
Young Writers Society

You Don't Love Me

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Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:23 am
LisaMCooper says...

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Sorry. But because I have joined HubPages, I must remove my works from any other site they show up on. If you would like to read any of my works or Five Months, please go here: Lisa Cooper's HubPages
Last edited by LisaMCooper on Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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"You know who protected me back there? Fez."
"Well of course he did. He had to. He's Batman!"

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Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:04 am
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SmylinG says...

I liked this a lot. Was it purely fictional? Or was this something you went through? Either way, I like your realistic perspective on writing this. I think you could use a little work in the area of character diologue though. Sometimes less is more. When I read some of your diologue, it didn't sound very natural. Maybe that's something you could work on tweaking a little. Good job though.
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Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:35 am
LisaMCooper says...

SmylinG wrote:I liked this a lot. Was it purely fictional? Or was this something you went through? Either way, I like your realistic perspective on writing this. I think you could use a little work in the area of character diologue though. Sometimes less is more. When I read some of your diologue, it didn't sound very natural. Maybe that's something you could work on tweaking a little. Good job though.

Thank you. Yes, it is something I went through [still am actually]. Though most of what I said in the story I did not actually say to my ex. I wish I could, but, I'm a coward. Thank you for taking the time to read and critique. :)
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"You know who protected me back there? Fez."
"Well of course he did. He had to. He's Batman!"

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:13 am
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MOIMOW says...

Very good grammar, for the most part. The only thing I found was...
Oh but they sound so sweet and wonderful

there should probably be a comma after the oh...
Cool story. Eventually, you have to get tough enough to say, "No, you don't love me." I liked it.
Keep writing!
"Forget love. I'd rather fall in chocolate."

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:41 am
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Jas says...


My thoughts are bolded.

"I love you."

His words stop me in my tracks. What does he think he's doing? He has no right to tell me that. No right at all. But...The elipse isn't needed and I'm pretty sure that's not grammatically correct either.

"No you don't." I say the words, knowing they'll hurt him. But, why should I care? He's hurt me far worse before.

"Yes I do." Persistent bastard. I liked that 'persistent bastard' bit "I really do. I love you." I act like I didn't hear him and start to walk away, carrying my school books in front of me like a shield. "Wait!" He grabs my arm and I stop, silently panicking. What do I do?! "Please, believe me this time. I love you."

I stand there, trying to block out his words. Oh, but they sound so sweet and wonderful! I love you. Did he really say that? Yes, of course he did. There was no one else in the classroom but us, so it had to have been him. Or a memory. Love it :)

"I love you." Those words. He said them again. And my resolve melted just a little bit, and I wanted to believe him again, just a little bit. "I mean it this time. I love you."

But then I am brought back to reality. I mean it this time. I love you. The 'I mean it this time. I love you' should be italized. How many times before had he said that? How many times had I believed him? Too many. Too many times I had been taken in by his sweet words and charming personality and disarming crooked smile. Not liking the crooked smile bit. It's sort of cliche considering every male love interest seems to have this one feature.

"No." I whispered the word, but I felt the hand on my arm loosen in surprise and shock. Good. Maybe this time it will sink into his thick skull that I don't want this anymore. Maybe he'll get it this time that I mean it when I say I'm done. "No. No you don't." My voice is a little louder this time, a little fuller with new found confidence. I like that entire paragraph :)

"You don't love me and you never did." But I loved you and still do. I choke a little as the words flash in my mind. No. I can't tell him that. I can't tell anyone that. Pushing that thought to the back of my mind, I push forward, wanting to hurt him as he had hurt me. "You don't love me. You don't love anyone. You can't love anyone."

"What?" He's completely taken aback by what I've said and I look up at him, a sad sort of smile lighting my face. "What does that mean, I can't love anyone?"

"You haven't faced your past yet; you haven't allowed your wounds to heal. All you did was cover them up and hope no one would notice that you're hurting on the inside. But honey The honey sounds extremely awkward, like something a mother would say or a lady at the hair dresser," I drop my books and lay a hand on his arm, my green eyes searching his brown ones for understanding. "I see it. And you can't really love anyone until you've faced your past and allowed yourself to heal. But..." I swallow reflexively, blinking away the tears that are threatening to fall. "It doesn't matter. You never really loved me anyway." This entire paragraph seems extremely awkward to me. I couldn't see anyone saying this to their ex. It's too scientific, too pyschological to me

"That..." He's grasping for words as I pick up my books and slowly begin to walk away. "Wait!" He calls, reaching out a hand towards me, "I love you."

"No honey,Awkward honey again. you don't." My smile is sad as I walk away, leaving him alone in the classroom, gaping after me. I love you. But you'll never know that. As the thought crosses my mind, I can feel my heart breaking as silent tears begin to roll down my cheeks. I've always hated the walking away with tears rolling down my face description. It seems too obvious, too fast, too real and way too dramatic. I really don't like the way this ended.

Overall, I thought this was okay. You write very well (other than awkward bits) but the story was a little bland, Not much really happened. It was pretty short but I can sum up the entire thing in one line. 'Some guy told a girl he loved her, but she didn't want to be hurt by him again, regardless of her love for him'. Your characters weren't named but that's fine, I actually prefer it that way because it makes it more relatable. I think that you could explain why this girl is so sure of his love being fake, why she doesn't believe him. Maybe go to a flashback or something? Right now, the story isn't very interesting and you basically just repeat the exact same thing over and over. 'I love you' 'No, you don't' 'I love you' 'No, you don't' 'I love you' 'No, you don't' *walks away, crying*. I don't feel any sympathy for this character because you haven't told us anything about her. What did the boy do that's so terrible? Has he cheated? Has he lied? Does he hit her? We don't know and we can't know unless you tell us.

Favorite Line: Maybe this time it will sink into his thick skull that I don't want this anymore. Maybe he'll get it this time that I mean it when I say I'm done.

Grade: B-

I am nothing
but a mouthful of 'sorry's, half-hearted
apologies that roll of my tongue, smoothquick, like 'r's
or maybe like pocket candy
that's just a bit too sweet.


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Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:47 am
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Shearwater says...

Hey there! I'm Pink and I'll be reviewing this for you today. ^__^

First of all, I think you should lengthen this a bit because it feels kind of short at the moment. More emotion and background would be nice. I want to know what kind of past he's been through to keep him from 'loving anyone' and what kind of personality he had that hurt her so much. :c

Another thing, the part where she tells him all these emotional things seems kind of forced and awkward. Normally, I don't see these words coming out of someone's lips when they're placed in this sort of situation. I'm sure it depends on character though, but since this was short it's hard to tell what type of person she is in just a few words.

Overall, if you added some more back story, an explanation of the previous events that took place and some more description, this could be a sad short story that I would enjoy to read a little more. Keep writing and if you have any questions just pop me a message. ^^

All the best,
There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
-W. Somerset Maugham

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:42 pm
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ASH1397 says...

I love this piece!
Mostly because I've been in a situation like this before, ad it hit close to home. I think you did a good job kind of developing the character: I see her as a girl who wants to be loved but has scars on her heart, kind of thing. I really like how you made her stronger in the end of it. I also think this really has to be drawn out more:
What kind of pain did he put her through?
Did he cheat?
Why does she still love him? What does she love about him?
Also try giving your characters names, it might help readers visualize the situation.
Keep writing please!
And just when the caterpillar thought her life was over, she turned into a beautiful butterfly.

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:15 pm
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xDudettex says...

Hey there!

I agree with the other reviews that some of the dialogue seems a bit forced and awkward. If she really loved him, even though he doesn't love her, it would still hurt her to tell him she doesn't love him. She seems too matter of fact about it. She should be breaking down inside.

I'd also like to see more emotion. More thoughts. More descriptions of facial expressions and how things are said. It'll help make the story come to life and it'll enable the reader to picture what's happening a little better.

I do like your writing though. It kept my interest the whole way through :)

I have unanswered questions though; How does she know he doesn't love her? What horrible things has he done to her in the past? - Cheated? Lied? The story is lacking in background and it's that reason that I felt unable to sympathise with the MC. If I'd read about how he'd cheated on her with her best friend for example, then it'd make me sad to see her lying to him, but then I'd be happy for her as I'd know that she was doing the right thing by dumping him.

I also noticed that your tenses waver around the middle of the piece. You start the story off in present tense and then you suddenly switch to past tense.

"I love you." Those words. He said them again. And my resolve melted just a little bit, and I wanted to believe him again, just a little bit. "I mean it this time. I love you."

This should read -

'"I love you." Those words. He says them again. And my resolve melts just a little bit, and I want to believe him again, just a little bit. "I mean it this time. I love you."'

I whispered


I felt the


Pushing that thought to the back of my mind, I push forward

You use 'push' twice in this sentence and it becomes a little repetitive. Maybe try using 'shoving' or 'forcing' instead of 'pushing'

Overall, I do think this has potential and if you work on the tenses, dialogue and background, it will be great!

I hope this helps!

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Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:16 am
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Qoh16 says...

This was very interesting. I can totally relate. I still wanted some background on the characters though. Like the other times he said I love you. and i think they should have names it will make it more personable. Other than that really good job. Keep writing!!!!!!!!!!! :)
~Life has a song for every moment in life. It is just the matter of finding the right one.~

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Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:05 am
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HessicaJolt says...

I think you will get farther with this story if you explain more. I read in one of the comments that you said that this is something your going through, so you should know all the details. Personally, that's what I want to hear. When your character says something, act like it would actually be YOU saying it. What would you say, or what would you not say? If this is a story that is based on yourself, make it the most realistic that you can, so that people can relate EVEN MORE and enjoy. Remember that some things get cliche very quickly. After the smirk was used in Twilight, it seems like everyone likes to use it. Instead, maybe explain dimples in his cheeks, or something quirky and cute that would be a feature that you, yourself would admire. Other than that, great job! And keep writing :D

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Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:28 am
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TylynRae says...

This piece means a lot to me... I just dealt with a similar situation in the past few months. I dated a guy for two and a half years... and he did the same thing to me over and over again. It was painful and unfair and cruel... and it was the worst possible feeling that I can think of; being left by choice. And then he'd come back again saying the same thing, the same routine. It hurt a lot... and if this is a personal situation I have total sympathy and I can relate, and if not, I'm glad you showed this view point. If I would change anything.. I think that a description on how they're acting physically would be good. You describe a little, but it might need a little more. From personal experience... every time I see him or hear his name, my stomach clenches and I feel sick and angry and sad... and it's horrible. But thanks for writing this piece, its nice to think that somewhere in the world, other people have seen or experienced the same things I have.
TylynTyrannosaurus<3 (tydecker777)

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