
Young Writers Society

Once Upon A Time

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:11 pm
ofir says...

Once upon a time, you made me smile.

Honest, my heart would jump up to my throat, shouting "Oh NO!" yet at the same time shouting "Oh YES!" because I didn't know how to react but was completely thrilled to see you.

You made my palms sweat, and whenever I would comment on that you'd just hold them tighter, smile ever so casually and say, "I like it though." You always did know exactly how to put me at ease. Somehow, I have no idea how, you convinced me that I was exactly right for you. Perfect, in a way. Can you believe that? Perfect, me? The same me who snorts when she laughs too hard? The same me who has bad hairdays almost any other day? In what world - no, universe - is that even an option? In your world, I guess, because I refuse to believe you had lied to me.

We're so dramatic it's funny. Or almost funny, 'cause you and I aren't exactly laughing right now. We got really caught up in all the "who texted who" drama and "he didn't say it first".

I knew right off the bat that something will go wrong. I told you so, too. You had that innocent smile on, and tried to reassure me so hard, tried to make me believe that no, as a matter of a fact, not all good things will have to end - you'll see - this won't end.

It ended.


And, you see, it's not like it's this big thing at all on the surface. I can't even be mad at you. You didn't cheat on me. We didn't get in a huge fight. We just faded apart... Your stories got more and more boring, that dimple I always said was adorable was getting on my nerves, the way you hugged me didn't feel special anymore. You stopped blushing when I wrapped my hands around you from behind, and made that awful, impatient noise when I couldn't do the Math homework right, and you never walk me home anymore.

It's simple. It's time.

Some things fade.

Yes, we just faded away... on the surface. On the inside, inside my heart, it feels like we burned apart. How can such a shy word such as 'fade' describe my entire world crashing to bits? Every step you took away from me was filled with so many tears that never left my eyes. Every grey shade that added to the glazed look in your eyes was accompanied with a thousand screams from my heart, begging that somehow, please God, just somehow, don't let this end.

I watched us burst into flame. I watched us go down, in a beautiful spiral over the background of the midnight sky that lies inside my inner world. You can't tell me you didn't know, couldn't tell that this was happening. You knew. We both did. We just didn't know what to do about it. How to save this... How to love again.

We're burning apart, there is but one thread holding us together, and it's already charcole black and crumbling. When I look into your eyes, do you know what I think? I think, "Once upon a time, you made me laugh. But you don't anymore. So I'm sorry, but maybe... maybe I have to go."
Last edited by ofir on Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"if you were waiting for the opportune moment... that was it." - Captain Jack Sparrow

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:17 pm
bluepen19 says...

I really liked this story, and I could relate to it in many ways.
"Once upon a time, you made me laugh. But you don't anymore. So I'm sorry, but maybe... maybe I have to go."

This line was a great closing. It wrapped up the main idea in one sentence.
I hope you keep writing! (:

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:59 pm
DarkRain says...

shouting "Oh NO!" yet at the same time shouting "Oh YES!" because

"NO" and "YES" should not be capitalized, this is odd formatting and doesn't look professional. You should use italics instead.
how to react but was completely

Should have a comma before "but".
them tighter, smile ever so casually and say

You should have a comma before "casually".
exactly how to put me at is.

"at is"? Try different words, this is odd.
who has bad hairdays almost

"hairdays" should be changed to "hair days", it's two words.
it's funny. Or almost

The period should be a comma.
I knew right off the bat that something will go wrong.

Consider revising "off the bat".
that no, as a matter of a fact, not all good

Consider revising "no".

No, this is internet slang. Do not include this in written pieces.
it's not like it's this big thing at all on the surface.

Wordy, consider revising.
You stopped blushing when I wrapped my hands around you from behind, and made that awful, impatient noise when I couldn't do the Math homework right, and you never walk me home anymore.

Consider revising (feels like a run-on).
It's simple. It's time.

Some things fade.

Combine these paragraphs.
Every step you took away from me

Consider revising "took".
somehow, please God, just somehow, don't let this end.

Wordy, consider revising.
couldn't tell that this was happening.

Consider replacing "this" with "what", it would flow better in my opinion.
and it's already charcole black

Misspelling: "charcole" should be "charcoal".
This is a very good story! I loved it, very emotional. The only other thing I would like to mention is make sure you never begin two consecutive sentences with the same word without very good reason to do so, but other than that, great job!

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:22 pm
Nike says...

Hey, it's me Nike here to review. But, sadly there's nothing to review and I love to review. It was just that good and perfect that there was nothing to edit! Great job! I love this story soooooooo much. Ha-ha, you see? Just keep writing these kinds of things, they're beautiful.

Keep Writing!

Nike :)
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:19 pm
Amfliflier says...

This was really good. At first I thought it was going to be one of those sappy love stories that everyone seems to write now (no offense to people who still write those sappy love stories) but in the end it turned out really good and original. This was really very good, and I'm sorry for how it turned out, if it was true! :(
Forever for All <3


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Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:27 pm
Jas says...


I love this. It reminded me a lot of a story I wrote a couple months ago called 'Dear You' in the language and way that it wasn't a sappy, little love story where everything works out. It was real. This was fantastic! The descriptions were great and I loved the end. Only problem for me? Not knowing the gender of our MC. Maybe clear that up a bit, because I don't know whether to be all 'WHAT A MEAN GUY! NOT WALKING YOU HOME ANY MORE. PSH.' or be all 'WOAH, WHAT A HORRIBLE CHICK FOR BEING ALL NOT BLUSHY!'. You know what I mean? It's hard to sympathize when I don't even know the gender.

Favorite Line: I watched us burst into flame. I watched us go down, in a beautiful spiral over the background of the midnight sky that lies inside my inner world.

Grade: : A

I am nothing
but a mouthful of 'sorry's, half-hearted
apologies that roll of my tongue, smoothquick, like 'r's
or maybe like pocket candy
that's just a bit too sweet.


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Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:52 am
MUSICequalsLOVE says...

Hey. i really liked the story. i think it will relate to a lot of people. the last quote was my favorite "Once upon a time, you made me laugh. But you don't anymore. So I'm sorry, but maybe... maybe I have to go." i do hope you keep writing. =)

The fellow who thinks he knows it all is especially annoying to those of us who do.
— Harold Coffin