are all Sociopaths: The Prologue

Sociopath: So • ci • o • path noun
1. Someone who believes their behaviour is right.
2. Human.

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Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:51 pm
fallenangel says...

I had kind of a hard time of figuring out what was going on. I really think this has potential though, perhaps it's a little too personal. It could use a little more detail, things seemed a little cluttered. I like your style of writing, keep it up :D
He does not weep who does not see. -Victor Hugo

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Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:03 pm
Heatherish says...

alright i liked this a lot. i like the flow although i dont think it is average at all in that aspect. the description could have been more detailed but im happy with the overall picture that you painted.

some advice (the good kind i hope), maybe you could clear up the last part about the guy. from what i've read in later posts, you say he is the guy you used to have a crush on and you wrote this when you still had a crush on him. the story is set in the future and he is potentially a lost love, correct? so what i would do is when she's starting to recognize him, i would throw in some sentences like: "it was a familiar face from back home, someone i had known for years, a lost love, a chance not taken," etc. i dont know if any of that makes sense, but i think if you did something like that then the reader wouldnt be so confused. we would know that we arent supposed to know. i hope that makes sense, if not then feel free to pm me or just write back on here!

overall good job though!! :D
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