
Young Writers Society

I could talk to you forever

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Wed Dec 05, 2007 11:09 pm
SeraphTree says...

Hmmm... I should probably crit your work, since I am your friend. :D:D:D:D
Sorry it took so long :(:(:(:(:(

“For once, mom, will you just listen to me?” Evelyn shouted at her mother.

“I always listen!”

“But you don’t hear me!”

“Evelyn," her mother said sternly, "you know I hear you!"

“Then what’s this argument about?” Evelyn crossed her arms and leaned back as her mother struggled to remember, after a good amount of time she shouted, “Exactly! This is kind of stuff I’m talking about!” Eve turned around and marched up the stairs.

As Black Ghost said, this sounds off. I suggest you read this out loud to yourself. Also, there's a lack of emotion. Is her mother surprised at this outburst? Is she used to it?
Why can't Evelyn's mother remember the argument? Give us some thought bubbles, and reveal more about Evelyn.

“Don’t you walk away from me! Listen to me little girl-”

Hm. Again, this sounds rather undignified for a mother. ;)

Eve stopped dead in her tracks, little? Oh no that was too far for her mom to go. She turned around and glared down at her, “little?! Mom I’m not little anymore! I’m going to the prom in two months! Even if you decide to not let me go! News flash mom, I’m not a 'little girl' anymore.”

What does prom have to do with not being little? You can make this paragraph much more relevant. Why a mother letting herself be brow-beaten by her daughter?

"Mom! I know you don't know that! You missed the last fifteen years of my life! How can you expect to know me?”

If this is the case, why is she calling her 'mom?' This woman is no mother to her.

“Yeah and mom, I don’t care what you think about my life with dad! You chose to walk out on us! What did you expect when you returned, a giant hug and tears? Why did you come back to begin with? Never mind I don't care! Go back to your boyfriend mom.”

You can cut back on the dialogue here. Add some thoughts, i.e. "After all this time, she expecte me to just...." etc. etc. ;)

She must’ve fallen asleep because she was soon awakened by the vibration of her cell phone and the small ting of pebbles on her window.

The text message read, “Go to window.” She grinned and scurried over to the window. With the window open as far as it could go she stuck her top half out and waved at Jack

Either the pebbles or the cell. Both is a little much. :D

“Hi!” she whispered to the black haired boy below. He looked remarkably like Daniel Radcliffe, a major bonus; of couse she didn't dare tell him that.

I suggest you either take this out or say something different. Why to take it out: it will date your work, and people will say, "Oh, this is such an old book...." if you want to keep it, I suggest you have her say something about a memory i.e. "She smiled when she remembered telling him that, and how he laughed at that." etc etc. or to that extent.

“Come on! Hurry up or we’ll be caught!” Jack smiled up at the red haired girl leaning out the window, she looked like Bonnie Wright, Ginny from the Harry Potter movies, of course he didn't dare tell her that.

Here you switched characters on us. I suggest you take it out. Also, nix the bit about Ginny/Harry Potter movies. Again, this dates your work, and you want your work to be timeless. :)+:)=:D This description also makes things too obvious. I mean, we all KNOW that Harry and Ginny get together. Having your characters look like them, AND like eachother ruins your element of surprise. It makes your story too obvious. :smt010

She went to her door and locked it before returning to the window and climbing down. The porch made it much easier to get out, but the rails were still slippery from the rain that had fallen earlier.

Hmmm.... I think you can do better with this. Locking her door... being out all night... wouldn't her parents try to find her?

When Jack kissed her, she kissed back–forgetting that they were in a very public place. When they parted they were both breathless, which provided an awkward pause.

“Eve,” he said, “I love you.”

Shock filled her; she didn’t know what to say.

People at a club probably wouldn't care. :) Uh, why is this so shocking to her? He just kissed her. Usually that means "I love you." or "I really really REALLY like you, and I THINK I love you." I suggest you either take out the kiss, or him saying 'I love you.' Think of what you want to portray here. :D
Also, we need more thought bubbles!!!!! Seriously. We have NO idea what Eve is thinking. 'Shock'... what does she do when she's shocked? Does she start laughing, crying, shaking, drooling...? We need to know these things. Also, what is Jack doing? What does she think he's doing?

She nodded shamefully, “I’m sorry but… I don’t know what love feels like, I don’t think.” The pain in his eyes was unbearable to see.

I expected something different from this. I mean, Eve saying "I don't know what to say" would make more sense. Also, Jacks reaction seems a bit off. I mean, Eve was obviously surprised by the kiss/I love you, so it seems he wouldn't get too worked up about it.

“I think I should take you home now.” After he dropped her off in front of her house he drove away.

Especially since they are this old^^^^^, I suggest you change their reaction, or their age. They don't sound this old to me.

Weeks went by and they didn’t say a word to each other, and each day without voice was like pins in her arm, making her slowly bleed to death. She realized that she did love him, but doubted that he would listen to her

WHY?? We need a reason for them not able to talk to eachother. Did he go on vacation?? Did she? Details please. :)

When he was going through his bag looking for his homework he found a brightly colored pink envelope, sealed with a kiss. On the inside he found a letter.

Dear Jack,
I know you were being serious in the club the other week, and I’ve hated myself every night since. The truth is: I do love you. With every fiber of my being, I love you more than I love books, and you know how much I love books. I didn’t think you’d stick around to listen to me, so I decided to tell you via letter.

Now I have one thing to ask of you: will you go to the prom with me?

With my love,

Jack read the letter over and over again, letting the words sink in. Three days to the prom, could he pull it off? He picked up the phone and dialed her number.

Again, you switched characters on us. :smt032 Please make it more obvious when you're changing scenes.
Hmmm... Her letter sounds... I don't know, almost childish. I mean, it sounds like she's saying "you're hot. Let's go to prom." This relationship has to be built on something. At the moment, it sounds like they don't really love eachother. They like to kiss, and dance, and they way eachother looks... what do they LOVE about eachother? What is their reason? Give us flashbacks or something...

“Hello?” she said. And as her voice reached his ears, a realization dawned on him, three days to the prom was too long to wait.

“Hello Eve.”

“Jack? I didn’t think you’d ever want to talk to me again.”

“Honey, I could talk to you forever. So... did your mom leave yet?”

"She left last week."

He loved hearing her voice, it was like chocolate, and he couldn't get enough

This is a rather cut off ending. I think you could do better with that :)

Overall, I think you can do a lot better with this piece. We need to see some real emotion here. I mean, how did these two meet? Why do they like eachother so much?
We need to know these things. It's really hard to connect with your character because we know nothing about her. Her whole life, from our perspective, is about a boy and prom. Does she have any friends? Seriously, thought bubbles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need them, and we need more background, and scenery.
If you have any questions, please PM me. :D:D:D:D I'm more than willing to help. :D:D:D:D:D
"How grateful we are that the heavens are indeed open, that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored, and that the Church is founded on the rock of revelation. We are a blessed people, with apostles and prophets upon the earth today."~ Thomas S. Monson

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Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:09 am
kinzygirl223 says...

I love this story and your sequil.
I love your word choice.

Please review some of my writing im new.

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Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:02 pm
M.B.Author says...

AHH! I am very mad, I read part three and then read part one *sniffs*

Anywho, great job! I love this.
Going to read part two!

-- M.B.Author
Listen to advice and except discipline so that you
may be wise for the rest of your life
-- Proverbs 19:20

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Wed Dec 12, 2007 9:49 pm
Gwenevire says...

Evelyn crossed her arms and leaned back as her mother struggled to remember, after a good amount of time she shouted, up the stairs.

I think this sentance kinda runs on a bit. Maybe you should add one period somewhere. But thats just my thought. :P

“Don’t you walk away from me! Listen to me little girl-”

Its mother-ish except for the last bit. Maybe instead of saying little girl you could say Young lady.
Because little girl is what I picture Micheal Jackson saying to a rondom girl.

"Mom! I know you don't know that! You missed the last fifteen years of my life! How can you expect to know me?”

Nice mom dialogue! :D

Eve stopped dead in her tracks, little? Oh no that was too far for her mom to go. She turned around and glared down at her, “little?! Mom I’m not little anymore! I’m going to the prom in two months! Even if you decide to not let me go! News flash mom, I’m not a 'little girl' anymore.”

Maybe you could mention Evas age in this little bit here.

she slammed the door loudly behind her and flopped down on the bed.

Description! You must tell us what her bed lookes like. That sentance is screaming for a description.

She went to her door and locked it before returning to the window and climbing down. The porch made it much easier to get out, but the rails were still slippery from the rain that had fallen earlier.

I like how you made them both think something and not admit it.

Her foot slipped and so did her grip. Luckily Jack was waiting for her just below and broke her fall. Muffling their laughs they got back onto their feet. It took a while to push the motorcycle around the other side of the block, if they made too much noise it would wake up her parent

I think it needs some work. Here is what I sugest:
Her foot slipped as did her grip, she gasped as she began to fall. Lukily Jack was waiting for her just bellow and broker her rough fall. Etc.
I think you need to describ things more like how she gets down and what her room lookes like. etc.

She nodded shamefully, “I’m sorry but… I don’t know what love feels like, I don’t think.” The pain in his eyes was unbearable to see.

She just kissed the guy? How old is she? Everyone knows what love feels like. Maybe you could put:
"I'm sorry but... I don't feel that way about you yet."
Or something.

“Hello?” she said. And as her voice reached his ears, a realization dawned on him, three days to the prom was too long to wait.

Maybe you could explane her hearing the phone ring...

He loved hearing her voice, it was like chocolate, and he couldn't get enough.

I think you should work a little harder on this ending sentance. Or put her climbing back out the window to meet them. And they could walk away together. :D

Over all nice work :D
I like your story line. But he seems a little rushed and I think it needs a some more time and description to be put in.
I look forwards to reading more.
Please continue it!


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Fri Jan 04, 2008 4:30 am
Maybe says...

“For once, mom, will you just listen to me?” Evelyn shouted at her mother.

“I always listen!”

“But you don’t hear me!”

“Evelyn," her mother said sternly, "you know I hear you!"

“Then what’s this argument about?” Evelyn crossed her arms and leaned back as her mother struggled to remember[s],[/s] . After a good amount of time she shouted, “Exactly! This is kind of stuff I’m talking about!” Eve turned around and marched up the stairs.

“Don’t you walk away from me! Listen to me little girl-”

Eve stopped dead in her tracks[s],[/s] . Little? Oh no that was too far for her mom to go. She turned around and glared down at her, “Little?! Mom I’m not little anymore! I’m going to the prom in two months! Even if you decide to not let me go! News flash mom, I’m not a 'little girl' anymore.”

“You think I don't know that?"

"Mom! I know you don't know that! You missed the last fifteen years of my life! How can you expect to know me?”

Her mom looked down shamefully.

“Yeah and mom, I don’t care what you think about my life with dad! You chose to walk out on us! What did you expect when you returned, a giant hug and tears? Why did you come back to begin with? Never mind I don't care! Go back to your boyfriend, mom.”

Eve turned away from her mom and stormed upstairs; she slammed the door loudly behind her and flopped down on the bed. She didn’t know how long her mom would stay after that confrontation.

She must’ve fallen asleep because she was soon awakened by the vibration of her cell phone and the small ting of pebbles on her window.

The text message read, “Go to window.” She grinned and scurried over to the window. With the window open as far as it could go she stuck her top half out and waved at Jack.

“Hi!” she whispered to the black haired boy below. He looked remarkably like Daniel Radcliffe, a major bonus; of course she didn't dare tell him that.

“Come on! Hurry up or we’ll be caught!” Jack smiled up at the red haired girl leaning out the window, she looked like Bonnie Wright, Ginny from the Harry Potter movies, of course he didn't dare tell her that.

She went to her door and locked it before returning to the window and climbing down. The porch made it much easier to get out, but the rails were still slippery from the rain that had fallen earlier.

Her foot slipped and so did her grip. Luckily Jack was waiting for her just below and broke her fall. Muffling their laughs they got back onto their feet. It took a while to push the motorcycle around the other side of the block[s],[/s]. If they made too much noise it would wake up her parents.

"So how hard was it for you to sneak out?" she asked.

"Not that hard, mom and dad got back from a party and passed out in their room, they won't be awake until tomorrow when they have massive head aches."

"Did they ever think about taking one of those pills? The ones that don't get you hung over?"

"No they need the hangover to remember why they don't go out a lot."

"Oh right!"

They arrived at the night club. After they got the word “loser” stamped on their hands they went in. Immediately they were shoved onto the dance floor, which didn’t bother them at all, that’s what they went there for. They danced until their feet ached, and then went to get something to drink.

When Jack kissed her, she kissed back–forgetting that they were in a very public place. When they parted they were both breathless, which provided an awkward pause.

“Eve,” he said, “I love you.”

Shock filled her; she didn’t know what to say.

“Eve?” he asked, “Did you hear me.”

She nodded, “yeah I heard you.”

“Well,” he shrugged, “I just said ‘I love you’, do you have anything to say?”


“That’s it?”

She nodded shamefully, “I’m sorry but… I don’t know what love feels like, I don’t think.” The pain in his eyes was unbearable to see.

“I think I should take you home now.” After he dropped her off in front of her house he drove away.

Weeks went by and they didn’t say a word to each other, and each day without his voice was like pins in her arm, making her slowly bleed to death. She realized that she did love him, but doubted that he would listen to her.

So she wrote him a letter, a long letter expressing everything she felt for him. After class she slipped it into his bag.

When he was going through his bag looking for his homework he found a brightly colored pink envelope, sealed with a kiss. On the inside he found a letter.

Dear Jack,
I know you were being serious in the club the other week, and I’ve hated myself every night since. The truth is: I do love you. With every fiber of my being, I love you more than I love books, and you know how much I love books. I didn’t think you’d stick around to listen to me, so I decided to tell you via letter.

Now I have one thing to ask of you: will you go to the prom with me?

With my love,

Jack read the letter over and over again, letting the words sink in. Three days to the prom, could he pull it off? He picked up the phone and dialed her number.

“Hello?” she said. And as her voice reached his ears, a realization dawned on him, three days to the prom was too long to wait.

“Hello Eve.”

“Jack? I didn’t think you’d ever want to talk to me again.”

“Honey, I could talk to you forever. So... did your mom leave yet?”

"She left last week."

He loved hearing her voice, it was like chocolate, and he couldn't get enough.


Not bad, Alzz. I'd read it over because I think i missed a few grammatical errors, but otherwise this wasn't too bad. But i do have some suggestions i want to point out...

Characters: Your characters seem slightly dull and flat to me. They just don't stand out...you know? Help us, the readers, relate more to the characters. Make them come to life!

Show, don't tell: I noticed that in this piece you did a lot of telling, and not showing. True, you did show us quite a few things, but you told a vast majority of it. Try to make it so that we're being shown whats happening. ^.^

Expressions: There weren't a lot of facial expression in this. Facial expressions and hand movements make your writing so much more realistic. You really don't use a lot of facial expressions, and i think you could make your writing so much better if you did. Just my opinion, though.

Other than that, this was good! This flowed well and you used a good bit of description! I liked it, and I'll look at the other parts tomorrow! Hope this helps!

Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:45 am
Leja says...

The part at the beginning with Evelyn's mother seemed rather irrelevant. I see the comparison between the mother's relationship issues and Eve's later reaction, but I feel like the beginning part could have been summed up in less time so that the story could progress to Eve and her situation more quickly

The text message read, “Go to window.” She grinned and scurried over to the window. With the window open as far as it could go she stuck her top half out and waved at Jack.

I know it's trivial, but I keep wanting to say "Look out the window" instead. Just seems more specific.

“Hi!” she whispered to the black haired boy below. He looked remarkably like Daniel Radcliffe, a major bonus; of couse she didn't dare tell him that.

I don't know if a direct movie reference is the best idea. Describe him further instead of comparing him to someone.

“Come on! Hurry up or we’ll be caught!” Jack smiled up at the red haired girl leaning out the window, she looked like Bonnie Wright, Ginny from the Harry Potter movies, of course he didn't dare tell her that.

Here too. This isn't supposed to be like a H/G fanfic, is it?

Eve's reaction to Jack's "I love you" was nicely done. Though there could be a little more description. They shrug and nod, and that's about it. But where are they in relation to each other? Do they look around, avoiding the other's eyes or staring into them? Do they back away? etc.

I know that I just said I like her reaction, but in the context of the ending, I don't like it so much. In her reaction, she came off as confused and surprised, not knowing what she wanted. But in the immediate, passionate declaration of love in her letter, she began to seem finicky, like she doesn't ever know what she wants and she's only in love with him because he put the idea into her head. Maybe this is how she is, but if it is, then I should be able to see it throughout the story, not just at the very end. If this isn't how she is, then I'd develop their relationship (/friendship) more at the beginning, give more indication of Jack liking her or her liking Jack.

“Honey, I could talk to you forever. So... did your mom leave yet?”

It seems odd that he only calls her Honey at the end of the story. Makes it seem less sentimental.

I wish there was a comparison to something other than chocolate at the end; in romances, everything is always compared to chocolate, and I have little idea of what that's supposed to mean anymore.

The relationship aspect as a whole seemed jumpy, but all in all, it's a nice start.

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Sun Apr 06, 2008 9:53 pm
Kadie says...

I think it was really sweet, but it could probably use a little more description.

I completely get the thing with the mom, my mom is the same. When we're talking she listens but doesn't hear, she hears what she wants to hear, it's so annoying.

This really reminded me of Gilmor Girls, with Rory and Dean. Is that where you got your inspiration from?

Kadie x

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Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:19 pm
Areida says...

Hi Alice! You requested this back in March, so my apologies for taking so long to get to it. It looks like you've already gotten lots of lovely feedback, and multiple line-by-line critiques (I'm totally jealous! They're amazing!), so I'll stick to my two main gripes: character and dialogue.

(I'm going to steal Sam's format for a sec here, because it makes me happy.)


Who are these people, exactly? I feel like they're built on cliches. Their actions and reactions could be anyone's reactions, but not in the sense that, "Hey, cool, they're so relatable!" More like they don't feel like real people at all. To me, that's one of the key ingredients to great fiction: characters who become real people in the minds of readers.

So I'm not asking for their life stories or anything, but throw in some things to tell us more about their lives, and, more importantly, about who they are.

For instance: specific speech patterns, strange habits, defining characteristics, a certain phrase or type of phrasing that they tend to use repeatedly. I read the piece, started this critique, then went to grab a bite and came back. Fact is, in that short period of time, I managed to forget both characters' names. I'm not telling you to use their names over and over and over (because your reader will feel like slamming his head into a wall over and over and over if you do), but this tells me that your characters weren't memorable enough for me to recall their names within fifteen minutes of having met them. That may sound harsh, but trust me, this is a totally fixable problem. And while the characters' names are no where near as important as the characters themselves, recognition is certainly a step in the right direction.

I agree with all those who have said to nix the use of the Harry Potter physical descriptions. I'm a huge fan of the books (I waited in line at midnight to get books 5, 6, and 7), but I still groaned when I saw the comparisons. Actually, by doing that, my brain somehow decided that the characters' names were Daniel and Bonnie... which they aren't. Describe them in your own way. Comparisons aren't a bad thing, but here it was just too much. Too much tell, and not enough show - which brings me to the second issue:


Your best dialogue came in unexpected places. But I felt like it was slipped in and glazed over and I was left thinking, "Wait! That was good! Go back to that."

For instance:
"Not that hard, mom and dad got back from a party and passed out in their room, they won't be awake until tomorrow when they have massive head aches."

"Did they ever think about taking one of those pills? The ones that don't get you hung over?"

"No they need the hangover to remember why they don't go out a lot."

"Oh right!"

This was terribly punctuated, but I think that's been well-covered, so I'll let that be.

Now, having said that, this is actually a really great little slice of dialogue. We learn about Daniel Radcliffe boy, his parents, and the main character, all in this quick exchange. The guy's got both his parents, they don't go out often (both of which suggest some level of stability in his home life), and the girl isn't a dummy, because she's aware of medical advances on some level or another. Or maybe she's a heavy drinker so knows about the pills. ;) Either way, you told me way more about both characters in this section than in probably any other, because it's not a conversation just anyone could have; it is unique to these particular characters.

And that's really all I'm saying about originality. Dialogue is your friend - use it! Allowing the characters to speak for themselves, rather than just telling the reader


Remember when you were little, and you still had Show-And-Tell at school? (I loved those days.) Say a girl, call her Mandy, comes in with her nanny from Belgium. Mandy's mother died when she was little, and she has four brothers and sisters, so her father hired a woman who lived in Belgium most of her life to come and help him take care of his children.

So you and your buddies are sitting Indian-style on the rug, and Mandy stands at the front of the room with her nanny, Veerle. She writes the nanny's name on the board and explains that it's pronounced "Veer-uh-luh" and not "Verle" or "Veer-lee" and so don't call her any of those things. Everybody laughs, and things are good. Then she tells about how long Veerle has been with her family, about the kinds of food Veerle cooks, about the games Veerle plays with her and her siblings, about how much she adores Veerle. Then Mandy tells the class about how Veerle went to school in Britain to study medicine and worked as a nurse in three different countries until she married and settled down to have children. Mandy tells the class about Veerle's grown-up children, and what they do, and how much Veerle loves them. She explains that Veerle knows five languages, is an excellent cook, and is really good at painting.

Then Veerle leaves and Mandy sits back down on the rug.

This may just be me, but I'd be looking around in indignation, wanting to know why the heck Veerle the Belgian nanny didn't get to speak! I want to hear those five languages! I want to eat some of that food! I want to see her paintings!

The first part of my little story was the type of setup that stories need. It was quick, though, and probably could have been revealed through dialogue, if you wanted. Give your reader the basics, then get them right back to the story - that's the good part anyway.

In the second part, don't pull a Mandy. Make your characters real people, then allow them to speak for themselves.

Good fiction feels real, unforced. Get back to the simplicity of showing, rather than telling, and your writing will increase tenfold. Lots of great potential here, so best of luck to you! :D
Got YWS?

"Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed."
- Dale Carnegie

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Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:25 am
Maki-Chan says...

wow, I really liked this ^_^ Pt. 2 perhaps?

If you do have a part 2 I'll be really happy. I'd be really happy if you made this into a book. It would defantly be a book I would love to read. I just adore love stories. This one so far is very likeable. I felt connected with the characters. Eve is somewhat like me. When a guy said 'I love you' I didn't talk to him for awhile. In was scared- just like Eve. *Sigh*

Anyhow- there was nothing wrong with this. I give you a 9.5/10 ^_^ I hope you make a bigger story about Eve and Jack. I think that would be kick ass. *_*

-best of luck for writing.
-Maki-Chan ^_^
check out my deviantart account ^_^

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Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:40 am
sasquash says...

WOW! I really like this! It was amazing! And im a guy.. so thats saying a lot. And you know im not gay! :D

Im not really one for critiqueing, wich is good, because i couldnt really find much wrong with this story exept for what everyone else has been saying... just a little fix needed for the wordchoice, but other that that, it was awsome! Now im off to read part two!
It's ok to be a kid sometimes,

it's what keeps old people young

and young people growing!

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Fri Aug 15, 2008 5:43 am
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XXacidicbeautyXX says...

That was cute =]
Poor him at the beginning though.
Bella: "So what you're saying is, I'm your brand of heroin?"

Edward: "You're exactly my brand of Heroin."

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Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:58 pm
Lurlene_Mcdaniel_Rox says...

Wow that was really good
and I love how you add harry potter into it
you must be a fan

there is one spelling mistake though

He looked remarkably like Daniel Radcliffe, a major bonus; of COUSE she didn't dare tell him that.
Morgan Snape

"What goes around comes around"

As if you were on fire from within. The moon lives in the lining of your skin.
— Pablo Neruda