
Young Writers Society

Shakespeare's Sonnet's are my bible.

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Sat Aug 04, 2007 7:58 pm
Alice says...

Alright about half way through I swiched POV and i'm not sure if I caught everything, so please keep an eye out for that. Thank you. And is it too cliche?

The soft music resonated throughout the room, and I couldn’t help but react. “Lips of an Angel” always did that to me, I couldn’t help but sway by myself. Oh, where was my Prince Charming when I needed him? I glanced onto the dance floor, of course, he was dancing with Aja.

What did he see in her? She wasn’t pretty, but in popularity, well, she had that in spades. But Jason wasn’t the type to date someone because of popularity. I thought myself pretty, and in all truths I was. Jason and I would make a great couple; I was almost sure about that.

I hadn’t realized that I had closed my eyes until I felt familiar arms wrap around me. I opened my eyes and smiled at Adrian. It pained me to realize I would lose him, and everything else I held dear. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fair for a fourteen-year-old girl to be diagnosed terminally ill. It wasn’t fair to me, and it defiantly wasn’t fair to my family. My friends didn’t even know.

“Hey doll face,” he said.

I grimaced, “I hate that endearment,” I teased my big brother like friend.

He tilted his head towards the ceiling and they started to sway, “how about: a stoirion?”

I smiled, “I really hate it when you use Gaelic.”

He bent his head down to meet my gaze a little easier, “no you don’t, you love it don’t you?”

I blushed slightly, but the already flush color of my cheeks hid it. School dances were always awkward, but the heat that formed in the gym because of the dancers hid my blushing. The dance was not the rocking-swaying step, though dizziness began to wash over me.

I'm just too hot, I thought. But when I felt my knees grow weak, I had to sit down.

I fled from Adrian’s arms and ran out of the gym. Running wasn’t a good idea; as soon as I was out of sight I was gripping the wall for support. What was happening? I hadn’t felt this dizzy since I went on my medication, and that’s when it hit her, Oh, my God I didn’t take my medications today!

"Ava?" Jason sounded concerned. I tried to smile, but the feat escaped me- staying vertical was hard enough at the moment. "You look like crap." I felt him guiding me somewhere, and he sat me down at what seemed to be a bench.

I moved my head- I wasn't really sure if it was a nod or a shake. I really didn't want him to worry, but it was too late for those kinds of thoughts."

“Did that Adrian kid hurt you?”

I shook my head, clearing away some of the fuzz, “Adrian would never hurt me.” I shook my head, it was impossible for Adrian to hurt me. I was sure that he loved me, but he was more like a big brother than anything. “He didn’t do anything,” I insisted.

Jason wrapped his arm around me, and I felt swallowed by him. I forgot how big he was! “What’s wrong then?”

I paused, waving my hand in front of my face, “nothing, it just got too hot in there.”

“Would you like me to walk you home?”

I wanted to go home, and in some far off fantasy I hoped that Jason would walk me home, but I never actually believed that it would happen. Grateful for some company, I nodded, “that would be great thanks.” I rose onto unsteady feet, “I’ll just grab my coat and say good-bye to Adrian.”

It was hard to keep my feet under me but somehow I did. I walked to the giant pile of coats and pulled mine out: A black and blue Parka with fake fur around the hood, jammed deep within the pockets were my house keys, my parents were out for the night and for some reason they trusted me enough to still let me go to the dance.

I spotted Adrian out near the dance floor, leaning against the wall looking down pitifully. Taking a deep breath I marched across the dance floor quickly, “Adrian!” I shouted and he looked up. I had to take a couple more breaths to make up for the one I just spent. No more skipping medicine! I scolded myself.

We started walking towards each other; we reached each other before I got very far. Stupid medications, made me go slow! “Adrian I’m sorry for running like that, it just got really hot in here and I felt like I was going to puke.” Not a total lie, I got nauseous when I got too hot, always had.

He stroked my straight brown hair, brushing it away from my sweat-plastered face, “are you okay? Would you like me to walk you home?”

I shook my head, “no, Jason found me and is going to walk me home.”

“Be careful around him, Ava, he’s… trouble.” He tucked my hair behind my ear; a gesture that he must’ve hoped said everything he wanted to say without saying it. He wanted to say that he loved her; despite how dumb of a thing it was, he was fifteen after all! But he did, he loved her, and I found all this out through the glory of blogs.

“Adrian,” I said softly, “I don’t need you to take care of me.”

“Aye,” his brogue was impossible to miss, beautifully rich and soothing, a voice he called on when he needed it, and apparently right now he needed it, oh joy. “I don’t need to take care of you, but” he lightened his tone, “I like to.”

Adrian didn’t talk like a fifteen-year old; he talked more like a vampire from one of my favorite books. I didn’t read much anymore, I had to sum up an entire life in just a few years, grab life by the horns and take it for a ride.

Feeling uncomfortable, I hugged him and turned away. I met Jason in the hall and knew I was pale, “are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine; I’m just a little tired.”

Jason wasn’t convinced, and as I wobbled he wrapped an arm around my waist to steady me. He was sixteen and could easily hold me up if she kept my feet beneath me. Oh God, he was cute too. Blond hair, baby blue eyes, and well… he was just freaking hot!

He kept his arm around me waist all the way to her house; he stopped outside the door, to let me unlock it. I was tempted to invite him in, for a Sodapop or something, but I thought better of it. I leaned up and kissed his cheek in a thank you.

“Thanks,” I said opening the door, “you should probably get back to the dance, Aja must be wondering where you went.” I shut the door, leaving him standing outside with a bemused expression on his face.

I immediately went into my room and fell asleep in my clothes. I didn’t know what my medicine would do if I took it at night and again in the morning, and I didn’t want to screw up my schedule.

When the alarm went off in the morning I shut it off and went into the bathroom, there was a large assortment of pills in the medicine cabinet that I was supposed to take. I was way too tired to figure out how much I was supposed to take of which, so thank God for the daily medicine arranger.

I swallowed the entire Friday set with one gulp and put the medicine back in the cabinet. After school I’d have to refill the container, homework task number one. If I didn’t have my medicine in the mornings I wasn’t as lucky as the night before. Usually I’d lose all her energy and pass out on the floor, whenever that happened though; I seemed to be near stairs...

When my cell phone rang I didn’t need to look at the name before answering, the ring-tone was the one I picked out for Adrian.

“Hey Adrian.”

“Hey, need a ride to school?”

“I’d love one thanks.”

“Great, I’ll be outside in twenty minutes.”

“More than enough time.”

We hung up simultaneously. I couldn’t help but laugh, Adrian was one weird-o boy. His Irish accent was somewhat authentic, he inherited it from his parents, but he was born and raised in the town he lived in now. His name wasn’t at all Irish either, nothing but his accent was Irish like. At least to me, but he was my best friend and he had a car, hardly any more walking to school.

When he honked the horn I scooped up my backpack and slid down the banister and out the door. The first of my classes went by quickly, but I noticed several people looking at me and either giggling, scoffing, or turning away with an infuriated look on their face.

“Ava!” Adrian ran up to me in the hall, “Ava how- how could you?”

“How could I what?”

He took her by the elbow and led her to behind a pop machine, “how could you… God, I don’t want to say it.”

“Adrian what do you think I’ve done?”

“Everyone’s saying you kissed Jason last night, open mouth, tongue, the whole cha-bang, he’s apparently bragging about it.”

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped, “that bastard!” she couldn’t help but let the word escape her lips, “Adrian, I swear I didn’t French Jason! You I kissed him on the cheek, that’s it!”

In this small world I lived in, a kiss was the most scandalous thing you could get away with.

Adrian looked relieved, oh Adrian, he only needed to hear me say it didn’t he? If I denied it, there’s no way it could be true. “Okay, good.” He braced himself against the wall with his arm and at the same time somewhat trapped me there under his gaze.

Something formed inside of me then, something burning in my chest, and before I knew what I was doing I had stood on my tip toes and kissed him. So much for the big brother concept. The fire inside me went out with that kiss, but also so did my stamina. I dropped her books and collapsed too little oxygen.

I didn’t think that it would hit me like that, and in front of Adrian. But it was better that he knew now.

“Ava!” he shouted as he dropped his books and caught me, he wasn’t as strong as Jason was so it was harder for him to support me. Even though I remained conscious I couldn’t regain my balance.

After a long time I managed somehow to my feet, with a lot of help from Adrian. I still felt faint and knew I had to get to the office and call my doctor. “Adrian I have to call someone.”

“Ava, what’s going on?”

I swallowed, I didn’t want to tell him, but he deserved to know, “I’m…dying.”


“I’m terminally ill, I’ve probably got a few years with all the drugs they got me jacked up on.”

“Why didn’t you tell me before?” He held me in his arms as if he could stop death from reaching me, I felt comforted by his touch.

“I didn’t want you to… I didn’t want anybody at school to know, I’m already considered a freak as it is, telling people I’ve got an incurable disease would be worse than Siberia! Anyways I need to call my doctor, find out why this happened, I forgot to take my medicine yesterday, but I did today.”

“Is that why you were acting so strange last night?”

I nodded against his chest, when we started to move my knees buckled but I managed to steady them. I was so relieved that classes had started and nobody could see them, the last thing she wanted was for people to know. Even if the disease couldn’t be spread through the air, it was harder to spread than HIV.

When we reached the pay phone I pulled out the change saved for something like this and dialed my doctor’s cell number.

“Um… Doctor Brown? I have a question, its Ava.”

“Ah Ava, shouldn’t you be in class?”

“Yeah but I kinda fainted.”

“You fainted? When?”

“Just now, I was just wondering if forgetting to take my pills yesterday would affect it, would it?”

“Ava you have to remember to take your medicine!” my doctor scolded, “That’s probably why, and if you take your medicine every day you should be fine.”

“Okay, thanks Dr. Brown, and I have one more question.”


“What did the test results say?”

“You’ve got about four years left, give or take six months,” there was a mournful tone to her voice, but that gave me a little happiness, I didn’t expect to survive the next year.

“Thank you Doctor Brown.” I hung up the phone, turned and kissed Adrian again. “If you want to run, I’ll understand, but you will miss out on four more years with me.”

“You’ve got four years?”

“That’s three more than I expected,” My arm went around his waist, happiness had fueled me for a bit, and I could walk. “So, will you stay and risk your heart? Or do the smart thing and bolt.”

“You sound like you want me to bolt, when honey, I’m not going anywhere.”

Three years, six months, seven days and approximately two hours later…

I sat in the hospital bed; the fluorescent lights were giving me a headache, but that probably wasn’t the only thing. I smiled when Adrian walked in.

“Hey, honey,” he said and kissed my forehead. “I gotcha something.” He handed me a small package with green wrapping paper and a golden ribbon.

“You’re sister wrapped this didn’t she?” I teased.

“I can wrap you know,” he defended himself.

“She tied the bow then, you’re fingers are too big to do something with such a small thing.”

“Just open it.”

I did as he requested I gently took the ribbon off and laid it on my lap, there was no hope for the wrapping paper. Within a minute it lay in shreds over the ribbon. I now held in my hands a book of Shakespeare’s Sonnets. I grinned.

“You brought me the bible!”

He looked confused, “I brought you Shakespeare’s Sonnets,” he said cautiously.

“Hon, a copy Shakespeare’s Sonnets is my bible.”

Bring it on death, I knew it was coming, but I didn’t care. Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow, live today like there was no tomorrow. And what did tomorrow matter? I had a love, and a copy of my Bible, with the real one tucked underneath my pillow.

Last edited by Alice on Sun Aug 05, 2007 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
I just lost the game.

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Sat Aug 04, 2007 10:39 pm
Twit says...

Nice. :)

Romantic fiction's not really my thing, but this was alright. The ending was a bit too rushed, just like, "Here's some Shakespeare for you" "Oh wow, thanks, now I can die in peace!"

I can't do a line-by-liner right now, but there wasn't much to pick out anyway. :D

Just stuff like this:

author13 wrote:“That’s three more than I expected,” My arm went around his waist...

Comma needs to be a full stop.
"TV makes sense. It has logic, structure, rules, and likeable leading men. In life, we have this."


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Sat Aug 04, 2007 11:17 pm
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! You've got a grammar mistake in the title! "Shakespeare's Sonnets are My Bible".


Eh....romance. :P

Overall, it's a nice idea, but something like this needs to be BAM-short or reeeeeeeally long.

Oh, where was my Prince Charming when she needed him?

Errr...you're changing PoVs here, and it's annoying.

She wasn’t pretty, but in popularity, well, she had that in spades. But Jason wasn’t the type to date someone because of popularity.

He bent his head down to meet my gaze a little easier, “no you don’t, you love it don’t you?”

"He bent down, meeting my gaze. "No, you don't. You love it, don't you?""

They weren’t swaying much but I started to feel dizzy, I was just too hot, I thought. But when I felt my knees growing slightly weak, I had to sit down.

I would re-phrase that something along the lines of, "The dance was not the rocking-swaying step, though dizziness began to wash over me.

I was just too hot, I thought. But when I felt my knees grow weak, I had to sit down.

“Ava?” Jason’s voice asked as he rounded the corner, he sounded concerned. I wanted to smile but staying vertical right now was the most I could do. “Ava,” he turned to look at me, “whoa, you don’t look so good.” He took my by the arm and found a place to sit down. “Are you okay?”

Whoa, whoa! Break this up a bit! This paragraph is awkward.

""Ava?" Jason sounded concerned. I tried to smile, but the feat escaped me- staying vertical was hard enough at the moment. "You look like crap." I felt him guiding me somewhere, and he sat me down at what seemed to be a bench."

Eh, "crap" is definitely a fourteen-year-old thing to say. :D

I nodded, I didn’t want him to him to worry, oops too late for that.

"I moved my head- I wasn't really sure if it was a nod or a shake. I really didn't want him to worry, but it was too late for those kinds of thoughts."

Errr....yeah. I have this bad habit of re-writing certain sections that annoy me, so....yeah, d'you see the main things I'm nitpickin' at?

You have this way of going, "I/character (verb), (Ava's thoughts), (random verb)" and "I/character (verb), "(random blah blah blah from character)"and frankly, it's driving me up the wall.

Over all, I didn't like it. But I'm very choosy when it comes to what I like and what I don't like about fiction, so don't judge by me!

I suggest you proofread it again, and be sure to look for missing words, because you've got quite a few of 'em missing the audition.

Also, I didn't really care about Ava or Adrian. You don't really have character development aside from Ava, and that's only because she's the narrator.

Once again, this kind of story has to be a really short or a really long story. No middle ground.

On the last bit: as Twitters mentioned, it was much too rushed. It's basically: "Here. I got you Shakespeare." "Oh. Thanks." :curtains close:
So consider lengthening it. :)

PM me if you have any questions on my review,

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Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:12 pm
Night Mistress says...

"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

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Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:10 pm
Leja says...

The soft music resonated throughout the room, and I couldn’t help but react. “Lips of an Angel” always did that to me, I couldn’t help but sway by myself.

As soon as you mentioned the song's title I cringed because I can't stand that song. I don't see how it's relevent to the story either, so I vote to take it out.

She wasn’t pretty, but in popularity, well, she had that in spades.

This sentence has a lot of commas. Sometimes I read it and it sounds cool, sometimes I read it and think that it's a big run on.

It pained me to realize I would lose him, and everything else I held dear.

The "it pained me" part made me want to roll my eyes. That is cliche in my opinion. Elaborate here. How did it pain her? Did she cry every night? Want to jump off a building? I'm exaggerating a bit, but as it is, there is no emotion.

[qutoe]“Hey doll face,” he said.

doll face, hehe, I like.

It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fair for a fourteen-year-old girl to be diagnosed terminally ill. It wasn’t fair to me, and it defiantly wasn’t fair to my family. My friends didn’t even know.

This is, for the character, a self depricating, woe-is-me rant, and reads like an info-dump.

I grimaced, “I hate that endearment,” I teased my big brother like friend.

If someone called you something annoying, would you tell them "I hate that endearment" or would you say something like "give it a rest already" or "shut up, blockhead"? Additionally, it should be written in a way that the reader picks up on the fact that she's teasing her brother like a friend, rather than being told by the author.

I also don't know any brother/sister who are that hug-gy, especially at a school dance.

I blushed slightly, but the already flush color of my cheeks hid it. School dances were always awkward, but the heat [s]that formed[/s] in the gym[s] because of the dancers[/s] hid my blush[s]ing[/s]. The dance was not the rocking-swaying step, though dizziness began to wash over me.

I struck the parts I did because the important part is the fact that no one saw her blush, not so much why no one saw her blush. The last sentence was strange; I don't know what purpose it serves by being there: I don't see how the type of "step" equates to dizziness.

I hadn’t felt this dizzy since I went on my medication, and that’s when it hit her, Oh, my God I didn’t take my medications today!

POV change! :wink:

In my opinion, the names Ava and Aja are too similar to use in the same story, unless you're trying to hilight how similar Ava and Aja are, and even then, it's a thin line to tread.

I grimaced, “I hate that endearment,” I teased my big brother like friend.

I shook my head, it was impossible for Adrian to hurt me. I was sure that he loved me, but he was more like a big brother than anything. “He didn’t do anything,” I insisted.

I'm confused: are Ava and Adrien brother and sister or do they act like brother and sister?

“Be careful around him, Ava, he’s… trouble.” He tucked my hair behind my ear; a gesture that he must’ve hoped said everything he wanted to say without saying it. He wanted to say that he loved her; despite how dumb of a thing it was, he was fifteen after all! But he did, he loved her, and I found all this out through the glory of blogs.

This seems like it's a POV change, but it... isn't really; it's more like Ava's talking about herself and Adrien objectively in third person, like if I were to say "Amelia is having a fun time critiquing, but Amelia should go fix lunch, etc."

I also find his character a little too perfect-prince-charming like. He's protective and caring, but he trusts Ava and he trusts Jason to be alone with her, which doesn't seem very... human... let alone teenage-boy-like (though as I'm not a teenage boy, I suppose I don't know for certain).

“Aye,” his brogue was impossible to miss, beautifully rich and soothing, [s]a voice he called on when he needed it, and apparently right now he needed it, oh joy[/s].

The first part: *grins*
The struck part: you're gettin' mushy in my opinion.

“I don’t need to take care of you, but” he lightened his tone, “I like to.”

About this sentence: if he's talking like this, then why aren't Adrien and Ava together? Why is he admitting this? Is it in his haracter to be hyper-confident? If so, see where you can fade this character trait into the other times we see him in the story. It goes back to my perfect prince point from earlier.

Adrian didn’t talk like a fifteen-year old; he talked more like a vampire from one of my favorite books. I didn’t read much anymore, I had to sum up an entire life in just a few years, grab life by the horns and take it for a ride.

Why is it that Adrian doesn't talk like a fifteen year old? >.< I know what book you're talking about. This is unfortunate, however, because you shouldn't use other stories to characterize your character. I'm a little nervous it's veering into fanfic territory, actually. The part about not reading much at the end was an uncharacteristic tangent and sounded like it's meant more for a sig line than a character.

Feeling uncomfortable, I hugged him and turned away. I met Jason in the hall and knew I was pale, “are you okay?"

I'd think there'd be some tag to give more information here. Like she hugged him awkwardly, she hugged him for a brief second, then turned away and hit his eye with her elbow, etc. ? Something to give action to the uncomfortable situation. Make the reader squirm in their seat! The second part of the above quote was strange. How would she know she was pale? By the look on his face? By a reflection? If so, add it briefly. Like, three or four words is fine.

He kept his arm around me waist all the way to her house; he stopped outside the door, to let me unlock it. I was tempted to invite him in, for a Sodapop or something, but I thought better of it. I leaned up and kissed his cheek in a thank you.

Sometimes she's awkward, like with Adrian, sometimes she seems confident, like with Jason, but never anything really extreme. I vote, when all else fails, exaggarate!

Usually I’d lose all her energy and pass out on the floor, whenever that happened though; I seemed to be near stairs...

POV shift again, albeit briefly.

“Hey Adrian.”

“Hey, need a ride to school?”

“I’d love one thanks.”

“Great, I’ll be outside in twenty minutes.”

“More than enough time.”

This conversation sounded mechanical, robotic, devoid of friendliness and emotion. Maybe dialogue tags to indicate pauses for awkwardness?

“Everyone’s saying you kissed Jason last night, open mouth, tongue, the whole cha-bang, he’s apparently bragging about it.”

First he's so mature and perfect-prince-like for a fifteen year old, and now he's jealous and immature. It doesn't matter too too much which you end up picking for his character, just as long as you're consistant.

He took her by the elbow and led her to behind a pop machine, “how could you… God, I don’t want to say it.”

POV shift again. It's getting a little annoying. Are you sure you proofread? Twice? Another way you can check is if you do Ctrl+F in Microsoft word, type in "her" and search for all the times you use "her" in the document. Then you can double check whether the "her" refers to another character or to Ava. From here on out, I won't be noting pov shifts.

"You I kissed him on the cheek, that’s it!”

This didn't make sense in terms of pronouns. If you want her to stutter, you can put something like "You think-- I didn't-- I kissed him on the cheek, that's it!" or something like that. Or just eliminate the "you" at the beginning.

In this small world I lived in, a kiss was the most scandalous thing you could get away with.

Strike this line and show it somewhere; maybe she can overhear gossip about a kiss in conjunction with a gum-in-hair or missing homework scandal.

The fire inside me went out with that kiss, but also so did my stamina.

I don't know anyone who'd refer to their energy level as their stamina. Unless you're making a video game parallel, which I highly doubt. "the fire inside" and "stamina" are cliche and unnatural.

“Um… Doctor Brown? I have a question, its Ava.”

“Ah Ava, shouldn’t you be in class?”

“Yeah but I kinda fainted.”

“You fainted? When?”

How is it that one minute she's fainting and the next minute she's well enough to speak, in her right mind, with her doctor?

“You’re sister wrapped this didn’t she?” I teased.

“I can wrap you know,” he defended himself.

haha, cute.

I had a big, BIG problem with the way her illness was portrayed. I'm going to guess you know little about terminal illness and hospitals. It seems that either the character feels great or is on the brink of death; there isn't often any middle ground with her, and things happen suddenly. Also, where are her parents in all this? I'd think they'd be worried and overprotective. Also, when Adrien finds out, it reads like: *Adrien I'm dying* *really? I love you* A story like this, I'd reccomend waiting a few years before trying again. Or it will come off as uninformed and immature. It's not quite the kind of thing you can research, rather, something you will be able to better portray after observing how the world works a little closer.

I couldn't define a clear conflict. Was it with the fact that she couldn't choose Jason over Aiden in the beginning? (that conflict died away, actually; Jason wasn't there in the end; he kinda just exited stage right) was it the fact that Ava didn't know how to be grateful for her life? In all, there are some conflict threads that run through the story, but none really develop to take the characters to the end. Ask yourself "why am I writing this story?"

PM me if you have any questions.

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Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:58 pm
Rydia says...

A few specific points first and then I shall make some general comments -

She wasn’t pretty, but [s]in[/s] popularity, well, she had that in spades.

It wasn’t fair to me, and it defiantly [I think you mean defineately and an interesting conflict to introduce at such an early stage.] wasn’t fair to my family.

I teased my big brother like friend. [Perhaps 'brotherly friend' rather than 'brother like friend']

I walked to the giant pile of coats and pulled mine out: A black and blue Parka with fake fur around the hood, jammed deep within the pockets were my house keys, my parents were out for the night and for some reason they trusted me enough to still let me go to the dance. [This sentence needs breaking up. Perhaps 'I walked to the giant pile of coats and pulled mine out: a black and blue Parka with fake fur around the hood. My house keys were hidden deep within my pockets as my parents weren't home. For some reason they'd decided to trust me for once.]

He tucked my hair behind my ear; a gesture that he [s]must’ve[/s] must have hoped said everything he wanted to say without saying it

He wanted to say that he loved [s]her[/s] me; despite how dumb of a thing it was, he was fifteen after all! But he did, he loved [s]her[/s] me, and I found all this out through the glory of blogs.

He was sixteen and could easily hold me up if [s]she[/s] I kept my feet beneath me.

He kept his arm around [s]me[/s] my waist all the way to [s]her[/s] my house; he stopped outside the door, to let me unlock it.

Usually I’d lose all [s]her[/s] my energy and pass out on the floor, whenever that happened though; I seemed to be near stairs...

“Adrian, I swear I didn’t French Jason! I promise You, I kissed him on the cheek, that’s it!”

I dropped [s]her[/s] my books and collapsed due to too little oxygen.

After a long time I managed somehow to my feet, with a lot of help from Adrian. [This needs re-phrasing. Perhaps 'After a long time, somehow, I managed to drag myself to my feet, with a lot of help from Adrian.']

I was so relieved that classes had started and nobody could see [s]them[/s] us, the last thing [s]she[/s] I wanted was for people to know.

“Um… Doctor Brown? I have a question, it's Ava.”

“[s]You’re[/s] Your sister wrapped this didn’t she?” I teased.

“She tied the bow then, [s]you’re[/s] your fingers are too big to do something with such a small thing.”

I did as he requested. I gently took the ribbon off and laid it on my lap but there was no hope for the wrapping paper. Within a minute it lay in shreds over the ribbon.

“Hon, a copy of Shakespeare’s Sonnets is my bible.”


In general, I liked the idea behind this but I think you need to add more description and have the illness affect your characters further. I think that Adrian would react more when she tells him and I don't think the doctor would tell her how long she has to live over the phone. In fact, you could have a really good scene with the parents there so that we get to see how worried they are and you can build up to the doctor telling her how long she has left; create a little suspense.

Also, I have to agree that there needs to be some stage where your main characters overcome the problem with Jason. Perhaps Jason keeps spreading viscious rumours and you can have Adrian confront him about it. Just a few suggestions and overall I thought it was a great idea and you just need to work on your plot a little. I hope some of this helps!
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~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Mon Dec 24, 2007 4:02 am
BigBadBear says...

Well, I am going to crit this to death. So...

I thought myself of being pretty, and in all truths I was.

Insert 'of being' to make it flow smoother.

I hadn’t realized that I had closed my eyes until I felt familiar arms wrap around me. I opened my eyes and smiled at Adrian.

Overused eyes.

It pained me to realize I would lose him, and everything else I held dear.

You don't need the comma right there.

It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fair for a fourteen-year-old girl to be diagnosed terminally ill.

Instead of combining these, UNcombine them, so it would look like:

"It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair for a fourteen-year-old girl to be diagnosed terminally ill."

“Hey, doll face,” he said.

Insert comma after Hey.

I grimaced, “I hate that endearment[s],[/s].” I teased my big brother like friend.

Cut the comma and insert a period.
He tilted his head towards the ceiling and they started to sway[s],[/s]. How about: a stoirion?”

Many mistakes:

1) Take out the comma and insert a period.

2) Capitalize H.

3) stoirion isn't a word...
No you don’t, you love it don’t you?”

Capitalize N.

The dance was not the rocking-swaying step, [s]though[/s] but dizziness began to wash over me.

I feel that 'but' would be a better word than 'though'.

I hadn’t felt this dizzy since I went on my medication, and that’s when it hit her,

Yeah...I think that you should stay with 1 POV. Please...pretty please..don't do this to mee!!!

but it was too late for those kinds of thoughts."

You don't need quotation marks.
I shook my head, clearing away some of the fuzz, “Adrian would never hurt me.”

*is now officially confused*

Jason wrapped his arm around me, and I felt swallowed by him.

"and I felt swallowed by him" made no sense at all...

We started walking towards each other; we reached each other before I got very far.

Too many 'each other's. Ahh!

Have to tell you: I really liked the whole medication thing. It really is very well written and it is true to life. Good job.

ou’ve got about four years left, give or take six months,

Um...so what is it? Four years or six months? What is it??

Three years, six months, seven days and approximately two hours later…

Um...uh... :shock:

Shakespeare’s Sonnets

Ok, I like how you ended it, but this whole book thing was random. You never mentioned it in the actual story...so it all of the sudden just appears there. I don't like that. Maybe you could find some way to incorporate it into your story?


I think that it was okay. Wasn't my favorite, but it was all right. I didn't really feel for the character like I have in everything else you have written. You didn't add much description, and so it all kinda blobbed in again.

Good luck!

Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

It is a happiness to wonder; it is a happiness to dream.
— Edgar Allan Poe