
Young Writers Society

Expect the Unexpected

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Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:58 am
Inkblot says...

Agh. I've been sooo busy with my work, not one moment to spare. Here's what I've managed to whip up. Thanks for reading! ~Inkblot

Ellen sighed happily as she gazed out the window. The cold, drizzling rain that soaked the grass and made mud of the dirt roads was going to save her. Today, her ride with the Marquis was to take place...but they could hardly go out in the rain.

"Ellen," James said from behind her. She ignored him, propping her chin on one hand.

"Ellen, listen to me," her brother continued irritably.

Ellen didn't answer. Over the past week, she had plenty of reason to get angry at her brother. He had invited the odious Marquis over for dinner nearly every night, and forced Ellen to sit and have tea with him three times. It was simply unforgivable. James knew how she felt about the Marquis.

Ellen's dark blue eyes turned towards the road, almost obscured by the hazy rain, and her smile became slightly dreamy. The Marquis, she had to admit, was the most handsome and dashing young man she had ever known. His morals were in tatters, she knew, but that didn't stop her from admiring his physical attributes.

Dimly she heard James speaking, but she put the sounds into the back of her mind and continued to think about the Marquis. They'd had so many conversations during the past week, and he had proved to be a man of great wit and humor, and she had taken pleasure in his company. She had to constantly remind herself that the man was a rake, had a reputation for scandal, and...what was that? Ellen straightened and peered through the mist at the road.

"James," she said abruptly. "Beg pardon, James, but...is that the Marquis's carriage coming up the road?"

James came to the window and glanced out. "Yes," he said, not sounding the least bit surprised. "Today is your ride with him, remember?"

Ellen finally turned face him, exasperation written all over her face. "Of course I remember, James. How could I forget? You've been bringing it up every time the Marquis has come over for dinner, as has the Marquis himself. I merely meant, should we really...I mean, are we really riding out...in the rain?"

James looked mildly amused. "So sorry to disappoint you, Ellen, but actually...the Marquis's carriage was built for the rain, with specially modified wheels made for going through mud. His carriage has a water-proof top, and his horses are the best in the county. You'll be fine."

Ellen managed to keep her face from showing her emotions as inwardly she collapsed. Groaning, she held a hand to her head. "Oh, James...perhaps I shouldn't go. I have a rather bad headache, and..."

James laughed, cutting her off. "So you were either going to use the rain or a headache as an excuse, eh? I'm afraid you have to go, sister...he's already at our house. It's too late to turn back. I know your game. I will not allow you to be rude to Thomas. He is a very valuable friend, and an extremely unpleasant enemy."

Ellen frowned and stared back at him for a moment. She recognized, however, the unshakable look in his eyes, so she sighed and stood. "Leave me, then, James, and inform the Marquis that I will be dressing for heavy mud."

James grinned in relief and left her room, closing the door behind him and descending to greet the Marquis.

"Ah, James, so glad to see you. Is Ellen ready to go?" The Marquis stood in the doorway, scraping mud off his boots. He was soaked from head to toe, but smiling broadly as if he enjoyed it.

"Hello, Thomas, welcome. She's still preparing," replied James. Then he laughed. "She was trying the rain excuse, then the headache excuse. You are not going to have a happy Ellen in the carriage with you today. Perhaps another time would be best to make your...request."

"Ah, but my request cannot wait, irate lady or no," replied the smiling Marquis. "I will just have to gag her until she listens to me, that is all."

James laughed and was about to reply when a cold voice from behind them froze them both in their tracks. "I am...quite ready, my lord," said Ellen's quiet voice.

James's grin disappeared and he wheeled about. "Ah, Ellen. The Marquis and I were just talking..."

"I heard," said Ellen icily, and strode past him towards the door. The Marquis turned, gave a last grimace at James, and closed the door behind them. James sighed and sank down onto the stairs, stretching his feet out in front of him. He just hoped he was doing the right thing in letting the Marquis speak to Ellen.


Silence hung thick in the damp, moisture-filled air inside the carriage. Ellen sat, her hat a soggy mess, her hair in dripping disarray, scowling pointedly away from the Marquis. Sure, the carriage was as water-tight as they come, but getting out to it had been a different matter, since the oh-so-protective and honorable Marquis had forgotten an umbrella.

Sitting in silence for an entire drive was not what the Thomas had planned, but he knew that attempting to talk to Ellen would only bring angry results, so he kept quiet until he had reached his destination. Leaning out the window, reveling in the feel of the rain on his face, he called to the driver.

"Stop here for a moment and give the horses a breather, eh? Thanks." He drew his head back in and smiled calmly at Ellen. Her mouth was trembling with the suppressed urge to ask why they were stopping, but Thomas knew that she wouldn't.

"Come, Miss Ellen, step down here with me for a moment. Don't fret, we won't be standing out in the rain," he said cheerfully. Opening the door, he held out his hand. She looked at it warily and he laughed. "My hand isn't going to bite you. I reserve that job solely for my teeth, my dear."

Ellen's eyes flashed, but she grasped his saturated glove and climbed down, clutching the sodden bit of cloth to her head that used to be her hat. The Marquis handed her down, and she squinted through the rain, attempting to see where they were headed. It looked like...a barn?

"It's not the most romantic place in the world to take a lady," said the Marquis, noticing the surprise and disgust on her face, "but let's not complain, shall we? I need to talk to you, and this will give as good shelter as any."

Ellen followed, wanting to protest but unable to break the silence her pride had set on her mouth. The two walked several yards towards the large, abandoned barn, eyes barely open against the rain. As soon as they stepped inside, Ellen was intensely aware of the smell of old, musty hay and cattle from times gone by.

Holding her nose delicately, she stepped forward, picking her way around piles of straw. Finding nothing suitable to sit on, she stood and folded her arms, looking expectantly at the Marquis.

"You know what I find particularly delightful, Ellen," said the Marquis, smiling, "is that as soon as I say what I have come here to say, you will not be able to resist speaking to me."

Ellen glared daggers at him, but he remained unruffled. "So, without any further gilding of the pearl, I'll speak my piece. This is really actually quite convenient, because for the past nights, I haven't been able to get a word in over your chattering," observed the Marquis pleasantly.

"I have a proposition for you," he said. He came over to Ellen and she took a step backwards, away from his damp male smell. Avoid eye contact, she thought. That was the way. Don't look into those deep, deep eyes...

"My proposition involves...courtship," said the Marquis off-handedly. "Oh, don't look so panicked, Ellen. I didn't say marriage. I said courtship. There's a big difference."

Ellen's eyes were wide. What was the Marquis thinking? Was he...what was he saying? Was he proposing...to her? Her, who obviously hated him, disagreed with him in all matters...but...

"Ellen? Miss Ellen? Are you willing to hear me out?" The Marquis's voice interrupted her astonished musings.

She blinked up at him, and he took it as assent.

"Miss Ellen, I have admired your intelligence, your wit, and your beauty, ever since I first laid eyes on you," said the Marquis. "I am very much attracted and intrigued by it. And so, my dear, I had been thinking a lot, all week, and I was wondering..."

"Marquis," said Ellen, unable to keep quiet any longer. "Surely this is a little sudden. I only met you last week!"

The Marquis grinned, his smile splitting his face. "Oh, this is not too sudden, my dear. My mind is already made up, and I know yours will be soon."

The Marquis carefully bent and dusted a portion of the floor off with his handkerchief, then knelt on the clean spot. Looking up at Ellen, his eyes looked so sincere, so dark and deep, Ellen couldn't move or say anything.

"Ellen," he said seriously. "Ellen, will you...will you meet my brother and consider his hand in marriage?"

There was a long moment of silence in which Ellen stood, gazing down open-mouthed at the dancing eyes of the Marquis.

"Your brother?" was all she could manage before she fainted dead away. Darkness closed in upon her, and all she could see was the Marquis's laughing face before she fell into unconsciousness.
"What? Descended from apes? My dear, let us hope that it is not true...but if it is, let us hope it does not become widely known!"

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Fri Aug 17, 2007 5:41 pm
Wiggy says...

Oh my gosh!!!! I totally wasn't expecting that! Great ending! Is this going to continue? I really think that Mr. Marquis and Ellen need to get together. They just have to. :D

Very nice job. I can't wait to see more of this story, and the thing I'm suggesting is that you look at your tenses. You change them quite a bit, so perhaps you can read it out loud to see. You'll find it very easily, then. :)
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Fri Aug 17, 2007 6:38 pm
Lunar Eclipse says...

My goodness. What a turn. But he said she would be his soon? What what? Is this some evil plot of his? I certainly hope Ellen and the Marquis wind up together - although this is an amusing twist, and it will be rather interesting to see how Ellen will react...

Have to admit, I laughed when James explained about the carriage built for rain, and then wouldn't let her use the headache excuse. Must wonder what he meant about "dangerous enemy"?

One thing a mentor at a writing workshop I go to always says to me is: Avoid using "ing" verbs, such as "she was running", instead say "she ran." It makes for easier reading. Example:

"Stop here for a moment and give the horses a breather, eh? Thanks." He drew his head back in and smiled calmly at Ellen. Her mouth [s]was trembling[/s] trembled with the suppressed urge to ask why they were stopping, but Thomas knew [s]that[/s] she wouldn't ask.

Little things like that are the kind of thing you worry about when there's nothing glaringly obvious to fix! Great chapter!

"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig."

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Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:38 am
berrylique says...

that was totally unexpected!
well, that's because the title of your novel is expect the unexpected, right? :D
I hope the Marquis and Ellen get together in the end, they have this kind of bond between them.
I only spotted some tenses mistakes, otherwise the chapter was great!
I will be waiting for the next chapter :)
Keep up the good work!
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