
Young Writers Society

A Possible Big Change To Stories & Poems

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Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:58 am
scotty.knows says...

Yeah, I like the idea. It would keep people from coming along and posting all 25 poorly-written paragraphs to the site.

DONO'S EDIT: Be kind, mister.

If the n00bs don't understand- like me when I joined- they'll figure out soon enough.

View me at my computer about my second week here: "Hey, who took all my points! I had 1723 and now I only have 500!"

They'll figure it out. It's not incredibly complicated.

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Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:32 pm
JabberHut says...

And Jab, Sbs are in the literary forum.

Meh, you learn something new every day. :D

So you wouldn't pay to post in the SBs, only to start them like in the other forums, yes? Alright, then I got no arguments.

Jabber, the One and Only!
I make my own policies.

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Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:37 pm
GingerLizzy says...

Hm ,sounds like a plan; a rather good one at that.

Although, perhaps it would deterr [spelling isn't my strong point] people from posting their work because of the whole point thing. I'm not so sure - it wouldn't stop me - and I do understand what you mean, seen as though it is helpful to other users if you comment on their work and then you're getting points.

I think the main problem is with the New Members. Not saying their a problem, they just don't particularly know that guidelines all that well. Perhaps a nice little guideline list when the members first join, like terms of agreement? Or just make it much clearer for them to know the review rule?

Hm, good plan though.
Worship the ginger monkey :) aaand join my new group!

Oh, and enter my new contest!

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Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:41 pm
deleted1 says...

I've never had a problem reaching 50 points, it doesn't seem that much. I probably get 50 just for this short little post alone. Mods can probably take action against the really crappy or irrelevant reviews that have nothing to do with the topic and go on like: "This story reminds me of my cat, I like that."

A good review of even a poem should be able to net at least 20 points unless you went completely over the top and analyzed it line by line. I've seen plenty of cases of newbies coming in and making 3 poem posts or other very small posts in a row. Granted that is not the most wonderful thing, especially if its poetry.

As an added rant on poetry, consider making an entire topic that is yours and yours alone. Poetry gets crappy reviews and is essentially the bottom of the barrel work on this site when it comes to scrapping for reviews and points. (Not to offend anyone, its just a trend I see.) If people actually posted there 100 whatever poems or something in a topic as a regular forum chat and let people review, then maybe some of those reviewers can review a few poems at once and the writers will not clog a forum.

Quick ideas:
Poem X with HTML Link in the title that links from the original post to the poem.
Or a source post doing the same thing just BELOW the poem title.

If crappy reviews, spam reviews and a lack of contribution is the problem this would at least fix up some of the poetry fans, but the only negative side would be extra reviews that were in fact...posts.

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Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:51 pm
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Monki says...

I agree with Chocoholic 100%. I think that if you make people pay to post their work, eventually, hardly anyone will post their work, and it will defeat the whole purpose of YWS. I think that if you enforced the 2:1 critiquing ratio (such as, maybe, not let people post their work unless they HAVE critiqued 2 works for every 1 that they posted--I don't know if that's possible). :) Hope this helps. ;) I'm sure whatever you do will be cool.
Tom Riddle: "You read my diary?"
Harry Potter: "At first, I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad, handwritten book."

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Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:08 pm
Emerson says...

I think that if you enforced the 2:1 critiquing ratio (such as, maybe, not let people post their work unless they HAVE critiqued 2 works for every 1 that they posted--I don't know if that's possible)

There is no way to regulate posts like that, other than through points. And so, points we go to. ^_^ It's the same thing, only with a method we actually have.

It will deter people who don't understand or dislike it from posting, but to be completely honest, I don't think I will miss them much. When I say that though, I mean I won't miss the people who are unwilling to make critiques to post their work. If you are unwilling, you are unworthy.
“It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

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Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:09 pm
Bella says...

I think this is a fairly good idea, and won't effect the people who critique regularly. I am somewhat worried that people won't post as much of their work though...like maybe they'll want to post it that night, and not have enough points or something....*is probably sounding insane.* That's all I've got.

Scotty, I did the same thing when my points disappeared for the first time!!!

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) <3

Please review my performance poem?

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Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:14 am
Monki says...

Hey now! Don't get me wrong. I think it's a good idea. And I'm not saying that I don't like it. In fact, I think it's a great idea. But, I'm just saying that eventually, people are going to go to other websites or just abandon their account or something because they don't want to critique others work to post their own (and they probably don't like how the points are going to be, but too bad). I don't have a problem with any of this. I already do it. And, I suppose that if they want to leave, it's better for those who don't mind doing this, because it shows that we are committed. Those who want something for nothing SHOULD leave if they don't like it.
Tom Riddle: "You read my diary?"
Harry Potter: "At first, I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad, handwritten book."

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Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:45 am
Bjorn says...

I dont mean to sound harsh or anything - really!! - but I believe these new rules are good. There is always a flood of new poems and stories etc. (especially poems...) and I notice that alot of them don't get more than a couple of replies, if any, and when they do they are always short remarks, such as this very popular one: "it's short and sweet". This is hardly fair and not in any way constructive to the writer, unless to give him/her encouragement, but, then, one has to be careful there too. The enforcement of this rule will make those who wish to post really think about what they are posting, both in quality and content. In return it will encourage themselves to work harder, and also critique works to get more points to post more. There may be some lag at first, but I'm sure the system will work. I think the biggest detractor from even reading the titles of works is the sheer amount of them, and the sheer amount of new ones every week. And there is, lets be realistic, just so many members that actively and earnestly contribute to reviewing, and that being the case they are more or less likely to be selective, out of necessity I'm sure than preferance.

Killing For Peace Is Like F#@%ing For Chastity
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Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:23 am
MidnightVampire says...

Ok, there is a few issues I see with this. A). story books. Really popular ones. It would be really hard to get 300 points for 2 posts. And this is just a question that wouldd really help if the give 2 critique thing goes... Why is it that I may post a critique but it counts it as a post instead? Because I critique more than my profile says. Then someone ( I didn't look at the username) said, only one post per day. This has a flaw because the people who do the stabookies where you add on a chapter. Well, my friend was on here and she could only type one part in my writing class. Therfor she had to type the rest at home. That would be the flaw to that one. and storybooks, if they are popular then you might post twice.I agree with Chocoholic, if it costs a lot of points, then the system will just destroy itself. Sorry to be negitive, but she has a point.
I realized that I said I'd be gone for only two weeks...but I was gone for much longer.I hope to stay on this time. :)

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Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:14 am
Nate says...

MidnightVampire ->> I'm not actually quite sure what you said, but I think you are confusing things.

Individual critiques, posts, comments, whatever, will continue to cost zip. Nada. Nothing. What will cost points is if you post a new story, a new poem, a new storybook. But a review to a story, a critique to a poem, or an addition to a storybook costs zilch.

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Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:49 am
LowKey says...

First and most important,

Dono / Scotty Knows wrote:"Hey, who took all my points! I had 1723 and now I only have 500!"

XD to whoever said that.


Midnight Vampire wrote:Why is it that I may post a critique but it counts it as a post instead?

Posts only count as crits if you post them in the literary forums. If it's not somewhere in here, it probably won't count. :) Minus the story books and NaNoWriMo. I don't think you get points from those.

Author13 wrote:I don't see this as an instant soloution, because it will eventually destroy itself. Soon those who are posting will run out of points, or things to post, and will start critiquing and eventually the things to critique will run out and YWS will end as we know it.

I don't think so. Nate's giving everybody three freebies every two weeks. If you want to post more stories than that a week, you better be critting other works, or it's the (real) crits that'll die out, not the writings. I almost want to say that this is a form of population control, but for posts, not people. After taking a peek at the mess in the Other Fiction, I really like this idea. A member can post no more than three stories/poems a week without either doing a lot of spamming, or doing a couple good critiques.

Catch the spam? I'm slightly worried about the crit spam being an issue, but by offering any points for crits, you run that risk. I'm worried it might increase at first with the new members who, last week, got paid to post their stories. They won't be used to it, and they'll have just started getting on their feet. Rip the rug out from under them, you get spam.

But for new members who come after this, I don't think it'll be too much of an issue. Growing pains.

So there's my two cents. :)
Necropolis SB / Necropolis DT

Once was Dreamer, is now LowKey_Lyesmith.

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

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Fri Jan 11, 2008 4:12 pm
Palantalid says...

I do like the idea.....and I'm sure this will improve the quality of works by a margin as people will make sure that what they're posting is worth the points and they arent just passing time by posting things in which thier heart's not in. I'm just getting it clear in my head as to what the plus points and minus points are-

1) As Nate expects, the number of posts a day will decrease and forums will not be flooded unless some Young Writer is hell-bent on flooding it. The flooding therefore will surely be stopped. No doubts.
2)In my point of view, people will be more likely to leave comments and critiques and i do beleive that we are all sensible enough to be able to discern from useful and bantering critiques. Also, i like the idea of getting more comments as normally many people view but few take the trouble to leave some form of feedback.So people are definitely going to be encouraged to comment. Some gliches i thought i'd point out- a)do you get points for posting a comment in your own work? b)can you leave a rubbish comment at a peice, get the points and then delete the comment in style.....do the points disappear on deletion? c)people could always comment on the ancient poems of the disappeared Young Writers who no more visit. d)lol....if you're thinking i've been doing this then forget it because i've never needed the points or tried to be featured.
3)As said above people would only post if they think thier post is worthwhile and if they value it and the comments given for it. So quality would improve. And i'm sure people will never stop to post altoghether.

1)As said by others people could start giving comments with no heart in them and there is no practical way to put up surveillence for such a qualitative thing.
2)The gliches given in point 2 of +ve points. ermmm.....should i remove them, just in case?
3)If there's anything about this idea that i hate it's the fact that it gives importance to the points that one receives. Somehow, it goes against my foundations as this would put us in the same league as those who live and work in this capitalist world which is giving increasingly less importance to creative writing.
NOTE: -ve point three may be exaggerated by personal bias.
NOTE2: Mark the uneccassary and hidden 'padding' in this peice.
NOTE3: I'm pretty sure i'm overdoing this.

There you have it. The question is does +ve outweigh negative?
Personal judgement (if you care): I can live with this and will give respect to the peices i comment and the comments i give them. But personally if the sole oblective of this is to stop flooding then i'm positive that Cade's post per day solution will turn out fine. If the other advantages are to be taken into account then I might relent to the case.
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In the distances of sleep?
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—Wallace Stevens, “To the Roaring Wind”

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Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:14 am
Gwenevire says...

I guess it is convenient in some ways but for other people that don't get on YWS every day, and only post there stories and reviews very little it will be hard for them to have enough money to post there stuff. Unless of coarse you did not reset the points every week.
I think there should be some easier way to do this. Its just making it harder for us to get our work up.

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Sat Jan 12, 2008 11:56 am
Nutty says...

It's a good idea! If it puts people off putting up their work...then they can deal with it. They get three freebies, after all. And finally! Something to do with the points!
Plus, as somebody pointed out, if you can't flood the forums, everyone has a chance to be read and reviewed. And face it, I know personally if I've seen somebody put up 3+ posts in a row, I can't be bothered with them. So if they can't post lots of things, they will be more likely to be read...by me at least. Not sure about the rest lmao!
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