
Young Writers Society

Storybook Approval System?

Storybook Approval System

Total votes : 30

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Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:43 pm
Nate says...

About The Vote

Please read the below before voting. Also, take time to read through some of the posts in this thread.

The vote will be called on April 19 at noon EDT. A majority is required.


As of late, the storybook area of YWS has become very popular, and justly so. Storybooks act largely as writing prompts; thus enabling members to quickly develop their writing skills in a supportive environment.

However, as storybooks become more popular, more people want to create storybooks. To a very large extent, that is a good thing. Yet, it also means that with a lot of storybooks being created, a lot of others never get the chance to succeed.

The Storybook Approval System is not so much to approve & deny storybooks as it is to help storybook writers to get off to a good start. The criteria for approval are:

1. Good Grammar
2. Character Templates
3. Must be open to a group of people

4. Plot

Explanation on Criteria

1. Good Grammar: No chatspeak whatsoever. Other than that, some mistakes are fine. Even a lot of mistakes are fine. What is not fine is when no one else can understand what you wrote because you didn't use good grammar.

2. Character Templates: Not necessarily required, but you need something that lets others know what traits you are looking for in a character.

3. It can't be just for you and one other person. You have to allow for a group of people to participate, and that group must be open. If you want a closed group, then start a usergroup.

4. Plot. Only required if you don't provide rules. If you do provide rules, it's still nice to have but not required.

What Happens If A Storybook Gets Rejected?

When a storybook is rejected, it's not rejected forever. It gets sent back to the author along with a reason for the denial. The author can resubmit the work even just seconds after the denial provided that they fix the issue.

Final Note

The aim with this is to help storybook writers; particularly new storybook writers. We want to give each author a chance for their storybook to succeed, and while there are exceptions, a storybook that follows the above four points has the best chance of doing well.

If your storybook is denied, feel free to even reply back to say you think the denial is unfair.

If you're a storybook writer, let everyone know what you think.

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Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:42 pm
Nate says...

This has five nay votes in the junior mod forum, so obviously people aren't seeing this...


And please, if you're a storybook writer, post what you think even if it's a simple "I don't like this," or "Yes."

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Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:58 pm
Firearris says...

Mmmm, I don't really like this idea :? I understand the good things that could come with this...but I say Nay.
[Griffinkeeper] 10:45 pm: The guard appears "We have weasels now!"
[Firearris] 10:45 pm: askes the guard for the weasel!
[Griffinkeeper] 10:45 pm: The guard gives Firearris the Weasel.
[Firearris] 10:46 pm: aquires the weasel and renames it "Cat"

Take that, Lumi.

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Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:33 pm
JFW1415 says...

I love this idea.

It's getting ridiculous. Right now, there are several storybooks with the exact same plot (the end of the world.) Also, we have more and more people posting storybooks without plots, asking people to come up with one, and then writing. It's annoying. I like the professional looking type - they keep the rest of the story well done.

I have only entered two (ditching one) because I've felt so many are poorly done. (Of course, I just don't like the plot on some.)


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Fri Apr 18, 2008 12:51 pm
JabberHut says...

I tried SBs for a few weeks, but it's just not my forte.

However, based on what I've explored in the SB forums, it is getting a bit ridiculous. Starting an SB is like starting a novel. It takes planning with good plot, characters, etc. We just work together and have fun. Lately, though, when people post SBs, they lack plot or their characters don't stay in character.

Both SBs I joined easily died 'cause they were going no where.
I make my own policies.

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Fri Apr 18, 2008 4:31 pm
Aedomir says...

I am in two minds with this, although generally I am for it.

The way I see it, is the form of rejection. If it is denied due to say, 'There are already 5 active storybooks on the go', then I would have to wait until they die, as it is very hard to get into a storybook after just 5 pages.

However, I am glad something is being done about them. There are countless dead storybooks out there, which got into the second page and died. Storybooks do require a lot of comitment and if there are already many out there, not many people will join in.

So yes, just thought I'd give my input :-)

We are all Sociopaths: The Prologue

Sociopath: So • ci • o • path noun
1. Someone who believes their behaviour is right.
2. Human.

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Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:58 pm
JFW1415 says...

Aedomir wrote:The way I see it, is the form of rejection. If it is denied due to say, 'There are already 5 active storybooks on the go', then I would have to wait until they die, as it is very hard to get into a storybook after just 5 pages.

I don't think this would happen. I'm pretty sure - correct me if I'm wrong - that they'll only reject it if the same plot is already in use, or if there is no plot (or missing something else vital.)


I am proud of my self, the reason why some of you might disagree with me a little with, but nevertheless I still proud.
— Oxara