
Young Writers Society

The little things between us

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Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:28 am
NaRachel says...

Oh my gosh i'm sorry to say i've become a bit of a post-aholic lately *correction = write-aholic. I've really become quite fixated with this series of short stories. Just so you know, this goes with the short-stories "I miss him", "He trusts me" and "I want him to care". But don't worry there's no real order to them so don't feel like you have to have read them beforehand. By this stage i'm wondering if its becoming a bit drawn out. This particular piece has come from a whole lot of little idea fragments and i've tried to piece them all together but i'm worried its a bit convoluted so let me know what you think :)

These memories are fading away. And each time I recall one it rushes through me, sometimes causing a laugh sometimes a sad wanting feeling that is the illness of remorse.

It’s the little things I’d forgotten- they’d been shrouded by the huge parts that nearly swallowed me without chewing. The little parts like when he’d tapped me on the shoulder and smiled when I turned around. Or the way he’d said That’s ok, I appreciate that you wanted to make sure I was ok. That had been after a drunken facebook night where I’d basically begged him to tell me his problems and he’d repeated Idk, Idk, Idk. The happiness floods through me as I remember this small memory; I treasure it and hide it so it can’t be lost again. A small guilt twinges at me. Its not guilt for allowing myself to think about him, no my emotions have never been as direct as that. It’s guilt for not feeling guilty for thinking about him. Surely happy memories can do no harm? No hram, no foul. As he’d say. The typo still makes me laugh. Why does every word and every song have to somehow relate back to him? How am I really supposed to think he is nothing? You can’t just let go of a strong part of you and not expect to feel like something’s missing. Still, there’s a driving force that’s telling me YOU MUST GET OVER THIS. And I am, sure I’m taking my time, but time is what will heal this after all.

So I get it and I apologise for completely leaving you, the dedicated and faithful to the end reader, clueless. There are reasons why I must get over him, you have seen that his presence turns me into panicked tremors and his memory haunts every one of mine. The thrill I get from seeing him in the distance, I can no longer tell if it’s a good type of thrill-fear or excitement? Besides, it’s probably just habitual- an empty shell of the excitement that I used to feel when I saw him, it only becomes extinguished and left to fizzle out when I realise he’s never going to talk to me again. Ever.

I’m no alcoholic I promise. But I’m going to talk once again from a time of being intoxicated. Where I went to a party and you weren’t there and I came home, and wrote! Of all things, my noisy mind cannot contain its creativity for long before it spills out simultaneously with the tears. I realised at the party that the friends I’d made in pursuit for you became my own friends. And that connection to you, no matter how indirect, is still a constant reminder of your existence. In this case, it was a constant reminder of your absence. I sulked and ranted in my little writing piece:
“I miss being able to smile at you when you walked past- or did that never happen? I miss touching your arm and saying hello I miss the drunken hugs so much. I miss the smile, when you were pale as sheet and you innocently smiled not knowing where it would lead you. I miss trying to impress you, I have no-one to impress anymore. I miss feeling like you cared…. :’(. I miss your funny comments that made my night and I miss the awkward conversations that made my day.”

If you haven’t got the picture, I might perhaps kind-ofish still miss him. But I miss the old him not the new. It might sound paradoxical when I say it but people don’t change. However your perception of them does.

I don’t want to hurt you

You hurt me. How can you have said that? Did you really say it at all? Perhaps my twisted mind has finally succumbed to insanity. Am I making it all up?

You are a great person to talk to and I don’t want to lose you as a friend

You didn't lose me as a friend, you through me away so you'd never find me again. You left me alone in the desert only to become disorientated and lost. I’m not yet dehydrated enough to believe it but it all could have just been a mirage, everything, the happiness you brought. It could have been a cruel illusion from the start. Or it could have been a change; a transcending friendship that soon became corrupted enough to end.

My emotions are in turmoil. I’m laughing manically one second, crying in the corner the next. My mood changes faster than the weather ever could, the breeze changes for no apparent reason. It drifts about aimlessly, starting a storm and then basking in the sun. Will I ever really see you at all? These glimpses feel like I am the only one present in them. Was I the only one ever present? Was it all just a one-way train station, me pushing on to happy friendship and you leading me up a false track? Did you ever mean what you said? Where are we? Where am I? I’m throwing out questions like a child would stones into a lake, angrily and with no purpose. I don’t even get the little ripple of response; the stone sinks into the depths without a whisper. I still can’t come to grips with how I could have given so much and got nothing in return. I could pour the whole strength of my arm into the throw but it made no difference. Everyone talks to me, except you, it leaves me feeling ignored. I’m under water in the melancholy of its silence. I swim to reason but my vision’s blurry. I’m not quite there yet but I know when I arrive, you will have already left.

Excluded and ignored. I’d forced my way into your circle. Without invitation I’d tried to push past their firm arms, tried to make a little room for myself in the circle. I’d caught the door with my ankle, slipped in and forced my presence upon you. It is for this that the remorse breeds. If remorse is an illness, than what is the cure?

The little holes between us, I hope they let through tiny rays of light.
"You grow, you grow like tornado
You grow from the inside
Destroy everything through
Destroy from the inside
Erupt like volcano
You flow from the inside
You kill everything through
You kill from the inside"

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Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:14 pm
zinger1912 says...

Okay, i must confess...half way through it.......I almost started crying! You put so much emotion in this that I like I was you!! This was very powerful and emotional! Keep on writing! :D

I only saw one mistake: You didn't lose me as a friend, you through me away so you'd never find me again.
Through should be Threw
I'm not inclined to resign to maturity.
If it's alright, then you're all wrong.
But why bounce around to the same damn song?
I know, you know, that I'm not telling the truth.
I know, you know, they just don't have any proof.
Your worst inhibition's gonna psych you out in the end.

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Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:35 pm
mollycarraway says...


Ok, now that I got that out, I have to say, good job!!! You've conveyed your emotions fabulously, and the beautiful thing about it is that I understand COMPLETELY where the narrator is coming from. I am literally experiencing those exact emotions RIGHT NOW in my life. So not only did your writing impress me, but you off-handedly comforted me as well. Whether it's through fiction or through real life, it's always comforting to find something or someone out there who feels the same way as you do.

Teeny-tiny grammar nit-pick and then I'll be done:

I’m no alcoholic I promise.

You definitely want a comma after alcoholic. Other than that, I really couldn't find anything wrong with this, grammatically or structurally. BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL!! I loved it!

Keep up the fantastic work!
"Music - that's been my education. There's not a day that goes by that I take it for granted."

‎"I always thought insanity would be a dark, bitter feeling, but it is drenching and delicious if you really roll around in it."
-The Help

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Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:51 pm
romance otaku says...

These memories are fading away. And each time I recall one it rushes through me, sometimes causing a laugh (comma?) sometimes a sad wanting feeling that is the illness of remorse.

It’s (they're; assuming multiple "things") the little things I’d forgotten- (I've seen people do no spaces after and before hyphens, I've seen people put spaces after and before hyphens, but never no space before and a space after) they’d been shrouded by the huge parts that nearly swallowed me without chewing (swallowing assumes no chewing, usually). The little parts like when he’d tapped me on the shoulder and smiled when I turned around. Or the way he’d said (")That’s ok, I appreciate that you wanted to make sure I was ok("). That had been after a drunken f(Capital F?)acebook night where I’d basically begged him to tell me his problems and he’d repeated (")Idk, Idk, Idk(").

(Suggested line break) The happiness floods through me as I remember this small memory; I treasure it and hide it so it can’t be lost again. A small guilt twinges at me. It(')s not guilt for allowing myself to think about him, no my emotions have never been as direct as that. It’s guilt for not feeling guilty for thinking about him. Surely happy memories can do no harm? (")No hram, no foul.(') As he’d say. The typo still makes me laugh. Why does every word and every song have to somehow relate back to him? How am I really supposed to think he is nothing? You can’t just let go of a strong part of you and not expect to feel like something’s missing. Still, there’s a driving force that’s telling me (")YOU MUST GET OVER THIS("). (All caps is improper) And I am,(Period?) sure I’m taking my time, but time is what will heal this after all.

I'ms sorry, I couldn't continue reading. Between the typos, the improper quotes, and the very confusing use of past tense vs. present tense, I couldn't keep reading. This huge paragraph was riddled with things that make a writer like myself pull his hair out.

The feeling was there. The power was there. The pull was there. What was not there, however, was a strong storytelling technique. It felt like a patchwork quilt, several techniques sewn together in an uneven and untidy fashion. So, instead of pounding you, I'm going to give you the tools to improve yourself (most of which I assume you already know).

- Quotes go in quotation marks. Even if they are not being made at that time. I know that can be a little confusing, but I'm hoping the edits I made above help.

- If you are going to switch from past tense to present of vice versa, throw a line break in there.

- Slowly but surely wins the race. Be sure to read over your work carefully and be sure you are clear with what you are saying. Misinterpretation is your enemy.

Actually, now that I read it after my edits, it makes a little bit more sense to me, haha. I'm not going to continue, though. However, when you get this thing edited PM me - I'd like to see how it turns out.

~Did I help you? If so, please take a second to sign my website's guestbook at http://joeduncko.com/guestbook/. When it gets 100 signs, I plan to release my newest short story! Thanks!

Besides, if you want perfection, write a haiku. Anything longer is bound to have some passages that don't work as well as they might.
— Philip Pullman