
Young Writers Society

A Spirit Within

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Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:39 pm
aksinger291 says...

“A spirit with in”

If you go to Glenwood, east of Springfield you will find a valley with two trees. One bearing apples and one was a pine tree. Over the valley there was a city. But on the other side was a village. The city was so large in population that they built homes in the valley to make more room for houses. One particular house on the tip of valley lived a fourteen-year-old girl with her mother and father and her little brother James. Her name was Melody and she had a passion for music. She enjoyed writing songs and piano sheet music for her church. Though she never dared to sing in front of anyone. She went to school like any other ordinary girl would. She would keep an extensive journal that was very specific of her day. She always got A’s in class and never spoke up that much. Everyone thought she was just a regular person like every other child in the city. A typical teenager every one thought but she had a passion bigger that the sunset. One Halloween night she decided to go to the valley by her self. She went the pine tree and sat down and gazed at the stars. Out of nowhere she heard a whisper saying her name “melody.” But as she wondered it might be some one else. She gasped no one but me has that name. She turned and looked at the tree and there was an arrow carved pointing down. Melody was curious so she began digging in the spot. She found a box with a journal in it. She grabbed the box and ran quickly up the hill and jumped through the window in her room and sat at her computer desk. She refreshed her screen to find and IM saying, “Melody as a breeze called thy name, you responded with a question. Such a troubled minds like a teenager whose dreams will devour a nation. You have found my journal and you have an opportunity to shine. Read my journal and be inspired. “Knock, knock,” called James. “James what do you want I am doing homework!” “No you aren’t you are reading and IM I am smarter you know I am almost ten!” “Yeah well Okay maybe I am but promise you will go in your room and sleep right now it is past your bed time!” “What’s in it for me.” “I will make you pancakes tomorrow.” “Promise?” “I promise.” So Melody turned around to find that the IM is gone. She went to her history on her AIM and it said no IM received. That is ridiculous she thought! It was just here. Or was it? She turned around grabbed the box and opened it up. She found a book with dust on it. With a blow she revealed the wooden book. Carved in it was the date 1867. She opened it up and saw full pages of cursive writing in it. The entries were full of inspiring words of hope and love. Melody fell asleep with the journal in her hands. As she awakens the next morning with her brother on her yelling, “Where are my pancakes you promised?” “Alright, alright I an getting up.” Melody walks into the kitchen and makes him pancakes. She walks into the bathroom noticing her skin looked darker. ‘That’s odd she thought,” as she washed her face. She got ready for school and got on the bus and sat in seat 16 by her self-reading the journal. “With a valley of the sun, with a hill as a burden.” “A lost soul waits for you, glistening in a gown at the table under the tree for a tea party.” “These visions haunt me reminding me of my past that I have wasted.” “Melody, Melody!” called the bus driver. “Dear we are here it is time to get off.” “Oh my goodness, I am so sorry Lillian it will never happen again.” “That’s all right dear, you seem tired today. I hope you are not sick!” “No I am fine I promise, Have a nice day.” As Melody went through the day all of her teachers asked “Are you feeling well?” And she would reply with a weak “Yes.” Another day she thought just a wasted day. Melody got home and refreshed her computer screen and saw an IM from name unknown. “Such a pretty site seeing you again while you are being filled with my wisdom of writing.” “Pretty site?” thought Melody “You can’t see me so how am I pretty site. The chat continued “Read my journal and understand it, there is a song in there some where, which I think it will inspire you.” The book called her name with a whisper. Melody was frightened. She opened the book to a page that had a song on it. She began crying as she thought how beautiful and true it was. Melody went to the pine tree in the valley and sat down. She began singing.
“As a soul lets go, in a passionate way.”
“A voice of hope stands out.”
“Nobody recognizes her”
“But they know her name”
“Melody sweetly sings, as a ray of hope to all.”
“As a voice calls out your name.”
“Thunder from heaven strikes.”
“A heroine in the midst of the valley.”
“Like a bird in the sky flying towards heaven.”
“Saying peace to all who sees me fly.”

“That was beautiful,” said a young mans voice. “Whose there?” called Melody. “No fear for me, I am Peter I live in the village over the valley. Don’t you live on the other side? “Yes, I do,” stuttered Melody “Why haven’t I seen you before. “We live in different worlds and We just pass each other by every time, but your voice and that song what was that?” “Oh, I found a journal under the pine tree and I have been getting weird messages on my IM and I came down here and I found it and I just knew the words. It’s like it came to me some how.” “May I see the book your holding, Miss?” “Oh sure,” said Melody. “Wow, so you found it right here? That’s amazing, you have a lovely voice.” “Thanks, I have always wanted to sing in the church choir but I have been to afraid to.” “I would come if you do. Whenever you are brave enough tell me and I might go to church with you one day.” “Okay, deal. Well I sort of have to go my mom and dad might be home soon and they will get mad but I will see you here sometime.” “Okay goodbye miss Melody.” Melody walks back up to her house turning around occasionally seeing if Peter was still there. After Melody had done her homework. She opened her window and felt the breeze and she lay on her bed reading the journal. Melody falls asleep and has a dream. Her dream was of her singing in the church the song. She is awoken by a flute noise that carried and echoed through the valley. She looked out her window and saw Peter sitting under the pine tree playing a song that sounded like the song in the journal. The next day was Saturday so again Melody went to the pine tree in the valley. She began singing. “As a soul lets go, in a passionate way.” As she continued Peter came down the hillside. “Peter, tomorrow I want to sing that song under one condition, you have to play your flute with me.” “I am not sure Melody,” He stuttered “I am afraid.” “Don’t be my church will except you. Tomorrow my mom and dad are going out of town and brother is going to a friends house so tomorrow morning I will come here and we will walk up the hill and go to the church okay.” “Whatever you say Melody and I am putting my faith in you.” “Do not worry, I have never sang for anyone before but you, you thought I was okay and I am taking a chance, ever since I found this journal my life has been changed in many ways and you are one of them.” “Okay I will meet you tomorrow.” The rest of the day Melody was in her room reading the journal. “A soul captured doing the wrong thing, a loved one caught in harms way.” “No one knew what happened until it dead.” “It affects the song and it affects the way the two tribes feel against each other.” “If the barrier is broken, then some one will be sacrificed.” “Wow that is deep.” Melody walked over to her computer screen and found a chat from unknown saying, “Never forget, your actions have consequences.” Melody responded, “What do you mean?” Unknown replied, “You will find out.”
That night Melody did not get that much sleep. She kept thinking about what the IM had said. “Your actions have consequences.”
So the next morning Melody headed to the valley to meet Peter. Peter had a distressed look on his face. Melody ignored it and they both headed to the city. As they both walked through town the town people began staring. Melody ignored it but once she looked over at Peter she saw that his face was red with fear and anger.
Suddenly, sirens screeched and they both stopped.
“Melody,” a police offer said.
“Your friend is under arrest for trespassing on town property.”
“What! How could he be arrested when we are just going to church for us to perform.”
“I am sorry Melody, but he is under arrest.”
Peter was dragged away by the policemen and she was left standing there. She began crying and ran back to her house. Melody ran into her room and collapsed on her bed from exhaustion. She awoke at nine o’clock from her IM ding. With her being light headed she made her way to the computer and saw an IM from unknown. It read, “With your mind now clear with out a doubt separation will take place. Unknown message and unknown thoughts have brought you together but now fate has broken a friendship forever. But no one would ever know the secret.”
“What does this mean?” Melody went to the kitchen and turned on the television to find the Eyewitness news on. “Today in custody is a robber named Peter Longstem. He has been on the loose for months and he was allegedly going to church with a friend. Melody Hopkins was the girl who was with him and she acted dumb founded at the scene. Maybe she was clueless. Or may be she was trying to protect the one she loved.”
Melody dropped the bowl of Chef Boyardee and it shattered and she ran to her room and grabbed her shoes with the journal and ran outside. Melody ran down the hill and went to the pine tree and kneeled and began crying. She began digging and mumbling to her self.
“This stupid book is telling my life story. It is telling my future and it is ruining my life.”
Then a bright light shown behind and as Melody turned around an image of an Indian princess was coming toward her.
That night the image of the ghost sang the song in the journal. Melody had fallen asleep at the pine tree that night and awoke early morning. She ran back up to her room and felt her life had changed. Later that day she ran to the pine tree and tried to find the book and there was no book there. It was like everything was a dream. Nobody knows what happened to Melody. But the Legacy of the Indian princess still lives on in the valley of Glenwood.

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Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:37 pm
Lady Sydney says...

Eek! :shock: Blocks and blocks of words! >.< You may want to try and space out your paragraphs. When you have them all mushed together like this, it makes your story like sloppy and it makes your readers feel overwhelemed. Space it out, and I'll try to come back and critique it. Right now, though, I just can't. I have issues with reading blocks. ^_^ lol

And also please be aware that we have a rule here that states you must critique two other pieces of work before posting your own. Not only is it a rule, but it's also polite. ^_^ Then, after you've created your two reviews, you have to post two crits for every one thing that you post. This will keep a balanced 2:1, critting to writing ratio.

If this seems confusing, please feel free to PM and I'll be more than happy to clarify. Welcome to the site, by the way!

Formerly known as Silly Sydstix... as well as Aquarius Angel.

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Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:05 am
yoha_ahoy says...

Augh! Space your paragraphs and I'll come back. Please!!
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Wed Feb 06, 2008 5:22 pm
Sweeney_Todd says...

Silly Sydstix is right, you have blocks of words. And you may want to double-check on the forms of words that you use, like "accept" and "except".

'To Accept' is to take in, to invite in as one's own.

'To Except' is to leave out, to exclude or omit.

Your story line is interesting, and the plot is definitely something worth expanding on. I'd like to hear more about Peter. Where is he from? Why is he a theif? How good is he as a musician?
Your journey began before you manifested in physical form here on this planet and will not cease when that physical representation of yourself is no longer capable of interacting with this world.
~Silver Ravenwolf (Wiccan Author)

Rick FTW!!!!!

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Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:25 pm
keirab says...

Please, space your paragraphs out!! I started to read it but it just got to be too much...space it out, then I'll read the rest...
Sgt: Now, it's quite simple to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana. First of all you force him to drop the banana; then, second, you eat the banana, thus disarming him. You have now rendered him 'elpless.
Palin: What if he's got a bunch?

We always talk about the "doers" and "dreamers" but I'd like to give a big shoutout to the "tryers".
— Hannah Hart