
Young Writers Society

The revolutionary (Very Devious)

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Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:06 am
Certainly Love says...

The Revolutionary

Down the alleyway beggars and street rats lingered near an old run down Inn. It was a weary day, far from the city of London and from all the notorious aristocrats. The thick fog molded its way around everything in its path---even the alleys and it was initially bleak. Though the unappealing place had its uncivilized touch to it, it had a sense of hope…and that hope that lingered there was placed upon Ramsey Elliot. He stood down that alley, observing the people who lay lifeless.

It was said throughout the dragged place that Ramsey Elliot was going to revive the town’s spirit and regain its proper elegance, the way it used to be. When life was much simple and everyone cared not if one was richer than the other. In fact, how the whole town became a deserted good for nothing place had been the fault of the mayor who was a gambler and a thief. He stole the people’s money and the whole town became destitute, thinking that they were paying taxes to buy new land. Now, half the town, whose naiveté was taken advantage of, was struggling for a decent life.

Ramsey was the heir to an earldom. He hadn’t much money, but he darn well wanted to help the people. He’d heard many stories about this place, when it was in its fine state and beauty; and how it became so polluted and unlivable. He believed that he had some kind of relation to the place although he had never been there before.

The past two weeks, after introducing himself to the people and expressing what he felt for the town, many respected him and made sure he had a place to live and a place to start what the town could never begin. A revolution. He was going to make the people believe in themselves once again. Make them want better things for society and such. That was going to require much attention and hard work.

Ramsey was taking note of everything that needed to be remodeled and fixed. There was too much debris and too much lazy drunks who didn’t give a flying fish about what needed to be done. There was much work to be done and he was going to need workers or rather volunteers to help him.

While Ramsey was taking note of the old Inn by the alleyway, a man who was drunk no doubt was staring at him. Ramsey couldn’t help but notice the pompous mongrel. He glanced his way and tried not to pay much attention to the long beard that ran down his chest, but the man stood and loomed over his shoulder.

Ramsey raised a brow and frowned from the pungent smell that the man seemed to emit. “What are you doing?” The man asked as his breath made Ramsey frown in dismay. He backed away and looked the stranger over.

“I’m…ah…” he coughed and breathed in, “I’m taking note of what needs to be done about this old Inn.”

The man stared at him and Ramsey couldn’t help but notice the stains and plaque on his teeth. He tried not to stare and touch his teeth with his own tongue. There was nothing more disgusting than seeing a man that had low hygiene. He was glad he was brought up to be clean and groomed to his utmost.

Just then Ramsey placed his writing instrument and quill at his sides. He looked to the man with much sympathy, “How much has this placed changed?”

The man shrugged, “I was but a lad when this town was exactly like the way London is today. I use to be the catch of the season---though I did not have much money. It was never really a problem…I mean to have little money, but now, that’s all women want from you.” He snorted, “I tell you, this town was in a sanitary state back then and much more taken care of. Now, nobody cares if someone throws a damn rock through your window. This place becomes more corrupt each day. There’s more thievery and prostitution in this town than one would think possible.”

Ramsey nodded, “I see. My name is Ramsey Elliot.”

“Even our manners are not the same. I apologize,” He tried to sound more formal, “My name is Goliath Chester.”

“That would explain why you’re so tall.” Ramsey laughed, “A pleasure Chester. I hope we will run into each other in the near future.”

“Wait.” Goliath said, his eyes were pleading, “I’d like to know what you are doing here. I noticed that you’re not from around here. Considering the fact that you have such fine clothes like that of an earl and you’re probably richer than half the people in this town.”

Ramsey stared at him for a good minute, “I’m here to start a revolution.”

“A revolution?” He snorted, “That does sound like a lot of work. Even the people never went to such extremes.”

“Believe me sir, when this town regains its stability, they will thank me.”

“What are you trying to prove?” Goliath asked.

“I want to prove to you people that thievery and prostitution is not the way to go. I know that this town wants back what was stolen from them.”

“Ah. I would like nothing, but revenge for what was done to us.” Goliath said in disgust.

“That can be arranged. The mayor…his name was---”

“His name was Devon St. Mallory.” He cut in.

“Yes, of course.”

“That very man is running around London, probably gambling all the money we invested. I’d like nothing more than to give him a piece of my mind and throw him into destitution.”

“Not a bad idea.” He said as he patted Goliath upon the shoulder. “What is it that you do for a living?”

“I haven’t been doing much work lately, due to the fact that no one ever comes to buy what I make. I’m a carpenter. I build things, but lately, there is no one in this town that has money to spend---let alone, on furnishings.”

“This is wonderful!” Ramsey cheered, “Why didn’t you tell me that in the first place.”

“I beg your pardon.” Goliath was confused.

“You’re a carpenter man! You could help me fix up these buildings and restore the town.”

Goliath looked reluctant to that suggestion. “Well, sir, I do think that since I am a man without any money, that I should be compensated.”

“Compensated…yes…well, I was hoping that you’d volunteer.” Ramsey said.

“Well, there are some of us that can’t just volunteer. How are we to eat?” Goliath said sadly.

“Well, I am very generous enough to provide what you need. I just need you to help.” Ramsey said as he watched the man’s eyes light up.

“That’s compensation enough.” Goliath said, “I’d do anything if it was for the betterment of society.”

“Good.” Ramsey said, “But first we have to get you cleaned up and we will have a meeting as to what is going to become of this place. I’m sure that you are familiar with architecture and such?” He asked with a brow raised.

“Why, of course. My father taught me well in the area of carpentry and architectural monuments.” He said as he looked up the broken down Inn. “My father built this Inn you know.”

“Did he?” Is that why you linger here?” Ramsey asked in concern.

“I believe that is why I seem to linger around here.” Goliath looked at the Inn with a soft expression upon his face.

Ramsey nodded, “Well, we’ve much work to do. Come, we will go to the place I am now residing.”

Goliath followed Ramsey down the alleyway and toward the more decent side of town. The streets were filled with many people who were trying to sell their goods to make a living. It was a sad sight to see, but Ramsey knew that it would all change and soon. As they traveled down the streets, Ramsey often had strangers looking his way. They’d pause and admire his attire and wealth.

Just as they reached the Inn, Ramsey saw two women dressed in the most provocative way and he frowned to such unfamiliar females. Their behavior wasn’t lady-like the way he’d seen in London. These women were hiking up their legs in the most inappropriate way and he tried not to look, but he couldn’t help but notice how very improper they were standing and staring at him.

“Don’t pay much attention to these unfit women. They are only trying to take the money out of your pockets, offering themselves like some piece of meat.” Goliath said. Ramsey looked at him strangely.

“I assume that these are courtesans?” He asked quizzically.

“Indeed sir. I apologize. The ladies are not how they use to be.”

“Hmmm.” Ramsey sighed, “That will change in due time.”

“These courtesans linger at the Inn to make money from the rich men, such as yourself, that go here.” Goliath said as they stepped inside to see the rest of the female courtesans lounging around men at the tables. Ramsey sighed and tried to ignore them, but a young lady, who looked to been no younger than eighteen years of age, placed an arm about his neck.

The woman eyed him seductively and Ramsey frowned at the way her eyes searched him from head to toe. “Who might you be?” She asked.

“I’m Ramsey Elliot and I hope you know that you are a little too young to be putting yourself out like that. Has your mother ever taught you how to be a lady?”

A few women behind her laughed as did she. Her smile was wicked and showed that she had not taken offense, “Why, I don’t have a mother. This is how I make a living. It’s the easiest way anyway.”

“Well…I don’t see why you can’t plant flowers and sell them. It’s an honest living.” He tried to convince her. Another burst of laughter erupted and Ramsey tried not to be infuriated by it.

“Would you care to pay for an hour of pleasure?” She asked as she tipped his chin. Ramsey stared at her disapprovingly.

“No, thank you. I have better things to worry about.” He said bluntly.

“Like what?” She asked, almost mockingly.

“To better your people and society, that’s what.” He finally brushed her aside and headed to his room with Goliath behind him.

“I’m surprised at you.” Goliath said, “No man has ever resisted Hilary Croft.”

“Trust me, when you’ve lived in a world around the most notorious aristocrats, you’d be surprised at what you can resist.” He said. He then ordered a bath for Goliath and showed Goliath inside. “You may take your bath and you may wear my finer wardrobes. I’ll be outside.”

“Thank you.” Goliath looked pleased and so very grateful, “You seem like a very kind compassionate man, I think this town is blessed to have such a man come all the way from London just to save this God forsaken place.”

“I thank God I found you off the streets; else I would have no one willing enough to build anything.” Ramsey smiled and left.

Just as Ramsey ordered himself some ale, he took a seat at the farthest side of the room to observe his surroundings. Indeed he was wasting his time with these people, but something in him kept compelling him to do what he set out to do. He couldn’t turn back now.

Ramsey drank his ale passively and stared ahead in thought. Everyone around him now turned into oblivion.

* * *

Rebecca Collier had just finished putting on her last piece of clothing. It was going to be her first time being a courtesan and she was nervous. She couldn’t believe she had agreed to become one, but they had made it sound so easy and oh how she needed money to survive.

Rebecca was a pretty young lady who was about two and twenty. She had long brown wavy hair and her eyes were violet. Most of the courtesans told her that she had a perfect figure and an appealing face, saying that her job was going to be easy, luring in men. She hated the idea of trying to get a man to bed. To her, it was an exhausting task. Immoral, but better than being on the streets with nothing but a penny worth nothing.

Rebecca sighed as Hilary Croft opened the door to see her new employee. Hilary looked her over and clasped her hands together, “Perfect.” She said happily, “The men will be drooling over you.”

“I don’t know Hilary. I feel so…nervous…having never done such a thing in my life.” Rebecca said as she stared at herself in the mirror.

“Oh, my pet, it’s going to be alright. Just remember what I told you.” She said, “I know it’s your first time, but at least you know what to expect.”

“I suppose.” Rebecca replied. She turned around and smiled, “Well, I must get to work.”

“Yes, there are many men outside who are deep in their cups.”

“Perhaps you should guide me.” She said, trying not to fidget.

“Indeed, I would. Come.” Hilary then took hold of Rebecca’s hand and led her outside where everyone lingered. Rebecca stopped shortly as she saw quite a few men in the room with the rest of the courtesan crew surrounding them.

Rebecca’s heart was beating fast and suddenly she couldn’t breathe. Immediately she turned around, “I can’t do this.”

Hilary stopped her and frowned, “You can. I know you can.”

“But…” She tried to say. Rebecca turned around and stared at each of the men once again. A few men caught her attention. The man was laughing with the other men at a game of whist. He was drinking into his cup and smoking a cheroot. He wasn’t bad looking at all, but she just couldn’t stand the fact that he was smoking that blasted thing!

The other man she noticed was already engaged with another woman and so were the rest of them. There was just nobody available. Rebecca sighed and was about to turn around again, but her attention was caught by the man that was sitting at the farthest side of the room. He was---alone! Rebecca smiled at herself and Hilary noticed it too.

“What are you thinking, Rebecca?” She smiled, “Did you find a suitable victim?”

Good Lord, she was making it seem as if she were committing a crime. It felt like it. “Yes, I think I have. What about that man there?”

Hilary placed a hand upon her shoulder, “That man is hard to persuade. He came from London and he’s quite rich. I’ve already tried him, he isn’t easily tempted.”

“Well…I could…try.” She said.

“Yes, you could.” Hilary smiled, “You could practice your skills on him, if you like.”

Rebecca stared at the man. He was staring into nowhere and was handsome-looking. She couldn’t help but feel a warm feeling wash over her. He was…perfect. Just then, Rebecca headed his way. She was sure he’d look her way, but he continued to stare into nothing.

Just as Rebecca pulled a chair out from under his table, he finally looked at her and he was more surprised than she had expected. She then placed her elbows upon the table with much grace and she stared at him with that half wicked smile. Indeed she felt as if she had accomplished something.

“My name is…Donna…” She lied. She almost frowned at the name she’d given herself. It was a tacky name to be sure.

The man surveyed her and she tried not to show her nervous state, “And my name is Lucifer. So I suggest, if don’t want to see all hell break loose, you should leave.”

Rebecca felt like a rookie and she hesitated. She saw that his eyes were light green and his hair was a fine brown color. She actually thought he was compelling her more than she was. “I don’t think that’s possible.” She replied seductively, she was trying so hard to be tempting. Hilary was right, he was difficult indeed.

“And why is that not possible?” He quirked up a handsome brow.

“Because I am inclined to do you some good. Shouldn’t us women be compensated for doing a good deed?”

“You find your work to be good work? I think not. It’s a depraved game you play and I will not allow a woman, such as you, make me stoop to your level.”

Rebecca was about to agree with him, but she would only be going against what she was doing, “Well, I think if you were to experience the troubles of life here, then you’d be more understanding.”

“Maybe I would.” He replied. “What is your real name?”

Rebecca couldn’t help it. She had to be civilized, “It’s Rebecca…Collier.”

Ramsey was so taken by her honesty that he knew that she wasn’t really experienced as she tried to make it seem. He simply stared at her and the thought of her leaving didn’t seem at all appealing as he thought. So he decided to entertain her and turn the tables over, metaphorically speaking.

“Tell me…Rebecca,” He said her name so smoothly and he knew it had some kind of affect on her, “How much do you charge for an hour of pleasure?”

Rebecca was overly surprised and suddenly, she was blushing. Ramsey wanted to smile at her innocent little blushes. Then he had doubted her for a moment. Her innocence could also be a part of her act and he didn’t know whether to stop or try to figure her out.

“How much?” She asked as if she had never been asked the question, “A hundred pounds.”

“A hundred pounds?” He asked, not at all surprised at the price, “Are you sure?”

“Alright, two hundred pounds.” She said. From the way she said, he could tell she was desperate. He almost felt sorry for her.

“Done.” He said. His eyes were settled upon hers.

Slowly, he stood and he saw her hesitate. She was debating and trying to figure out what in the world she was going to do. Oh right…she was going to…heaven knew…What was she thinking? Rebecca breathed in, trying to calm her nerves. Ramsey glanced at her and smiled.

“You don’t seem to be inclined to do what you came to me for. Is everything alright? Do you need a moment to think about it?” He asked.

Think about it? She thought with a frown. “What is there to think about?” She said. She stood up and Ramsey admired her determination.

“Lead the way.” He said. She did. All the other courtesans saw her leading him to the room, especially Hilary. They were all shocked and Rebecca couldn’t help but wish it had been someone else. She led him up stairs to the room that was often used by many of her fellow courtesans. The room was empty and Rebecca was glad for that. She didn’t want to enter the room to see the act of love-making from another couple.

Just then, Rebecca did what Hilary had told her. She lit the candles to give it a cozy feel and she turned down the drapes even though it was already getting dark. As soon as she turned around, Ramsey smiled and sat upon the bed. He wasn’t at all nervous---she was supposed to be the one making him nervous.

Ramsey, on the other hand, was quite taken by her beauty. Though she was a courtesan, she had the look of an innocent. She had lovely eyes and Ramsey couldn’t help but notice her lips that seemed to have been kissed by many.

“Lucifer…” Ramsey nearly laughed when she said that. Rebecca looked at him in question, “That’s not your name is it?”

The smile on his face was enough to know that it wasn’t, “No…I’m Ramsey Elliot and I believe any mother who named their child after the devil is bound to be cursed.”

Rebecca laughed and Ramsey noticed how it made her eyes light up, that he stopped shortly, “Alright, are you ready?” He asked.

“Oh…yes…right.” She said her gaze to the floor. Ramsey Elliot. It sounded so familiar.

Rebecca sighed and stood before him. The first thing was to kiss the man. Rebecca breathed in and tried not to seem so nervous, but he had already noticed it. “You look nervous.”

“I do?” She asked.

“Maybe I should ease your anxieties and I’ll initiate the first kiss.” Ramsey suddenly took her by the waist and instantly kissed her. The world was spinning so fast that Rebecca didn’t know whether to pull away or deepen the kiss. She wasn’t even sure what she was doing.

Absently, Ramsey was peeling off her corset and laid her upon the bed. The kiss was quite intense and filled with a fury fire that heated their bodies. Ramsey knew what he was doing. He knew she wasn’t really a courtesan and knew at some point she was going to pull away. Instead, Rebecca’s hands slid up into his hair and he was immediately aware of the sexuality that he felt from her.

She wasn’t a woman of the world, he knew it, but why did she continue to kiss him?

Blast. Ramsey knew he had to do something more to scare her. So he let his hands roam and touch her. He felt her flinch and just when he thought that she was going to continue to do what she intended to do, she pushed him away and immediately removed herself from the bed, “I can’t!” She said.

“I was waiting for you to say that.” Ramsey said, “I already knew you were an innocent the moment you came to me.”

“It’s that obvious?” She asked in disbelief.

“Very.” he stated, “Now, I suggest if you want to make an honest living, try doing something a bit more decent.” he sounded like some preacher.

“You know nothing about what I suffered. So don’t tell me what to do with my life.” She said, almost angry he had said that.

“Well, I intend to fix that.” He said as he rose to his full size that she nearly cowered to the corner of the room. “I have made plans to revive this town. In fact, my man of affairs is waiting for me outside.”

Rebecca looked quite confused.

“I plan to restore what the mayor destroyed long ago.” He finished.

With that, Rebecca grew wide eyed. That was why his name sounded so familiar. He was the man everyone had been gossiping about. He was the new hope. Rebecca was so embarrassed that she took covered herself.

“What are you doing?” He asked curiously.

“I’m so sorry, Sir Elliot. I had no idea who you were.” She said as she turned beat red.

“What?” He was befuddled as much as she.

“You’re the man everyone looks up to now. I had no idea you were a revolutionary. We respect you and are grateful that you have come here.” She said.

Ramsey didn’t know why these people made him seem like some God. He was shocked and amused at the same time. “Well, I certainly don’t think it was very good of me to have kissed you that way.”

“No, you’re right. I’m an innocent.” She admitted.

“Well, I do think that you are a very fine lady. Maybe you could join me in my endeavor…to rebuild and take back what was stolen from the people.”

“Really?” She asked, feeling all bubbly. “But where will we find the money to do this?”

“Have you not noticed that I am a well and capable man. I am the heir to an earldom. I have yet to set my plans for this town before my father. I assure you, he will be pleased.” He said as he fixed his cravat.

Rebecca couldn’t believe she kissed the man that everyone looked to. She was overly astonished of how handsome he was and a very good kisser at that. He was…she sighed, dreamy in some way.

“Well, speak of this to no one and we will start anew.” He said as he opened the door. “I hope you know that for a beginner, you certainly kiss very…swell.” He added with a cunning smile. He then left her alone in her thoughts along with the two hundred pounds that he promised.
Last edited by Certainly Love on Sat May 15, 2010 6:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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820 Reviews

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Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:19 pm
Myth says...

Green = Comment/Correction
Black = Review


It was a weary day, just off the coast of London, far from all the notorious aristocrats.

Does London have a coast? I’ve never seen the coast from London.

Ramsey laughed, “A pleasure[,] Chester. I hope we will run into each other in the near future.”

^^^ See quote



After reading your profile, I guess this is set in 1800’s. I think you need to do some research because paying a prostitute £100-£200 is very expensive.

I only pointed out a few typos. One thing you should work on is the point of view, after introducing Rebecca you change from her to Ramsey and back and forth, so at some points it was a little confusing who was thinking what.

Also I think you could cut down some of the sentences or use punctuation because they were difficult to read in one breath. I would like to read more, especially how Ramsey gathers his team and what he changes, and what the people will think of him.

-- Myth
.: ₪ :.


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53 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 862
Reviews: 53
Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:57 am
Certainly Love says...

I guess...Well, I like it the way it is. When I learn to love my work. The more people will love it too.
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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250 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1040
Reviews: 250
Tue May 08, 2007 12:40 am
Night Mistress says...

I think it's pretty good. I read historical romance from this time period and you did quite well. i hope you will add another chapter later on.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you.
— Welcome to Night Vale