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Motivation for all

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Mon Apr 05, 2021 4:35 pm
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akanbright says...

Dreaming to grow tall is one
Becoming tall is another
Staying tall is again important.
Our dreams aren't just a congestion of thoughts
But a masterminder of the future.
Dream big
Become big
Stay big.

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Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:48 am
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akanbright says...

All we've become now shambles
All we've accumulated gone
All that we hold blown up
All that we admired lay waste
All that've worked disabled
All because we didn't pay enough attention to our purpose.

Things don't just happen
They are made to happen
Whether by us or someone else
Or from a certain other realm
And all we need is wild focus
To make our destiny happen.

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Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:48 am
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akanbright says...

The world is a large place
It is a strange place
And a battle ground
Where only the strong stand

Destinies are unravelled here
Visions and missions actualized
Only those sensitive can hear
The strong as visualized

The world is of its own
An embodiment of corruption
As represented In men
Yet we seek to bring out the best in it

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Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:49 am
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akanbright says...

Tick, tick, tick
goes the hand of time
which hasn't been good to us
'cause we failed to walk with it

Tick, tick, tick
moves the hand of time
not scared of what happens to us
not it business anyways

Tick, tick, tick
flies the hand of time
warning us of what lies ahead
time is precious; it says

Tick, tick, tick
ascends the hand of time
move steadily, as though waiting for us
but as we know, it waits for no one

Tick, tick, tick
cries the hand of time
walk thou with me
and accomplish a successful plan

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Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:24 am
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akanbright says...

Some may say they've got time
and so are not in a jiffy
but whether we've got time or not
our tomorrow is now

What we hold in us
is able to set the world on fire
many wants to change the world
but no one wants to change themselves

Look past the horizon
feel the warmth of the future
for greatness is in what you see
and what you see is what you seize

For whether things are right or wrong
never keep the light of the future out of sight
'cause reaching out
is seering through

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Mon Apr 12, 2021 6:43 am
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akanbright says...

Our lives are ours to live
Our dreams are ours to dream
Our thoughts are ours to sleep over
Our missions are ours to accomplish
Our future are ours to see
But the shell we're in
Keeps us from seeing all of these
Whether now or in the future
On earth or space
Our lives belongs to us
And the right to live it as well
But take care how you live
Because all would oneday give an account

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Tue Apr 13, 2021 8:38 am
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akanbright says...

I believe nothing is worthless
we just need to add a little care
and it's worthwhile
for those who care, care more
the treasures of life doesn't ask for permission.
it is there not only for you, but also for others.
crippled hands can't reach out to it,
not unless they are ready to hold it.

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Thu Apr 15, 2021 6:39 am
akanbright says...

The amount of energy put into a work
determines how far it would be effective
to get the best from the best,
more than much energy is required.
this energy has no physical strength,
but rather is propelled from the heart.
the zeal to keep pushing even when it's hard
is the greatest energy one can place on life's thread.

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Thu Apr 15, 2021 8:59 pm
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alliyah says...

Hi akan, great poems so far, you are doing great! I think poem 5 is my favorite especially this

Look past the horizon
feel the warmth of the future
for greatness is in what you see
and what you see is what you seize

so hopeful. :)

Make sure to post all your poems in this thread by clicking "reply" rather than posting a new thread for each poem during National Poetry Month (NaPo) this helps us find your poems easily and keeps things neat. Thank you!

Good luck with the rest of your writing!
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

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Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:38 am
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akanbright says...

The wind bloweth where it wills,
the plants grows where it wills,
the clouds hangs where it wills,
the trees bends and swing where it wills
but man likes to be controlled.
I just want to love you
for your love is better than wine.
It loves without minding who I am, or what i've done.
the fathers love betrays not, but rather;
draws us to the place of intimacy, where we share fellowship.
If this is what your love looks like,
then I do not mind loving you back.

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Tue Apr 20, 2021 7:44 am
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akanbright says...

-if we think harder and harder, then we can move better and better.

-life is like a wife we are married to, and can only live it when we understand it.

-if we move steadier and steadier, we might arrive a bit late, but wont make mistakes.

-if we ride easy easy, we won't be too busy busy.

-if we create a forum, the devil would have no room.

-when we go higher and higher, we 'll reach faster and faster.

-when we go deeper deeper, we cannot be anything like the leper.

-when we go smooth, we can't get a moth or a smut.

-if we go on dreaming, we 'll continue beaming.

-when we get lighter, we become brighter.-if we think harder and harder, then we can move better and better.

-life is like a wife we are married to, and can only live it when we understand it.

-if we move steadier and steadier, we might arrive a bit late, but wont make mistakes.

-if we ride easy easy, we won't be too busy busy.

-if we create a forum, the devil would have no room.

-when we go higher and higher, we 'll reach faster and faster.

-when we go deeper deeper, we cannot be anything like the leper.

-when we go smooth, we can't get a moth or a smut.

-if we go on dreaming, we 'll continue beaming.

-when we get lighter, we become brighter.

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Wed Apr 21, 2021 1:36 pm
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akanbright says...


Up on the hill I find my sight
Up on the mount I look the fount.
Never relent
Never give up
When storms pass and winds blow by
Whom do I look to make me stand?
When a step makes me fall
What do I do to take a stand?
Men comes by and men goes by
None can give me what I want
God alone sees all things
Yet no one tells me so.

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Fri Apr 23, 2021 6:22 am
akanbright says...

Love consumes, but never burns
Love is formidable, but not forbidden
Love set apart, but is strong to unity
Love is lost to fear, but found in hope
Love is alive in two, but ineffectual in one
Love binds, but breaks in hatred.

Underestimating love, is uncalled on
For it draws till a standpoint of oneness,
Stealing from one the sense of fear
To build up a viral capacity.
Love is as to wine, because
We are drunk In it.

Half goat, half fish, all goatfish.
— OSP Red