
Young Writers Society

What Do We Do With Games? Play Them.

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Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:31 am
JackBauerHasABaldSpot says...

This is all I can get. Enjoy. Or destroy if that's your thing.

My sister refused to emerge for a week. To everybody's disadvantage, she also included this with bathing herself. To my ultimate dislike, she and I shared a room together. I know sensitive times for a girl have to be approached with caution, but most girls manage a wash or two!

"Oh, just be patient," Solange, the oldest, said. It was her turn to feed Bianca, so she was packing our biggest plate with food as she said this.

I stole a few grapes before saying, "It's so funny that after the penis commits the crime it's the victims who wait for the verdict."

"Oh, gross!"

"That's all I'm saying."

"No! One of the bananas are rotten!" she held up the half-yellow fruit to show me. I chuckled.

"Sol, I'm so glad. That banana happens to be the exact example of Bianca's future if she doesn't do something."

"Stop it. She's healing the best way she can!" she protested, wielding the knife she was using to cut the apples into perfect fourths. I backed away comically, my eyes widening with mock fear.

"Healing? Sol, she's not even doing that! She's just...there! She's not doing anything! And for what, a hollow prick like him? I'll tell you what she should do: she should go over to him and tell him this time to go suck his own--"

"You finish that sentence and I'll make sure you look like that banana," Solange warned. This time, she wiggled the knife in my direction playfully. I circled it like a wolf in a death fight.

"Oh, lay off. It's his entire fault! After that show, he'd better not show his perfect face again."

"Elizabeth Genevieve Canabarrae, your mouth is dirtier than this banana!"

"Actually, that banana's quite clean. All it really is is rotten. You'll find that though the sick and old are indeed incapacitated, they can still brush their crumbs off," I pointed out, admiring the banana for still sticking around when it was plain nobody wanted him (or her), " And anyway, I probably learned from your boyfriends."

With pretend care towards the knife (which was now on the counter), I took a seat on one of the wooden highchairs. People could say what they wanted about being tall, but could you swing your legs freely if you're fabulously at an advantageous height? Not without scraping the floor you couldn't!

"Please, every single man I've ever dated has always been a true gentleman."

"Have they, now? Well, I guess you're the one who made the mistake in dumping them."

She was turned away from me, having already delivered the food and was now fixing our small bookshelf. I couldn't see her pretty, judged face as she said, "They weren't always gentlemen, I guess."

"You guess, I know, for I have evidence. Just ask all my friends they treated horribly when you weren't around."

"I never said I didn't believe you. You have no reason to lie like that. And even then, you're my sister." right, I thought. Seeing as how she only used this arguement verbally, I had to doubt it even mattered in the long run.

"But, you didn't confront them either. You stayed until you actually got a clean job on that looking glass of yours. In a way, you really did make the mistake."

"Fair enough. At least I've made some." she replied, her chin pointed upward.

In response to such grace, I slouched as low as I could on the chair and rested my chin on my elbow. She scoffed in protest.

"I'm not sure knowledge really has that big of a price tag. Where I go, it's usually free."

"Right." she said.

"And, of course, useful enough to be remembered." I reached for the leftover celery on the counter and took a large, loud chomp. Very instantly the room began to smell almost like marijuana. Interestingly enough, it wasn't the first time this aroma had been around here. Solange sighed and shook her head, finally looking me in the eyes.

"Thank you Lizzy, for your kind words of compassion. I guess we all know who to go to when we want a real kick in the ass from someone we'll always love."

I raised a glass of water I poured to her. "It's all for you, my relative."

"Is there any more water?" Bianca asked, finally creeping out of her room. Whatever evidence there might have been to betray her disappeared. She looked as beautiful as any day. I sipped my water as if this action was completely normal. I was suspicious.

Solange had automatically turned to her recently absent sister. "Oh, of course! I'll get it for you, you just...sit down. Here." she pointed at the stool next to me against the counter. Bianca took it quietly as Solange bustled for the glass.

"Morning, Lizzy." she said, almost in a hum.

"Bee. Out of Fort Lawn Piss I see." I said, wiping my mouth with a napkin. Solange only froze for a second to get Bianca's reaction. I tried hard to hold in my smile.

"Yes, well, it's time to move on." she answered briskly. I made a face.

"Past all three days of your relationship." Solange stopped again, but only for a shorter second. This time, however, she gave a warning look that I took as bait.

"Still, a relationship." the phone rang a few times, but we all ignored it. Victoria and Belinda could both use something to do. Sure enough, the phone stopped mid-second ring.

"Right," I rose my glass as I did to Solange, "I'm sure this one's terribly important to you. News conferences and everything."

"Ahem, Lizzy," Solange admonished as she handed Bianca her glass, "Do you want anything else, Bee?"

She shook her head. "No. I've eaten enough to last a year anyway."

"By third-world standards." I emptied my glass and stood up to get another one just as Victoria entered the living room (also known as the kitchen). She had a look on her face that implied she already knew Bianca would be out, making me wonder why she hadn't come in before. Her hand clutched our phone harder as she said, "Bianca? P-phone's for you."

She looked over at Victoria calmly, "Who is it?"


Her face lost some calm. "Oh."

"I think he called to say he's sorry." I certainly didn't. I got up quietly.

"Um, okay." Solange looked between Bianca and the phone before sitting on the stool I no longer occupied. I drank from the sink to cut the silence. Bianca thought for a moment.

"I'll take the call from my room." she decided. I felt, for some weird cause, that she was saying it more to me than anyone else.

Victoria nodded before going back to her study.

Bianca didn't move for a few seconds, and still didn't when Solange was the first one who did. "Bee, he's sorry!"

"I'd be too! What's so special about an apology?" I said loudly, aghast at Solange's easy (or maybe desperate) forgiveness.

Solange glared viciously at me, but Bianca only said, "What do you mean?"

"Well, aren't you sorry he's such a sack?"

All three of use froze for a second or two. Bianca looked at my water for those few seconds before laughing a bit. I wouldn't have felt guilty if she'd given another response anyway. I may be a cruel moron, but I was no liar.

"You know," she said between giggles, "I should go tell him that!"

Solange had tensed then, but seemed to decide that the best thing to do was to keep her mouth shut. I didn't hold any opposition to that decision.

She got up and rushed to the door as I asked, "Are you going to go out with him?"

She turned to me and tilted her head a bit. I held my ground as though I was a statue built to look in her direction permanently. In reality, I was just a guardian watching over her sometimes very naïve movements. A guard with a commentary, but still a guard.


I nodded, looking away. There was nothing to be ashamed of, unless she had sex with him. Then the guard would tell the mother, not that she wouldn't already know, being a mother and all.

"Have a good time, then."
I was at my computer, finishing up an email for one of my best friends, Stacey Gelleco, when she came in. She was as she always was, dressed tightly and elegantly and with two separate smells (her perfume and his cologne) waving off her body. As the rest of the living room was dark, she didn't see me and was already walking into our room. Her footsteps were giddy from her successful night.

"Have a good time, Bee?"

She stopped short of the door, turned on the low kitchen light above the stove, and saw me. Her face relaxed to it's gleaming smile.

"It could have been better. If only I'd traded dates. Oona had this one newcomer named Harper who was so cute! He looked like a bodyguard, almost."

My mouth formed the word 'Harper', knowing I'd be saying it in some forms soon enough: "Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you Harper! What a nice tie, Harper! Why yes, Harper, of course my sister likes you!"

"Well, just pace yourself. I'm sure he'll be calling in a few days, or hours."

"I didn't give him my number."

"Doesn't matter."

I could see her eyes roll even in the dark light. My computer showed me a message saying the email was sent. You can only guess what she'll be reading.

"Are you ashamed of me?" she asked, out of nowhere. I didn't even realize she was still there. Bianca had always been very fast. It was probably from running away from men so much. Her tone told me she wasn't going to accept no answer. I stared at the screen.


"Really?" she sounded very surprised.

"Oh yes. Really."

I could practically hear her face falling. "So...you thought I would do this?"

"No. I'm not ashamed because you didn't marry him."

"Elizabeth! I wasn't going to marry him after one make-up date!"

"Exactly. You made sure you wouldn’t date him again. Or even do him for fun."

She thought for a minute, then unstrapped her tall heels. "Well, I have my ways. You have yours..." she paused dramatically and held the last letter, "that are definitely your own."

I chuckled. "Don't worry. I made sure the rules in my life are bought by me. At least yours are made. If I see another man at a party who's cuter than my date, don't assume for the noblest choice. Oh, by the way, some guy name Leo called." I added, adjusting my glasses habitually.

"Leo Roddenburgh?"

That's the one."

"Hmmm. I'll give him a call tomorrow." she said, finally entering the room.

"I know you will," I said quietly. My eyebrows rose a little. Stacey had already replied, and in a long one, too. Man, can she type!

Note: No offence, this just came to my attention after my friend told me why this piece was so explicit.

All references to the banana after "That's all I'm saying." were not intended to have a sexual vibe. The banana is merely a symbol of the sister, and not stuff she might do that relates to a banana. It's just a freaking banana. Whatever you guys might think of doing or do with bananas does not relate to how the character refers to the banana. Any nasty stuff you might know about bananas shouldn't be included in this selection. Not only is it the cheapest freaking joke you can ever inlude in a post, but it's flipping nasty to instantly assume 'sex' with the words 'rotten banana' (it was the best I could think of!). So unless you can get past a cheap shot unintentionally fired, spare yourself the distraction and don't read on.
For people who are barely realizing the connection made with the banana and the thing we shouldn't know about, thanks.
Last edited by JackBauerHasABaldSpot on Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:19 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:41 am
lyrical_sunshine says...

hmm...this was interesting...except i still have no idea what's going on lol. maybe you can elaborate a little? i don't know...i'm not sure how to critique this because i'm so confused...
“We’re still here,” he says, his voice cold, his hands shaking. “We know how to be invisible, how to play dead. But at the end of the day, we are still here.” ~Dax

Teacher: "What do we do with adjectives in Spanish?"
S: "We eat them!"

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Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:00 am
SASSYLADY333 says...

amber i loved it!!!
but like the person before me said add more detail!!
i found it very engaging and it was fun to read. it has a tone thats more mature and i like it. it reminds of the orginal time of a poem or the good earth..ok ok god* it mostly reminds me of my story outline and " The Story of The Richest Man and The World" or whatever the hell it was called. VERy engaging, but please remeber details ,make e real difference and there is alaways more to add to improve the story. Also freshen up on some of the dialogue, which was really good, but not everyone can get all of your smart humor...so make some differences between your personlaity and the narrators.:). Bye Amber.

p.s.- hahaha people know your name now jk jk jk lol. bye :)!
"Show us, don't tell us!" They say, but sadly I realize I'm a storyteller. When I cross over and accept maturity, when I want to change then maybe I'll be willing to show people my prose and not tell them. As a writer I have to grow. :)

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Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:49 pm
JackBauerHasABaldSpot says...

SASSYLADY333 wrote:p.s.- hahaha people know your name now jk jk jk lol. bye :)!

They already know me as Mr. JB, or Jack, my FPIC! Much appreciated, see ya at Mr. D's! :wink:

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Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:42 pm
SASSYLADY333 says...

Silly goose what is "FPIC"? And yes I'll see you in Mr.D's if you don't mean Mr.Deanbang and you mean Mr.D for english? You know what i need to PM you....pardon me. :)!

p.s- "That banana happens to be the exact example of Bianca's future if she doesn't do something." Come on...I mean seriosuly!
Last edited by SASSYLADY333 on Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:52 pm
Griffinkeeper says...

Please use PM's. I rated it R for language and sexual content.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

Well, the only way to start is by starting
— AvantCoffee