
Young Writers Society

Hooked Desperation

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Thu May 23, 2024 8:36 am
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22Midnight says...


Roleplay Duo 18+

Hooked Desperation

22Midnight & DramaChicken


The Hook Blades have come and taken over many villages, they rape assassinate and kidnap, you can be in your home but you will never be safe. After Daniel's close call to getting court, and after Lara witnessed first hand of how it felt to be a victim to the Hook blades, they then decided that it needs to end before more country's get taken over by them. Will Daniel and Lara be able to stop the Hook Blades and convince the Military that there cause is worth it but there unable to do it alone.
*looks up from writing* hi if you're reading this I hope you have a lovely day!


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Fri May 24, 2024 6:54 am
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DramaChicken says...


"Run Lara! Run!" A man ran quickly past many different streets and houses his feet taping on the coble stones bellow him while a women ran behind him. His chest was pounding and his breathing was heavy as they turned another sharp corner away from an alley. How could this have happened they had never been so careless, normally they where always at home before the hook blades came out. There where tones of other footsteps coming from behind them that seemed to get closer by the second. Daniel raced towards a nearby by cottage that's curtains and windows where completely closed shut like all the rest around it. As he went towards it he heard a scream from behind him. But he new he couldn't stop otherwise all his efforts to get away would have been in vain. The footsteps where now less behind him but still gaining fast.
He reached the house and shoved the unlocked door open where a man was standing ready to close and lock it. But a curved blade stopped it from closing as a person dressed in black and completely masked with a real life looking face tried to shove the door back open. The other man Daniel's dad came with his own blade and tried to cut the hook blade. The hook blade then retreated and the door was closed shut locked and bolted. Daniel's dad turned to look at him stress and worry clear in his face, his mother was right beside him.
"How could you have stayed out so late you need to be more careful this place is a war zone at night you no that," his father scolded as he pulled him in for a tight hug.
"Where's Lara?" Daniel's mothers voice echoed, like daggers in his ears he couldn't bare to think about what they'd done to her.
"She.. didn't make it in, the... the hook blades got her," Daniel stammered tears falling down his face as a feeling of guilt and dread swept in over him.

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Sat May 25, 2024 6:43 am
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22Midnight says...


It was early morning, and even the sun hadn't woken from its slumber. Only a dim light shone but it was just enough to see everything in a much less refined color. A lady lay naked on the ground, her bleeding hands chained to metal rings that had been hammered into the alleyway walls. her right leg was chained firmly to the alleyway stone floor, while her other leg remained free.
Lara woke her head spinning as she tried to recall what had happened the day before. Her head throbbed, and her clothe less body felt like ice in the cold morning breeze that sent shivers up her spine. Her body was covered in the blood from her virginity that had been forcefully broken. Then the blood also from the knife that had cut a small gash in her throat to per swayed her to stay still. Her vision was blurry and she could hardly hear her own heavy breathing as she tried to huddle herself up in a ball for warmth. It was no use the only thing that followed each movement was agonizing pain. Lara new that the Military mustn't be far, they come and check the allies every day for survivors from the nightly raids. As she thought this she started to hear muffled footsteps coming closer but she began to get dizzy. Just as she thought that she was going to pass out again a man dressed in armour and holding an axe and hammer came into view. He sheathed his weapons as two others came to hold her head up and free her from the chains. The general looked into Lara's eyes sorrow filling them as he covered her with a blanket.
"Lara stay with me, where going to get you to the hospital okay, your safe with us," the General's voice sounded smooth like silk in Lara's ears as they freed her body from the chains that locked her down. The general then picked her up in both his arms and carried her out of the alleyway, as some other armed militants went in front and behind him, to guard them from any further danger.
*looks up from writing* hi if you're reading this I hope you have a lovely day!


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Tue May 28, 2024 12:49 am
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DramaChicken says...


The morning was like a slow creeping blanket of sun in a curtained room. Daniel woke up his eyes feeling heavy still from only just waking. He glanced over at his watch on the table. What it was already almost ten o'clock, how could he have slept in?
He quickly got out of bed hopped in the shower got out, put some clean clothes on, and went down stairs. Half way down the stairs he realised he needed to brush his teeth still. After doing that he came rushing down stairs again and into the kitchen where his mother and father where waiting.
"Good let's start heading to the hospital, the streets have probably been well cleaned up by now." His father explained as he hugged me. Mom nodded and opened the front door to leave the house. The streets unlike last night where littered up by light now and full of life with the common villagers going about their busy lives. Daniel wanted to run but he kept up the same pace as his parents to not rush ahead of them. There was a tension growing as they walked their minds trying to comprehend how badly hurt Lara was. A man waved at us as we passed by. We all waved back and smiled it was our next door neighbour, we were good friends with him. As we walked on the feeling of running became even worse why where they walking so slowly.

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Gender: Female
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Reviews: 47
Tue May 28, 2024 1:03 am
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22Midnight says...


Lara started to open her eyes, the blinding hospital lights creeping in slowly as she woke. The doctor came in and checked all her reflexes to make sure that all was in order. She did as he asked thankfully without any trouble, but she still felt very groggy like she wanted to just sleep some more. Lara yawned as she tried hard to stay awake and not give into what the painkillers where trying to do.
"Don’t fight to keep yourself awake Lara you’ll only hurt yourself," the doctor looked at her water in her eyes clouding her vision of him. She yawned again and decided that sleep was the better option.
Lara woke up again about an hour after falling asleep. The light from the hospital lights was still blinding but more expected. This time the doctor was no longer there instead it was her boyfriend sitting in a chair beside her bed. He looked at her and smiled obviously happy to see her awake again. His armour was like a shining beacon in the room but it was a comforting thing to see. She smiled back at him, the pain from her injury’s starting to creep in slowly, but still they were muffled by the pain killers.
"Hey, how you feeling," The general asked leaning over and stroking her hair with his fingers. She yawned as she tried to find her words
"Better I guess, it’s good to see you, where’s mom and dad and Daniel?" I asked looking around a little as I lay there. He looked at me wonder filling his eyes.
"Not sure they haven’t come in yet, I suspect they’ll be here soon though," He answered trying to sound positive. Daniel had probably slept in again as usual he had a habit of doing this.
"Stephen," Lara looked up at him as the doctor walked in again to check on her.
"Yeah," he answered as he looked up at the doctor who was now fussing with her fluids and iv drips.
"I love you," Lara answered smiling as she held one of his arms in her hands, he smiled back at her
"I love you to, and there’s no place id rather be right now then here," Stephen leaned in closer allowing Lara to hug his arm even more.
*looks up from writing* hi if you're reading this I hope you have a lovely day!


Spend your days thinking about things that are good and true and beautiful and noble, and you will become good and true and beautiful and noble.
— Matthew Kelly