
Young Writers Society

I could talk to you forever

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Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:03 am
Alice says...

“For once, mom, will you just listen to me?” Evelyn shouted at her mother.

“I always listen!”

“But you don’t hear me!”

“Evelyn," her mother said sternly, "you know I hear you!"

“Then what’s this argument about?” Evelyn crossed her arms and leaned back as her mother struggled to remember, after a good amount of time she shouted, “Exactly! This is kind of stuff I’m talking about!” Eve turned around and marched up the stairs.

“Don’t you walk away from me! Listen to me little girl-”

Eve stopped dead in her tracks, little? Oh no that was too far for her mom to go. She turned around and glared down at her, “little?! Mom I’m not little anymore! I’m going to the prom in two months! Even if you decide to not let me go! News flash mom, I’m not a 'little girl' anymore.”

“You think I don't know that?"

"Mom! I know you don't know that! You missed the last fifteen years of my life! How can you expect to know me?”

Her mom looked down shamefully.

“Yeah and mom, I don’t care what you think about my life with dad! You chose to walk out on us! What did you expect when you returned, a giant hug and tears? Why did you come back to begin with? Never mind I don't care! Go back to your boyfriend mom.”

Eve turned away from her mom and stormed upstairs; she slammed the door loudly behind her and flopped down on the bed. She didn’t know how long her mom would stay after that confrontation.

She must’ve fallen asleep because she was soon awakened by the vibration of her cell phone and the small ting of pebbles on her window.

The text message read, “Go to window.” She grinned and scurried over to the window. With the window open as far as it could go she stuck her top half out and waved at Jack.

“Hi!” she whispered to the black haired boy below. He looked remarkably like Daniel Radcliffe, a major bonus; of couse she didn't dare tell him that.

“Come on! Hurry up or we’ll be caught!” Jack smiled up at the red haired girl leaning out the window, she looked like Bonnie Wright, Ginny from the Harry Potter movies, of course he didn't dare tell her that.

She went to her door and locked it before returning to the window and climbing down. The porch made it much easier to get out, but the rails were still slippery from the rain that had fallen earlier.

Her foot slipped and so did her grip. Luckily Jack was waiting for her just below and broke her fall. Muffling their laughs they got back onto their feet. It took a while to push the motorcycle around the other side of the block, if they made too much noise it would wake up her parents.

"So how hard was it for you to sneak out?" she asked.

"Not that hard, mom and dad got back from a party and passed out in their room, they won't be awake until tomorrow when they have massive head aches."

"Did they ever think about taking one of those pills? The ones that don't get you hung over?"

"No they need the hangover to remember why they don't go out a lot."

"Oh right!"

They arrived at the night club. After they got the word “loser” stamped on their hands they went in. Immediately they were shoved onto the dance floor, which didn’t bother them at all, that’s what they went there for. They danced until their feet ached, and then went to get something to drink.

When Jack kissed her, she kissed back–forgetting that they were in a very public place. When they parted they were both breathless, which provided an awkward pause.

“Eve,” he said, “I love you.”

Shock filled her; she didn’t know what to say.

“Eve?” he asked, “Did you hear me.”

She nodded, “yeah I heard you.”

“Well,” he shrugged, “I just said ‘I love you’, do you have anything to say?”


“That’s it?”

She nodded shamefully, “I’m sorry but… I don’t know what love feels like, I don’t think.” The pain in his eyes was unbearable to see.

“I think I should take you home now.” After he dropped her off in front of her house he drove away.

Weeks went by and they didn’t say a word to each other, and each day without voice was like pins in her arm, making her slowly bleed to death. She realized that she did love him, but doubted that he would listen to her.

So she wrote him a letter, a long letter expressing everything she felt for him. After class she slipped it into his bag.

When he was going through his bag looking for his homework he found a brightly colored pink envelope, sealed with a kiss. On the inside he found a letter.

Dear Jack,
I know you were being serious in the club the other week, and I’ve hated myself every night since. The truth is: I do love you. With every fiber of my being, I love you more than I love books, and you know how much I love books. I didn’t think you’d stick around to listen to me, so I decided to tell you via letter.

Now I have one thing to ask of you: will you go to the prom with me?

With my love,

Jack read the letter over and over again, letting the words sink in. Three days to the prom, could he pull it off? He picked up the phone and dialed her number.

“Hello?” she said. And as her voice reached his ears, a realization dawned on him, three days to the prom was too long to wait.

“Hello Eve.”

“Jack? I didn’t think you’d ever want to talk to me again.”

“Honey, I could talk to you forever. So... did your mom leave yet?”

"She left last week."

He loved hearing her voice, it was like chocolate, and he couldn't get enough.

Last edited by Alice on Sat Jul 28, 2007 5:13 am, edited 3 times in total.
I just lost the game.

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Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:58 am
October Girl says...

I loved it... thats all I can say... because i'm breathless I want to read the next part!!!!
We're meant to be one
I know we are...
If I am the Sky
Then you are my star... ™

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Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:01 am
Alice says...

Thats all there is, its a short story, a very short story at that, but thats all there is.
I just lost the game.

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Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:10 am
Black Ghost says...

Hey, author13. :D Your pieces are always very interesting, and I like how you attempt to tackle drama in a refreshing way. But, there are still parts you can improve on. In this piece, the biggest problem is dialogue.

This is especially true when the mother and daugher are talking at the beginning. Frankly, the mother's dialogue just sounds unrealistic as far as I'm concerned. Let me show you why:

“I do to!”

It really seems as if she's fighting with a friend, and not her mother. I'd imagine the mother is at least thirty to forty, and I don't imagine she'd take this kind of tone or word usage. My advice would be to make the girl's voice immature, but makes the mom's voice more formal. This way there would be a distinct difference in the way that they talk, and would make the dialogue more realistic that way.

“Don’t you walk away from me little girl!”

Again, this just doesn't sound very natural. I would imagine that her mother would be frustrated, but in a kind of restraining kind of way. I'm not sure you get what I'm saying, because I'm not exactly sure how to explain it. In other words, simply change the way she talks, because it doesn't seem realisting considering her age and relationship to the main character. For help you could probably hop over to the Nuances of Natural Dialogue usergroup, and I'm sure Writersdomain could explain things a bit better for you concerning dialogue.


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Sat Jul 28, 2007 2:08 am
Bella says...

I like it...it fits you. I did that to my boyfriend the first time he said "i love you"...but we still talked after words...he didn't spazz out...we'd only been goign out for a week anyway. lol. NICE JOB ALICE!!!
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) <3

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Sat Jul 28, 2007 2:10 am
Alice says...

Thanks for the help so far, I'm trying to find a way to get this published in Readers Digest! Wouldn't that be awesome? MM I hope I did a little better with the dialoge now, I changed it a bit.
I just lost the game.

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Sat Jul 28, 2007 4:33 am
Alteran says...

author13 wrote:“For once, mom, will you just listen to me?” Evelyn shouted at her mother.

“I always listen!”

“But you don’t hear me!”

“Evelyn," her mother said sternly, "you know I hear you!"

“Then what’s this argument about?” Evelyn crossed her arms and leaned back as her mother struggled to remember, after a good amount of time she shouted, “Exactly! This is kind of stuff I’m talking about!” Eve turned around and marched up the stairs.

“Don’t you walk away from me! Listen to me little girl-”

Eve stopped dead in her tracks, little? Oh no, that was too far for her mom to go. She turned around and glared down at her, “little?! Mom I’m not little anymore! I’m going to the prom in two months! Even if you decide to not let me go! News flash mom, I’m not a 'little girl' anymore.”

“You think I don't know that?"

"Mom! I know you don't know that! You missed the last fifteen years of my life! How can you expect to know me?”

Her mom looked down shamefully.

“Yeah and mom, I don’t care what you think about my life with dad! You chose to walk out on us! What did you expect when you returned, a giant hug and tears? No, go back to your boyfriend, mom.”

Eve turned away from her mom and stormed upstairs; she slammed the door loudly behind her and flopped down on the bed. She didn’t know how long her mom would stay after that confrontation, and even though she hated herself for it, she felt a little sorry for telling her mom to go back to her pimp.

She must’ve fallen asleep because she was soon awakened by the vibration of her cell phone and the small ting of pebbles on her window.

The text message read, “Go to window.” She grinned and scurried over to the window. With the window open as far as it could go she stuck her top half out and waved at Jack.

“Hi!” she whispered.

“Come on! Hurry up or we’ll be late and get crappy seats!”

She went to her door and locked it before returning to the window and climbing down. The porch made it much easier to get out, but the rails were still slippery from the rain that had fallen earlier.

Her foot slipped and so did her grip. Luckily Jack was waiting for her just below and broke her fall. Muffling their laughs they got back onto their feet. It took a while to push the motorcycle around the other side of the block. But once they did they managed to get the engine going pretty well. It took another half hour before they reached the night club.

You've made no indication that his bike has trouble working so i think you should either add that in or perhaps remove that section.

author13 wrote:After they got the word “loser” stamped on their hands they went in. Immediately they were shoved onto the dance floor, which didn’t bother them at all, that’s what they went there for. They danced until their feet ached, and then went to get something to drink.

When Jack kissed her, she kissed back–forgetting that they were in a very Italics public place. When they parted they were both breathless, which provided an awkward pause.

“Eve,” he said, “I love you.”

Shock filled her; she didn’t know what to say.

“Eve?” he asked, “Did you hear me.”

She nodded, “yeah I heard you.”

“Well,” he shrugged, “I just said ‘I love you’, do you have anything to say?”


“That’s it?”

She nodded shamefully, “I’m sorry but… I don’t know what love feels like, I don’t think.” The pain in his eyes was unbearable to see.

“I think I should take you home now.” After he dropped her off in front of her house he drove away.

Weeks went by and they didn’t say a word to each other, and each day without voice was like pins in her arm, making her slowly bleed to death. She realized that she did love him, but doubted that he would listen to her.

So she wrote him a letter, a long letter expressing everything she felt for him. After class she slipped it into his bag.

When he was going through his bag looking for his homework he found a brightly colored pink envelope, sealed with a kiss. On the inside he found a letter.

Dear Jack,
I know you were being serious in the club the other week, and I’ve hated myself every night since. The truth is: I do love you. With every fiber of my being, I love you more than I love books, and you know how much I love books. I didn’t think you’d stick around to listen to me, so I decided to tell you via letter.

Now I have one thing to ask of you: will you go to the prom with me?

With my love,

Jack read the letter over and over again, letting the words sink in. Three days to the prom, could he pull it off? He picked up the phone and dialed her number.

“Hello?” she said. And as her voice reached his ears, a realization dawned on him, three days to the prom was too long to wait.

“Hello Eve.”

“Jack? I didn’t think you’d ever want to talk to me again.”

“Honey, I could talk to you forever. So... did your mom leave yet?”

"She left last week."

He loved hearing her voice, it was like chocolate, and he couldn't get enough.


A nice story. Descriptions are nice though you never really describe your characters. You added a nice background to Eve by having the arguement at the opening. Jack is a bit of a mystery. We know little about him. It might help to expand on them both a bit. Jack more so.

A nice story. Love the comparison to love and chocolate.
"Maybe Senpai ate Yuka-tan's last bon-bon?"
----Stupei, Ace Defective

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Sat Jul 28, 2007 4:53 am
Bella says...

Yeah, Alice, I was going through rereading this, and I made a few small notes. Some of it's a little confusing, like you could put a bit more detail. I think it could use a dab more about what happened with the mom and all, and why she was even there to begin with, considering that she walked out and all. That's all i got right now, but I'll surely have more. Good luck with Reader's Digest!!!

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) <3

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Sat Jul 28, 2007 7:11 am
Squall says...

I liked the flow of this story. It was simple and easy to understand. The ideas in this story were similar to some of the asian soaps that I've watched. It changed when the boy appeared in front of the MC's window.

There's a lack of description in this piece. I hoped you could had added some into the piece to give me a better view of the story.
I also notice that the dialogue seems a bit...strange for some reason. Here's an example:

“Don’t you walk away from me! Listen to me little girl-”

This could work if the MC was at a certain age, but since you lacked description, I could not tell.

That's all I have to say. Overall, it was an interesting read.
"To the edge of the universe and back. Endure and survive."

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Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:13 am
Gadi. says...

Nice! I liked it! I have a few suggestions.

"she looked like Bonnie Wright, Ginny from the Harry Potter movies, of course he didn't dare tell her that." I really didn't like this part, the comparisons of Harry Potter and Ginny. I myself am a devoted Potter fan, but this comparison really was not original. I'd rather you described it with metaphores, like "Her ruby hair dripped in the breeze, as she bent over the window sill..." etc. etc.

"No : they need the hangover to remember why they don't go out a lot."

yeah I heard you.”

“I think I should take you home now.” After he dropped her off in front of her house he drove away.
The transition between what he said and the action is way too fast. Maybe add in between, The car ride there was embarassing, and the silence only added to the strangeness....

The ending was too cheesy. I read the story looking forward for some kind of surprising element, an emotion, something to make me go "Aw! Oh my! Wow!" But nothing happened. Here are my suggestions, in order of preference:

1. She shouldn't fall in love that fast. Make her wait, make her feel hate, then watch him in class, then lust, then love.

2. Make her write a letter of hate to hide her real feelings, and then find some other way to connect them.

3. Make him refuse her love.

Otherwise, well-written and very romantic! Liked it!
my world isn't only beautiful
it is so far away

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Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:48 am
Alice says...

I'm extreamly bored right now so i think i'm going to write a second part!!!
I just lost the game.

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Sun Sep 09, 2007 12:05 am
Emerson says...

Red things are either comments, something I've changed, or something I've added.

“Then what’s this argument about?” Evelyn crossed her arms and leaned back as her mother struggled to remember. After a good amount of time she shouted, “Exactly! This is the kind of stuff I’m talking about!” Eve turned around and marched up the stairs.

It took a while to push the motorcycle around the other side of the block, if they made too much noise it would wake up her parents.
This should be two separate sentences.

Alright! Onto the content.

This wasn't so bad, sort of. I think the story you have here could be something good--you just have to clean it up first. In the beginning, it is her and her mother fighting, but this goes no where, and it doesn't really do anything to the rest of the chapter (part?) so why were they fighting? You sort of throw us into her life, and so it's odd. Then you go straight to her and her boyfriend--then she has a problem with him--then a few paragraphs later it's better. So, one big problem with the story is pacing. Slow down a bit, show it in real time not in super fast speed, you know? Also you need to work out the kinks with the plot. Why does her and her mother fight, how does this effect the story, what is its purpose in the story? Keep in mind that each scene should move the story forward, not just be something to pull me in.

The dialogue wasn't so bad, but it could have been slightly more realistic. Perhaps you should join the Nuances of Dialogue user group, which might help you. Read your dialogue out loud, too. Is it something that sounds right? Of course, the way we talk in real life isn't the same as it is in stories. On to another point, try not to tell so much, add more details, imagery. The writing is just kind of bumpy in places, and could use more finesse. Oh, and the emotions! Keep in mind you want to write them in a way your reader can feel along with the character--express the emotions through body language and through metaphors.

If I had to pick the biggest thing for you to fix, it would be pacing. So, fix that up, and this could be really good! I hope this helped, and if you have any questions you know where you can find me!
“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

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Sun Sep 09, 2007 12:37 am
Evangelina says...

It was very sweet, very emotional. It is a bit messy, but nothing but a bit of work could fix it.
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Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:13 pm
GingerLizzy says...

I liked this and I like the 'I could talk to you forever' pun.

But, to be honest, in my eyes it's not that great. It gets boring and tedious to read when you reach the middle and I think you have over dramatised the mother and daughter situation.

Also, punctuation and grammar along with capital letters and such need to be looked over in my eyes. Other than that, I kinda liked the plotline and think that with more work and maybe a continuation it will be better.
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Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:48 pm
Night Mistress says...

it's nice. i like it.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

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