
Young Writers Society

Amanda (or Gordon) Title not set in stone yet.

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Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:00 pm
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kathy45662 says...


Little did Amanda know where the road would lead? She stopped at a fork in the road. It was a dirt road, some gravel, and surrounded by corn fields. The g.p.s. said she was in a field and to ‘turn around when possible.” To her left a sign said ‘Bunny Hop Road” with a red arrow painted to the left on it. On the right road it said, ‘Turtle Run Road’.
“Well that’s almost funny for road names, but which way should I go?” Amanda asked herself aloud in the car. “Either way is a dead end probably. I don’t see any dead end road signs, but out here, who knows? I’ve been running most of my life, time to slow down. Maybe someone lives out here that can help me…I hope.” With that, she went right onto Turtle Run Road. She rolled down her windows on all four doors. She turned off her gps and put it in her glove box. She continued down Turtle Run Road.
Rolling down her windows, she took in a deep breath. She was a city girl, so the nature smells were quite disturbing. She sucked in a fresh breath of cow maneuer and corn. The temperature was nearly ninety degrees outside so she tried to save some air conditioning. Amanda always enjoyed the outdoor breeze. She kept breathing in to smell the fresh corn that needed to be chucked. “The cow patty smell I wish I could have gone without,” she drove slowly forward on the curvy cornfield road.
Amanda continued slowly for a couple of miles. She had her brown hair pulled back into a small bun where the straight ends stuck straight up around the bun. Her blue eyes had nowhere to wonder but at the barren house she soon noticed around the last turn in the road. There was a red pick-up truck sitting to the right side of the porch with a bed full of gravel.
Amanda parked beside the red truck close to the open front porch. Unbuckling, she put the car in park and turned the car engine off. As she stepped out of her car and put the keys in her jean shorts pocket, she saw a young man standing in the doorway. He leaned one elbow against the doorway as the other hand rested on his left hip. The young man had brown hair as well, shaved very short, and blue eyes. He smiled in his blue jeans and white wife beater top. The screen door hit his back behind him. Amanda looked up and smiled back at him. She stopped at the bottom step of the porch. There were only two steps. The porch had a banister running around the porch edges.
“Hello there! My name is Gordon Steele. You seem to be a little lost,” Gordon snickered.
Amanda stuck her hands in her back pockets and said, “Yes, maybe. Um…my name is Amanda Chaney.” She stepped up and put her right hand out to shake Gordon’s hand. He shook her hand then stood with both hands on his belt buckle and leaned into the doorway.
“Well you can come in or we can sit out here and talk. I know these roads pretty well to help you get where you’re going.” Gordon stated.
Amanda glimpsed down and gave a half frown. “What’s wrong?” Gordon asked.
“Well, that’s the problem. I don’t really know where I’m headed. I’ve drove for a couple days on and off and starting to run out of money and driving energy. I’m tired of driving and I don’t know where to go really. So I’m kind of lost. My G.P.S. doesn’t really help until I know where I’m going. I saw a few interesting sights so far but I’ll have to find a hotel or something and get a job soon.”
Amanda could tell Gordon was trustworthy enough to ask for help and wasn’t afraid of him pulling out a gun on her or anything. She didn’t know if he was alone or not.
“Well no rush leaving unless I’m scaring you away?” Gordon asked continuing to smile at Amanda.
You seem quite a friendly to me. I haven’t met anyone in a long time that’s been nice to me. You’re the first person I’ve met since I left my old home.”
Gordon reached out both hands toward Amanda. “Come on up here for a little while and we can talk. I don’t get many visitors except neighbors and relatives. I’d say you could imagine how boring that could become after a while.”
“Amanda replied, “You’d be surprised.”
Gordon lessened his smile and with an evil grin he replied, “Try me Amanda.” Gordon pulled her hands and walked into his little cabin-like house.
“I love your house Gordon. It’s really nice inside and cozy. It’s nice outside too.” They loosened fingers and she sat on the tan couch. Gordon sat down in the middle seat of the couch facing Amanda.
“Thanks. I love it here. So…why did you travel this way, I mean, where are you from any why did you leave? Is something bad there or boring?” Gordon kept thinking of many questions to ask Amanda. He continued to look at her in the eyes as she told him.
“Well I’m really from Louisville, Kentucky. I was a secretary for a company there. IT was like a journalism place but not the newspaper. They hire people to write and they buy the good stories for the newspapers to put into a book or as short stories for the public. We make decent wages hourly, but bonus cash if your stories sell.”
“Sound like a pretty good job. So why’d you leave it if you cared and enjoyed what you did do?”
Gordon was leaning in a little toward her. He was interested in hearing the rest. He thought she was attractive, smart, and friendly.
“I suppose I enjoyed it. There was always something to do or a task to complete, but I started to feel I couldn’t breathe. My boss began to flirt quite often with me but at first I didn’t think anything of it.”
Gordon smiled, “I guess it is a curse to be so pretty,” he blushed. Amanda blushed looking down to continue her story.
“Yes I suppose it can be,” She looked back up at Gordon. “Anyway, he began to flirt more and more. I became uncomfortable with it.”
“Did you flirt back any from the beginning?” Gordon asked.
“I don’t think I did but some guys think you’re flirting with them and you’re really not. He started to ask me out every day. I told him no always and never lead him on.”
“I used to be friends with guys like him. They don’t give up until are please or get what they want. Don’t worry; I’m not like them guys that continuously annoy girls. I’m smart enough to catch on if they’re not interested.”
“Good. I’m glad you’re not Gordon. The guy began to call the home phone. I lived with my elderly mom. He was my boss, so he probably had my information that way. He’d call it constantly until I answered to say no to him.”
“He sounds pretty freaky to me. It sounds like he's quite a bit obsessive. Did you tell the cops or what did you do?” Amanda wasn’t smiling anymore.
“They told me to move. They said they have so many threats and other things to watch besides a stalker. They could tap into my phones and record but other than that they said the only thing I could do is get a restraint order on him so he couldn’t be within so many feet of me. That would be hard working for him too. So what I did was quit immediately after talking to them and put my mom in a nursing home. She’s getting to where I can’t take care of her on my own and work at the same time. I packed up my important things and sold the house. She was ok with it because she knew I needed to find a better job and get out, you know?” Gordon nodded yes. “I didn’t feel I had any other choice. I love my mom. Leaving her there was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.” Gordon’s stomach began to growl. Amanda cracked a smile and snickered.
“Well maybe one of these days you can bring her to your new home?”
“I don’t know. She needs care around the clock. I didn’t call her yet. I told her I’d write when I could. The stalking was so bad I had to get out. I cancelled my credit cards and cell phone, and anything else I thought my old boss might steal or use, or be able to get information on my work file. So I kept driving and somehow, ended up here, now talking to this nice man sitting in front of me…you!” Gordon grinned wide and nodded.
“Well I hope you don’t have any sudden feeling to leave here quickly. I’m enjoying your company. This place can grow on you fast too. Um, I know I haven’t really said much yet but I’m enjoying just listening to you.”
Amanda smiled, “I need to find a place to stay before it gets too dark. Is there a hotel or apartment complex near here?” Amanda sat up straight and crossed her ankles.
“No. You can stay here if you feel comfortable enough. IF not, I understand. My parents have a house on the other road there. I’ll give you bed and breakfast. They probably would too but you’re already here so it’s up to you. No charge.”
“Maybe. I want to get to know you better before I decide. Do you need to eat? I heard your tummy growling?” Amanda asked concerned.
“Yeah I should eat. Are you hungry?” Gordon asked.
“A little bit. I am really thirsty though.” Amanda rubbed her stomach.
Gordon stood up and said, “let’s go to the coffee shop. They have several different drinks and a sandwich I want to try.”
Gordon looks for his socks and boots. Amanda stood up and watched him search. “That sounds fine to me,” she replied. Gordon picked up a blue t-shirt from lying on the back of the couch and covered up his white wife beater shirt. They headed for the door.
After Amanda gets outside, she’s confronted by a rude blonde girl in short jean skirt with a very revealing top and a cowboy hat with boots. “EXCUSE ME! MISS, but WHO ARE YOU?” The girl definitely had attitude.
“Gordon stepped in front of Amanda and replied, “What’s it to you Sarah? I told you to call before you come over to my house.” Gordon asks not expecting any answers. She rolled her eyes and stared at Amanda. “You ready?” Gordon asked.
Amanda nodded smiling, not speaking a word. Sarah moved over as they walked on to his truck. He locked the front door to keep out any curious blondes’ eyes.
They climbed into the truck. “Sarah, what do you want anyway?” Gordon asked. Sarah continued to stare at Amanda.
“Well I wanted to know who she was and why she was here. Is that so wrong?”
“Yep! Bye Sarah!”
Sarah stomped her feet on the porch and Gordon slowly backed up the truck. “Is your car locked?”
“Yes I think. Hang on,” Amanda pulled out the car keys and pushed the lock button. Beep! Beep! “It’s locked!” She put her keys back into her pocket.
After the buckled up, Gordon looked at Sarah and saluted her. They drove off down the dirt road.
Gordon looked at Amanda and giggled. “What is it? Who was that ditz?” Amanda asked.
“I’m laughing because you’re wearing a seat belt. Sarah is a jealous girl who thinks I want her. She’s my stalker I suppose but she’s desperate. I’m waiting on the right one to come along. I'd prefer one with a little brain in her. She’s not threatening just shows up at my house at times.”
“So you don’t like her?”
“No way. One, I don’t date blondes. Two, I don’t date dumb girls. Three, I don’t date dumb blonde girls. Reason enough?” Gordon asked.
“Yes I understand completely. I’m glad I’m naturally a brunette.” She replied.

They drove until they came to the fork in the road.
“To the right is Bunny Hop Road. My parents and some family live out that way. To the left, the way you came.” Gordon headed left.
“How’d these roads get their names?” She asked. Gordon smiled.
“Parents made them up. We basically made the roads ourselves when we bought the land. They are a little crazy sometimes.”
They reached the coffee place. Gordon quickly jumped out of his truck and opened the passenger door for Amanda. “You don’t have to treat me this nice, Gordon.” He grabbed one hand and helped her out of the truck.
“Yes I do,” Gordon answered. Amanda shook her head sideways with a smile. He held the coffee shop screen door open for her and he entered behind her. “Do you like sweet tea?” Gordon asked.
“Yes I do. It’s my favorite.”
“You have to try it here then. It’s the best tea I’ve ever tasted.”
“Sure,” Amanda agreed to try it.
Gordon walked up to the ordering counter.
“What would you like today Gordon?” asked Bertha, the heavyset waitress.
“We'll take two sweet teas and one Turkey sandwich.” Gordon pulled out his wallet.
“Four dollars and fifty-seven cents is your total.”
Gordon handed Bertha a five-dollar bill. Bertha walked over to the register to make change.
“Forty-three cents in change. Go have a seat and we’ll bring it to you.”
“Thanks Bertha.” Gordon smiled and then looked at Amanda.
The little shop had nice chairs, tables and a few booths next to the windows.
After they sat down, Gordon sat crossing his arms at the booth looking at Amanda.
“So, I guess it’s my turn to talk now? I’ve lived here in Arkansas all of my life. I rarely get away, um…for a job, or career – the crops. I sell the corn to whomever and save what money I can for wintertime to get by. I could get a regular job but I don’t need the extra money. We actually do pretty well selling milk and corn. A few minor crops but corn and milk are the main things.”
Bertha came soon after to the table and sat the teas down. Then she gave Gordon his sandwich. “Would you like a straw for your tea dear?” Amanda nodded.
“Yes please, thank you,” Amanda replied.
“Now if there’s anything you two need just let me know. Enjoy!” Bertha turned and went back to her counter to help some other new customers that just walked in the door.
Gordon un-wrapped his sandwich took a drink of tea and continued the conversation. “Sometimes it can be boring. Especially when you have to wait on people to buy corn. And the process of waiting on corn to grow. I get good exercise going around collecting up corn,” Gordon noticed her drinking down the tea quickly, “how’s the tea?”
“Excellent! It is very good. I can’t even make tea this good.”
“I told you so. Unfortunately we usually have to get up there to get refills. Sometimes if she has time she refills us. It’s worth the walk.”
“So no wife or girlfriend? Kids?” Amanda asked. Gordon took a bite of his sandwich.
“No on both. I guess I’m just waiting on the right one to come along. Kids later on after I’m married. No rush for those. They are a handful, my mom always told me. Did you leave anyone special back home besides your mom? I know you have a stalker, but didn’t know as far as dating and stuff.” Gordon seemed concerned.
“No, it’s been a while since I’ve had someone close to me. I’m tired of being hurt and disappointed. Everyone I’ve dated has either been totally different than I expected, in the strange way, or they’ve cheated on me, or lied to me. I want an honest down to earth guy.”
“I understand,” he said, “refill?” Gordon reached his arm out to get her glass.
“Sure, thanks.”
Gordon took the glasses up to Bertha. She smiled and glanced at Amanda sitting at the table looking out the window.
“Looks like you caught a good one Gordon. Where’s she from?”
“Kentucky. She seems really nice. I don’t know if she’s staying here or not. I’m doing my best to convince her so. She may need to get a job. I am going to let her stay at my place as long as she wants. You know how a fisherman sits for hours and waits to catch a fish or a hunter waits hours and hours for a small hope of catching a big buck?”
“Well it’s like that. Only I’ve waited a few years with hope fading. And just when I about give up all together, the fish jumps out of the water onto the boat or the deer walks up waiting to be shot.”
“Well don’t let her just walk away or jump back into the water and out of your life ok? I can tell she’s worth keeping.”
“I just met her too at my place but I think I’m growing on her. Or she’s growing on me.”
Gordon held the teas. “I’ll keep you posted Bertha, thanks.”
“No problem Gordon.”
Amanda smiled when Gordon returned. Amanda watches as he finished his sandwich.
“We can go back to my place after we’re done with our tea.” Gordon told her.
“Sure. I’m ready when you are.”
Gordon crumbled up his sandwich papers into a ball and put the trash into the can behind his booth seat. He stood up and Amanda followed.
“Ready?” Gordon asked.
Gordon opened the door of the store to let Amanda out first.
“Thank you,” Amanda commented. Gordon smiled and nodded.
He quickly walked around her and opened the truck door. Amanda smiled at him. Gordon went to his side after shutting her door, and soon they were in the way back to his place.
“So, what do you normally do when you don’t have visitors or have to work in the fields?” Amanda asked looking at all the crops beside the truck.
“Relax usually. I don’t know. I go see my parents often and take a walk.” Gordon kept his eyes on the road.
“I like to take naps if it’s raining or write letters and poems. Letters to my friends I don’t get to see often. Many of them moved away after high school,” Amanda laughed.
“What’s funny?”
“My friends always said I’ve live in Louisville my entire life,” Amanda smiled.
“Ha-ha. Yeah I bet they’ll be surprised next time they hear from you. I used to write some friends then they stopped writing back. They weren’t into the country thing and wanted to make the big bucks. After they were absorbed and sucked into that high-class group, I stopped hearing from them. Sarah is the only friend I know from high school but she’s kind of – you met her – you know what I mean.”
“Yeah. Well I’m glad my mom will write anyway or read my letters. Mom is my best friend. She’s getting to where it’s hard to write but maybe she can type or let someone write for her.”
“Hope so,” Gordon parked the truck and they both got out heading to the house. “Hey listen, Amanda. I know this is kind of sudden, maybe unexpected, but I welcome you to stay here as long as you’d like. I have plenty of space and room. It wouldn’t be a burden either, more of a pleasure having some nice company that I’m not related to.” Gordon stated.
“I’m happy that I found someone as nice as you that can accommodate me, as well as being someone I feel safe and comfortable around. I don’t want to over stay my welcome; or eat your out of house and home. You know what I mean?” Amanda blushed bright red.
“Yes of course. You know, I’ve never had a houseguest but its nice knowing someone will finally be using that room. Let’s go inside.” He unlocked the door and they walked in.
They made their way inside. The time was only going on 4 p.m. Gordon turned on some television and took off his t-shirt. He sat in the recliner putting his feet up. Amanda sat on the couch and lay across it taking her shoes off.
After a few minutes, Gordon asked, “So you have any favorite shows you would like to watch or programs?” He didn’t receive a reply but when he turned around and looked, Amanda was already sleeping comfortably. Gordon smiled.
Gordon walked back slowly to the couch and put a thin blanket over her. “That should feel better. Gets a little chilly in here.” He left her to rest and went to prepare the guest room.
Amanda was deep asleep. Gordon had swept and cleaned the guest room up as well as the guest bathroom. Amanda didn’t wake for anything.
Gordon cleaned up the house. He watched Amanda occasionally to see if she was waking up.
Three hours later Amanda finally woke up. Stretching she asked aloud, “Gordon? Where are you?” Gordon was sitting on the front porch swinging. She peeked out the window to see him and she walked out to sit next to him.”
“Good evening beautiful,” Gordon flirted.
Amanda blushed, “hello. Do you have some paper I can use to write my mom a letter?”
Gordon nodded and continued to swing. He put his left arm around her shoulder. Amanda didn’t move his arm or her shoulder away. She seemed to enjoy it.
After a few minutes, Amanda spoke up.
“I need to write my mom. I know she’s probably worried.”
Gordon stood up and they walked in.
“I know there’s paper near the old desk.” He rumbled around for some paper with lines. “Here it is! I knew I had some!” Gordon handed Amanda a big stack of letter writing paper. “There are different designs and stuff but I think it all has lines. Use whatever you need.”
“Thank you Gordon.”
He went back to the TV. Amanda sat down at the told desk and found a pen and began to write.

July 12, 2010
Dear Mom,
How have they been treating you? I sure hope all is quite well. I hate that I had to leave you but we both know there was no other choice at the time. Some really nice people bought the house and the money I put into my bank account.
I miss you so much! I miss Kentucky a little bit too but not the hustle and bustle of the city. I have made it to a small county named Jeffersonville, in Arkansas. The country here reminds me of home – the old home – when we lived in the boondocks of Kentucky. I miss the old way of living – living off the land for one reason.
People seem to be very friendly here. The good kind of friendly and not stalker like. The only thing I don’t like about the country is it reminds me of dad. We all miss him and I love him dearly. But we know he will always be in our hearts. I think he’d want me to live in the country.
Now for some very interesting news, huh? I’m staying with a fellow about my age (I think). He’s very sweet and caring. Gordon has his own home and works selling milk fresh from cows and corn from the fields. No one works for Gordon that I’m aware of. His parents might. They all own it together I think. I haven’t met them, yet.
Gordon told me I was welcome to stay as long as I needed. He rarely gets visitors who are not kin.
I don’t want to intrude on him or anyone, but I trust him and you know how hard it is for me to start trusting someone. Gordon is different. I don’t know – I can relate to him. I think of dad in a way. I feel like he’s here with me and watching me.
Did we ever live in Arkansas when I was little? I have to go now. I hope to hear from you soon mom. If not, I’ll write you a letter in a week from now. Take care of yourself and don’t let them treat you like a toddler! If they give you trouble, just give them a whooping’! Ha.
I love you very much mom! Much love always,
Amanda put the letter to the side and looked in the desk drawers for an envelope and a stamp.
“Do you have any envelopes and stamps?”
“Uh I may need to get some from mom and dad. I think I used the last one on a bill yesterday.”
“Ok, no rush. I can mail it tomorrow or something. Do you have a mailbox or does everyone go to the post office? I didn’t see a mail box on the way in.”
“Yeah we have a box. I use mom and dad’s mailbox. It’s near their house. I’ll have to drive you there. But you want to see my mom and dad first? We can get some envelopes and stamps.”
They headed to the truck. “I’ve never met anyone else like you Gordon,” they shut the truck doors and he started the engine. “I don’t know how lucky I am to meet someone so kind and helpful as you have been to me. I don’t know how I became so lucky.”
They reached his parents’ driveway and he parked, turning the engine off close to the house.
“Amanda, don’t be fooled. No one is perfect. I’m not perfect. I just can’t see how any man couldn’t be nice to a woman. I know they are out there, cruel, rude, and downright disgusting people. You’ve never seen me angry. I can have quite a temper but I’ve never hurt a woman or ever planned on it. I never will hit a woman. Unless she has a gun or something.
I suppose I was raised to treat a woman how they should be treated. Uh, I know we just met today, but would you like to meet my family? We’re here at the house so if you don’t go in they’ll ask me tons of questions anyway. They probably already seen you in here anyway and more than likely, they’re peeking out the window.”
“I don’t mind. I’m a friendly person I suppose.”
“Yes you are and don’t worry, they’ll like you.”
They climbed out of the truck and went to the front door. Amanda followed behind Gordon. As soon as he knocked on the screen door, they opened it.
“Hello sweetheart! How have you been this week? I heard the crop selling has been slow? Who’s this? Oh my you’re a lovely young lady my dear! You must be special if dating this nice, handsome young man here. Come on in you two and we can visit a while. My name is Annie and I am the mamma of course. What’s yours?” Annie was very excited to meet a girl at her house. She continued to ask Amanda question after question about her without breathing.
“Mom listen to me!” Gordon finally managed to squeeze in. “This is Amanda. We’re not dating or anything mom. She needed to send out a letter to her mom and I thought we’d say hello for a few minutes. Plus I need some envelopes and stamps. She was lost earlier and she’s going to stay at my place for a little while. Amanda –“
“-Whatever Gordon. Go on and let us girls talk. Your father is out back. Go say hello!”
“Uh okay mom. Don’t scare her away.” Gordon answered and headed to find his dad.
Annie had Amanda sit down. She continued to ask Amanda more questions. Amanda told her everything she had told Gordon up to them meeting.
“Even so, you are a very nice lady. If there’s anything you need, you can count on us sweetie, okay? If you ever need a woman to talk to, I’m your girl all right? I love to talk.”
“Yes, thank you Annie. I feel very welcome.”
In the meantime Gordon went and talked to his father out back.
“Hey what are you doing? I thought I’d introduce you to someone.”
“Is it a woman?”
“Yes dad it is. She’s staying with me for a few days at least.”
“I really would like to meet her but I’m ready to fall asleep son. Is she a girlfriend?”
“No we’re friends but we just met today. She uh…is really sweet and I do like her. We can stop by another time.”
Gordon looked at his dad but he had already fallen asleep. Gordon headed back to get Amanda.
Annie spoke, “there’s the strapping young man.” Gordon blushed looking at Amanda. She had blushed too.
“Dad’s taking a nap. You ready to go? We need to unpack your things before dark.”
Amanda stood up and they headed to the front door. Annie handed Gordon some stamps and envelopes from the desk next to the door.
“Be careful you two!” Annie warned and winked toward them both. They headed back to the house in the truck.
“You need anything unpacked?” Gordon asked.
“Just my tooth brush, hair brush, and some pajamas. I can get them. The rest I can get tomorrow.”
“Okay. It’s getting late quick.”
“Yeah. Your parents seem nice. Your mom anyway.”
Gordon smiled, “Yeah they are. They may be a little crazy.” He laughed.
She pulled out her small bag of bathroom goodies and they went inside the house, sitting close to each other on the couch.
“You sure you don’t need anything else out of the car?” Gordon asked. He put his arm around her again.
“I’m sure. If you really want to we can unpack some things but only if you want to Gordon.”
Gordon stood and they both went to her car.
“It’s mostly in the trunk.” Amanda stated popping up the trunk.
They unpacked her belongings into the house and had continued to talk for a while until going to bed.

By a week later, they knew most everything about each other they needed to know, in a good way.
“Amanda, you’ve some mail! It’s from Kentucky!” Gordon tossed the letter to Amanda sitting on the couch. They sat on the couch beside each other. “Mind if I hear you read it?”
“I don’t care,” she replied, “Dear Amanda – this doesn’t look like mom’s handwriting,” Amanda skimmed the papers to try and recognize the writing style. “Could be someone writing for her.”
“Maybe they say it in the letter? Just read what it says first.”
“Dear Amanda, we are very sorry t informs you that your mother has –“
Amanda’s eyes started to tear up. She couldn’t read what it said. She began to cry putting her arms around Gordon. Gordon held the letter and read it. “Do you want me to read the rest Amanda?”
“Yeah, go ahead.”
“Your mother has passed on to the Lord. She began to have breathing problems as soon as you were gone. With her condition, it didn’t seem abnormal. We kept a close watch on her just in case. We went to check on her as usual, every hour, and she was passed. Angie found her this morning and said she must have had a heart attack. We are very sorry to inform you of this. B because we all knew her for years we are taking care of everything. We know she didn’t have any life insurance policy. Please call us so we can talk or drive in and talk to us. God bless you, Betty Craft.”
Gordon rubbed Amanda’s’ back. She calmed down a little but still very upset. “I’m so sorry Amanda,” Gordon whispered, “I’ll do anything you need me to okay? Do you want me to help?”
Amanda cried some more and held onto him tightly. Her face buried in his chest.
“I can’t go back alone.”
“I know. Don’t worry. I’ll be your body guard.” Gordon kissed her on the forehead. She raised her head and tried to smile back at him.
Looking at each other, she places her hand on his right cheek. Gordon leaned in and they kissed on the lips.
“I’ll take care of you Amanda, always.” Gordon continued to whisper, hoping that it would help her calm down a little.
“I know Gordon, I know.”
Amanda leaned in for another kiss. She put her hands on his cheeks and then pulled away.
“I don’t want you stuck in the middle of my situation Gordon. I mean…I like you but I don’t want to get you involved in any predicament you don’t need to be in.”
“I understand Amanda. Just remember I’ll be here for you, okay? If you need me, call and I’ll be there as soon as possible. I want to go with you.”
“I know you do but Gordon –“
“-No! I’ll not let you go alone. I can’t.”
“You have to. If you like me too you’ll let me go alone, okay?”
“I know Amanda. I just really care about you. I don’t want to lose you.”
They kissed one more time before Amanda headed out the door.
“We won’t go there together but I’ll be close by incase your stalker decides to show up.”
They traveled back to Kentucky and Amanda made it to her aunt’s house. She glanced at Gordon but he stayed in the truck until he knew the coast was clear for sure.
Once they were inside they rested. Her aunt was not home but was always welcome to stay when she needed to.
She explained more about things still in the apartment such as pictures and old family books. Amanda called the nursing home to find out about the arrangement times and told them to Gordon.
“The showing is in two hours. Do you want me to go there too?”
“Yes. I’ll tell you what he looks like before we go incase he shows.”
“No problem. I’ll keep an eye out for anyone staring at you.”
They dressed for the occasion and drove separately to the showing. A few people had already been there a while.
Amanda headed in first and Gordon stayed put for a while then headed in after. He watched for any suspicious people as they went into the funeral home. Shortly, a Mercedes Benz pulls in and parks. The sharp dressed man that gets out runs his hands through his coal black hair he slicked back and moves his sun glasses to his pocket. Dressed in a dark blue suit he heads into the funeral home. Quickly he eyes the place and signs the guest book. Bump! Gordon ‘accidentally’ bumps into the suspicious character.
“Oops, excuse me, sir.”
“Uh, no problem,” the man looks Gordon over. Gordon signs the guest book.
“Can I help you?” Gordon asks the man.
“No, I’m good. I was just wondering how you knew the lady.”
“Friend of the family.”
“Oh, ok. Well, my name is Kevin, yours?”
“Gordon J. Steele.”
“Nice. You from around here?”
“Not anymore,” Gordon tried to play it cool and not let him get any ideas. He didn’t want Kevin to stalk Amanda back to Arkansas.
Kevin seemed more interested in Gordon than finding Amanda. If I talk to him the entire time he’s here maybe he won’t bother her, but talk about what?
“So how’d you know the lady?” Gordon asked.
“I dated her daughter, fell in love, and then was dumped. I don’t know what was wrong. Maybe it was her moms’ health she was worried about. I don’t honestly know. She used to work for me and suddenly quit a couple weeks ago. Haven’t seen or heard from her since.”
“Sorry about that. She must been a good catch.”
“Yeah she is.”
“Oh. Too bad about her mom.”
“Yeah her mom was pleasant and friendly,” Gordon stated.
“Yes she was.”
Gordon played along as best he could.
The nigh went slow. Amanda tried to hide but it was hard since she was her mothers’ only true daughter.
After the funeral home closed, they went back to the apartment, separately.
“You doing alright?” Gordon asked as they walked to the apartment.
“Yes it’s just hard to look at her.”
“It’s okay. It’ll all be ok soon. This is the toughest parts.”
Gordon kissed her forehead and they held each other outside the apartment door.
“Is Kevin your stalker?”
“Yes he is. I’m glad you kept him busy. You did a great job.”
“Thanks. Hopefully I can do it tomorrow too without any problem.”
“If not, just make sure he doesn’t kidnap me, okay? I don’t know what all he could do.”
“No problem. I’m going to stay beside you tomorrow.”
“Okay. The showing tomorrow is for one hour before the funeral.”
“We’ll make it.”
They continued to talk and hold each other for some time. Amanda couldn’t help but tear up and pout. Gordon wiped her face with his thumbs.


The next day went fast. They cleaned out the apartment of Amanda and her moms’ things and put them in the truck and car. She left the furniture. It began to rain hard. Amanda changed into some comfortable clothes and Gordon did so after.
They went to the showing and funeral early. Gordon became occupied with nosey relatives and some of Amanda’s old friends stopped in asking him questions and trying t flirt as well.
Kevin showed up and sat next to Amanda in the front row. “So,” he said frightening her. His voice alone gave her chill bumps.
“So Amanda, you cold? I could take you in the back and warm you up really well.”
“That won’t be necessary.” She watched her moms’ casket looking at the wood design around the outside and the handles, trying to ignore him entirely. Where’s Gordon? She wondered.
“You’re freezing,” he ran his hands down her neck and back.
“Please stop. We’re at a funeral. My moms’ funeral. Leave me alone.”
“I’m only making conversation. Are you afraid your little boyfriend will get jealous?”
“No. More like afraid he’ll tear you up and leave you in a ditch for the stray animals and knock you out.”
“Sissy boys can’t beat me.”
“He’s not a sissy. You are you stalker!”
“I’m not a stalker or a sissy. You want me to beat that sissy thing up and prove myself to you?” Is that why you broke up with me?”
“No Kevin. Drop it. Leave me alone. You know why I broke it off with you so give it a rest. We never technically dated.”
“It’s a free country.” He continued to rub her neck and she kept pushing his hands away.
“Leave or I’ll call the cops,” Gordon pointed to the funeral home door.
“Whatever you say your majesty,” Kevin stood up and stomped out mad.
“I think he only left because there’s a crowd. You doin’ ok?” Gordon asked and sat next to her.
“Better now that he left.”
Shortly after the preacher had the funeral and they proceeded to the burial spot.
Amanda sat with her family but didn’t see Gordon anywhere. She didn’t see his truck either. She worried. Once they were done at the graveyard, Amanda drove back to the funeral home to find Gordon and Kevin fist fighting. She put her foot on the brake and stopped next to Gordon’s truck. She yelled out her window, “Stop it! Stop it now!” She stayed in her car she was so mixed up with emotion. “Stop it! I’m calling the cops Kevin!”
IT was hard to tell who would win the fistfight. They wouldn’t stop. They were both the same size and strength visually.
“Hello! I’m on sixth and Raven, here in Louisville at the funeral home. Two guys are fist fighting and I’m in my car,” Amanda screams, “Kevin just pulled out a gun!”
“Stay on the line, I’m dispatching some cops there now miss. Stay away in a safe distance.”
The fighting became verbal once Kevin pulled out a gun. Gordon tried to calm Kevin down but he kept arguing with Gordon. Kevin saw the police cars speeding in with their lights and sirens. “You don’t deserve her! I do. I love her!” Kevin screamed at the top of his lungs. Pulling the trigger, Kevin shoots at Gordon. The bullet piercing through his right side. He couldn’t get out of the way fast enough, but enough not to be killed.
The cops chased after Kevin who tried to run away and over a fence that he couldn’t jump over. Amanda quickly went out of her car to Gordon.
“I’ll be alright! I just need o stay here until the ambulance comes. I think I’ll be alright.”
It didn’t take long for the ambulance to arrive. One policeman talked to Gordon and Amanda while he was loaded up into the ambulance.
“I’ll be there as soon as I can okay?”
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”
“I’ll see you there!” Amanda bent over and kissed Gordon on the lips.
“See you there Amanda.”
Amanda went to talk to the policeman and the ambulance left for the emergency room.
After Amanda told the policeman everything, she went to see Gordon at the hospital. She was the other cops bringing Kevin to a police car near the fence and put into cuffs.
“Gordon?” Amanda asked. Pulling the curtain back, she saw Gordon asleep in the hospital bed. They had just enough time to put Gordon in the room to rest when Amanda arrived.
Amanda kissed his forehead and sat with him until he woke up on his own.
“Hey, how’re you feeling?” she asked. Gordon stretched.
“Hey, how long have I been asleep?”
“A good hour or so.”
“So did they get him?”
“Yes. There were a couple witnesses who also seen and heard the fight. After they took you to the hospital, they told the police.
So between them and me, at least 3 witnesses told the same story. Officer Greg Walsh said we didn’t have to worry about him anymore. They put him in there for resisting arrest, disturbance of the peace, and of course, attempted murder.”
“Good. I’d say we won’t ever have to worry about him anymore.”
“Do you know how much longer they’ll keep you here?”
“I’m not sure. I think they said overnight.”
“Good. Do you think you’ll be ready for us to head back home then?”
“Slowly. Possibly. The sooner the better. I called mom and dad; they’re worried to death even after I told them they put him in prison.”
“How are you doing Gordon?” asked Dr. Trammel.
“Good. I feel much better than when I was shot.”
“Yes I bet you do. We’ll be releasing you in the morning. We want to make sure you do okay through the night. You have a few stitches. The bullet went through your side but didn’t hit anything major, luckily. You will probably have a scar where the bullet went through the muscle on your side. Just take it easy a while.”
“Yes Dr. Thank you.”
“Don’t worry about a follow up unless you need to. I know you don’t live around here so if you have any problems, call me at my office, or go to the emergency room where you live. I can forward the information to the hospital if you need to see someone.”
“Thank you.”
“Be careful and take care of him young lady.”
“Thank you Doctor. I will.”
They continued to talk after the Doctor left. “I need you to do me a favor Amanda.” Gordon said.
“Anything you need Gordon!”
“Go to the grocery store and buy us some snacks for the trip tomorrow. Some pop too. This way tomorrow we can head right out and get going in the morning. The sooner we leave the sooner we can make it home.”
“okay. I’ll be back in a little bit,” Amanda bent over and kissed him. Gordon pulled her back in for a long kiss.
She did as he asked and then they rested until morning.
Their trip home seemed to be by quickly. Amanda followed him in case he needed to pull over and rest or anything.
When they pulled down the gravel road surrounded by corn, Amanda helped Gordon out of his truck. Amanda helped him into the house. He limped some because his side hurt so badly.
Gordon sat on the couch. “I’m so glad to be home.”
“Me too Gordon. IT’s so nice to be home, I mean…”
“This is your home too Amanda. Call mom and dad quick and let them know we’re here.”
“Okay. I know it’s my home too, just weird saying it.”
“I hope you stay longer,” Gordon said.
“I’ll stay as long as you want me to.”
“How about forever? I mean, kind of early to say something like that but, will you be my girlfriend?” They both blushed.
“Yes definitely! Of course Gordon!” Amanda leaned over and kissed.
Knock. Knock. “Come in!”
Gordon’s parents walked in. “Oh dear how are you feeling?” Annie quickly walked in and wobbled to the couch. Gordon’s father, William, came walking in slowly behind.
“Nice to finally meet you Amanda, I’ve heard nothing but good things about you from Annie and Bertha.”
“Bertha too? I hardly talked to her. It’s nice to finally meet you too William.”
“Bill is fine. Just Bill.”
“Okay, Bill.” Amanda shook his hand.
“I am feeling much better at this moment than I have in a long time. Amanda is my girlfriend now.”
“Oh that’s exciting! Welcome to the family dear!” Annie jumped up and down and then hugged Amanda.


Amanda took care of Gordon until he healed up well enough to work on the crops. She took care of the crops and the cow milking. Amanda went to work at the coffee shop as a waitress and worked side by side with her new best friend Bertha.
Two years later, Gordon and Amanda married in their front yard.
They lived happily ever after in their log cabin.
90% of writing is re-writing!

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98 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 2367
Reviews: 98
Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:02 pm
Qoh16 says...

Aw this story was cute and i liked it :D the only things wrong with it is it was a little fast. Pace it better. And maybe start with Amanda starting out in Kentucky and being harrassed by Kevin. Or come back to it. Because i was left wondering what was the specific incident or incidents that made her leave. The other thing was you had a little grammar and spelling mistakes. Other than i really liked this story. Keep writing!
~Life has a song for every moment in life. It is just the matter of finding the right one.~

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58 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1040
Reviews: 58
Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:04 pm
kathy45662 says...

Thanks! I do need to check the grammar and I will add some more to it. I didn't think about starting it back in Kentucky. Thanks again!
90% of writing is re-writing!

That there's some good in this world, Mr Frodo - and it's worth fighting for.
— Samwise Gamgee