
Young Writers Society

the key to my heart. ♥

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Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:33 pm
purplepretzel says...

I bit into my delicious soft pretzel covered in cheese. Although the pretzel was marvelous, as the school's concessions always were, my thoughts were not centered on its quality.

Justin, my boyfriend of one year, always meets me at the concession stand during halftime of his soccer games. After the coach gives his pep talk, he rushes over to be with me for a short few minutes. There was only five minutes of halftime left, and I had been patiently waiting.

The rings of my cell phone to his repeated on and on until his voice came on voicemail, "This is Justin Green. I'm either busy with my girl [me giggling in the background] or with soccer, so leave a message and I'll get back to ya."

I sighed and finished the last of my pretzel. My best guy friend, Henry, waved to me from up in the stands. You could never miss his dark, bushy hair. I waved back and turned around, to head back to my seat, assuming that Justin was still talking with coach. My eyes followed my purple Converse, looking slightly ahead to make sure I wasn't about to step on any stray trash.

"Hey, watch where you're going, Amber!" my friend Garrett exclaimed. He was the school's best soccer goalie, and he made sure everyone knew it, too.

"Oh, hey, have you seen Justin?"

He gave me a weird look and said, "Yeah, he's in the locker room. Catch ya later."

Instead of taking the stairs, I walked through the corridor towards the lockers. I shoved the door open and, almost involuntarily, walked to the back of the room where Justin's locker was.

What I saw stopped me in my tracks. What I saw wanted to make me scream and cry. What I saw wanted to make me crawl into a hole. What I saw wanted to make me punch something.

I never thought I would see Justin hold another girl, let alone kiss one. Make out with another girl, for that matter. His hands were all over her, and her hands were running through his hair like I knew he loved.

Do I even know if he loves anything? Do I even know if he still loves me?

Worse, she was a cheerleader. Justin knew I had always despised cheerleaders. I once was one. I cheered from my heart, because I felt something deep inside me that wanted to urge on my team. But then, the cheerleading squad became preppy. All they cared about was boys and their own looks. It became cliché, fake, and unreal.

That's what Justin is - a fake. Just like her.

"We're over." I choked out between sobs.

My head started pounding and my blood boiled. I didn't care what I looked like. I scurried out of there, inbetween the bleachers, and under it was our place. Justin and I had shared many kisses inbetween those metal posts. He had carved 'J + A forever' in the dirt, which I immediately scrubbed out.

I sat in the dirt and sobbed quietly. I realized this would be the first place Justin would look for me, and since I didn't want to see him ever again, I crawled out quickly. I wandered out into the grassy area by the parking lot and sat by the trunk of a tree. I stared ahead and reminisced all of our memories from the past year. I realized that every kiss and every touch was a lie. When he said, "You are the only girl I would ever love," it was far from true.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps. Henry approached and sat next to me, leaning on the trunk of the tree. Shocked by my tear-stained face, he was quiet for a moment. Then he used his jacket to wipe the tears off of my face.

"Did he .. ?"

Henry was probably thinking that Justin only broke up with me. It would hurt too much to explain the cheating part in detail. So I nodded slowly, and muttered, "He cheated."

"I'm so sorry, Amber." Henry whisphered. I cried on his shoulder, neither of us caring that his tee-shirt and jacket were almost soaked through. The occassional passer-by gave us worried glances. We stayed shock-still for what I assumed to be ten minutes. Taking a peek at the scoreboard clock, it was twenty.

"Amber, I know it'll take a while for you to heal. I'll be here for you every step of the way, you know I will." He breathed out heavily, then continued, "You need someone who will love you for who you truly are. Someone who calls you beautiful instead of hot. Someone who gives you a bouquet of plastic roses and says 'I will love you until the last petal withers.' Someone who looks at you and tells his friends, 'That's the one.' ... I could be that guy, Amber."

I lifted my head to look into his deep eyes. I almost thought I saw a tear, but it could have just been a trick of the light. Seeing him look at me like that stirred something deep inside me. I realized that he had loved me all along and had been watching on the sidelines, waiting. Always picking up the pieces to my broken heart, and waiting for his chance.

"I've been waiting to give you this. It's been sitting in my pocket for a while now." He pulled out a small box and opened it, dumping the contents into his hand. A small, yet intricate and elaborate key on a thin chain sat in his outstretched hand. There was a purple gem in the middle, my favorite color.

"It's beautiful." I breathed.

"It's the key to my heart." Both of our hearts skipped a beat, and in that moment there was pure silence. "Will you be my girl?"

"Forever and always." His eyes shone with delight. The fireflies started to turn their lights on and off in a dazzling pattern. Henry clasped the necklace around my neck, and we laid in the dirt, watching Mother Nature do her work. I finally felt complete, a feeling I had never felt with Justin. That night, I had explored a whole new level of love. A love that was true. That night, I became stronger and it helped me become who I am today.

That night started three new obsessions: keys, fireflies, and Henry.

Spoiler! :
Thank you so much for reading! This is my second short story, but even though I wrote it after my first, I should have presented it first. (did that make sense?) It's a prequel to Love Story. Constructive criticism is always welcome! There will probably be more stories about Henry & Amber, and their adventures, to come. So stay tuned!
Last edited by purplepretzel on Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:12 pm
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gleek456 says...

Hi there!
Wow. That's all I can say. This is my first time reviewing a Romantic Short Story, and I am glad I read this one first! This is amazing! I have no other words to say! I'm so excited for the next one! Gosh, Justin is horrible! Henry, he's so sweet! I love your story! I'm a writer, but I don't think there are any mistakes I can point out! I don't even think you would need any nit-picks! This is awesome! Awesome job and keep it up!

- gleek456 <3

P.S. Sorry for all those exclamation points, I just really like this story a lot!

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Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:10 pm
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Cailey says...

I liked this, it's super cute and romantice and made me want a guy to curl up with. ;)
My head started pounding and my blood boiled. I didn't care what I looked like. I scurried out of there, inbetween the bleachers, and under it was our place. Justin and I had shared many kisses inbetween those metal posts. He had carved 'J + A forever' in the dirt, which I immediately scrubbed out.
I think in between is two words, but I could be wrong. That's the only possible mistake I noticed though, your grammar was good and I didn't catch any typos. I really liked how you started out with describing the pretzel she was eating. It made the story feel not too serious or too mushy. I think that's all I have to say. I like it, and I will be looking for more. :)
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

Look: A Link! https://caijobetweenthepages.wordpress.com/

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Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:27 am
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borntoshop says...

This is really cute and sweet. (: made me smile at some parts and just think, 'Awww!'
But, there are a few things to make this better. Such as;

"We're over." I choked out between sobs.

What is Justin's reaction? They have been going out for a whole year. So...is he shocked that she's found out? Is he going to try beg for forgiveness. My opinion would be to put something in here as to what Justin's reaction was. It would make everything feel much more real. (:

The occassional passer-by gave us worried glances.

This is good and it really does show you how people would react, well, at least some. Do you really think that everyone that walked past would be worried? I would think no. I think probably parents, older, mature adults would be worried. But what if someone from the school was walking past? Like, maybe, a couple sneaking away to make out in private. Or just a teenagers perspective. They'd probably be more curious, and maybe even searching for gossip?

That's really only the two examples I have. But I understand completely how Amber could realize Harry is a better person, but she has just found out that her boyfriend, for a year - the guy she thought was the one, the guy who she thought she knew and loved - was cheating on her, and for God knows how long. She's gotta have some anger behind that, and she'll still be hurting. A lot. It just seems a bit unrealistic that she'd jump right into another relationship. Maybe you can make it so she tells Harry she likes him, but that she's hurting and asks if they can move slowly? And, if he really loves her, he'd be all too willing. (:
All of that said; this is a really cute story. Every girls dream to have a guy fall so head over heels for her, and have him sweep her off her feet. Just maybe without the cheating part. Ah, well. There's going to be many frogs before the prince comes along. (;
Keep writing, you definitely have a good imagination! :D
PM for anything more, if you need it.

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Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:12 am
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pyro says...

UGH!!! I am SOOOO sorry that it's taken me this long to give you your review! I'm such a bad friend. . . anyway

*cough cough* Hello again, my friend. As always is a pleasure to read your work. Thank you for giving me the link to this story, it was just as enjoyable as your previous work. And, for once I actually had to review your work rather than just ramble on about how much it impressed me (though it still impressed me, quite a lot).

So, onto the actual review:

The beginning was very fairy tale. However I would say it is a little bit too fairy tale. For example I don't know what type of school you go to, but at my school, the concessions aren't very good, not at all. Other than that, though, it was a good opening. I especially like how you wove in the bit with the 'giggling in the background' and such, it revealed that the relationship is heaven.

Random interlude from Garret? Good. Stuff like that happens in real life, it's good that it happened in your story.

What I saw stopped me in my tracks. What I saw wanted to make me scream and cry. What I saw wanted to make me crawl into a hole. What I saw wanted to make me punch something.

I like the idea, dear, but I think the grammar is a bit off. I think it would work better as
What I saw stopped me in my tracks. What I saw made me want to scream and cry. What I sawmade me want to crawl into a hole. What I saw made me want to punch something.

That's what Justin is - a fake.

Small change in the above statement.
That's what Justin was--a fake.

You spelled "whispered" wrong, but I'm sure that was just a typo.

After Amber accepts the, shall we say, invitation: I'm not sure if you need to use "laid in the dirt" or "lay in the dirt". My English teach always nails me on the 'proper use', but I still don't get it.

Put a comma after stronger, please and thank you. I think it helps the flow.

Last sentence???
YES! That was a WONDERFUL concluding line.

Overall, my impression is, once again, one of awe. You really are gifted at some good-ol, old-fashioned romance. Good job, my friend.

"Beer is living proof that God loves us, and wants us to be happy." Benjamin Franklin

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Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:14 pm
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Doxie00 says...

Nice story i must say! I think you could have described Justin and his relation ship with the narrator a little more, at the beginning of the story -__-

ANd i did find it weird that just after being heart broken by her boyfriend of a whole year, she immediatley accepted the advances of her best guy friend! Like normally she should be too hurt right? Or did she do that for comfort? u_u

However, it was interesting and kept me reading till the end!
Keep it up! :)

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Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:13 pm
Priceless says...


Okay, I found this really cheesy and somewhat unrealistic, but maybe that's just me. *shrugs* In the beginning, you switched from present to past. Just look it over and stick with one tense, 'kay? :)

My best guy friend, Henry, waved to me from up in the stands.

This is telling. Let the reader see that Henry is her best friend through the way they interact with each other.

He was the school's best soccer goalie, and he made sure everyone knew it, too.

This was un-necessary. Firstly, Garett is not important to the story at all, so we don't need to know anything about him, and secondly, it's a telling sentence.

I shoved the door open and, almost involuntarily, walked to the back of the room where Justin's locker was.

Why did she shove the door? This indicates that she was angry or impatient but you didn't show that earlier.

"We're over." I choked out between sobs.

This sounds a bit melodramatic, to me. Also, how did they react? It reads like she was just talking to herself.
"Amber, I know it'll take a while for you to heal. I'll be here for you every step of the way, you know I will." He breathed out heavily, then continued, "You need someone who will love you for who you truly are. Someone who calls you beautiful instead of hot. Someone who gives you a bouquet of plastic roses and says 'I will love you until the last petal withers.' Someone who looks at you and tells his friends, 'That's the one.' ... I could be that guy, Amber."

Super melodramatic. The dialogue here sounds really fake and cheesy..to me at least.
"Forever and always." His eyes shone with delight. The fireflies started to turn their lights on and off in a dazzling pattern. Henry clasped the necklace around my neck, and we laid in the dirt, watching Mother Nature do her work. I finally felt complete, a feeling I had never felt with Justin. That night, I had explored a whole new level of love. A love that was true. That night, I became stronger and it helped me become who I am today.

Here's where it gets really unrealistic. Who would do that right after seeing the guy you love cheat on you? What I suggest is, maybe throw a few hints in the story that Amber might have feelings for Henry. I don't know.

Otherwise, it was okay. :) Keep writing!
We're all a little weird. And life's a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.

I don't care what the miserable excuse is for showing the death of books, live, on screen. Men, I could understand; but books! -
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