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Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:01 pm
eldEr says...

Spoiler! :
So, this is something I wrote a couple of days ago, because I had the block. Badly. And I needed to write something relatively creepy to get me into the mood for my novel... this just sort of happend. xD I'm not quite sure WHAT it is, but I thought I'd post it and get some opinions on it.

A dull mist seeps through the crack under the door, swirling and twisting into tiny, intricate spirals. Those spirals formed shapes, hideous beasts that hide beneath a child's bed and haunt a grown man's mind. They gnash out at you with fangs dripping with a strange, unrecognizable purple liquid. My liquid... do you like the colour, Marie? I really hope you do.

You jump back, holding staring at the creatures with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. You almost lose your resolve now, but the shriek on the other side of that horrible door has your mind made up.

You want to save him, we all know you do. Your hesitance is thinning my patience, however. You have precisely seven minutes to make up your mind to either turn and leave or open the creaky old door. Start now.

The first minute I give you is spent in hesitance. You blow your black hair out of your hazel eyes, though the curls keep falling back to where they were before. A cold sweat is hanging over your brow, seconds from dripping to the floor. The creatures have disappeared, they did almost as quickly as they had come. Now all you can do is stare with those wide, fearful eyes at the floor where they once where.

Don't worry my dear, they'll come back for you. I promise your play-mates won't be gone for very long. They're very stubborn things, I couldn't hold them back if I wanted to, and I don't, so don't you worry your pretty-- somewhat disgusting-- little head.

Oh, and by the way. You have six minutes.

You shift uneasily from foot to foot, much to my amusement. It's a simple task, my dear Marie. Walk up and open the door, that's all there is to it. Sure, the horrors on the other side will rob you of your breath and every ounce of colour that's still in your face, but all the same, it's a simple task.

Your hesitance has grown from amusing to irritating. I have no patience for irritating.

Five minutes, two until my monsters begin beating him again-- I need some fun while you're busy worrying. So selfish... so horribly selfish.

The look in your eyes is priceless, though. Fear. I see terror behind those caramel-coloured irises. Your horror is begging to melt away all of my former irritation. But you're still rocking from foot to foot, back and forth. You're making the floorboards creak, my dear Marie, and it's giving me a headache. If you would be so kind as to stop, I would much appreciate it.

You raise one hand, reach for the handle. I'm on the edge of my seat now, Marie. My eyes are bulging, and I can feel my jaw twitch. Open it my dear, just open it. I want to see your eyes, your expression, when you see what we've done to your precious man. What you've done to him.

Four minutes.

For some reason, Marie, you have pulled your hand away. Darling, why did you do that? And why are sobbing so? Come, just enter through the door. We'll take you in with open arms, feed you and make you feel welcome. Granted, we'll probably rip your soul out and feed it to the dogs afterwards, but it's the thought that counts, am I right?

“Michael?” you call out to him. Your voice is trembling. Near breaking, if I'm hearing correctly. You twist a lock of hair around your finger, chewing on your lip until it's nothing but a bleeding nub. And still, Michael hasn't answered. Hm, I wonder why?

Three minutes.

“Mar-- Marie?”

No... that was Michael's voice. Why aren't my little monsters beating him? I'm mad now. Horrified that they would dare leave him in peace. Especially after I ordered them to harm.

You jump, startled, and take three hurried steps towards the door. This does nothing to lighten my mood. Your hand is up again, will you open it? Believe me, I am now angered. Opening that door would not be your greatest interest... but I want you to open that door. Oh, do I ever want you to.

“What have they done to you Michael!?” You're shouting now, oh please don't shout. It hurts my ears, and quite frankly, Marie, your voice is irritating. Especially when it's yelling. No, the only good part about that nasally tone of yours is its scream.

“Marie... Marie don't come, okay? Promise me you'll stay out there?”

You hesitate, much to my pleasure. Indecisive are we? I thought you wanted to save your dear Michael? What a pity... what a pity indeed. You're such a horribly selfish girl. More concerned for yourself than for him. Unless you're only heading his wishes. I'll silence him soon enough.

The monsters are creeping through the door again, Marie. They're coming back for you. That mist is more real than your very skin, do you fear it? Yes, you do. I can see that's it's still there in your eyes.

And finally! They have answered to my demands! They're flogging him again, whips, knives... oh it's so wonderful! And he's screaming, shrieking in pain and terror... Oh Marie, it's the most delightful thing in the world! And you're out there, unable to experience it!

Two minutes, love.

One of the mist beasts lashes out at you, snapping at your knees with its heinous fangs. You shriek, kicking at it. Michael's calling for you on the other side of the door, though your name can hardly be made out. His voice carries too much pain. It's so beautiful, that pain.

Do you hear that Marie? Did you hear Michael's shrieks? Oh, what fun it is to see that look, that horrified expression, spread across your delicate features. Enjoy them with me darling; enjoy them or loathe them. Whichever you please, it brings me joy either way.

Without a second thought, you reach towards the handle, kicking at the mist beasts, stomping them. I don't mind, though. They won't be hurt, they're only vapours, after all. Where this new resolve of yours has come from, I'm not quite sure. Maybe I have misjudged you, Marie. Maybe you're young, twenty-year-old heart is stronger than I thought.

You reach up to the handle for the third time, hesitating as your fingers hover on the cold brass. They brush it, but you don't turn the handle. Why?

You have one minute.

One of the mist beasts is coming back through the door for a second attempt. You stomp it into the floorboards, and gain courage. The door creaks as you push it open. So you've decided to join Michael in his pain have you? Well, that's just dandy. Two dolls in my play house, what fun! And what's better yet is the way your eyes are widening, and oh! Oh, the tears! You're making me want to squeal in delight, Marie!

You watch, quivering, as Michael looks up at you. That blonde hair you loved so much, can you see it? It's caked in blood, and there's red dripping from gashes and gouges all over that wonderful body of his. Funny though, it hardly looks wonderful anymore. Those muscles you loved so much... there's hardly any flesh left on them at all. In my opinion, this is an improvement? What do you think my dear?

You rush to his side, obviously disagreeing with me, and fall to your knees. Your hand grasps his, and his blood drips onto your skin. Your love for him makes me want to vomit, but I'll refrain. My little pets already have enough to clean up as it is. Speaking of which, Marie, you may want to run. They're after you again, all claws and gnarled faces, sharp fangs and blood-lust.

You jump back from Michael's side, away from that stone table. Michael groans, and you look back. This is so very amusing... oh so amusing indeed! Those tears... they're all over. You're too afraid to even scream. Petrified with this incredible terror.

Your last minute is up.

Of course, you've already gone through the door, which means I shouldn't be counting anymore. And you still want to save him, don't you? You want this destroyed hunk of bloody flesh to be whole, to be yours. I can see it in your eyes, Marie. It's a look I can't understand.

Nightmares don't understand these things, I'm afraid. Love, empathy... it's much too confusing.

You walk back to Michael, shoving off a beast as you pass. You aren't even afraid of them anymore. Why aren't you afraid of them Marie? They terrified you not seven minutes ago... Or perhaps you don't even notice them. They just don't matter to you.

The edges of this dark room are fading. Our time together is running out. Somebody's shaking your shoulder on the other side, just as you lean down to kiss Michael, and a few tears fall into the gashes on his cheek. I can feel it. It's increasing your trembling, in fact, you're shoulder is having a spasm.

You're screaming, Marie. I don't know why, but I can say that I'm exstatic to have heard it. Such a sweet sound, those horrified cries you humans make. I've been waiting so long to hear that. A whole seven or eight minutes of waiting.

One more scream, and you bolt up-right in bed. Your husband, your dear Michael, is beside you, hand on your shoulder. No gashes, no scrapes. You're in your apartment in downtown New York City. The lamp on your bedside table is on, glowing throw the shade. You can't hear the hum, but I can. It's down-right irritating. Just like everything else in this pathetic human world of yours.

Michael's whispering soothing words into your ear. You lean over, head resting on his chest, and cry. Did I really do that good a job of all this? Considering the look on his face as you give him the details, I'd think so. He looks as horrified as you were. I can't help but wonder if it's horror for you, his wife, or the pain you put him through. The pain I put him through.

Finally, you're calming down, falling back to sleep in his arms. Disgusting, that's what it is. Love... it makes me sick.

I can't touch you when you feel so safe, when Michael feel so disturbingly protective. You're lucky Marie, lucky your newlywed really does love you. But I'll be here Marie, lurking in your shadow, never seen but ever present.
Last edited by eldEr on Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:30 pm
Nike says...

WOW. This is really good. Oh my gosh, it's just perfectly written.
Keep Writing!
Nike :)

PS- I'm a fan!
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:52 pm
LookUpThere says...

This was, in the end, simply average. It wasn't overly amazing or terribly bad. And that's because of several things:

The Bad
:arrow: The Narrator
The Narrator was a little bad in my opinion. True, his sarcasm caught my ear, but sometimes it sounded repetitive. How many times does he say he loves her screams. He (a) doesn't interact with the main character - I get that that's the whole thing, it's a nightmare, I know. But I don't mean concrete interaction, he can even nudge her or call her or make the floorboards creak loudly or mess with her thoughts or something other than watch from a dark corner - and (b) he's not constant. It sometimes felt like you were shifting gears, and I'm talking POV here. That wasn't bad, but I just thought you might want to watch out for that when you write your novel. At first I thought he was talking to me, and then people in general, but finally I realized it was Marie (When he talked to her directly, anyway).

:arrow: It was all too straightforward. I understand that there's nothing wrong with that, but at certain points in the story it felt like you were leading us on to something greater. It was like an Anti-Climax. Oh... it turns out that Michael really WAS getting the rubbish beaten out of him. Shame. I really thought maybe he was a little guilty of something and that the monsters were just symbolic. (BUT REMEMBER: I don't want to tell you how to write your story, and I understand that by making it deeper, it can turn cliche)

The Good:

:arrow: You kept the tension. You managed not to repeat how many minutes left but creatively showed it in different ways.
:arrow: Awesome beginning, awesome end.
:arrow: Your characters felt more real as we met them more
:arrow: Your creatures were fairly convincing.

All in all, as I say. Average. It needs touching up, and you should consider the phrase 'Brevity = Correctitude'. It makes everything so much more fun.

Thanks for the great read,

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Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:19 pm
Meep(: says...

Whee! Does this mean my muffin of inspiration worked? xD
Hey Isha, Meep(: here to give my $0.02 :D
I did a quick read and just this one error made me pause:
Isha wrote:I can't touch you when you feel so safe, when Michael feel feels so disturbingly protective.

Anyhoo! I certainly wasn't puking rainbows or feeling all mushy inside after reading this romance xD
You fared great with the descriptions of horror, yay for you!
As for the narrator, he seems to be overloaded with complaints and sarcasm. While you've certainly made him (or her?) sound evil, it can get annoying occasionally as it feels like he's trying too hard to show that he's the bad guy.
That is my main, and probably only beef with this piece.

Otherwise, this was a pleasant read! I liked the plot (though not so much as a romance piece xD) and your descriptions are vivid :D

Hope I could help and good luck with your novel! (Writer's block can be a real pain in the posterior!)
~Liverpool F.C Supporter~
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Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:56 pm
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deirdredawne says...

I agree with the above.
In the beginning I was intrigued and quite interested, imagining Marmee Noir from the Anita Blake novels in this 'narrator'.

But it became repetitive and I found myself wishing for something not sure what though. TheNewHero explained a bit of it.

I did enjoy the ending though, and my own annoying, evil, narrating judge in my head quieted down to the happy ending.

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Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:17 am
aliepalie says...

Oh my.. How I love this story!
Well done!
I was really wondering who the person was who did all this to her, but to my surprise it wasn't a person at all.
And the happy ending was not quite as I expected for I didn't know it was all a nightmare.
I love it!
Keep up the good work.
Living on the edge of sanity

Sometimes I'm terrified of my heart; of its constant hunger for whatever it is it wants. The way it stops and starts.
— Poe