
Young Writers Society

Bleu Celeste - Part 1

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Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:03 pm
Calligraphy says...

Spoiler! :
Hi guys so this short story if for Azila's awesome contest Writer's Roulette

My genre is Romance. I cannot use any adverbs, and I have to have at least two flashbacks. While I wrote it I had the number three in my mind though so I have one more than needed.

I hope you enjoy! It is kind of long, 4,341 words, so I split it into two parts. The second part is much smaller.

Marena’s senses were overwhelmed. Rough straps held her to the glass; they burned every time they rubbed against her tawny skin. A high pitched humming filled the air. Glaring blue light tore through her eyelids. Then there were the voices. They had droned on so long they faded into the background with the buzzes and clicks of machines.

But now they had all gone quiet, except for one.


Marena’s eyes flickered open at the voice. She instantly flinched away from the blinding lights. But she couldn’t turn away; she could barley move an inch.

“You’re awake.”

Ignoring the man, she waited a few seconds and tried again. This time she was able to stand it, and she scanned the room for the speaker. There he was. How could he even face her? She turned away in disgust. After what he did. There was a long awkward pause. He was waiting for her to reply, to say something. Maybe he even expected an ‘I forgive you.’ Well, there wasn’t a chance of that.

Instead, she focused on the room around her. Through the glass tank walls she could make out the small room around her. It looked like a laboratory. Machines she couldn’t name were humming. Computers streamed data, and a TV was flashing pictures of her. How long had she been out of it? She strained to push her head above water. She could just get her mouth to the surface. She breathed in to capture the smells - all she got was antiseptic and plastic. Gagging, she sunk under the water again, and turned her head back to the man when he spoke.

“Pretty soon you will get a bigger tank,” he ventured. “Maybe you will even get dolphins to play with or something.” This comment was given with a sneer. He was annoyed that she didn’t respond.

Well, let him be annoyed, she thought.

“Everybody keeps arguing about what to do with you. You’re causing this huge uproar. Some people think you should go on display.

“The military wants you too. They are crazy. They think they can find the rest of you…” He trailed off for a moment, unsure of his words, then started again. “…guys. I mean, even if you did let the info out they would never be able to control the rest of you. I mean, look at the trouble you gave them already. Right?”

Marena looked over to see him smiling. Did he really think that he was succeeding? She felt bad for his lack of intelligence.

“But, they would never hurt you. You are too precious, and I wouldn’t allow that.” His voice was almost pleading now. Marena felt a twinge of guilt. Would it be that horrible to talk to him? But no, he was a traitor. If he wanted her to respond he should be getting her out of this tank right now.

“They don’t know what things will affect you; they would never ruin their only specimen. They could wreck you so easily.

“It could take hours before they come to an agreement on where you should be shipped to while they get all the papers and such. Plus, everything is still being kept confidential. Thankfully nothing has escaped to the media yet. Just wait, though; these things take time. You’ll be outa here soon.”

The man’s words had already faded to Marena. She was lost in her own world, staring into space. It was funny how quickly he was going from talking to her like he actually cared to talking to her like she was an animal, then back again. He obviously didn’t know what he was feeling at all.

Marena wondered what he was thinking. She had thought - no, she had hoped - that there was something still between them. Hadn’t he loved her? Hadn’t he fallen into her arms? So why now was he talking like he had never seen her before, like she was some dumb, newly discovered creature?

She turned away. She didn’t need to listen to him. She would not give him the pleasure. But his face was still before her. She had so many questions in her mind. She barely knew him. He didn’t know her. What had happened? Why did she do what she did, and why did he do what he did? The first night she had just wanted blood. She now was uncertain. Maybe she had wished for a lover from the start. She wondered what her exact emotions had been that first night.


She was swimming up a small river. The seaweed scraped against her copper scales. Weeping willows grew along the shore. As they thinned, rolling fields opened up on both sides. She smiled. She was so close; she could smell him. She was hungry, starving. She needed a victim, and there he was. A smile parted her lips as she took him in. His emotions flowed from him freely. Low as a man could get - alone with a broken heart - he was perfect, or he should have been.

Marena sunk low in the water, and kept moving closer. She started to sing, her lips touching the water as they parted. The song was beautiful and soft. Finally, she was at the edge of the water. She reached her arms up waiting for her prey to fall into them by choice. But he didn’t come - not yet.

Somehow he wasn’t spellbound by her mermaid’s beauty. Instead he scrambled backwards, eyes wide.

“Get away from me!”

What? She was so close. She had never been turned down before. No man could resist her. She lunged forward, anger running through her. He wasn’t going to get away. She snatched his jeans and pulled, but the fabric ripped. He was already turning running away from the river.

She screeched, then turned away from his disappearing form and dove into the murky water with a splash of her tail. For a while she let her anger take her over. She stirred the water so much that she couldn’t see anymore, then she sunk to the bottom and lay in wait. She wasn’t going to let this one get away. She had to have him. For some reason, she needed this one. No other man would do.

His face came into her mind. It was so flawed, ugly - exactly like all the other humans. He was plain, with short brown hair. He was tan, but not dark. He was average. There was nothing extreme about him. So why was she trying to remember every detail?


Marena brought herself back to the present. She didn’t want to think about her stupidity. How could she have been swept up by him? The first night she had obviously just been hungry. That was why she had waited another night, wasn’t it? She turned her head and focused her green eyes on the man. She still didn’t know his name. He wasn’t rambling about the scientists anymore. He had fallen silent a while back, but she couldn’t remember when exactly. They locked eyes for a moment. She realized that he had simply been staring at her for the past minutes, and for the first time in her life she wanted to cover herself up.

“You know you are a very beautiful girl.”

Marena turned away at the words. For some reason she couldn’t meet his eyes. What was wrong with her? After a second she recovered, and she rolled her eyes. A human would say such a stupid thing. Of course she was beautiful. How many men had told her that? Like she really cared what they thought.

The only problem was she had cared. She had hesitated.

“The way your tail shimmers in the light…” He paused. “I never thought that a mermaid could have a copper tail. In the moonlight it looks black, though, and sometimes even silver. Each scale is its own color, yet they are all one. They mix and separate. Even now, in this florescent lighting, they are indescribable. Your hair is stunning. It’s so smooth and silky. And your eyes, I have never seen ones such as yours. They are so vibrant, like all the summer greens mixed into one. I don’t think after seeing you I could look at anyone else.” He was obviously rambling.

Don’t listen to him, Marena told herself. Listening to him is what got her here, strapped down in a tiny, foul tank with old water and no air. She had been so stupid. He had said she was beautiful and soft and perfect. They were the first real compliments she had received. Because she could tell that he wasn’t under her beauty. But they had been lies. None of her friends would ever have cared if a human said they were pretty. They wouldn’t have come back like she did. She was supposed to be the smart one, and look at her now.

“Are you even listening to me?” he asked. A flick of her tail was the only response he got. She had to stay strong. But she didn’t feel strong. She knew something wasn’t right; every time she shifted something in her belly protested. It wasn’t in her stomach exactly; it was at the center of her.

“I didn’t do it on purpose. You do know that, right? I only showed the pictures to a few of my buddies. I didn’t even think that any of them would believe me. But they did, and my friend, Kyle, he works here. He is some sort of genius… if I had known what he would do I wouldn’t have showed a soul. I didn’t realize how much I cared. You have to forgive me. Please.” His voice cracked, but she turned and glared. She was glad he had reminded her. It was his fault. She loathed him. She struggled against her ties. She had to get to him. She needed to throttle him. She wanted him dead. Her attempt to lunge at him sent him backwards even though he was feet away. She kept her teeth bared; her eyes were wild.

He just stood there, and after a few minutes she slowly relaxed back against the wall. She started to work against the straps around her hands. But even if she could get them worked off it would take hours. She hated herself. She was so weak. She should have stopped before the second night. Maybe then things would have been different. Only three nights and her whole life had changed.

After the first night, when he ran away, she had waited - silent and still. He had come back, just like she knew he would. She watched him through the reeds. He had sat down, much farther back from the water than before. This time she waited before surfacing. When she did she started much softer than she had before. So soft that he didn’t even know she was there for some time.

She was close to him soon enough though. So close that she could feel his breath against her face. This was her chance, but she was distracted. Something black and small was in his left hand. Then his right hand started to move. He brushed one of her russet brown curls away from her cheek ever so gently with three fingertips. A shiver of goose-bumps ran up her arms. She could reach out and grab him now.

She could easily overpower him, but she hesitated. She realized she didn’t want to pull him under. She didn’t want to let him love no other women. She just wanted a kiss. But just as she leaned forward a flash of light had blinded her. With it fear and anger rushed through her veins. She was the deathly mermaid again. He was getting away for the second time. How could she let him go a second time?


Marena blinked as the lights shut off interrupting, her memory. She wondered if it was actually night. All of her senses were muddled and cut off. She was too far away from any nature. She felt like she was encased in thick plastic where she could only see blurred images. She wanted to see the moon, the stars, anything but sheetrock and whirring machines. She swallowed a few times. She felt like she had to throw up, but she recovered for the time being.

Now what she needed was sleep; it felt like she couldn’t keep her eyes open for one more second. But when she closed them she couldn’t drift off. She wondered where he was now. She wanted to know if he had a family or a sweetheart. He had said he had friends, so he wasn’t desperate like so many of the other men she captured. She had known why she had come back, but why had he? Did he really want her, or had he had the same black thing on the last night?


On the third night she wasn’t thinking straight. She had been sure he had done something to her with that black thing. That was why she wanted to go back, not to bring him to a watery grave, but just so he could sing to her. She wanted to know what his voice was like. She just had to know. The want was a burning sensation inside of her.

When he walked to the waters edge for the last time she did not slip out slowly. She was by his feet within seconds.

“Don’t run away from me,” she whispered. “I wouldn’t hurt you.” She smiled, showing a mouthful of dagger sharp teeth. “Come into the water with me.”

Marena’s words had been engraved in her. She had mixed feelings. She wasn’t sure what she wanted anymore. The man just stared at her. He was rigid and breathing deeply. It was obviously taking ever ounce of his strength to stay out of the river.

“I… I can’t.”

“Sing for me then, just one song. I have sung to you thrice now,” she whispered in her most seductive voice.

“I shouldn’t.”

She searched his eyes. He wanted to so bad so why did he resist? What would win him over? What was stopping him? She pulled herself farther up unto the bank, until she was a hairs width away from his chest and his breath dried her face and whispered again,

“Do you want to forget? Just for a little bit, all your problems could be gone.”

He sighed at her words. “I… I wish.” But then he fell silent.

His breath thundered in Marena’s ears. He lifted his arms and slid his hands up her bare back and pressed her into his chest.

“Could you really?” he asked.

She pressed her cheek into his and whispered in his ear, “All you have to do is ask.”

“Please. Please, just.”

But she hadn’t even reacted before he had pressed his lips against hers. This was not the way it was supposed to go. She was being pulled onto land instead of her pulling him into the water. She wasn’t supposed to be kissing him, he was supposed to be kissing her, but she had leaned forward when he broke away.

She wrapped her legs around him. Legs! Her tail was gone, her coppery, elegant tail. She didn’t even know how that had happened. But it didn’t matter now. She was pulling his jean shorts off of him. She couldn’t help herself. There was no turning back now. He was whispering delicate things into her ear. His skin was hot to her touch. It seared down her body, hotter than all the others. It was not just the normal warmth water took away.

“I love you. I would never hurt you,” he whispered, and that is when the ropes came. Suddenly the silent river was swarming with people. How could she have let her guard down?

“What did you do?” she hissed. But she didn’t wait for the answer. She turned away, but without her tail she couldn’t move as fast. She dove into the water awkwardly. Swimming to the bottom she began to wriggle downstream. But she ran into ropes. Nets were everywhere. They had set a trap. How come she believed him? By the time her tail morphed back there was no chance of her escape, but she still fought. She snapped ropes with her teeth. She ripped them apart with her claw-like fingernails. But, they were too much. She was slowly drug through the water to the bank. By now, lights were everywhere.

She was pulled over mud and gravel that scraped her fins. The rough grass made long paper cuts against her cheeks and arms. When a leg stepped too close to her face she lunged and bit down as hard as she could. The man screamed and someone hit her on the head, but still she wouldn’t let go. Someone yelled that they needed the tranquilizer. She let go then in the anticipation of pain. She was being lifted onto a truck.

She felt a prick in her arm and as she looked over she saw that someone was shooting a pale liquid into it. She struggled but too many hands were holding her down. Suddenly it was hard to keep going. She was exhausted. All she could see were flashes of arms and legs. But then she saw his face. He was standing there, by two other humans - standing there unscathed, calm, and he wasn’t lifting a finger to try to stop them.

Just as images started to blur, she screamed at him. She told him how she would have killed him if she got the chance. How she would have made it slow and painful. How she would have cut designs on his face with her fingers, how she would have let him breathe long enough to stay alive. But then everything became too much, and she couldn’t keep her eyes open one more second. She was still.


The second part can be found here.

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Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:54 pm
cookEmonster says...

Oh geez! That was intense! :P hahahah it's really good!!! AHH second part, here I come! (:
To accept life is to accept the fate it comes with- we were born to die.
So why not make the best of what we've been given with the short time we have on earth?
I like to live every day to it's fullest. (: And writing helps me do that...

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Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:20 pm
Calligraphy says...

Thanks Cookie, I don't think my story is that good though. What don't you like about it? What could I improve on?

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Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:05 pm
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ultraviolet says...

Hey there, Cal!

Until you revise this, I'm not going to do a whole, complete nitpick thing, because you could change half the things. Instead, I'll nitpick recurring problems.

“Hello?” Marena’s eyes flickered open. She instantly flinched away from the blinding lights. But she couldn’t turn away; she could barley move an inch.

“You’re awake.” After a few seconds she tried again. This time she was able to stand it, and she scanned the room for the speaker. There he was. How could he even face her? She turned away in disgust. After what he did. There was a long awkward pause. He was waiting for her to reply, to say something. Maybe he even expected an ‘I forgive you.’ Well, there wasn’t a chance of that.

Both of these paragraphs are good examples of something you do a lot; you combine paragraphs. Whenever you have a paragraph with both dialogue and action, thoughts, or anything else connected to a person, it's assumed that whoever the person talked about is the person speaking. In part of this story, I was momentarily confused as to who was speaking and who was acting. For both of these, separate the dialogue from the rest of the paragraphs.

For the second, I'd also do something like "Marena ignored him and after..." Not exactly that, but something similar, to connect the thoughts. After all, she's so tuned in to what he's doing, and she's purposefully ignoring him, so she'll probably mention that.

“Pretty soon you will get a bigger tank.” He ventured.


“Pretty soon you will get a bigger tank," he ventured.

Continuing on with dialogue, here's another thing I notice you do (which is a mistake that a lot of people make, and I did before I joined this site). I'm not going to explain all the rules of dialogue punctuation, but here's a nifty little article to help you out: topic44898.html

Other than that, you don't really have any recurring grammar problems. I mean sure, you have some run on sentences, misplaced commas, but no bad problems. You already know most of the rules, you just need to be able to pick them out better when editing.

Okay, so immediately we get a sense of disorientation, like Marena can't really focus. Which is good; it sets the tone. But after a couple lines, she starts to orient, she can see the man, but we don't really get a better view of the setting. All we really know is that she's in a large tank, and the guy's standing by it. I'd like to know more. We don't need a huge amount of information, but a few, well-chosen details can really clear this up.

Going on with things that are foggy, I'd like more emphasis at the beginning about how she's a mermaid. You never really say that she is, you know; sure, you give reference to things, like her scales, later on, but if you had a weird imagination that could be a lot of things. I'd just like you to make sure we know that's what she is. Though, I do have to admit I'm not the best person to tell you this, since I already knew she's a mermaid. But if I can pick it up already knowing, that also says something.

Probably the biggest thing here is how she and the man interact. When you think about it, they are basically strangers. They've only said a word, maybe two to each other. So why does the man talk to her like he knows her, like he's trying to open the channels of communication but it's not working because things are awkward and strangled and she doesn't want to talk to him? And why does she feel such a vast sense of betrayal from him? It's not like they even know the other's name. The only reason they're at all connected is because he was immune to her advances and she found something about him strangely alluring. I'd make it a lot more like talking to a stranger.

Also, about this, when he's talking to her about what they might do with her... well, first of all, when he brings up the military wanting to capture them, he speaks as if he knows the mermaids, knows of her kind and their powers and their limitations, which he doesn't; until he met her, three nights prior, he probably didn't even think they exist. And about him even knowing what they might do, I don't see anything suggesting that he would be in on this sort of thing. The way I see it, he took photos which were infiltrated and used to capture Marena; he had no part in it. In which case, why would the scientists even allow him near there? I haven't read the second half, but I'd suggest making him someone that's connected to it, maybe a scientist or enthusiast or something, some reason why anyone would even think he would care.

Okay, not my best review, I'm mostly just trying to get my main points out, and you probably think it should be longer since it's taking me so long to write, but I'm trying not to overwhelm it. After you revise out the big stuff, send it to me in a .doc or something and I'll line-by-line it (it'll be easier in that format). After all, there has to be some reason you're still talking to me.

Off to the next one.

loveness, ultraviolet <3
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:40 pm
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Quasi says...

What a lovely title. :D

I'll start off with a heavy endorsement of everything Ultraviolet said (both the positives and the criticisms.) She took the words right out of my mouth, so I'll try to come up with some additional thoughts so I'm not just parroting uselessly.

I really, really like your narrator, and I credit that entirely towards your point of view skills rather than something circumstantial (I'm not a mermaid lover or anything :) ). I think it's actually really impressive how you manage to get your reader immediately behind the plight and conflict of your main character even though we know so little about her and her motive. I didn't even think to side-eye her predicament; you sold the negative atmosphere in the opening paragraphs, and my brain went, "Straps and confinement-- bad. I want her out of there!"

I also really liked the paragraph when she describes the man and then dismisses him for being average. Hold on; I'll find it.

His face came into her mind. It was so flawed, ugly - exactly all the other humans. He was plain, with short brown hair. He was tan, but not dark. He was average. There was nothing extreme about him. So why was she trying to remember every detail?

The prose itself is well done, and I find that concept fascinating. Maybe that's another reason for liking the narrator so much.

As for nitpicks and such...I floundered a little bit when you transitioned into the flashbacks. Ultraviolet mentioned that we get minimal setting detail, which I think is part of the problem-- because I wasn't totally sure of where she was before the scene changed, I had difficulty registering that a change had actually occurred. On the flip side, I also find those straight lines separating "flashback scene" from "real time narrative" to be jarring and inorganic. I think it would be a major help to your reader if you described her thoughts transitioning naturally from the present time to the flashback. You start to do it with "She could just slip away into her thoughts", but then there's the block barrier insert. If you expanded upon the actual transitional period, we would get more of the narrator and more insight into why the flashback is relevant (which is the great potential of flashbacks as a device-- the reader has to believe its relevant, or it's just taking time away from the narrative they are actually invested in.)

I also wanted to know more about mermaids earlier on. Three-quarters of the way through the story I started getting hung up with logistical questions-- "Wait, if she's in a tank, does that mean that the man can't hear her if he talks?" and "Can she breathe air?" and "Where did the legs come from?" I was interested in the mermaids in general because the character I liked so much was one of them, so I would definitely tolerate some additional description.

I'll let you know, too, that while I did not notice the lack of adverbs in any respect, I did notice your reliance on adjectives, some of which I think can be cut in rewrites. Acute senses, glaring lights, tawny skin, green eyes...a lot of the minute physical details are just distractions from the meat of the story, and words devoted to those descriptions could be better spent on expanding upon the setting.

Thank you for the read, and let me know if you have any questions. I hope I helped!

RachaelElg: ...we should take a trip to Home Depot while you're here

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Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:29 am
jenmarie says...

nice! the part one was so good
hmm.. your really for fantasy stories
because the descriptions was fantastic!

i love you. and won't get tired of saying i love you.


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Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:15 am
Scarlet15 says...

I agree! That was indeed very intense. :} I can't wait to read more. There may have been a few spelling and maybe a few grammar mistakes but overall the stories were absolutely amazing!!! :D

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Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:37 pm
polinkacreations says...

Hey Calli:D

WOW this is so cool, I started reading and I could not get my eyes off this. Like, wow. All I have to say! I have never seen such a portrayal of a mermaid: they were always seductive, but not so bloodthirsty:D And the emotions you carry across are great, the narrative is not hard to follow, and the language is descriptive, which I like in stories, especially fantasy stories. I relate to the narrator a lot because I feel like I know her already.
... I find this hard to critisise....
Because it's just great. Keep this up, I'm onto the second part now!:D
Polina x
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss

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Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:28 pm
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Shearwater says...

Hey, Calli! I'm here to review this first part of your story for you! ^__^
Sorry I wasn't able to get to it sooner but as I told you in our PM, I'm pressed for time. :3

But! I was still able to get here which is pretty good, I think. xD Anyway, back to the review.
It seems like Ultraviolet and the others have already gotten to this and picked away all the good grapes so I'll see what other kind of juice I can pull from this and hopefully whatever I say is somehow helpful. ^^

Firstly, I must say that your beginning was quite good. It was interesting and I liked the fact that you dived into the story but didn't explain it so much detail too. It was a nice smooth opener that did give off a good first impression. ^^

I do like the whole theme to this and the plot is interesting as of far and for the first part of this, it's very intriguing and I'm wondering what's going to happen to her. She's locked away with no help so how will she manage? lol.

However, even with the good plot and interesting setting, what you seem to struggle with this is the confusion with your formatting and grammar. Ultraviolet has already gone in and mentioned the biggies of this and even went far to give you a helplful link. Look over it and brush up on those comma, period and dialogue rules so your writing comes off as more professional.

As for your character, she seems interesting and realistic. The guy is a bit foreign to me though. I wonder what it is about him that makes her loose sense of her mission and what she's supposed to do. I think you should go into this guy a little more and dissect his character to show us some type of glimpse of something special about him. Something that lures her when she's the one who's supposed to be doing the luring. I get the fact that he doesn't feel any pull towards her or is affected by her songs but what makes him that way?

Ah, maybe I'm just getting ahead of myself- it's still the first chapter. xD

Anyway, you have an interesting go here but you need to work on your grammar and sentences. You miss the simplest things like capitalizing after your periods and commas so make sure you know those rules and proof read before you post.

Sorry I can't be of much more help but I like to get more information before I dig deeper in to a novel/story. I'm not sure how far you're going to go with this one but if you write more, let me know and I'll try to get to it when I can. ^__^

There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
-W. Somerset Maugham

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Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:03 pm
Calligraphy says...

Thanks for everyone who reviewed this! I hope that my edits and the edits of my friend ultraviolet (who is amazing at grammar) have made this a bit better. I'm still not completely satisfied, especially with the second part, but, the contest has ended, so if I revise more it will be after the judging.

"Beneath this mask, there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask, there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
— V for Vendetta