
Young Writers Society

Sweeter than I Imagined

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53 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 862
Reviews: 53
Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:33 pm
Certainly Love says...

Roberto Hawthorne had been feeling a little light-headed after spending a few rounds in the ring. He hadn’t thought much about the pain he received from those blows until he finally started to retire for the night. His fists were bruised and his head had its fair amount of bruises and cuts as well. Sweat slipped down his face and body. He could hear the crowd cheering…but all Roberto thought about now, was silence. He needed to be alone, so he made his way out to the open environment where he could intake a breath and breathe in some fresh air.

Roberto sighed as he made his way toward a bench and sat down. Just as he sat, he looked about his surroundings. It was awfully dark and the streets were quiet with the exception of a few carriages rolling by. Now that he was alone, for some reason, he started to think about Thelma Fielding. She was a young heiress---very rich, while he was just the brother of a duke who received a dowry every month.

Thelma Fielding had fancied Roberto every since they had met at her first debut. She had an eye for him, but Roberto never noticed until yesterday when they had went on an outing. She had blushed in his presence, batted her lashes, and she even went so far as to offering to be his companion for the up-coming ball. No woman ever offered to do such a thing. They simply were required or rather wait until they were asked. It seemed the only natural thing.

After that realization that Thelma had admired him, Roberto didn’t know if he should confront her about it or just leave it alone. Apart of him didn’t want to linger on the subject and another part him wanted to make sure her feelings didn’t run deep so he wouldn’t hurt her in any way.

Her father Gerald Fielding who was the Earl of Herling had admired him and thought highly of Roberto as a gentleman. There was no doubt that he didn’t mind Roberto around or if he came unannounced. It seemed Thelma’s father had thought him like a son.

He wanted to stop his daily visits at the Fielding’s home, but he knew that would only make them suspicious of his actions. Roberto then decided that he had to confront Thelma Fielding about her forwardness. It had to be dealt with before she attempted to do something highly ridiculous then he would be done for. Either a shot gun wedding would result or he would be dead before he could say, “Wait!”

The next day Roberto headed to the Fielding’s home and upon entering he was welcomed by the Countess of Herling, Silvia Fielding. She seemed to have been making her way out. She smiled at Roberto and reached for his arm.

“Oh, Mr. Hawthorne! How lovely to see you!” She said happily.

Roberto smiled, “And you as well.”

“ I was just on my way out. I’m attending the church activity that is taking place at the park. It’s a fundraising project that I have been involved in for quite some time, you know. You should join us.”

“Well, I---”

Just then, Silvia’s husband appeared in the hall, “Oh, Mr. Hawthorne, what a surprise.”

“Is it? I just came by for a brief visit.”

“No, no, no.” He laughed, “You should join us at the park. My wife and I were just about to head there.”

“Well, I---”

Just then, Thelma appeared in her pink outing gown, along with her white gloves and bonnet. She was looking lovely and quite the woman. Roberto saw her smile shyly as she approached him.

“Good day, Mr. Hawthorne.” Thelma said. Then there came the blush. Roberto almost looked away, but he was distracted by the little charming smile she gave. It was delighting in a way. “We were just heading out. Would you like to join us?”

“Well I---” The threesome stared at him and Roberto felt like he had no choice in the matter, “Well, alright.” He smiled, trying not to look directly at her.

Gerald took his wife’s arm in his and they started on their way. That left Roberto at Thelma’s side, which meant he would have to take her arm in his as a gentleman should.

“Miss Fielding.” He said as he extending his arm out to her. Thelma took it and they started behind her parents.

“What a lovely day it is, isn’t it?” Thelma began when it seemed too quiet.

“It is, I suppose.” Roberto sighed, clearing his throat.

“What do you suppose we should do there? I’m sure it’s going to be quite a bore, don’t you think?”

“I…I’m sure there will be a lot of activities that will prove quite invigorating.”

“Well, I am not at all inclined to join in on the activities today. I am most eager to…take a swim.”

Roberto frowned at her ridiculous notion and continued to walk. Thelma sighed. It seemed she was never going to be able to please him.

As soon as they arrived at the park, Roberto had released Thelma and headed toward her father as he called to him. “Lord Herling.”

* * *
Thelma watched as he made his way to her father. She wondered why he continued not to notice her at all. She felt so invisible and quite frankly, she wanted to give up altogether. She couldn’t continue making a fool of herself.

Thelma then made her way near the maple tree where she was welcomed by Mr. Thomas Hill. Thomas Hill was a good friend of the family and he had often volunteered to escort her to the many parties and balls that took place. Thomas was a good man and Thelma saw him as a brother, one who she confided in about everything.

“Good day, Miss Fielding. I’m glad you came. I haven’t seen you in a while.” He smiled widely at her.

“Good day, Mr. Hill.” Thelma tried to smile, but Thomas noticed her expression. She didn’t look too happy and that made Thomas a little bit curious.

“Are you alright?” Thomas asked.

Thelma sighed and Thomas already knew why, “It’s not him again, is it?”

“Well, as a matter of fact…unfortunately, it is.” It was silent, “I try so hard to catch his attention . Everything I do isn’t enough. I’m losing all hope and I don’t think he’ll ever notice me.”

Thomas nodded and placed a kind hand upon her shoulder, “Do not worry too much about what he thinks. As soon as he realizes that you don’t care anymore, he’ll probably notice you sooner or later.”

“What ever do you mean?” She replied softly.

“Well, take it from a man’s point of view. If I notice a lady doesn’t speak to me as much as before or if she’s ignoring me a little too much; I might wonder and then wondering will grow into questions, then I’ll start thinking way too much about her. Then suddenly, I’ll start to want the damn lady and then I’m quite frankly…screwed.” He finished with a groan of surrender.

“I never thought that could drive a man mad.” Thelma said, “I think it is---”

“Exactly what you need to do.” Thomas finished, “I’ve an idea. You pretend to be interested in me and for sure, he’ll notice. The man already thinks less of me as it is and he might say a little dreadful things about me. Don’t pay too much mind to it.” He smiled handsomely.

“What kind of things, I’d like to know?” She chuckled, “I don’t know you to be at all devious or mean-spirited.”

“You may find that I have done some pretty unforgivable things in the past.” He then held out his arm to her and they began to walk. Thelma had observed the activities that were taking place. Her mother was sitting at a stand selling pastries and her father was standing next to Roberto watching the men at archery.

Thelma admired his physique and how he fiddled with his handkerchief every time he was in deep thought. She adored his little habits and how he made her so nervous just by being near her. Her heart leaped when he turned around and spotted her. At first, he raised a brow and then soon enough he turned his attention back to her father.

“I believe this first attempt to make him notice you is working.” Thomas suddenly whispered.

“I beg you pardon.” Thelma was confused. What did he mean by that?

“He sees you with me. That is enough to send him to wonderland.”

Thelma laughed, “Oh, Mr. Hill, you are the most clever person I have ever known.”

“Well, I wouldn’t say that. Maybe, smart would be a better choice of words.” He smiled and leaned against her ear, “And if I’m close to you enough to whisper in your ear…it would make him a jealous man.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“I think it’s the best idea so far.” Thomas laughed, “Why don’t you come with me to the up-coming ball?”

“But I already said I would go with Mr. Hawthorne.”

“Tell him that you have changed your mind and that you are going with me.”

“Well…if you think it best---”

“Oh, believe me, it is.” He said, patting her hand.

Thelma smiled as they made their way to the lemonade stand to have a little cold glass to celebrate.

* * *

After a long day at the park, it seemed Thelma had decided to make her way home without an escort. Roberto watched her from a distance and found it a bit strange that she carried on without him. She usually waited until he offered to escort her home, but this time, she didn’t.

He had seen her in a very serious conversation with Thomas Hill. He seemed to be flirting with her, but then again, Thomas flirted with anything in skirts. Thelma spent nearly the whole day with him and not once did she attempt to speak to him the way she use to. She simply ignored him.

Roberto didn’t know whether he should be relieved or vexed beyond comprehension. A part of him was slightly irked and he had no idea why. He didn’t like Thomas Hill very much and he certainly didn’t want Thelma to get involved with him. The thought of him trying to seduce Thelma made his blood boil for some odd reason. Why now was he feeling a good amount of anger when he thought of Thelma with another man? He didn’t love her, nor did he fancy her the way she did.

Roberto let the thought slip away once he noticed that Lord Herling was watching him staring at his daughter.

“My daughter doesn’t seem to want your attention today.”

At that point, Roberto wanted to ask, “You noticed too?” But instead, he responded with, “What ever do you mean?”

Lord Herling only smiled and made his way home with his wife. He turned around when Roberto was about to leave and he called, “You should join us for dinner tonight! I know your famished after such a long day.”

Roberto wanted badly to reject his offer, but just the thought of Thelma and how she acted toward him that day made him want to analyze her movements. “I say, I think I will.” Roberto smiled and followed them home.

Lord Herling and Roberto sat at the dining table discussing the previous races and how the old Mr. Birmingham had decided to sell his best horse. Lord Herling had thought it was a rather ridiculous idea. Roberto, on the other hand, hadn’t an opinion for he was too caught up in his own thoughts. He glanced at Thelma who sat across from him.

She stared down at her plate and she barely even touched her dinner. She hadn’t said a word to him, neither did she join in on the conversation. Lady Herling had spoken much of the time and then Roberto started to wonder if he should be the one to speak to her.

Just then, Lady Herling gasped, “Oh dear, I forgot my lovely necklace and bonnet. Miss Harrison had been kind to hold on to them for me.”

Her husband blink more than he should have for he thought she was being highly ridiculous over a piece of jewelry and a little bonnet. “Darling, we could fetch it tomorrow. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind holding on to it until then.”

“Are you mad? That is my favorite necklace. You were the one that bought it for me as a birthday gift, you half wit!”

Roberto nearly spat out his water and he tried to contain his laughter.

“Forgive me, Mr. Hawthorne. My husband should pay more mind to my feelings instead of his appetite.”

Lord Herling stood, “Excuse me, lady. You should know that I pay more mind to you then anything else. So be very grateful!”

“Mother, father. You’ve thrown your manners out the window and I want you to get it back.” Thelma finally said, “This is insanity.”

“She’s right, darling.” Lady Herling responded.

“Then let us be on our way to Miss Harrison’s dwelling if it will please you.” Lord Herling was still irked and didn’t mind showing it. Lady Herling stood from the table.

“Mr. Hawthorne, we will return shortly. It would be kind of you if you stayed to accompany Thelma.”

“Of course.” Roberto smiled as they started out the room.

For a long moment it was silent. Roberto stared at the door and when he turned to Thelma, she seemed to have been holding her breath. Roberto cleared his throat and decided that he had never been in such an awkward position until now.

“You really don’t have to stay, Mr. Hawthorne.” Thelma finally said.

“No, It’s quite alright.”

“---Really, it isn’t necessary.” She almost snapped.

“Really---Are you alright?” He asked, noticing the tone of her voice.

Thelma nodded, “I’m sorry. I just don’t want you to feel obligated.”

“Obligated?” He responded in surprise, “No. I don’t feel such things when it comes to you.”

“I’m glad.” She responded casually.

Roberto didn’t understand. She was never this way…until she spoke to Thomas Hill. That was it, it was the work of Thomas. He then put down his fork and looked at her, “Thomas Hill. He isn’t one you should get involved with.”

That got her attention and she looked up at him, “What ever do you mean? Mr. Hill is a perfect gentleman.”

“And so he may appear that way. Mr. Hill is a womanizer and will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants.” Roberto took up his drink.

Thelma was frowning, “Since when did you care about who I get involved with? You never really speak to me about anything but the weather.”

Roberto was silent. Her remark was enough to make his temper boil, “As a gentleman and friend, I’m just asking you to pay caution to the wind.”

“I certainly will.” Thelma replied softly, “I’m to attend this week’s ball with Mr. Hill instead.”

“Did you not want to go with me?” Roberto questioned.

“Well, I’ve changed my mind. It wasn’t right of me to volunteer myself to be your companion, so Mr. Hill had agreed to be my escort. After all, he is a family friend.”

“As am I.” Roberto tried to contain his anger. “And why is it that you suddenly changed your mind about going with me? I assure you I will be most glad to take you myself.” Now why was he trying to change her mind?

“I do apologize, Mr. Hill---I mean, Mr. Hawthorne.” She stammered.

Roberto was nearly stunned that she actually mistaken his name for Mr. Hill. She must be falling under his spell. Roberto was too furious to respond. This was absolutely ridiculous and to think that she was smart enough to know that he wasn’t the one for her.

“See here, Miss Fielding! I do not know what has come over you. You should know that I care about…about…” Roberto didn’t finish his sentence.

“About my honor as a lady…” Thelma finished for him. Her expression was unreadable.

“Y-Yes. Your…honor.” He stammered. Roberto couldn’t believe he almost said that he cared about her. What was happening to him?

After a long awkward silence, Thelma heaved, “I’m delighted to hear that, but I am no longer a child. I am a woman and I know my place and should he or any other block-headed mongrel try to ruin me, I would know exactly how to go about the situation.” With that, Thelma stood from the table and left him to his thoughts. My but it was getting too hot for him now that he decided to take his leave. Her sudden bold speech excited him and made him want to do something he never thought he’d ever do…kiss her.

She would taste sweet, there was no arguing it.

* * *
Thelma was a little cheerful about how things turned out after dinner. She left the dining hall so abruptly that she almost smiled to herself for accomplishing her first attempt to catch his attention. She wanted to run to Thomas and tell him everything that had been said between them, but she had to be patient as she waiting for him to arrive to attend the ball. Thomas would be thrilled to know that their plan had worked.

Just then a carriage pulled up and Thomas stepped out helping her onto the carriage. Just as the carriage began in motion, Thelma clasped her hands together, “It worked Mr. Hill!”

“Well, well…that’s good to hear. Was he furious?” He smiled.

“He was indeed,” Thelma replied most pleased.

“Just wait until he sees you dancing every dance with me.” Thomas gave her a cunning smile.

It was a splendid idea, dancing with Thomas all night. Thelma didn’t know who tried to cut in or who attempted to ask her for a dance. She was too caught up in the moment of how much she wanted to be noticed by Mr. Hawthorne. She hadn’t seen him at all and she wondered where he was at. Thelma tried not to let her eyes wander, but she just couldn’t help it.

After the orchestra decided to take a break, Thelma had been a little tired and drenched in her own sweat from dancing. She hadn’t had so much fun in such a long while. She was glad she had such a good friend. Thelma had greeted her acquaintances and as if the breeze spoke to her, sliding gently against her face, she decided to make her way out to the terrace. She needed to cool off her skin and just the thought of how soothing it would be pleased her very much.

The terrace was very much quiet. It was dark but the moon could be seen in the distance and she liked that it was a full moon. The wind was indeed cool and---
“Is he everything you wanted?”

His voice caught her off guard that she nearly squealed, “Oh, Mr. Hawthorne! You gave me a fright!” Thelma was looking at him in the dark and he wasn’t at all happy. “What brings you out here?” She asked, forgetting to answer his first question.

“You. I saw you make you way out and thought you might need someone to look after you. After all, you did leave the arm of your partner.”

“You’ll do.” Thelma replied. “I just needed to get some fresh air. I’ve been dancing all night and need to rid myself from my nerves.”

“And so I’ve observed.” He said softly. Something in his tone of voice made her shiver. Then as if it came out of no where, she started to feel nervous all over again just like she always did.

“I-I had a splendid time. You should dance. It‘s most enjoyable.” She stuttered.

“I don’t think dancing will make as happy as you are. What I need right now is to clear my head. I’ve been bombarded with so many questions. You see, I want to know how on earth you ended up dancing the whole night with Thomas Hill.” He stepped closer to her and she didn’t know whether to move or stay put. She was breathing irregular breathes and tried not to show him her bewildered expression. “I want to know why is it that you can do everything in Mr. Hill’s presence, but when you’re in mine…” He paused, taking a good look at her from head to toe.

Thelma caught her breath and tried to speak calmly, “W-Whatever do you mean?”

“When ever I am near you, you tend to fiddle with your hands like you’re doing now; you look at me as if you’ve never seen me before…just like you are doing now; and you breathe in too much…just…like you’re doing…now.” He moved closer her until he was nose to nose with her, “And you freeze at the barest touch of my skin…”

Thelma moved away from him and clenched her fists, “I don’t know why you have to do that.”

“Do what?” He asked innocently.

“Intimidate me.”

“I know you want me, Miss Fielding. You might as well just admit it. You did, from the moment we met. I see your blushes, your little body gestures.”

“But I---” She tried to say.

“But you…Miss Fielding, are making it very difficult for me not to kiss you.” He confessed.

She gasped, “I don’t understand.”

“I think you do.” He said, moving toward her with such grace. He slid the back of his hand against her cheek and whispered, “I think I want you too…and I have no idea why.”


“Say no more, Miss Fielding.” Roberto suddenly pulled her to him and kissed her softly upon the lips. Thelma was so shocked that she breathed in and with that he took it to a higher level. He kissed her thoroughly upon the mouth and made her bask in the way it felt. Thelma slid her hands in his hair and threw propriety out the door. She had given in to the sweet temptation. She couldn’t resist him, not Roberto Hawthorne.

Roberto slowly pulled away, “You’re sweeter than I imagined.”
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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378 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1215
Reviews: 378
Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:21 pm
sokool15 says...

I like this story overall. However, I think it may move too fast. You've just started to introduce Roberto's jealousy, and suddenly he's kissing her? I don't think it's too soon to have Roberto maybe fantasizing about kissing her, or something, but jealousy doesn't work quite as quickly as it does in this story. I think you could let the tension build a little more before you give them a kiss.

Think about it: yesterday he notices that she likes him, today he heavily dislikes her, tomorrow he is provoked by jealousy to kiss her.

Of course, there are many who disagree with me, and I don't know what you had planned as a plot for the rest of the story (is there more?) so if this advice is not applicable, then please ignore it.

Aside from that, I must admit that I really liked your story once the dialogue came in. From the first spoken sentence, it had my attention. Before that I was just slightly bored from a little bit of an info dump. But your dialogue is very good, and overall the story is enjoyable! Good job!
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
~Albert Einstein

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250 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1040
Reviews: 250
Sun Jun 24, 2007 5:04 pm
Night Mistress says...

it's pretty good. though, i do agree with sokool15 that you are moving really fast. try to slow down.

i hope you put up another piece soon.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

The emperor is rich, but he can't buy another day.
— Chinese Proverb